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Course Acts Second Year.

LS 261: (I) Conveyancing and Legal Drafting practice File, Solly Patel (Get the paged one if possible),

(II) The Lands Deeds and Registry Act CAP 185,

(III) Lands Act CAP 184,

(IV) The Law Association of Zambia General Conditions of Sale 2018,

(V)The Statute of Frauds 1677.

LS 210: (I)The Lands Act,

(II) The Lands Deeds and Registry Act,

(III) The Urban and Regional Planning Act 2015,

(IV) The Lands Acquisition Act CAP 189,

(V) (Most repealed Acts in Land Law, Cases and Materials, Mudenda as the Lecturer will instruct)

LS 231: (I) The Wills and Administration of Testate Estates Act CAP 60,

(II) The Intestate Succession Act CAP 59,

(III) The Children’s Code Act No 12 of 2022,

(IV) The Marriage Act,

(V) The matrimonial Causes Act.

LS 241: (I) The Childrens Code Act,

(II) The Evidence Act CAP 43.

LS 251: (I) The Nurses and Midwives Act No.10 of 2019,

(II) The Health Professionals Act No. 24 of 2009,

(III) The termination of Pregnancy Act CAP 304

LS 220: (I) The Employment Code Act No.03 of 2019.

LS 200: (I) The penal Code Act CAP 87 (Take careful note of the Amendments),

(II) The Criminal Procedure Code CAP 88.

You will be required to know many sections from Acts you will not necessarily need to print out, such as
Section 2, 20, …of CONVEYANCING AND LAW OF PROPERTY ACT, 1881, The Mines and Minerals Act, The
Forests Act, The Water Act,.. And Many others as CAP 44 and so on. If I have left out any, I’m sure you
will be told in due course of time.

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