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1 Read: Outside Reading: Introduction Reading Guide

English 11 Honors Sem 1 Name:

Outside Reading Questions (75 points)

As you read, respond to each question in two or three sentences. If you cannot
answer one of the questions, explain why. In what ways is the book too
unconventional for you to provide an answer, for example?

Note that your instructor may choose to grade your overall comprehension of the
book instead of scoring each answer individually.

1. Describe the main characters and what they seem to want out of life. If you are
reading nonfiction, who are the most important people involved in the events of the
book, and what do they seem to want? Finally, if the book has no main characters,
describe the main forces that are moving the events of the story forward.

2. Describe the messages or main ideas of the book. What concepts is the author
trying to explore, or what opinion is the author trying to express? Which details from
the book indicate this to you?

1.1.1 Read: Outside Reading: Introduction 1/3

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3. Describe at least three key events in the book. Why are these events more
important than others? What impact do they have on the story, message, or main
idea of the book?

4. Describe which concepts from the semester show up in the book. For example, if
one of the lessons discusses suspense, what are the suspenseful moments in the
book, if any? If no concepts from the semester show up in the book, explain why you
think this is the case. What aspect of the book makes it so that none of the concepts
from the semester play a role?

1.1.1 Read: Outside Reading: Introduction 2/3

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5. Describe a major difference or similarity between this book and another book you
have read that explores similar ideas, has similar characters, or relates similar events.
Back up your comparison with thoughtful details from each book.

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1.1.1 Read: Outside Reading: Introduction 3/3

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