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January 1980

36 The Journal o f P E D I A T R I C S

Low-dose insulin infusion in the treatment of

diabetic ketoacidosis: Bolus versus no bolus

The effects of an initial iv bolus of insulin upon plasma glucose, blood gases, and electrolytes were
assessed in 19 children with 20 episodes o f diabetic ketoacidosis treated by a continuous low-dose insulin
infusion of O.1 unit/kg/hour. An iv bolus of insulin administered prior to low-dose insulin infusion
accelerated the decline o f plasma glucose concentration during the first hour of treatment, but differences
in decline of mean plasma glucose concentration were not apparent thereafter. The mean time required
for attaining "'normoglycemia'" (250 mg/dl) was similar, whether or not the initial bolus o f insulin was
given, with a smooth and predictable correction o f initial hyperglycemia in the majority o f children.
However, an accelerated response was more frequent in those patients with compensated metabolic
acidosis, who received an initial iv bolus o f insulin; those with more severe metabolic acidosis took longer
to recover. The data suggest that an initial iv bolus of insulin may not be required nor desirable in the
majority of children with diabetic ketoacidosis treated by a standard low-dose insulin infusion regimen.

Pavel Fort, M.D.,* Manhasset, N. Y., Stephen M. Waters,

Hanover, N. H., and Fima Lifshitz, M.D., New York, N. Y.

THE ADVANTAGE of low-dose insulin infusion over treatment without an initial iv bolus of insulin is the
other classical approaches of intermittent insulin adminis- appropriate therapeutic approach for the majority of
tration in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis has been children with DKA. The initial bolus of insulin may not
clearly established? -7 In most instances, low-dose insulin be desirable nor required.
infusion treatment utilizes a dose of insulin of 0.1 unit/
kg/hour, preceded by an iv bolus of regular insulin in the PATIENT POPULATION
same dose. 3-8 Such a regimen has been successful in the Nineteen children with 20 episodes of DKA were
correction of hyperglycemia and in improving ketoacido- studied in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at North
sis, although at times an increased dosage of insulin may Shore University Hospital between July, 1977, and May,
be required."
Exogenous insulin has a half-life of approximately 3.5 Abbreviations used
DKA: diabetic keto-acidosis
to 4.t minutes, and in most biologic systems an equili-
iv: intravenous
brium level in serum is reached within five half-lives.TM
Thus it would appear that the initial iv bolus of insulin 1978. On admission, all of these patients had hypergly-
might not be necessary prior to low-dose insulin infusion cemia (plasma glucose more than 250 mg/dl), ketonemia
treatment of patients with DKA. In order to evaluate the (positive ketones at more than 1:4 dilution), and a
effects of the initial bolus of insulin upon plasma glucose low-plasma bicarbonate level (equal to or less than 17
concentration, 19 children with 20 episodes of DKA were mEq/1). Six children had compensated metabolic acidosis
studied. Our data suggest that low-dose insulin infusion (blood pH -->_7.35). The serum osmolality ranged between
305 and 346 mOsm/1, with mean _+ SD 320 _+ 15. The
majority of patients were adolescents between 10 and 15
From the Department o f Pediatrics, North Shore
years of age (mean age _+ SD 10 6/12 ___ 5 ~ None of the
University Hospital, and Department of Pediatrics,
Cornell University Medical College. children was obese; their body weights were within 15%
*Reprint address: Department of Pediatrics, North Shore for corresponding heights. Nine children were newly
University Hospital, Manhasset, N Y 11030. diagnosed to have diabetes; in these as well as in the

Vol. 96, No. 1, pp. 36-40 0022-3476/80/010036+05500.50/0 9 1980 The C. V. Mosby Co.
Volume 96 Low-dose insulin infusion in diabetic ketoacidosis 37
Number 1

majority of the other patients studied, it was the only Data:rnean-+SD

episode of DKA experienced. In most instances a viral [~ BOLUS
infection was the precipitating cause of DKA. In six
children a severe emotional stress was believed to have
been the precipitiating factor. Two children were over- ( :numberof patients l .5
treated with insulin prior to development of ketoacidosis;

in four patients, the cause of DKA could not be deter-
300F ~ 1 HOUR
2~ I- k~ ~ 1,0Kt
The patients were divided into two groups: bolus group N 0--
I3) 14) (3) (4)
and no bolus group. A scientific procedure for grouping
the subjects was not used. Clinical criteria, including o
severity of the disease, vital signs, state of consciousness,
and degree of dehydration arbitrarily influenced the 2-5HOURS ~1.0
decision about the type of treatment given. Initially, we
did not feel justified in withholding the insulin bolus in
<~ 100~-
the patients with marked hyperglycemia and pronounced
metabolic acidosis. However, with experience, even
0~ (10) (9) rio) (9)
patients with marked biochemical derangements were
Fig. 1. Hourly decline of plasma glucose concentration and Kt
treated by low-dose insulin infusion only. Ten children in ratios in diabetic juveniles with ketoacidosis during low-dose
the bolus group received an initial iv bolus of insulin at a insulin infusion. The two to five-hour data are combined, since
dose of 0.1 unit/kg of body weight prior to low-dose there were no differences in hourly responses. The differences in
insulin infusion. The other nine patients were treated with plasma glucose decline during the first hour of insulin therapy
was significant (P ,< 0.05 by one-sided t test).
low-dose insulin infusion only (one patient in this group
had two episodes of DKA). Low-dose insulin infusion was
administered to both groups in a dose of 0.1 unit/kg body graphic rhythm strips. The calculated potassium deficien-
weight/hour via an independent iv line by Holter pump at cy was corrected slowly over 24 to 48 hours.
predetermined, steady rates. Normal serum albumin 25% Correction of acidosis to a blood pH of no more than
(0.1 ml/50 ml of isotonic saline) was added to the insulin 7.15 with sodium bicarbonate was undertaken only when
solution. In all instances insulin infusion was continued as blood pH was less than 7.1 During tow-dose insulin
long as plasma glucose concentration remained above the infusion treatment, blood samples for plasma glucose,
250 mg/dl level. In three children, who were less than 4 electrolytes, serum osmolality, arid blood gases were
years of age, only half of the above dose of insulin was drawn at frequent intervals, usually every one to two
used, because of a possibility of increased insulin sensitiv- hours throughout treatment. Standard methods were used
ity in young children. These three patients were all in the for laboratory determinations of plasma glucose, I1 blood
bolus group. gases, ~ electrolytes, 1:' and serum osmolality.TM Disappeai-
Both bolus and no bolus patients received standard ance rates of plasma glucose were calculated and
fluid and electrolyte therapy: the initial hydration expressed as Kt ratios? ~ The data were analyzed statisti-
consisted of 20 ml of 0.9% saline/kg of body weight cally. 1~
administered over one to two hours (other plasma volume
expanders were not used). Afterward, the iv fluids were
changed to 0.3 or 0.45% saline, depending on serum The initial iv bolus of insulin given prior to low-dose
osmolality and calculated losses of electrolytes. Half of the insulin infusion accelerated the decline of plasma glucose
water and electrolyte deficit was replaced in the first eight during the first hour of treatment (Fig. 1). The mean
hours, with the second half given over the next 16 hours. decrease in plasma glucose concentrations was approxi-
In five patients in whom the serum osmolality was above mately twofold faster during the first hour of therapy
325 mOsm/1, the replacement of calculated losses was when an initial iv bolus of insulin was administered, as
spread over 48 hours. Potassium phosphate was given compared with that in children who were treated with
once diuresis was assured, usually in a dose of 40 mEq/1 low-dose insulin infusion only. Similar differences were
of fluids; the dose was adjusted according to the serum observed in the rate of glucose disappearance from
concentration of potassium and frequent electrocardio- plasma, calculated and expressed as Kt ratios, in the two
38 Fort, Waters, and Liftshitz The Journal of Pediatrics
January 1980

I000 -
D BOLUS BOLUS had similar Kt ratios as those with the initial plasma
glucose less than 600 mg/dl.
Individtfal patients in both groups did not respond to
500- low-dose insulin infusion a s predictably as described
above (Fig. 2). Two patients of the bolus group had
compensated metabolic acidosis, and after receiving the
initial bolus of insulin had a drop of their plasma glucose
E concentration from 736 to 326 mg/dl and from 468 to 66
mg/dl, respectively, within 90 minutes of treatment, and
U II, , , L . . . . I .... exhibited glucopenic-like symptoms. On the other hand,
3 looo one child in the same group required an additional iv
< N o BOLUS bolus of insulin at three hours, since her plasma glucose
value had not changed significantly. Another patient in
< 500 the bolus group needed the insulin infusion for more than
ten hours before her plasma glucose concentration
reached 250 mg/dl level. Similarly, in the no bolus group
of patients, a bolus of insulin was required in one patient
as his plasma glucose concentration had not declined
significantly during the first two and one-half hours of
treatment. In the no bolus group there was also one
100 ' ' patient with uncompensated metabolic acidosis, in whom
0 5 10
plasma glucose concentration dropped from 625 to 317
mg/dl in the first hour of treatment, though there were no
Fig. 2. The response of plasma glucose levels to insulin infusion symptoms.
in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis. Each line represents a
single patient. The degree of metabolic acidosis seemed to influence
the response to low-dose insulin infusion treatment (Fig.
3). The mean time required for correction of hypergly-
groups during the first hour of treatment with low-dose cemia was significantly shorter (P < 0.05) in those
insulin infusion. However, after the first hour of therapy, patients in the bolus group whose metabolic acidosis was
the differences in mean plasma glucose concentration as compensated (blood pH _-->7.35). Similarly, the mean
well as the Kt ratios between bolus and no bolus patients plasma glucose decline per hour was almost twofold faster
were not observed. Statistical analysis of plasma glucose in these subjects. On the other hand, in the no bolus group
levels at hourly intervals between bolus and no bolus there were no differences in duration of insulin treatment
children showed no significant differences at two to five as well as in plasma glucose decline in relation to blood
hours after treatment was begun. The data suggest that pH levels. No insulin resistance was encountered in any of
the effects of the initial iv bolus of insulin upon plasma the patients of either group. However, there were two
glucose drop and Kt ratios were rapidly lost. subjects (one in each group described above), who
The low-dose insulin infusion treatment corrected the required an extra bolus of insulin. Severe acidosis
initial hyperglycemia of DKA smoothly and predictably influenced the response to low-dose insulin infusion
in the majority of the patients in both groups. The mean therapy, although it was rapidly corrected with bicarbon-
plasma glucose concentration prior to initiation of insulin ate therapy. The sicker patients took longer to recover,
and fluid therapy in bolus subjects was 688 _+ 152 and in regardless of the initial bolus of insulin. Those patients
no bolus children 534 _+ 192 mg/dl (_+SD); these differ- with moderate-to-severe metabolic acidosis required five
ences were not statistically significant. The mean time to six hours of insulin infusion to achieve "norm0glycem-
required for achieving "normoglycemia" (250 mg/dl or ia," whereas children with only mild or compensated
less) was similar in both groups of patients: 5.5 • 3.2 acidosis responded more quickly to insulin administra-
hours in bolus and 4.8 + 3.1 hours (_+SD) in n o bolus tion.
group of children. Disappearance rates of plasma glucose The differences in mean initial blood pH and plasma
(Kt) in relation to the initial plasma glucose level in both electrolyte and bicarbonate levels between the two groups
bolus and no bolus groups were statistically not signifi- of patients were not statistically significant, before or after
cant. Patients with initial hyperglycemia over 600 mg/dl therapy. The correction of ketoacidosis with low-dose
Volume 96 Low-dose insulin infusion in diabetic ketoacidosis 39
Number 1

"~ : p<0.05

4507 9.5 ^


8 V
[31 (7) (7) (3) ~- [3) (7) (7) (3)
Fig. 3. The effect of ketoacidosis on plasma glucose decline and duration of low-dose insulin infusion treatment. Two
groups of patients were considered: those with compensated (blood pH ~ 7.35) versus those with uncompensated
ketoacidosis (blood pH < 7.35). The mean time required for correction of hyperglycemia was significantly shorter in
patients with compensated metabolic acidosis in the bolus group. However, in the no bolus group there were no
differences in duration of insulin treatment in relation to blood pH levels.

insulin infusion treatment was similar in both groups of rapid, although transient, drop in plasma glucose. A
patients, whether or not the initial bolus of insulin was precipitous drop in plasma glucose concentration follow-
given. Similarly, no statistically s i g n i f i c a n t differences ing the iv load of insulin was only observed in those
occurred in plasma sodium and potassium values between patients whose acidosis was compensated.
the two groups of children, both prior to and during One of the most important advantages of low-dose
treatment with low-dose insulin infusion. insulin infusion therapy of D K A is the slow and predict-
able drop in plasma glucose. This has resulted in general
DISCUSSION acceptance of this therapeutic approach. 3..... ~ However,
Our data suggest that an iv bolus of insulin given prior the marked individual variation in response to low-dose
to low-dose insulin infusion treatment of DKA signifi- insulin infusion therapy necessitates careful follow-up of
cantly lowers plasma glucose concentration in the first the patient and frequent determinations of plasma
hour of treatment. However, after the first hour no effects glucose levels. AIthough there are no accepted criteria for
attributable to a loading dose of insulin were observed. the optimum rate of plasma glucose decline during the
The overall time required for attaining "normoglycemia" treatment of DKA, most investigators agree that a great
was similar whether or not the initial bolus was given, and deal of caution should be exercised when correcting the
resembled that reported by others, 3 In addition, ketoaci- hyperglycemia. A rapidly lowered plasma glucose may
dosis improved steadily in most patients regardless of the result in osmotic disequilibrium, 17 and a slow response
administration of the initial bolus of insulin: Therefore, it may require an additional dose of insulin. An accelerated
could be presumed that the majority of patients with decline in plasma glucose during low-dose insulin infu-
DKA would benefit from low-dose insulin infusion alone sion therapy could be enhanced by rapidly administered
without an initial bolus? Furthermore, in certain patients, large volumes of iv fluid in order to combat dehydration,
the loading dose of insulin could be harmful because of a as well as by "mobilization" of previously given insulin in
40 Fort, Waters, and Liftshitz The Journal of Pediatrics
January 1980

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