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Yamaguchi, Jerald Heaven R. Group no.

CE152P-2/E02. 10/11/2023

Experiment no. 7



The compressive strength of cement is an essential characteristic that holds

significant importance in the field of civil engineering and building. The

ability of cement to endure compressive stresses is a crucial determinant of its

quality and efficacy in structural applications. The objective of this

experiment is to ascertain the compressive strength of cement through the

preparation of mortar cube specimens and exposing them to a comprehensive

testing procedure. Cement, a fundamental constituent of concrete, serves to

unite aggregates in order to generate the robust structures upon which we

depend in contemporary construction practices. The compressive strength of

cement plays a pivotal role in guaranteeing the long-lasting and steadfast

nature of concrete constructions, ranging from towering skyscrapers to

essential infrastructure. Hence, comprehending and quantifying this

characteristic holds significant significance within the field of civil

In the present study, a rigorous methodology is employed to generate mortar

cubes through the precise combination of cement and sand in a predetermined

proportion, followed by exposure to carefully controlled curing conditions.

The compressive strength of the produced specimens can be determined by

subjecting them to testing using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM), with the

measurement represented in megapascals (MPa). The results of this

investigation provide significant contributions to our understanding of the

quality and dependability of cement, so augmenting our comprehension of its

appropriateness for diverse construction endeavors.

II. Materials and Equipment Apparatus

1. Cement: Since it serves as the mortar cubes' principal binding agent, cement

is the major substance being studied.

2. Sand: The quality of the final cubes is determined by the mixture of regular

sand and cement used to make the mortar.

3. Oil or mold release agent: Apply oil or a mold release agent to the cube

mold's inside surfaces to stop mortar from adhering to them.

4. Sieves: These are used to make sure the sand has the right size and quality

of particles.

5. Graduated Cylinder: Used to precisely measure and add the necessary

volume of water.

6. Sampling Spoon: Enables precise material sampling for blending.

7. Spatula: For evenly blending sand and cement.

8. Mixing Bowls: These are used to combine sand and cement to make mortar.

9. Cube Mold: This method shapes the mortar into test specimens in the shape

of a cube.

10. Scale: This device weighs the ingredients, which is essential for precise


11. Sieve Shaker: Assists in sand sifting to guarantee consistency.

12. Universal Testing Machine (UTM): Required to perform compression

tests on the specimens in cube form.

III. Experimental Procedure

The experiment to measure cement's compressive strength begins with the

meticulous preparation of mortar. This involves precisely mixing 250 grams of

cement and 750 grams of standard sand in a 1:3 ratio, with water added for no more

than four minutes. Once the mortar is ready, it's used to create cube specimens by

applying a mold release agent, filling the mold compartments with layers of mortar,

and tamping them in precise rounds. After 24 hours of initial curing, specimens are

immersed in a curing tank filled with saturated lime water. To understand the

specimens better, their unit weight is measured.

The critical phase involves compression testing using a Universal Testing Machine

(UTM). The results provide the compressive strength in megapascals (MPa). This
experiment is crucial for civil engineering, as cement's compressive strength directly

impacts structural safety. It's essential to meticulously follow these steps for accurate

and reliable results.

IV. Discussion and Interpretation

The experiment aimed to determine the compressive strength of cement through the

testing of mortar cube specimens. The obtained data provides insights into the

quality and performance of the cement in question.

Volume of water (ml) 210 ml

Weight of cement (grams) 250 g

Weight of graded sand (grams) 750 g

Age of the specimen (days) 12 days

Specimen no. 1 2 3

Load (N) 30796.9 30834.4 28481.3

Area (mm^2) 2580.64 2580.65 2580.65

Compressive strength (MPa) 11.93 11.95 11.04

Average compressive strength 11.64


After a curing period of 12 days, three specimens, labeled as 1, 2, and 3, were

submitted to compression testing. The findings suggest that Specimens 1 and 2

demonstrated elevated levels of compressive strength, measuring 11.93 MPa and

11.95 MPa, respectively. In contrast, Specimen 3 displayed a little lower

compressive strength of 11.04 MPa. The resulting average compressive strength of

11.64 MPa is obtained by calculating the average of these values.

It is imperative to compare these findings with the theoretical or anticipated values

for conventional cement. The obtained average compressive strength of 11.64 MPa

is within the typical range for cement, showing that the cement employed in the

experiment meets or even slightly surpasses the expected performance. This

suggests that the cement possesses the necessary attributes to be utilized in a range

of civil engineering applications that necessitate the designated degree of

compressive strength. Furthermore, the age of the specimen, which was 12 days in

this experiment, can alter compressive strength. Cement generally exhibits an

increase in strength as it undergoes the process of curing, with extended periods of

curing potentially leading to further enhancements in compressive strength.

V. Conclusion

In summary, the laboratory experiment successfully accomplished its purpose of

ascertaining the compressive strength of cement mortar cubes. The mean

compressive strength of 11.64 MPa, derived from a sample of three specimens,

indicates the cement's strong performance and its adherence to the established

benchmarks in civil engineering applications. The consequences of these findings

have significant ramifications for the wider field of materials testing in civil

engineering, highlighting the crucial importance of cement in guaranteeing the

structural integrity and long-term durability of structures. The significance of

following standardized procedures and conducting thorough testing is emphasized

in order to ensure the safety and longevity of construction materials. This contributes

to continuous endeavors aimed at advancing the field of materials testing and

improving construction materials to create infrastructure that is more secure and


VI. Recommendations

In order to enhance the accuracy of future trials, it is imperative to consider

the following improvements and areas warranting more investigation.

• To get more accurate outcomes, it is imperative to improve the management

of curing conditions, specifically in terms of temperature and humidity control.

• To enhance the statistical significance, it is recommended to augment the

sample size.
• This study aims to investigate the impact of various cement types and

additives on the compressive strength of concrete.

• This study aims to examine the enduring impacts of the curing process on the

compressive strength of materials.

• The examination of the environmental ramifications and long-term viability

of cement materials in relation to more ecologically conscious alternatives for

construction purposes is a topic of interest.

VII. References




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