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Jesus; Childhood Introduction In this lesson, we are going to learn about Jesus’ life when he was a boy. The Bible doesn’t speak much about his life between his birth and ministry, but we do have one passage found in Luke 2:41-52. Some of the main points we will consider aré © Jesus became a person and grew just like we do. * Jesus loved God's Word and God’s house. © We must be careful never to forget Jesus. Lesson Guide Begin this week's lesson, by reflecting on some of the things we have already learned. Ask your child if they remember where Jesus was born? Bethlehem. Share how after living for a while in Egypt to hide from King Herod, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus returned to Nazereth. Emphasize how Jesus would have lived a normal life like us. He would have eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner, Share how Mary and Joseph also had other children, Jesus grew up in a normal family. Explain how Jesus would have attended a synagogue school to learn about the Old Testament. Read Luke 2:40, Speak about how Jesus grew:: 1) He grew in wisdom. He learned things at school, the synagogue (church), and from others. 2) He grew physically. He ate well and stayed fit so that he could grow big and strong. 3) He grew spiritually. He learned the Bible, prayed and loved God. 4) He grew socially. He made friends and treated others the way He wanted to be treated. Share how we should also grow in these areas. Give examples of ways in which we grow in these areas. Try to find some old photos or clothes of your child, to remind them of how they have grown physically. Give them some simple tasks to do, like eating by themselves and remind them how they couldn’t do that when they were a baby. Share how, when Jesus was 12 years old, he went with his family to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Note For preschoolers, twelve is BIG. They may not even think of them as a child. Try to think of someone you know that is 12 years old. If you're at church, maybe you could ask a twelve-year-old to come into your class. Speak about how the law required the people to celebrate the Passover and some other feasts. Reflect on the Passover and how God saved his people from Egypt. Think about some festivals which we celebrate and what they teach us about God. Christmas, Easter, Pentecost etc. Share how on the way back from Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph noticed Jesus was missing. You could share a story about being lost or about a fictional character that got lost in a supermarket. Think about the emotions of the child and the parents. Speak about how it is always important that WE stay close to our parents and hold their hands in busy places not to get lost. Think about some times we forget about Jesus. Maybe we do something bad, and we know Jesus wouldn’t like it because we forget to pray and think about what honours him. Speak about how Mary and Joseph looked everywhere for Jesus, and they found Him in the temple, teaching the teachers. Share that even though He was young, He loved the Bible and wanted to speak about it with others. Tell your child how you love it when they share what they have learned from the Bible with you Share how Jesus returned home with Mary and Joseph. Jesus knew how important it was to obey his parents, Video playlist is available on the website post which goes alongside this lesson. ‘aldway Big 0 UM Ayo BIg. 0 Som Wajosnuer “24a ye 07 SRlop Ruow 400} 4 “uolqosga|eo Joloads 0 Joy Wajosnuar 07 Rom aU) |J}o Ailwioy SIU UaIM paljarcig ay “‘pIO Suwa anjamy Som Snsar UaUM “Alig SIU YM UISJOZON Ul PaAl| BH ‘Aog © Som snsar Ua aidualyoustss! “MOI 03 panuiyuos snsar “qoay Wey ul SyUaWOW asaUy paunsoasy Auop| *squaiod siy Rago 03 yuo qOdUI SOM 41 MAU 8H ‘udasor pu Auop UM UJSIOZOWN 07 HOY Pal|aro4y snsar “awoY O6 03 awd Som 41 SsNsar poy Udasor pu Fulop “‘Bulpuo0ysuapun SI} yo pazowo B4aM ajdluaq ay YO SySald aU. “248U} [Il]¥S SOM dH ‘UDNW Os 41 paholUa ay ‘ald! uy jnogo Bburjveds puwo bulusoe| ajdway au ul |IIgs SNSar puNos Rau @ “WIL PULy OF WWa|OSNuar 07 490g qUaM PUY pal4om Auad asem Rau 248} JOU SOM BH qNg ‘Ppualy JO UISNOD sIy YM BulRojd SOM dH Jl YO@UD 07 JUaM Rau ‘Buissiy Som snsar paoijou Udasor pul Fuop yD0qg Rom ayy UD “UJOIOZON 0} YOY [aADIY 0} ALUIY SOM 4! ‘UOIJOIgaI|So ayy Jay Games and Activities PLAY SCHOOL Have your children pretend to play school. You can set up a pretend classroom with a board to write on and activities to do. Allow your child to lead this activity. Not only will it be fun as you learn together, but they will also reinforce their learning through teaching. Speak about how Jesus | both learned and taught. ita 1* Lost OBJECTS | For this game, you could either hide objects or use things TD that are already there. One person pretends to make an announcement, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have lost... if found, please return it to ...” the other children should then look for that item in the room as quickly as possible and return it to the correct place or person. PLANT SOME SEEDS Find some easy to grow seeds. Cress grows well at any time of the year. Speak about how the seed grows, but we need to water it and give it ight. Reflect on how Jesus grew from a baby and how God wants us to grow in Him. © 2022 Match the baky and the adult animals © 2022 Colour in the twelve candles 00800000 re a LC A LC HO LC --- wte t--- ur the circles with the number 12 2 an QO }.----3 oO! Oo : (12) (40) (as) (9) 2) 45) op >| «+ —-

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