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Submitted to:

Prof. Anna Vanessa L. Soliven, MAM

Submitted by:

Diocarisa, Jay R S.

Barluado, Reneiel

Japay, Keneth Jay

Palay, Bea Gerricka


December 19, 2023


Super 50 Store is a one-stop-shop in the Philippines that offers a wide range of value items
starting at Php50 each. It is a joint venture between Robinsons Retail and Peso Tree, providing
affordable and quality products to its customers. The store aims to cater to the diverse needs of
its customers by offering a variety of products. These products include tools and home
improvement supplies, which are available
for sale at the Super 50 Store. Customers
can find the best deals and lowest prices
on these items.

Super 50 Store also offers a range of other

products apart from tools and home
improvement supplies. The store provides
a wide selection of value items at an
affordable price point, ensuring that
customers can find something that suits
their needs and budget. The store focuses on offering value for money to its customers. To make
it easier for customers to shop, Super 50 Store provides various options. Additionally, the store
has multiple store locations where customers can visit and explore the range of products
available. Super 50 Store emphasizes the importance of stocking up before items run out,
encouraging customers to be proactive in their shopping. The store understands the value of
customer satisfaction and aims to provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.

Overall, Super 50 Store in the Philippines offers a comprehensive range of products and services
to its customers. From tools and home improvement supplies to a wide selection of value items,
the store ensures that customers can find affordable and quality products to meet their needs and
preferences. With its focus on value and customer satisfaction, Super 50 Store strives to be the
go-to destination for shoppers in the Philippines.


Super 50 is located in the second floor of the Robinson’s Place Palawan near the mall’s rest
room. The store entrance is wide and inviting, with glass doors that allow natural light to
illuminate the space. Upon entering the store, you will see some of their products right away in
their own shelves and. A sequence of shelves facing the entrance and a wall of product displays
laid the layout of the store. Currently the layout of the store is “Grid Store Layout”. Here we laid
out all possible pros and cons of grid store layout for Super 50.


 Allows for maximum use of floor space. With Super 50 not being so large store, grid
layout provides no frill shopping experience for customers and for a one stop shop store,
customers would always want to have all their needs and wants in a store and so having
grid store layout also means that you can have many shelves inside and display many
products as well.
 Easy to navigate and find products. With grid store layout, customers will not have hard
time in finding their needs as there are only left and right side product shelves and power
wall product displays are no longer confusing for customers.


 Can be boring and uninteresting for customers. Having grid layout store for Super 50
might not be clicking for customers, because the layout was already very common and
most stores already utilizing this layout so they probably hit already on some store who
have the same layout as Super 50.
 Does not encourage impulse buying. As grid layout might be boring and uninteresting,
customers might no longer look for some products anymore and just buy what they
intentionally need. Because of this, sale could also be not that high unless proper display
and arrangement of shelves were taken and ensure that products that didn’t caught much
attention of the customers will be displayed beside or near most popular products to
somehow encourage impulse buying.
 Not suitable for small space stores with a wide range of products. For Super 50 who is
also fast clicking one stop shop for customers, having a spacious store is a must
considering that a wide range of products are expected to be seen in the store.
Figure 1. Super 50 current store layout

As we can see in the current store layout of Super 50, they are utilizing “Grid Store
Layout”. Here they use power wall which displays some of their products and grid layout of
shelves to maximize the space and display more products in the shelves. Although this layout
seems to be spacious, a few corrections has to be made. When using grid layout, customers tend
to browse products in between shelves within the grid only, which means that power wall might
not be visible to their eyes. Customers here tend to go straight to the grid presented through
dotted lines. The arrangement of shelves is also very common to customer and may not create a
memorable shopping experience to them, kitchen items are also one of the first few items
customers will see upon entering the store which means that customer would assume that the
other product they are looking for might not be available in the store leading to finding another


As we mentioned, Super 50 isn’t a so large store for a one stop shop store, thus having a compact
shelves and compressed layout will lead to customer bumping each other. Hence, we propose to
opt for having “Loop Store Layout” instead of having grid layout inside the store. This is also
called a forced-path store layout because it takes the grid’s fairly predictable traffic flow a step
further and creates deliberate closed loop that leads customers from the front of the store, past
every bit of merchandise, and then check out. Here we laid out the reasons of proposing this
layout by providing its pros and cons for Super 50 store.


 Maximum product exposure. As customers takes on a forced path layout, every product
would have a chance to be exposed on customer’s eyes increasing the likelihood of these
products to be bought.
 Most predictable traffic pattern. This layout is best for product promotions such as sales
or discounts as this layout ensures that they will be seen considering that customers are
going on a forced path.
 Best for experiential shoppers. As Super 50 is a one stop shop, lots of products can be
seen in the store, most customers like to spend time when buying products, these
shoppers values experience and journey when buying a product. With attractive interior,
Super 50 will definitely benefit from this layout.
 Easy to navigate and understand, especially for new customers. It prevents confusion
about where to go next and helps customers find what they need efficiently.
 Encourages Impulse Buying: By strategically placing items along the loop, retailers can
capitalize on impulse purchases, as customers are more likely to make unplanned buys
when they encounter appealing products during their journey.


 Limited Exploration: Customers may feel restricted as they're guided along a

predetermined path. This layout might deter exploration or browsing in different sections
of the store.
 Congestion Points: During peak times, certain areas of the loop might experience
congestion, especially if there are popular or promotional sections along the path.
Figure 2. Proposed store layout

We proposed for Super 50 to utilize “Loop Store Layout” instead of the current one. This
layout is also called a forced layout or racetrack layout because it forces customers to follow
a certain path and browse products more. Although this might not be appealing to some
customers due to its “customer-controlled effect”, this could still be effective when designed
well. As you can see, for customers to immediately be attracted in the store, clearance items
or products on sale or discounts should be placed in the front of the layout, so that regardless
of customer intentionally going to the store or not they would still enter the store because of
the reduced prices on items. Upon entering, customer will be directed to an array of
kitchenware and an aisle of storage boxes, food containers, and cleaning products all
emphasizes that this section is kitchen related items. Regardless of customer wanting to buy
such or not, customer will be forced to follow the path leading to more product exposure. We
decided to place a grid style shelve placements instead of a long one to create more space for
customers to browse and look thoroughly for the products. As customer follow a certain
path, the end point might be the cashier’s deck which means that customers at this point
possibly carrying the product already on their hands and are ready for checkout.

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