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ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies

The ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies serves as a valuable guide

for nurses, ensuring that they are well-prepared to respond effectively during
disasters. Among these competencies, Crisis Intervention and Psychological Support
stand out as a critical component. Providing psychological support to patients and
families during disasters is not just a professional duty but also a deeply humane act.

In my experience with the student organization and the Red Cross Ozamiz
Chapter, I had the opportunity to witness the profound impact of psychological
support firsthand. Natural disasters can bring about intense emotions like fear,
anxiety, and grief, and people affected by them often feel overwhelmed. During a
hurricane, I encountered a distraught mother who had been separated from her child
in the chaos of evacuation. Her distress was palpable, and she needed immediate
assistance. Applying the principles of Crisis Intervention and Psychological Support, I
was able to provide her with the emotional support she required. My role was not
just about reuniting her with her child but also about offering comfort and
reassurance during a traumatic time. This experience reinforced my belief in the
significance of crisis intervention and psychological support in disaster nursing.

In summary, the ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies equips

nurses with the essential skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively in crisis
situations. While all competencies are vital, Crisis Intervention and Psychological
Support highlight the importance of empathy and compassion in nursing, particularly
when individuals and communities are facing the emotional toll of disasters. It is a
competency that resonates with me deeply and underscores the human connection
at the core of nursing care during times of crisis.

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