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Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Position Applying for: ________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________

1. Give a candid evaluation of yourself by discussing your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Describe a situation in which you felt you had some responsibility. Explain how this situation came
about, how it ended and upon reflection, what you learned from the experience

3. Briefly discuss 2 of what you believe to be your most significant achievements in life and explain why
you consider them as such.

4. Recount a particular experience wherein you found yourself unable to achieve a set of goals of which
you had high hopes for. What have you done about it?
5. How do you spend you leisure time?

6. Describe your friends and social associates. What kind of people do you find easiest to get along with
outside of work?

7. What do you find irritating in dealings with others?

8. What do you consider as your No. 1 qualification as a worker?

9. At this stage in your life, what would you say are your most important career needs? What would keep
you most satisfied with your work?

10. What are your most important and non-negotiable expectations from the company that employ you?

11. From your experience, what do you believe are the most important characteristics or qualities that your
superiors should posses?

12. Describe the persons who have had strong influence in your life. Explain what they are like, your
relationship with them, and how they have shaped you into what you are today.

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