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Euphemism with examples

1. Golden years: old age or retirement years. Example: Some rehabilitation programs
Example: During their golden years, they travelled incorporate adventure therapy for holistic
and enjoyed life to the fullest. healing.

2. Differently abled: disabled or people with 13. Revenue enhancement: tax increase or
disabilities. financial measures to boost government
Example: The organization focuses on creating income.
opportunities for differently abled individuals. Example: The government considered revenue
enhancement strategies to address budget deficits.
3. Enhanced interrogation techniques: torture
methods used in interrogation. 14. In a better place: dead or passed away.
Example: Controversy surrounds the use of enhanced Example: She's no longer with us, but we believe
interrogation techniques in some situations. she's in a better place.

4. Cosmetic procedure: plastic surgery or 15. Security personnel: security guards or

cosmetic surgery. security officers.
Example: She underwent a cosmetic procedure to Example: The event was patrolled by a team of
enhance her facial features. dedicated security personnel.

5. Freedom fighter: rebel or insurgent, often 16. Intimate apparel: underwear or lingerie.
used in political contexts. Example: The store specializes in a wide range of
Example: Some see him as a freedom fighter, intimate apparel.
while others view him as a rebel.
17. Budget-friendly: inexpensive or affordable.
6. Economic downturn: economic recession or Example: The restaurant offers delicious meals
economic decline. that are budget-friendly.
Example: The country faced an economic
downturn, affecting businesses and employment. 18. Intellectual property: creations of the mind,
such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks.
7. On the spectrum: autistic or having autism Example: Companies invest in protecting their
spectrum disorder. intellectual property through legal means.
Example: He is on the spectrum and has unique
strengths and challenges. 19. Time management: efficient use of time or
organizing tasks effectively.
8. Family planning: birth control or family size Example: Time management skills are crucial for
management. productivity in the workplace.
Example: Couples often engage in family planning
to decide when to have children. 20. Human resources: personnel or employees.
Example: The human resources department is
9. Special needs: disabilities or individuals with responsible for recruitment and employee relations.
specific requirements.
21. Going to the bathroom: using the toilet or
Example: The school provides support for
going to the restroom.
students with special needs.
Example: Excuse me, I need to go to the
10. Ecologically friendly: environmentally friendly bathroom.
or green.
22. In a meeting: having a discussion or engaged
Example: The company is committed to producing
in a conversation.
ecologically friendly products.
Example: She's in a meeting right now; can I take
11. Ethnic cleansing: genocide or mass a message?
extermination based on ethnicity.
23. Between jobs: unemployed or looking for work.
Example: The international community
Example: Currently, I'm between jobs, exploring
condemned the ethnic cleansing that took place.
new opportunities.
12. Adventure therapy: therapeutic outdoor
24. Pre-owned vehicle: used car.
activities or outdoor experiential therapy.
Example: He decided to purchase a pre-owned 36. Intellectual disabilities: cognitive
vehicle instead of a brand-new one. impairments or learning disabilities.
25. Restroom break: taking a break to use the Example: The school provides support for
bathroom. students with intellectual disabilities.
Example: I'll be back after a quick restroom break. 37. Quality time: meaningful time spent together.
Example: We cherish quality time as a family,
26. Freshen up: refreshing oneself, often involving creating lasting memories.
personal hygiene.
Example: I need a moment to freshen up before 38. Developmentally delayed: behind in
the meeting. developmental milestones.
Example: Early intervention is crucial for children
27. Taking a rain check: postponing plans or who are developmentally delayed.
declining an invitation with the intention to
accept later. 39. Voluntary simplicity: minimalistic lifestyle or
Example: I'm unable to join today, but can I take a simple living by choice.
rain check for next time? Example: She embraced voluntary simplicity,
finding joy in fewer possessions.
28. Passed on: died or deceased.
Example: We were saddened to hear that he 40. Undocumented immigrants: illegal immigrants
passed on last night. or those without legal documentation.
Example: The debate centres around the rights of
29. Alternative facts: falsehoods or misleading undocumented immigrants.
Example: The term 'alternative facts' gained 41. Experience a setback: encounter a failure or
attention in political discourse. obstacle.
Example: The project experienced a setback due
30. In a committed relationship: dating to unforeseen challenges.
exclusively or in a serious romantic
partnership. 42. Economically disadvantaged: financially poor.
Example: They've been in a committed Example: The organization provides support to
relationship for over a year now. economically disadvantaged communities.

31. Life changes: major life events such as 43. Maintenance required: something needs
marriage, divorce, or career shifts. fixing or repair.
Example: I've been going through some Example: The car's dashboard indicated
significant life changes lately. maintenance required for the engine.

32. Resting one's eyes: taking a brief nap or 44. In a challenging situation: facing difficulties.
closing one's eyes to relax. Example: The company found itself in a
Example: I'm just resting my eyes for a moment; challenging situation amidst the economic
I'll be back in a bit. downturn.

33. In recovery: battling addiction or seeking 45. Previously loved: second-hand or used.
treatment for substance abuse. Example: The store sells previously loved items at
Example: After years of struggle, he's currently in affordable prices.
46. Terminal illness: incurable or life-threatening
34. Correctional facility: prison or detention disease.
centre. Example: The patient was diagnosed with a terminal
Example: He spent some time in a correctional illness, and the prognosis was not optimistic.
facility for white-collar crime.
47. At a better place: dead or passed away.
35. Reorganizing: making significant changes or Example: We believe our dear friend is now at a
implementing restructuring. better place, free from pain.
Example: The company is currently reorganizing
48. Intimate ceremony: small or private wedding.
to improve efficiency.
Example: They opted for an intimate ceremony
with close friends and family.
63. Gentleman's club: strip club.
49. Unconventional lifestyle: non-traditional way Example: Some people choose to celebrate events
of living. at a gentleman's club.
Example: The artist embraced an unconventional
lifestyle, challenging societal norms. 64. Comfort women: sex slaves.
Example: The historical records reveal the plight
50. Freedom fighter: rebel or insurgent. of comfort women during wartime.
Example: In the nation's history, he is 65. Vertically challenged: short.
remembered as a freedom fighter who fought for Example: He humorously referred to himself as
independence. vertically challenged.
51. Involuntary celibacy: inability to find a romantic 66. Adult entertainment: pornography.
partner (often associated with an online community). Example: Certain websites offer adult entertainment
Example: Some individuals express frustrations for a mature audience.
about involuntary celibacy in online forums.
67. Differently abled: disabled.
52. Executive decision: authoritative choice made Example: Society should be inclusive and
by a leader. supportive of differently abled individuals.
Example: The CEO made an executive decision to
restructure the company for better efficiency. 68. Domestic engineer: housewife or
53. Let go: fired or dismissed. Example: She proudly embraced her role as a
Example: Due to downsizing, several employees domestic engineer, managing the household.
were let go from the company.
69. Unplanned pregnancy: accidental pregnancy.
54. Senior citizen: elderly person. Example: They faced the challenges of an
Example: The community centre offers programs unplanned pregnancy with resilience.
for senior citizens.
70. Final resting place: grave or cemetery.
55. On the streets: homeless. Example: The cemetery serves as the final resting
Example: After losing his job, he found himself on place for many generations.
the streets for a while.
71. Wardrobe malfunction: clothing failure (often
56. In a family way: pregnant. used to describe accidental exposure).
Example: She's in a family way and expecting a Example: The celebrity experienced a wardrobe
baby in a few months. malfunction during the live broadcast.

57. Ethnic cleansing: genocide. 72. Afterlife: life after death.

Example: The international community condemned Example: Different cultures have varying beliefs
the acts of ethnic cleansing in the region. about the afterlife.

58. Under the weather: sick or ill. 73. Greener pastures: better opportunities elsewhere.
Example: I won't be able to make it to work Example: He decided to explore greener pastures
today; I'm feeling a bit under the weather. and moved to a different city for work.

59. Special needs: disabilities. 74. Visually impaired: blind.

Example: The school provides support for Example: The organization provides support for
students with special needs. visually impaired individuals.

60. Between jobs: unemployed. 75. Physically challenged: disabled.

Example: She's currently between jobs but Example: Accessible facilities are essential for the
actively searching for a new opportunity. comfort of physically challenged individuals.

61. Restroom: bathroom or toilet. 76. Emotionally unavailable: not open to a

Example: Excuse me, where is the restroom? romantic relationship.
Example: She realized he was emotionally
62. Departed: dead. unavailable and not ready for a committed
Example: The departed artist's legacy continues relationship.
to inspire many.
77. Special friend: romantic partner or significant 88. Alternative facts: false information or
friend. misleading statements.
Example: She introduced him as her special friend Example: The politician presented alternative
at the family gathering. facts, causing controversy and scepticism.
78. Alternative lifestyle: non-traditional lifestyle 89. Advanced in years: old or elderly.
choices. Example: The gentleman was advanced in years
Example: Some people embrace alternative but full of wisdom.
lifestyles that differ from societal norms.
79. Mature content: explicit or adult content. 90. Social lubricant: alcohol or drinks.
Example: Viewers are advised of mature content Example: Some consider wine to be a social
in the film due to explicit scenes. lubricant at gatherings.
91. Financially challenged: poor or financially
80. Selective memory: forgetfulness or choosing struggling.
to forget certain details. Example: During tough times, they found
Example: Some politicians seem to have a themselves financially challenged.
selective memory when questioned about
controversial decisions. 92. Vertical integration: owning the entire supply
chain or control over all stages of production.
81. Health challenge: health problem or medical Example: The company achieved success through
condition. vertical integration.
Example: She faced a health challenge but
approached it with a positive mindset. 93. Strategic disinvestment: selling off assets or
divestment for strategic reasons.
82. Fluid situation: chaotic or uncertain circumstances. Example: The organization considered strategic
Example: The political landscape is in a fluid disinvestment to focus on core operations.
situation, with unexpected developments.
94. Asset reallocation: moving resources around
83. Personal growth journey: learning from or adjusting investment portfolios.
mistakes or self-improvement process. Example: During economic shifts, asset
Example: After the setback, he embarked on a reallocation becomes crucial.
personal growth journey to become a better person.
95. Environmental correction: cleanup or
84. Experienced a setback: failure or
environmental restoration.
unfavourable outcome.
Example: The project focused on an
Example: The project experienced a setback, but
environmental correction of the polluted site.
we're determined to overcome the challenges.
96. Physically gifted: athletic or naturally
85. Unplanned sabbatical: job loss or
talented in sports.
unexpected break from employment.
Example: He's not just tall; he's physically gifted
Example: After the company downsized, many
and excels in basketball.
employees found themselves on an unplanned
sabbatical. 97. Fiscally responsible: careful with money or
86. Golden handshake: generous severance financially prudent.
package or financial compensation upon Example: She's fiscally responsible, always
leaving a job. budgeting wisely.
Example: She accepted the golden handshake and 98. Culinary artist: chef or expert in the culinary
used the funds to start her own business. arts.
87. Creative accounting: manipulating financial Example: The restaurant hired a renowned
records or accounting practices to present a culinary artist to elevate their menu.
favourable image. 99. Knowledge commerce: selling knowledge or
Example: Some companies engage in creative monetizing expertise.
accounting to enhance their financial Example: Online courses have become a platform
appearance. for knowledge commerce.
100. Nature's call: needing to use the restroom Example: I found a beautiful pre-loved dress at
or answering the call of nature. the thrift store.
Example: Excuse me; nature's calling; I'll be right
113. Wellness check: a medical check-up or
health examination.
101. Personal branding: self-promotion or Example: I scheduled a wellness check with my
building a personal image. doctor.
Example: In the age of social media, personal
114. Cash flow issue: financial problems or
branding is essential for professionals.
temporary financial challenges.
102. Selective hiring: being choosy in hiring or Example: The business is facing a cash flow issue,
meticulous recruitment. but we're working on it.
Example: The company practices selective hiring 115. Happy accident: unexpected positive
to ensure a skilled workforce. outcome or fortunate mistake.
103. Body contouring: plastic surgery or Example: The discovery of penicillin was a happy accident.
cosmetic procedures. 116. Second childhood: old age or a stage of life
Example: Some individuals opt for body resembling childhood.
contouring to enhance their physical appearance. Example: In his second childhood, he enjoyed
playing with grandchildren.
104. Sustainable indulgence: guilt-free treats or
environmentally friendly luxuries. 117. Visual aid: a picture or diagram used in
Example: They enjoyed a weekend of sustainable presentations or supporting visuals.
indulgence, supporting eco-friendly brands. Example: I'll use a visual aid to explain the
concept during the talk.
105. Senior moment: a brief lapse of memory,
often associated with aging. 118. Freedom fighter: rebel or one who fights
Example: I had a senior moment and forgot against authority.
where I put my keys. Example: She was considered a freedom fighter
for advocating change.
106. Golden years: retirement years or the
period of life after retirement. 119. Maintenance break: temporary closure for
Example: During their golden years, they travelled repairs or scheduled maintenance.
and enjoyed life. Example: The website is undergoing a
maintenance break for updates.
107. Misspoke: made a mistake in speaking or
said something incorrectly. 120. Freshen up: refresh oneself or quick
Example: I might have misspoken about the meeting time. personal grooming.
Example: I'll take a moment to freshen up before
108. Economical with the truth: not telling the
the meeting.
whole truth or being less than fully honest.
Example: Politicians sometimes tend to be 121. Challenging behaviour: difficult behaviour
economical with the truth. or behaviour that requires attention.
Example: The teacher addressed challenging
109. Passed away: died or no longer alive.
behaviour in the classroom.
Example: Our beloved pet passed away peacefully
last night. 122. Warm beverage: hot drink or a drink served
at a warm temperature.
110. Brainstorming session: a meeting to
Example: I enjoy a warm beverage in the evening,
generate ideas or creative collaboration.
like herbal tea.
Example: Let's have a brainstorming session to
come up with new concepts. 123. Home office: working from home or remote
111. Time out: a break from an activity or a work setup.
moment to pause. Example: My home office is where I handle most
Example: Children sometimes need a time out to of my work tasks.
calm down. 124. Cozy gathering: small social gathering or
112. Pre-loved: second-hand or previously owned. intimate get-together.
Example: Let's have a cozy gathering with friends
this weekend. 126. Conversation starter: interesting topic or
something that initiates discussion.
125. Treasure trove: collection or a valuable Example: The painting on the wall serves as a
assortment of items. great conversation starter.
Example: Her attic is a treasure trove of vintage
clothing and accessories.

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