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1. Two chords AB and CD of a circle intersect at E such that AE = 2.4cm, BE =
3.2cm and CE = 1.6cm. The length of DE is
a) 1.6 cm b) 3.2 cm c) 4.8 cm d) 6.4 cm
2. In the figure below (not to scale), AB = CD and AB and CD are produced to
meet at the point p.

If BAC  700 , then P is

a) 300 b) 400 c) 450 d) 500
3. If a regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius r, then its perimeter is
a) 3r b) 6r c) 9r d) 12r
4. Two circles of radii 20 cm and 37 cm intersect in A and B. If O1 and O2 are
their centres and AB = 24 cm, then the distance O1O2 is equal to
a) 44 cm b) 51 cm c) 40.5 cm d) 45 cm
5. In the adjoining figure, TP and TQ are the two tangents to a circle with centre
O. If POQ  1100 , then PTQ is

a) 600 b) 700 c) 800 d) 900

6. In two concentric circles, if chords are drawn in the outer circle which touch
the inner circle, then
a) all chords are of different lengths.
b) all chords are of same length.
c) only parallel chords are of same length.
d) only perpendicular chords are of same length.
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7. Number of tangents to a circle which are parallel to a secant, is

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) infinite
8. AB and CD are two common tangents to circles which touch each other at a
point C . If D lies on AB such that CD = 4 cm then AB is
a) 12 cm b) 8 cm c) 4 cm d) 6 cm
9. In the diagram below, if l and m are two tangents and AB is a chord making
an angle of 600 with the tangent l , then the angle between l and m is

a) 450 b) 300 c) 600 d) 900

10. In the diagram, O is the centre of the circle and D, E and F and mid points of
AB, BO and OA respectively. If DEF  300 , then ACB is

a) 300 b) 600 c) 900 d) 1200

11. An equation of the circle with centre at (0, 0) and radius r is

a) x 2  y 2  r 2 b) x 2  y 2  r 2 c) x  y  r d) x 2  r 2  y 2
12. In the below diagram, O is the centre of the circle, AC is the diameter and if
APB  1200 , then BQC is

a) 300 b) 1500 c) 900 d) 1200

2 Narayana Group of Schools

13. If the equation of a circle is  4a  3  x 2  ay 2  6x  2y  2  0 , then its centre is

a)  3, 1 b)  3,1 c)  3,1 d) None of these

14. In the adjoining figure, PT is a tangent at point C of the circle. O is the
circumcentre of ABC . If ACP  1180 , then the measure of x is

a) 280 b) 320 c) 420 d) 380

15. The common tangents to the circles x 2  y 2  2x  0 and x 2  y 2  6x  0 form
a triangle which is
a) Equilateral b) Isosceles c) Right angled d) None of these
16. Two concentric circles of radii a and b where a>b, are given the length of a
chord of the larger circle which touches the other circle is
a) a 2  b2 b) 2 a 2  b 2 c) a 2  b2 d) 2 a 2  b 2
17. The equation of the circle which passes through the point (4, 5) and has its
centre at (2, 2) is
2 2
a)  x  2   y  2  13 b)  x  2    y  2   13
2 2 2 2
c)  x    y   13 d)  x  4    y  5   13

18. In the given figure, the equation of the larger circle is x 2  y 2  4y  5  0 and
the distance between centres is 4. Then the equation of smaller circle is

2 2

a) x  7  2
  y  1  1 
b) x  7  2
  y  1  1

c) x 2  y 2  2 7x  2y d) None of these

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19. In the given figure, a circle touches all the four sides of quadrilateral ABCD
with AB = 6 cm, BC = 7 cm and CD = 4 cm, then length of AD is:

a) 3 cm b) 4 cm c) 5 cm d) 6 cm
20. Two concentric circles are of radii 10 cm and 8 cm, then the length of the
chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle is:
a) 6 cm b) 12 cm c) 18 cm d) 9 cm
21. In the given figure, PA is a tangent from an external point P to a circle with
centre O. If POB  1150 , then perimeter of APO is:

a) 250 b) 200 c) 300 d) 650

22. From an external point P, tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle with
centre O. If CD is the tangent to the circle at a point E and PA = 14 cm, the
perimeter of PCD is:
a) 14 cm b) 21 cm c) 28 cm d) 35 cm
23. A tangent PQ at a point P of a circle of radius 6 cm meets a line through the
centre O. If CD is the tangent to the circle at a point E and PA = 14 cm, then
perimeter of PCD is:

a) 4 10 cm b) 6 10 cm c) 5 10 cm d) 7 10 cm
24. Tangents AP and AQ are drawn to circle with centre O from an external point
A, then PAQ is equal to:


a) 2OPQ b) c) d)
2 3 4

4 Narayana Group of Schools

25. In the given figure, two tangents AB and AC are drawn to a circle with centre
O such that BAC  1200 , then OA is equal to that:

a) 2AB b) 3AB c) 4AB d) 5AB

26. A circle of radius 2 lies in the first quadrant and touches both the axes of
coordinates. The equation of the circle with centre at (6, 5) and touching the
above circle externally is
a) x 2  y 2  12x  10y  52  0 b) x 2  y 2  12x  10y  52  0
c) x 2  y 2  12x  10y  52  0 d) None of these
27. In the given figure, three circles with centres P, Q and R are drawn, such that
the circles with centres Q and R touch each other externally and they touch
the circle with centre P, internally. If PQ = 10 cm, PR = 8 cm and QR = 12 cm,
then the diameter of the largest circle is:

a) 30 cm b) 20 cm c) 10 cm d) None of these
28. If radii of two concentric circles are 4 cm and 5 cm, then the length of each
chord of one circle which is tangent to the other circle is
a) 3 cm b) 6 cm c) 9 cm d) 1 cm
29. In Fig, if AOB  1250 , then COD is equal to

a) 62.50 b) 450 c) 350 d) 550

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30. If Fig., AB is a chord of the circle and AOC is its diameter such that ACB  500 .
If AT is the tangent tot he circle at the point A, the BAT is equal to

a) 650 b) 600 c) 500 d) 400

31. From a point P which is at a distance of 13 cm from the point O of a circle of
radius 5 cm, the pair of tangents PQ and PR to the circle are drawn. Then the
area of the quadrilateral PQOR is
a) 60 cm 2 b) 65 cm 2 c) 30 cm 2 d) 32.5 cm 2
32. At one end A of a diameter Ab of a circle of radius 5 cm, tangent XAY is drawn
to the circle. The length of the chord CD parallel to XY and at a distance 8 cm
from A is
a) 4 cm b) 5 cm c) 6 cm d) 8 cm
33. In Fig., AT is a tangent tothe circle with centre O such that OT = 4 cm and
OTA  300 . Then AT is equal to

a) 4 cm b) 2 cm c) 2 3 cm d) 4 3 cm
34. In Fig., if O is the centre of a circle PQ is a chord and the tangent PR at P
makes an angle of 500 with PQ, then POQ is equal to

a) 1000 b) 800 c) 900 d) 750

6 Narayana Group of Schools

35. If Fig., if PA and PB are tangents to the circle with centre 0 such that
APB  500 , then AOB is equal to

a) 250 b) 1300 c) 1000 d) 500

36. If two tangents inclined at an angle 600 are drawn to a circle of radius 3 cm
the length of each tangent is equal to

a) 3 cm b) 6 cm c) 3 cm d) 3 3 cm
37. In., Fig if PQR is the tangent to a circle at Q whose centre is O, AB is a chord
parallel to PR and BQR  700 , then AQB is equal to

a) 200 b) 400 c) 350 d) 450

38. PA is a tangent to a circle from a point p with centre 0. Find the radius OA if
PA=4cm and OP=5CM
a) 2 cm b) 3cm c) 1.5cm d) None
39. If the angle between two radii of a circle is . The angle between the tangents at
the ends of the radii is.
a) 900 b) 500 c) 700 d) 400
40. 0 AB  60 0 , then radius of the circle is :

a) 2 3 cm b) 2 cm c) 3 3 cm d) 3 cm
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41. PQ is tangent to a circle at point p centre of circle is 0. If OPQ is an isosceles

triangle, the QOP is:
a) 450 b) 900 c) 300 d) 600
42. If the length of tangent from a point A at a distance of 26cm from the centre of
the circle is 10cm, then the radius of the circle is

a) 22cm b) 24cm c) 21cm d) 23cm

43. A tangent is perpendicular to the radius at the:

a) point of contact b) Centre c) Infinity d) Core

44. A line which intersects a circle at two distinct points is called:
a) Tangent b) Secant c) Point d) Decimal
45. If PT is tangent drawn from a point P to a circle touching it at T and O is the
centre of the circle, then OPT  POT is :
a) 300 b) 600 c) 900 d) 1800
46. Two parallel lines touch the circle at points A and B. If area of the circle is
25  cm2 , then AB is equal to:
a) 5cm b) 8cm c) 10cm d) 25cm
47. In the given figure BAC  600 and AB is a diameter, then CBD is

a) 600 b) 300 c) 450 d) 800

48. The distance between the points of contact of two parallel tangents to a given
circle of radius 6cm is ;
a) 6cm b) 12 cm c) 9 cm d) 18cm

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49. In the given figure. PT is a tangent to the circle with centre 0 and TPO  250. .
The value of x is :

a) 250 b) 650 c) 1150 d) 900

50. The number of parallel tangents at most a circle can have on a diameter is :
a) 1 b) 2 c) 0 d) 3
51. In figure RQ is a tangent to the circle with centre o. If SQ=6cm. QR=4cm. find

a) 4 cm b) 5 cm c) 6 cm d) 3 cm
52. Tangents drawn at the ends of a diameter of a circle are;
a) coincident b) parallel c) intersecting d) perpendicular
53. Two concentric circles of radii a and b where a>b are given. The length of
chord of the larger circle which touches the similar circle is ;

a) a 2  b2 b) 2 a 2  b 2 c) a 2  b2 d) 2 a 2  b 2
54. Two tangents drawn at the ends of a diameter of a circle, if extended will be an
angle of ;
a) 300 b) 1200 c) 00 d) 900
55. In the following fig, OQP is an isosceles triangle. Find POQ .

a) 300 b) 600 c) 450 d) None of these

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56. How many tangents can a circle have:

a) 2 b) infinitely many c) one d) No
57. How many tangents can be drawn to a circle at any point of it ?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) None of these
58. Two circles of radii 5cm and 3cm touch each other internally. The distance
between their centre is:
a) 5 cm b) 3 cm c) 2 cm d) 8 cm
59. A quadrilateral PQRS is drawn to circumscribe a circle. If PQ,QR,RS (in cm)
are 5,9,8 respectively then PS (in cm) equals:
a) 7 b)6 c)5 d)4
60. If two tangents inclined at an angle are drawn to a circle of radius 5 cm the
length of each tangent (in cm) is equal to :

5 3
a) b) 10 c) 3 d)
61. In the given figure ;

a) AP = AB + BC + CA b) 3AP = AB + BC + CA
c) 4AP = AB + BC + CA d) 2AP = AB+ BC + CA
62. A circle is inscribed in a quadrilateral ABCD. Then
a) AB + CD = BC + DA b) AB + CD = AC + BD
c) AC + AD = BD + CD d) AC + AD = BC + BD
63. If tangents PA and PB from a point P to a circle with center 0 are inclined to
each other at angle of , then is equal to
a) 500 b) 200 c) 300 d) 400
64. Two tangents QA and QB are drawn to a circle with center 0 such that
AQB  600 with AQ = 3cm then OQ is equal to;

a) 3 cm b) cm c) 6 cm d) 2 3 cm

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65. From a point P, which is at a distance of 13 cm from the center 0 of a circle of
radius 5cm. The pair of tangents PQ and PR are drawn to the circle. Then the
area of the quadrilateral PQOR ( in ) is
a) 60 b) 65 c) 30 d) 30.5
66. In the Fig PA and PB are tangents to a circle with center 0. If A0 B  1200 , then
OPA iis equal to;

a) 600 b) 150 c) 300 d) 400

67. In the figure QR is a common tangent to given circles which meets the tangent
TP at T. If QP= 3.8cm the length of QR is :

a) 7.6 cm b) 1.9cm c) 11.4 cm d) 5.7cm

68. In the side figure TP and TQ are the tangents to a circle with centre O so that
POQ  1100 . The measure of PTQ is
a) 700 b) 1100 c) 900 d) 600
69. The distance between two parallel tangents to circle of radius r is,

r r
a) r b) c) 2r d)
2 4
70. In the side figure, a circle D is inscribed in a quad. ABCD such that AP = 3cm,
PB = 4cm, S DR = 1cm, RC = 2cm. Then AD + BC is equal to:

a) 5 cm b) 8 cm c) 9 cm d) 10 cm

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71. In the side figure PA and PB are 2 tangents. If PB=10cm, then perimeter of
PCD is

a) 20 cm b) 40 cm c) 10 cm d) 30 cm
72. PA and BP are 2 tangents drawn to a circle from a point P outside the circle. If
PA = 5cm and APB  60 0 , then length of chord AB is :

a) 10 cm b) 5 cm c) 5 2 cm d) 10 2 cm
73. ABCD is a quadrilateral. A circle centred at 0 is inscribed in the quadrilateral
If AB = 7cm, BC = 4cm, CD = 5cm, DA =
a) 4cm b) 8cm c) 12cm d) 16cm
74. In A ABC, BC = 6cm, AB = 8cm, LABC = 90°. The radius of the incircle of A is
a) 1 cm b) 2cm c) 3cm d) 4cm
75. A point P is 13cm from the centre of circle. The length of the tangent from P
to the circle is 12cm. The radius of the circle is :
(a) 8cm (b) 5cm (c) 6cm (d) 4cm
76. In side figure, which of the following is true?

a) AD=AB+BC+CA b) 2AD = AB+BC+CA

c) 3AD=AB+BC+CA d) 4AD= AB +BC+CA
77. AB and CD are two common tangents to circles which touch each other at C. If
D lies on AB, such that CD = 4cm, then AB is equal to,
a) 4cm b) 6cm c) 8cm d) 10cm

12 Narayana Group of Schools

78. The length of, a tangent drawn from a point 8cm away from the centre of a
circle of radius 6cm is
a) 7 cm b) 2 7 cm c) 10cm d) 10cm
79. In the given figure, 0 is the centre of the circle, PQ is a tangent to the circle at
A. If PAB = 580 the measure of ABQ is

a) 320 b) 1220 c) 580 d) 1100

80. In the given figure, 0 is the centre of the circle, PQ is a tangent to the circle at
A. If PAB = 580 the measure of AQB is
a) 260 b) 320 c) 580 d) 1220
81. In the figure, TB and TC are tangents to a circle whose centre is O. If
QCA = 700

a) 700 b) 600 c) 500 d) 800

82. In the side figure ABC  690 , ACB  310 , then mBDC is,

a) 690 b) 310 c) 800 d) 1300

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83. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral whose side AB is a

diameter of the circle. If m ADC  1300 , then m BAC equals

a) 200 b) 600 c) 300 d) 400

84. O is the centre of the circle. If BOD  1600 , then Ly equals,

a) 1400 b) 600 c) 1000 d) 800

85. If AOC is a diameter of the circle and arc AXB  arc BYC , then m  BOC 

a) 1600 b) 1450 c) 1200 d) 1350

14 Narayana Group of Schools

86. BOA is the diameter of a circle and the tangent at P meets BA extended at T, if
PBO  300 , PTA then equal

a) 300 b) 600 c) 450 d) 500

87. PQL and PRM are tangents to the circle with centre O at points Q and R
respectively. If SQL is 500 and SRM  60 0 , then QSR is equal to,

a) 500 b) 600 c) 400 d) 700

88. If dl and d2 be the diameters of two concentric circles and C be the length of a
chord of a circle which is tangent to the other circle, then, which of the following
is correct,

a) d12  d22  c 2 b) d22  d12  c 2 c) c 2  d12  d22 d) 2c 2  d12  d22

89. If a, b, c are the sides of a right triangle where c is the hypotenuse then the
radius r of the circle which touches the sides of the triangle is,

a b c b c a a b c a c b
a) r  b) r  c) r  d) r 
2 2 2 2
90. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. If CAB  450 , and DBC  550 , then in
( BCD ) is,
a) 800 b) 1100 c) 1000 d) 1200
91. If O is the centre of the circle, find (2x + y + z).
a) 3600 b) 3000 c) 4000 d) 3900
92. If ABC is an equilateral triangle, BDC equals,
a) 300 b) 1200 c) 450 d) 600

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93. Refer to the figure of, Q. No. 26,.find the measure of BEC .
a) 60° b) 100° c) 90° d) 120°
94. PQ and RS are two parallel chords of a circle whose centre is 0 and radius is
10cm. If PQ =16cm and RS = 12cm, find the distance between PQ and RS if
they lie on the same side of the centre (O).
a) 2cm b) 14cm c) 6cm d) 8cm
95. Refer to the situation described in Q. No. 28, the distance between PQ and
RS, if they tie on opposite side of the centre O.
a) 2cm b) 14cm c) 6cm d) 8cm
96. Two chords AB and CD of a circle intersect at E such that AE = 2.4 cm, BE =
3.2 cm and CE = 1.6 cm. The length of DE is
a) 1.6 cm b) 3.2 cm c) 4.8 cm d) 6.4 cm
97. In the figure below (not to scale), AB = CD and AB and CD are produced to
meet at the point p.

If BAC  700 , then P is

a) 300 b) 400 c) 450 d) 500
98. If a regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius r, then its perimeter is
a) 3r b) 6r c) 9r d) 12r
99. Two circles of radii 20 cm and 37 cm intersect in A and B. If O1 and O2 are
their centres and AB = 24 cm, then the distance O1O2 is equal to
a) 44 cm b) 51 cm c) 40.5 cm d) 45 cm
100. In the adjoining figure, TP and TQ are the two tangents to a circle with centre
O. If POQ = 1100 , then PTQ is

a) 600 b) 700 c) 800 d) 900

16 Narayana Group of Schools

101. In two concentric circles, if chords are drawn in the outer circle which touch
the inner circle, then
a) all chords are of different lengths
b) all chords are of same length
c) only parallel chords are of same length
d) only perpendicular chords are of same length
102. Number of tangents to a circle which are parallel to a secant, is
a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) infinite
103. AB and CD are two common tangents to circles which touch each other at a
point C . If D lies on AB such that CD = 4 cm then AB is
a) 12 cm b) 8 cm c) 4 cm d) 6 cm
104. In the diagram below, if l and m are two tangents and AB is a chord making
an angle of 60c with the tangent l , then the angle between l and m is

a) 450 b) 300 c) 600 d) 900

105. In the below diagram, O is the centre of the circle and D, E and F and midpoints
of AB, BO and OA respectively. If DEF  30 0 , then ACB is
a) 300 b) 600 c) 900 d) 1200
106. An equation of the circle with center at (0, 10) and radius r is

a) x 2  y 2  r 2 b) x 2  y 2  r 2 c) x  y  r d) x 2  r 2  y 2
107. In the below diagram, O is the centre of the circle, AC is the diameter and if
APB  120 0 , then BQC is
a) 300 b) 1500 c) 900 d) 1200

108. If the equation of a circle is (4a  3) x 2  ay 2  6x  2y  2  0 , then its centre is

a) (3, –1) b) (3, 1) c) (–3, 1) d) None of these

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109. In the adjoining figure, PT is a tangent at point C of the circle. O is the

circumcentre of ABC . If ACP  1180 , then the measure of x is

a) 280 b) 320 c) 420 d) 380

110. The common tangents to the circles x2 + y2 + 2x = 0 and x2 + y2 - 6x = 0 form
a triangle which is
a) equilateral b) isosceles c) ) right angled d) None of these
111. Two concentric circles of radii a and b where a > b, are given the length of a
chord of the larger circle which touches the other circle is

a) a 2  b2 b) 2 a 2  b 2 c) a 2  b2 d) 2 a 2  b 2

112. The equation of the circle which passes through the point (4, 5) and has its
centre at (2, 2) is
a) (x – 2) + (y – 2) = 13 b) (x – 2)2 + (y – 2)2 = 13
c) (x)2 + (y)2 = 13 d) (x – 4)2 + (y – 5)2 = 13
113. In the given figure, the equation of the larger circle is x2 + y2 + 4y – 5 = 0 and
the distance between centres is 4. Then the equation of smaller circle is

2 2

a) x  7  2
  y  1  1 
b) x  7  2
  y  1  1

c) x 2  y 2  2 7x  2y d) None of these
114. In the given figure, a circle touches all the four sides of quadrilateral ABCD
with AB = 6 cm, BC = 7 cm and CD = 4 cm, then length of AD is
a) 3 cm b) 4 cm c) 5 cm d) 6 cm

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115. Two concentric circles are of radii 10 cm and 8 cm, then the length of the
chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle is:
a) 6 cm b) 12 cm c) 18 cm d) 9 cm
116. In the given figure, PA is a tangent from an external point P to a circle with
centre O. If POB  115 0 , then perimeter of APO is

a) 250 b) 200 c) 300 d) 650

117. From an external point P, tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle with
centre O. If CD is the tangent to the circle at a point E and PA = 14 cm, the
perimeter of TPCD is:
a) 14 cm b) 21 cm c) 28 cm d) 35 cm
118. A tangent PQ at a point P of a circle of radius 6 cm meets a line through
the centre O . If CD is the tangent to the circle at a point E and PA = 14 cm,
then perimeter of TPCD is

a) 4 10 cm b) 4 10 cm c) 5 10 cm d) 7 10 cm
119. Tangents AP and AQ are drawn to circle with centre O from an external point
A, then +PAQ is equal to


a) 2OPQ b) c) d)
2 3 4
120. In the given figure, two tangents AB and AC are drawn to a circle with centre
O such that BAC  1200 , then OA is equal to that:
a) 2AB b) 3AB c) 4AB d) 5AB

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Q.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
KEY c b b b b b b b c b
Q.No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
KEY a b c a b d b a a b
Q.No 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
KEY a c a a a c a b d c
Q.No 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
KEY a d d a b d b b b c
Q.No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
KEY c b a b c c a b c b
Q.No 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
KEY b b b c c b a c d d
Q.No 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
KEY d a d d a c a a c d
Q.No 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
KEY a b b b b b c b a a
Q.No 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
KEY c c d c c a d b c a
Q.No 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
KEY d d d a b c b b b b
Q.No 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
KEY b b b c b a b c a b
Q.No 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
KEY d b a a b a c a a a

20 Narayana Group of Schools

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