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Key Performance Indicators

Intermediate Outcome (IO) 1 - ACCESS

All school-aged children, out-of-school youths, and adults accessed relevant learning opportunities.

This pillar highlights the key performance indicators (KPIs) on access including targets from 2023 to 2028. Access indicators are expanded to cover
school-age children, learners in school, out-of-school children (OSCs), and out-of-school youths (OSYs). Most KPIs are currently verifiable in the Enhanced
Basic Education Information System (EBEIS), except indicators pertaining to incidences of OSC and OSY. Targets pertaining to OSCs and OSYs will be set
when mechanisms for determining baseline information are established and operational.

Baseline Six-Year Physical Target

Strategies/School Strategic
KPIs 2021- 2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027- Key Interventions
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Intermediate Outcome (IO) #1 All School-aged children, out-of-school youth, and adults accessed relevant basic learning opportunities
1. Percentage of school-age children in school – Net Enrollment Rate (NER)
Net 95.55% of school-age learners, out- Strengthen Early Registration
Activity/Advocacy Campaign (Online and
Enrolment of-school adults, and youth
In-person Campaigns), Barangay-to-
Rate 92.48 93.15 93.63 94.11 94.59 95.07 95.55 accessed relevant basic learning Barangay Campaigns, Adherence to DepEd
Order on No Collection Policy, Implement
opportunities by SY 2027-2028
Oplan Balik Eskwela, Implementation of
face-to-face and remote enrollment,
Strengthen community linkages
Incidence of OSC & OSY
JUNIOR There will be 0.00% incidence of Strengthen Early Registration
Activity/Advocacy Campaign, Adherence to
HIGH JHS out-of-school youths and
0.60 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DepEd Order on No Collection Policy,
SCHOOL adults by SY 2027-2028 implementation of different programs like,
Oplan Balik Eskwela, special inclusion
SENIOR There will be 0.00% incidence of Sustain Early Registration
Activity/Advocacy Campaign, Adherence to
HIGH SHS out-of-school youths and
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DepEd Order on No Collection Policy,
SCHOOL adults by SY 2027-2028 implementation of different programs like,
Oplan Balik Eskwela, special inclusion
programs, ALS-SHS implementation
IO 1.2 All learners stay in school and finish key stages
4. Percentage of enrollees in JHS and SHS in a given school year who continue to be in school the following school year: Retention Rate
Retention 93.84 94.87 95.89 96.92 97.95 98.97 100 100% of learners in JHS will Blended Learning Delivery Modality,
Adopt-a-Child Program, Dropout
Rate (JHS) continue to be in school in the
Reduction program, Child-Friendly School
following school year by SY 2028- Program, Homeroom Guidance Program,
conduct RRE activities, strengthen
community linkages, conduct feeding
programs, constant monitoring of student’s
attendance, good communication with
parents and prompt feedback-giving
Retention 100% of SHS learners will continue Sustain implementation of blended
Learning Delivery Modality, Adopt-a-Child
Rate (SHS) to be in school in the following
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Program, Dropout Reduction program,
school year by SY 2028-2029 Child-Friendly School Program, Homeroom
Guidance Program, ALS-SHS
5. Percentage of currently enrolled learners but did not finish/complete the school year – Dropout Rate
Dropout rate There will be 0.00% of JHS learners Blended Learning Delivery Modality,
Adopt-a-Child Program, Dropout
(JHS) who will drop out of school by SY
Reduction program, Child-Friendly School
2027-2028 Program, Homeroom Guidance Program,
0.55 0.46 0.37 0.28 0.18 0.09 0.00 conduct RRE activities, strengthen
community linkages, conduct feeding
programs, constant monitoring of student’s
attendance, good communication with
parents and prompt feedback-giving
Dropout Rate There will be 0.00% of SHS learners Blended Learning Delivery Modality, Adopt
a Child Program, Dropout Reduction
(SHS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 who will drop out of school by SY
program, Child-Friendly School Program,
2027-2028 Homeroom Guidance Program, ALS-SHS
IO 1.3 All learners transition to the next key stage
6. Percentage of Grade 10 completers proceeded to the next key stage – Transition Rate
Transition 98.50% of learners will transition Blended Learning Delivery Modality, Adopt
a Child Program, Dropout Reduction
rate (Grade from Grade 10 to Grade 11 by SY
81.25 84.38 87.20 90.02 92.84 95.66 98.50 Program, Child-Friendly School Program,
10 to Grade 2027-2028 ALS SHS Implementation, Career
Guidance Program
IO 1.4 All out-of-school children & youth participate in and complete formal or non- formal basic education learning opportunities
7. Percentage of OSY who returned to school or participated in ALS – Participation Rate of OSY
Participation All out-of-school youth will Blended Learning Delivery Modality, Adopt
a Child Program, Dropout Reduction
rate of OSY participate in and complete formal
99.59 99.67 100 100 100 100 100 Program, Child-Friendly School Program,
basic education learning Adherence to DepEd Order on No
Collection Policy, ALS-SHS Program,
opportunities by SY 2027-2028
strengthen Community Linkages

Intermediate Outcomes 2 – EQUITY

Disadvantaged school-age children and youth, and adults benefited from appropriate equity initiatives.
This pillar contains the KPIs that will be used to measure the involvement and performance of learners or groups in situations of disadvantage. To
date, no target on Equity is committed pending the completion of baseline information on learners in situations of disadvantage and the development of
systems that will “tag” learners in situation of disadvantage.
This pillar also supports SDG 4 which is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. In
addition, this is in line with VP and Secretary’s MATATAG agenda on taking good care of learners by promoting learner well-being and inclusive education.
Baseline Six-Year Physical Target
Strategies/school Strategic
KPIs 2021- 2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027- Key Interventions
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Intermediate Outcome (IO) #2. School-age children and youth, and adults in situations of disadvantage benefitted from appropriate equity initiatives
1. Proportion of learners in situation of disadvantage transition to the next key stage
% disparity in All learners in disadvantaged  Child-Find Policy (DO 23, s.
transition rate TBE TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD situations transition to the next key 2022)
stage by SY 2027-2028  Reading Programs (Read-E-
2. Gender participation – disparity in completion sing)
Gender parity There shall be no gender disparity  Numeracy Intervention
index in completion of learners in the Program (MAth-GALING)
completion disadvantaged situations by SY  Adopt a Child Program
2027-2028  Linkages with DSWD and

IO 2.1 All school-age children and youth and adults in situations of disadvantage are participating in basic learning other agencies
opportunities and receiving appropriate quality education  Oplan-Balik Eskwela Program
2. Percentage of learners in situation of disadvantage continue to participate in basic education
 Project PAPA

Retention Rate All disadvantaged school-age youth  Project 3L’s

will participate in basic learning  Intensified Home Visitations

opportunities and receive quality Program

education by SY 2027-2028
4. Percentage of learners in situations of disadvantage (disaggregated by group) achieved at least a fixed level of
proficiency /mastery in (a) functional literacy, (b) numeracy, and (c) 21 st century skills
Percentage of TBE TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD A significant percentage of learners
learners at with will have achieved at least proficient
at least level or better in functional literacy
proficient level by SY 2027-2028
or better
Percentage of A significant percentage of learners
learners at with will have achieved at least proficient
at least level or better in numeracy by SY
proficient level 2027-2028
or better
Percentage of A significant percentage of learners
learners at with will have achieved at least proficient
at least level or better in 21st century skills
proficient level by SY 2027-2028
or better (21
century skills)

Intermediate Outcomes 3 – QUALITY

Learners complete K – 12 basic education having attained all learning standards that equip them with the necessary skills and attributes to pursue their chosen
This pillar is supportive of the SDG 4 and of the MATATAG agenda on making the curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, active and responsible
citizens in their immediate communities in the future.
The overall target in quality is set at “learners attaining nearly proficient level or better”. The School Assessment Results are used as the baseline.

Strategies/ School
Baseline Six-Year Physical Target Key Interventions
Strategic Directions
KPIs 2021-
2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Intermediate Outcome (IO) #3. Learners complete K – 12 basic education having attained all learning standards that equip them with the necessary skills
and attributes to pursue their chosen paths
1. Percentage of learners pursued their chosen paths
% proceeded to 100% of students are  Linkages with colleges,
college able to pursue their universities, and other
% proceeded to 26.32 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD chosen paths by SY organizations for scholarships
employment 2027-2028  Strengthening of Career
% proceeded to Guidance Program
entrepreneurship  Coordination with training
% proceeded to centers accredited by TESDA
middle level skills  Strengthening of SHS
training curriculum implementation
 Participation in job fairs
 Linkages with government
agencies, NGOs, and private
establishments for possible job
2. Percentage of learners in a cohort who completed Grade 12-Completion Rate-(CR)
Completion Rate 93% of students  Intensify SARDO monitoring
completed Grade 12 by  Strengthening instructional
SY 2027-2028 supervision
 Maintain/Improve conducive
classroom and school
69.84 73.70 77.56 81.42 85.28 89.14 93
 Capacity building for teachers
 Monitor regularly learners’
 Quarterly assessment
 Portfolio assessment
 Home visitations
IO 3.3 Learners attain Stage 3 (Grades 7-10) learning standards of literacy & numeracy skills and apply 21st century skills to various situations
Percentage of Grade Learners in Key Stage 3  Project Math-Galing
10 learners will attain learning  Reading Programs:
attaining nearly standards of literacy  Project E-Sing
proficient level or (English: 85.00; Filipino:  Project Read Together
better in the 85.00) and numeracy  Strengthen instructional
following Stage 3 (85.00) and apply 21 supervision
learning standards century skills to various  Capacity building for teachers
(4 pp/yr): situations by SY 2027-  Mentor-mentee coaching &
a. English 81.76 82.30 82.84 83.38 83.92 84.46 85.00 2028 mentoring
b. Filipino 80.66 81.38 82.10 82.82 83.54 84.26 85.00  Quarterly assessment

c. Numeracy 74.59 76.33 78.06 79.80 81.53 83.27 85.00  Portfolio assessment

IO 3.4 Learners attain Stage 4 (Grades 11-12) learning standards equipped with knowledge and 21st century competencies developed in their chosen core,
applied, and specialized SHS tracks
Percentage of Grade 85% of Key Stage 4  Project Math-Galing
12 learners learners will attain  Reading Programs:
 Project Ready-E-Sing
attaining nearly learning standards of
 Project Read Together
proficient or better 80.16 80.97 81.78 82.59 83.4 84.21 85 nearly proficient level of  Strengthen instructional
in Stage 4 core SHS better in Stage 4 core supervision
 Capacity building of teachers
areas (6pp/yr) SHS areas by SY 2027-
 Mentor-mentee coaching and
2028 mentoring

Intermediate Outcomes 4 – RESILIENCY AND WELL-BEING

Learners are resilient and know their rights, and have the life skills to protect themselves, claim their rights and respect others’ rights as productive Filipino
This pillar targets that all learners can adapt well, recover and thrive in difficult situations, especially during disasters and emergencies. They must
be able to adjust when confronted with hazards. As they thrive in adverse contexts, they are able to function well as citizens of the community.

Six-Year Physical Target Strategies/School

KPIs Baseline Key Interventions
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Strategic Directions
IO 4.1 Learners are safe and protected, and can protect themselves from risks and impacts from natural and human-induced hazards
Percentage of affected and TBE TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 100% of displaced and  Provide Mental health and
affected learners are
Psychosocial Support (MPHSS) for
learners affected and displaced,
 Establish a School-based Response,
Rehabilitation, and Recovery Team
displaced learners ready in times of Disaster and
retained by SY 2027-
retained 2028 Emergency Situations
 Conduct School Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management
(SDRRM) Activities in partnership
with Red Cross and MDRRMO.
 Implement the 3R’s of Bullying
(Recognize, Report, and Refuse) to
help create and maintain safe

Percentage of learners who learning environments in schools.

 Provide and strengthen the
reported violence All learners who may
Comprehensive Anti-bullying
committed against them experience all kinds of
Campaign in school.
by other learners (bullying) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 abuse will report to
 Conduct a school-based seminar in
or adults (child abuse) the CPC by SY 2027-
empowering learners on social skills
based on intake sheets of 2028 such as friendship, assertiveness,
schools and anger management.
 Reorganize and maintain
functionality of Child Protection
Committee in school.
Percentage of learners who TBD 80 83.6 87.2 90.8 94.4 98 98% of learners in the  Create a Safe and Supportive

are happy and satisfied school are happy and Classroom and School Learning
Environment through the Child
with their basic education satisfied with their
Friendly School Program
experience in relation to basic education
 Inclusion of learners’ voices in
the enjoyment of their experience by SY
decision-making and other relevant
specific rights in school 2027-2028
and learning centers  Sustenance of already present and
provision of additional school
facilities, co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities that will develop
them holistically
 Conduct of Rights-Based Education
Seminar so that students can explore
about their rights
 Provide a Right to Fair Assessments to
Percentage of learners who 98% of learners knew
cater to the different learner strengths
know their rights TO and their rights TO and IN
TBD 85 90 95 96 97 98 and weaknesses that will be
IN education, and how to education by SY 2027-
considered in any applicable decision-
claim them positively 2028 making.
 Integrate the Child Rights Education
(CRE) in all subjects particularly in
ESP and Social Sciences.
 Conduct training on Child Rights
Education and Child Protection for
school personnel and parents.
98% of indicators of
Percentage of school’s  Reorganize and maintain functionality
RBE are manifested in
manifestation on the of the Child Protection Committee in
TBD 78 82 86 90 94 98 the school’s learning
indicators of RBE in the school
environment by SY
learning environment  Integrate the Child Rights Education
2027-2028 (CRE) in crafting contextualized
materials in the subjects of ESP and
scholar studies.
 Conduct a Learner Satisfaction Survey
to learners about rights-based
100% of learners are
education (RBE) biannually.
Learners’ satisfaction satisfied based on
 Conduct action research on issues
rating on rights-based TBD 90 95 100 100 100 100 rights-based
concerning rights-based education
education education by SY 2027-
and learners rights
2028  Provide technical assistance to
teachers in handling RBE
IO 4.1 Learners are served by a Department that adheres to a rights-based education framework in the Junior and Senior High School
Percentage of personnel 100% of school  Implement school policies, plans,

who know the rights of personnel know the rules, and regulations, contracts,
programs, projects, and activities
children and learners in rights of children and
containing commitments towards
relation to RBE, and are learners in relation to
children’s rights according to rights-
able to infuse then in their RBE, and are able to
TBE 75 85 95 100 100 100 based education framework
teaching and non-teaching infuse then in their
 Train DepEd teacher, staff and learner
duties teaching and non- on child rights/ RBE
teaching duties by SY  Establish a Child Protection Unit and
2027-2028 maintain Child Protection Committee
structures in school.
IO 4.2 Learners are safe and protected, and can protect themselves from risks and impacts from natural and human-induced hazards
Percentage of learners 90% of learners are  Establish climate-related and

equipped with capacities equipped with peacebuilding programs

on what to do before, capacities on what to  Organize and maintain a functional

SDDRM team as frontliners before,
during and after a do before, during and
during, and after a
disaster/emergency after a disaster/
emergency by SY
TBE 50 58 66 74 82 90  Implement a structural and non-
2027-2028 structural hazard prevention and
mitigation programs with school
personnel and student organizations.
 Conduct DRRM advocacies, trainings,
and other activities in collaboration
with related agencies
Percentage of learners safe TBE 80 83 86 89 92 95 95% of learners are  Provide Mental Health and

in schools safe in school by SY Psychosocial Support (MPHSS) for

learners affected and displaced by
natural and human-induced
 Establish a School-based Response,
Rehabilitation, and Recovery Team in
times of Disaster and Emergency
 Conduct a School Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management
(SDRRM) training and other activities
in partnership with Red Cross, BFP,
 Strengthen school security by
maintaining the employment of
watchmen, construction of complete
perimeter fence, and partnership
with BLGU security forces
 Strengthen anti-bullying campaigns
and programs, Barkada Kontra
Droga (BKD) program, and Student-
Led School Watching and Hazard
Mapping by the SSLG

IO 4.3 Learners have the basic physical, mental, and emotional fortitude to cope with various challenges in life and to manage risks
Percentage of learners TBE TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD All learners will have  Institutionalize “Galaw Pilipinas” for

with improved health improved health students and teachers to promote

health and wellness through dance
statistics statistics by SY 2027-
 Manage and collaborate a feeding
program with Gulayan sa Paaralan
Program and canteen fund for severely
wasted learners.
 Implement policies, guidelines, and
standards on prevention of pandemics
or spread of other communicable
diseases within the school, promotion
of health and nutrition, and
adolescent growth and development.
 Improve clinic capability by provision
of medicines, equipment, tools, and
other supplies.
Percentage of learners All learners will have  Institutionalize “Galaw Pilipinas” for

with improved physical improved physical students and teachers to promote

health and wellness through dance
fitness level fitness level by SY
 Regular checking and monitoring of
students’ health status by weighing.
 Provision of school health facilities
including WinS area and clinic.

Enabling Mechanisms – Governance

Efficient, nimble, and resilient governance and management processes

In this pillar, the SDG 6 on water and sanitation facilities is supported. In addition, the MATATAG agenda on giving support to teachers to teach better is also
championed. Moreover, the agenda on taking steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision of facilities can also be achieved.
KPIs Baseline Six-Year Physical Target Strategic Directions
2021- 2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
EM 1: Education leaders and managers practice participative and inclusive management process
SBM level of practice 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
have achieved Level 3 in SBM Level
of Practice
EM 2: Ensure human resources in the school who are sufficient, resilient, competent, and continuously
Percentage of personnel By SY 2027-2028, all school
with outstanding 81.82 83.33 91.67 100 100 100 100 personnel must have outstanding
performance rating performance rating
OPCRF rating 4.599 4.600 4.601 4.602 4.603 4.604 4.605 By SY 2027-2028, the OPCRF rating
must have been 4.605
Number of school-based 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 BY SY 2027-2028, the school must
Reward and recognition have established an annual
program implemented recognition program for outstanding
EM 3: Ideal Learning environment and adequate learning resources for learners ensured
Classroom-student ratio 1:45 1:45 1:45 1:45 1:40 1:40 1:40 By 2027-2028, the classroom-
student ration must be 1:40
Teacher-student ratio 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 By SY 2027-2028, the teacher-
student ratio must have be 1:25
Chair-student ratio 1:2.3 1:2.3 1:1.8 1:1.5 1:1.3 1:1.1 1:1 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
have a chair-student ratio of 1:1
Textbook-student ratio 1:4 1:3.5 1:3 1:2.5 1:2 1:1.5 1:1 By SY 2027-2028, the textbook-
student ratio shall be 1:1
Computer-student ratio 1:8 1:8 1:8 1:7 1:7 1:6 1:5 By SY 2027-2028, the computer-
student ratio shall be 1:5
Toilet – student ratio 1:45 1:45 1:45 1:45 1:40 1:30 1:20 By SY 2027-2028, the toilet student
ratio shall be 1:20
Handwashing facilities – 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:20 1:20 1:20 1:20 By SY 2027-2028, the handwashing-
student ratio student ratio shall be 1:20
Established school 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
library have established a functional library
Established science 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
laboratory have established 1 science laboratory
Connection to electricity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
have maintained connection to the
Connection to internet 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 By SY 2027-2028, the school library
functional library must have had internet connection
EM 4: Improve and modernize internal systems and processes for a responsive and efficient delivery of
basic education services
MOOE liquidation 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
have maintained 100% prompt and
efficient MOOE liquidation
SEF funds utilization 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
have maintained 100% utilization of
SEF funds
Donations gathered TBE TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD By SY 2027-2028, the school must
have gathered enough donations to
support school programs and
EM 5: Strengthen active collaboration with key stakeholders
Brigada Eskwela TBE TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD By SY 2027-2028, the school must
donations received have gathered enough funds through
BE activities
School PTA donation TBE TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD By SY 2027-2028, the school must
received have gathered enough funds through
PTA donations
Alumni donations 0 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD By SY 2027-2028, the school must
received have gathered enough donations
through alumni organization
SEF utilization rate 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
have 100% utilization rate of the SEF
Functional SGC 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 By SY 2027-2028, the school must
have established a functional SGC

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