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1. What is the business's name? (If possible, share the story behind the origin of the name.

— The business is called C-Ann Store, short for Carol Ann Store. It started in June
1997 at Barangay 01, initially what is now a covered court that used to be a

2. Who are the owner/owners? (If possible, include what kind of ownership it has.)

— The owner’s name is Mariano Rama, and C-Ann is their daughter’s name which is
why the business is called C-Ann Store. Their business operates under sole
proprietorship, where a single individual owns the business.

3. What are the product/services offered in their business?

— They sell a variety of products, including grocery items, feeds, liquor, tobacco,
and more.

4. How did the business started?

— The business had a simple beginning, starting as a small store in the space of the
old supermarket.

5. How does the business advertise themselves?

— They don’t actively advertise; instead, their customers come through word of
mouth recommendations.

6. How does the business market themselves?

— They market their business by attracting random passerbys from the street solely
by showcasing their products.
7. Why did the owner/owners chose to start this kind of business?
— The owners started this kind of business as a solution to financial challenges, but
it gradually evolved into a full time career that they find enjoyable.

8. Tell about a challenge in the business that they overcame.

—They had to deal with tough challenges like competition from other stores, prices going
up and down, the pandemic, and things getting more expensive(inflation).

9. How does the owners do to secure the supply and demand of the business?

— They make sure they have enough stuff to sell(supply) by working with reliable
suppliers. They also pay attention to what customers want and make sure they
have enough of those things(demand). This helps them keep their store running

10. What advice would you give to someone just starting their own business?

— Stay focused on what you love and care about. Your passion will keep you going
when things get tough. Keep your attention on what makes your business special,
and don’t lose sight of why you started in the first place.

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