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14 The Sociology of the Vaginal Examination* JAMES M. HENSLIN MAE A. BIGGS Al of ws dopend on others for the sucessful completion of the {oles we pay. In many wa, ths rakes cooperation Ue sence ‘focal ie (with de apologist my conf theorist fend). Dependence o he cooperation of eter bles tue of the pe ‘inlet, the indian whee role (cepatonal ot otherwise) Is ight ecu Without cooperative teamwork, performances fal {part poopie become dsatoned, ots dont ge dane an ciety [theatre Accordlngy, much of out seaization cote on earning to be good team player "The work stung lends tal wel examine cooperative a- teraction and the sally eceptable hand of iferenoor— “working arrangement” tht defuse threat o frag social pa terme For example, ntact often seep fom senses {hat they know donot “match realty" For thei part, student ‘often accep what inrtrctrs each even though they patel di ‘gre wih thr nterretations. Confrontation & pt oly wnpene ‘ith uses” (which sme might ry sedation et other more ‘yea, might sy one earning living andthe othr Sgr). Tang event, wadelying ot bse ateracins in not sci sotings re sch Impl understandings about how to handle t- Ferenc: One can gain much isght Into the nature of wey by trying to deny the rls under which we interact with one a cther~and the dtniions that th teractions designed tomas tai. othisslection, Herta and Bigg draw beni on Coffman Arameturgial framework st they focu onthe vaginal examina tion, Not the teamwork that thi equiv, expecially in making the definition ck that nothing sal xerrng ‘What rear of youre are based on toumwort nthe terest, of trying tet the show onthe road" hat 0 make dred ‘inion ck nd slow te action owl? (Ataly ight teense to ty to determine what parts of scl life dont equre teamork). ‘er thao Eoving Gatman oe commenting on th apr whe was a mara sr Wea red he tonpnin ec fn e, aor a Pb Fe ‘The Sociology ofthe Vaginal Examination 1120 entrar senavion is problematic in American society ‘American i our sncety are socialized ata very eatly age ito society's

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