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1. In the future, do you think technology will help people to see better? How?

2. Do you think sight is the most important sense? Why?/Why not?

1. Yes technology has the potential to help people see better in the future. Advancements in medical technology
have led to the development of innovative treatments for visual impairments. For example, gene therapy has
shown promise in restoring vision in individuals with genetic disorders. Additionally, wearable technology such
as smart glasses and contact lenses have the potential to enhance vision and improve quality of life for
individuals with vision loss. However, it is important to note that these technologies are still in the early stages
of development and require futher research and testing before they can be widely available .

2. It's hard to say whether sight is the most important sense, as each sense serves a unique purpose and is
essential for different aspects of our lives. While vision is certainly important for tasks like reading,
driving, and navigating our environment, our other senses like hearing, touch, taste, and smell are also
critical. For example, hearing helps us communicate and alerts us to potential dangers, while touch
enables us to experience physical sensations and perceive texture. Therefore, all of our senses are
equally important and work together to provide us with a complete understanding of the world around

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