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Objectives of the Study

Generally, this project study aims to improve and test the existing 150-L
capacity horizontal reflux distillation facility
Specifically, it aims to:
1. To integrate the sensor into its dehydrator to monitor alcohol content and temperature.
2. To improve the % alcohol collection through the integration of molecular sieves in the
ethanol collection line.
3. To replace the existing ethanol lines with pure stainless-steel pipes to avoid any
potential contamination of the collected ethanol due to rust, thus ensuring its purity.

Conceptual Framework


1. Existing 150-L 1. Complete and

1. Replacing ethanol
HVSRD optimized
operation of the
2. Integration of
beds for
2. Improvement of
the performance
3. Adding a sensor
to the
2.1 Purity

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 as shown presents the input of the study which is the existing
150 L HVSRD for this study similar to Ganot et al (2020). The process such as: replacing
ethanol pipelines by using stainless steel which is recommended by the previous study by
Dumlao et al (2022); integration of beds for the dehydrator to improve the purity of the ethanol
and addition of a sensor to the dehydrator to monitor the alcohol content and temperature and to
control the solenoid valves. Output which was focused on: attaining a complete and optimized
distiller (HVSRD), improvement of its performance as to purity.


Statement of the Problem


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