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1. An organism that spreads through sexual intercourse and infects the genital organs of both sexes.
Chlamydia Trachomatous

2. This is an STI caused by the huma papillomavirus

Genital Warts

3. This is a sexually-transmitted infection caused by a large family of viruses of different strains.

Genital Herpes

4. A sexually-transmitted infection caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum, a spirochete.


5. This theory believes that when someone receives a reward such as free ride or other favors from
another, a positive feeling may be experienced.
Behavioral Reinforcement theory

6. Are neuropeptides released from the pituitary gland.

Oxytocin and Vasopressin

7. The body’s natural opiates, similar to the man-made drug morphine or heroin.

8. Are neurotransmitters that are involved in mood, motivation, attention, and excitement.
Dopamine (DA) and Norepinephrine (NE)

9. Is a neurochemical that can increase the levels of DA and NE especially in the pathways involving
mood and pleasure. This has been called “love drug”.
Phenyl ethylamine (PEA)

10. It is a type of love that has a high degree of psychological arousal,

Infatuation (Passion)
11. The stage where sexual impulses lie dormant as the child is occupied by the social activities such as
going to school and playing.
Latency Stage

12. Where the erogenous zone is again the genitals. At this time, the sexual attraction is directed towards
others, usually one of the opposite sexes.
Genital Stage

13. Sexual attraction of the girl toward the father.

Electra complex

14. The person’ sese of morality. It follows the moral principle whose role is to restrict the demands of
the id.

15. Can lead to infections that attack and destroy the CD4 (Toells) of the immune system which is the
body’s natural defines against such illnesses as tuberculosis, pneumonia and cancer.

16. Is a combination of medications that are used to prevent HIV from replicating to protect the body
against the virus and infection.
Antiretroviral therapy

17. Sexual attraction of the boy child toward the mother.

Oedipus complex

18. The erogenous zone is the anus in which is there is sexual gratification, erogenous zone is the
Anal stage

19. 20) Sigmund Freud was one of the most prominent people to explain sexuality in his theories.
According to him, human beings are faced with two forces.
Sex instinct or libido (pleasure)
20. (19) Death or aggressive instinct
21. is a small device that is placed in the uterus by a doctor to prevent pregnancy.
Intrauterine device

22. happens when a man removes his penis from the vagina and ejaculates outside of the woman’s body.

23. procedures that make an individual permanently incapable of conceiving or fertilizing a partner.

24. surgery for woman in which fallopian tubes are tied to prevent eggs from travelling to the uterus so a
woman cannot get pregnant.
Tubal ligation / sterilization

25. is a measure that protects against pregnancy after unprotected sex has already occurred. It could be
through IUD or higher dosage of pills.
Emergency contraception

26. the part which always seeks for pleasure and aggression. It follows the pleasure principle because it
wants the person to attain gratification immediately.

27. follows the analytical principle. It analyzes the need of the id and its consequences as dictated by the
superego and thinks of ways to satisfy the need in an acceptable manner.

28. an operation in which the surgeon makes a small cut in the upper part of the scrotum then ties or
blocks the van defenses.

29. is similar diaphragm, though they are generally always made silicone. 92% to 96% effective when
used correctly.
Cervical Caps

30. Is a sexual activity that does not include the insertion of the penis into the vagina
Outer course

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