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Summative Evaluation, Unit IV ________________________________

The 11th B grade

A. Read the text and do the tasks associated with it.

One winter evening a country shopkeeper was about to close his shop for the night. He
went out to shut the windows from outside and through the glass he noticed a man in the
shop quickly take a pound of fresh butter and hide it in his hat. „What fun I’ll have,” the
shopkeeper said to himself as he thought of a way to punish the man for stealing. Seth
already had his hand on the door, ready to leave the shop as quickly as possible. „I
say,Seth,”sit down. On such a cold night as this, it is very pleasant to sit in a warm room.”
Seth didn’t know what to do. He had the butter in his hat, and he wanted to get out of the
shop at once. But the shopkeeper took Seth by the shoulder and made him sit close to the
stove in a corner among the boxes and barrels. "We’ll make it a little warmer, Seth,”he said
as he opened the stove door and put a number of sticks inside.”If you are not warm enough
you’ll freeze when you go out on a night like this”. Seth already felt the butter melting, and
he jumped up and said he must go. "Not till you are quite warm, Seth. I’ll tell you a story,”
said the shopkeeper as he made Seth sit down again. "Oh, it’s so hot here,” said Seth. "Sit
down, don’t be in such a hurry.’ "But I must go . My cows ... they’re hungry. I must go and
feed them”. "Don’t hurry, Seth, let the cows take care of themselves”. Poor Seth,he didn’t
know what to do. The butter began to melt and came pouring from under his hat down into
his eyes and mouth. The shopkeeper was talking as if nothing was the matter and continued
to put sticks into the stove."Fine night this,” he said. "Seth, why don’t you take your hat
off ? You seem to be warm. Let me put your hat over here.” No!” cried poor Seth at last.
"No! I must go! Let me go out. I’m not well. Let me go!” The butter was now pouring down
the poor man’s face and neck and even down his body into his boots, so that he was in a
perfect bath of oil. "Well, good night, Seth,” said the shopkeeper smiling, "if you really
want to go.”Th en he added, as Seth started out of the door. "I say, Seth. I think the fun I
have had of you is worth nine pence so I shan’t charge you for that pound of butter in your

Fulfill the following tasks.

1.According to the text,life is about: 1p a.generosity b.compassion c.friendship

2.Find in the text : 3p

a. the antonym of ‘stale’-

b. the synonym for ‘to close’-

c. the synonym for ‘to require’-

3.Form. 4p
a. a noun formed from the adjective ‘warm’-

b. an adjective formed from the verb ‘to hide’-

c. a verb formed from the noun ‘pleasure’-

d. an adverb formed from the verb ‘to hurry’-

4.Are the following statements from the text true(T) or False(F).Justify your choice. 2p
a. On such a cold night as this, it is very pleasant to sit in a warm room. T F


b. The butter began to melt and came pouring from under his hat down into his eyes and mouth. T F


5.In your words,identify the main idea of the text.5p


1. Fill in with the correct pronouns.10p

A.She's angry with ….... for making such a mistake. B…….. say that number thirteen is unlucky.

C.Everyone is expected to do …... best. D.If we could only see .…… as others see us.

E.My aunt will visit ……. soon . F. Neither of the boys has done …... homework.

G. …... is quite pleasant to spend a day in the forest. H.Can you tell me …... house is theirs?

I.The dog, …... master is my cousin, is very friendly. J.Every nation has .. own special problems.

2.Choose the best variant. 5p

1. We stayed at home ... of the rain. 4. Prepare for your career now. ... it will be too late.
• till • because • therefore • instead • otherwise • anyhow
2. ... speaking, we enjoyed ourselves greatly. 5. I ... saw her at the exhibition.
• however, • finally • generally • firstly • last • before
3. You may sleep ... you wish. 6. She will help us ... busy she is.
• so long as • as soon as • as long as • nevertheless • though • however

3.Open the parentheses using the correct Conditional.10p

1) We (go) ___________for a walk if it were not raining.
2) What would you have answered if you (ask) ____________this question?
3) I wouldn’t trouble him if I (know) ____________he was so busy.
4) If they ask us to make a choice, we (not hesitate)____________.
5) If she (not lend) ____________us a hand, we wouldn’t manage to cope with the task.
C. In about 120 words write a personal reflection about an event in our society you have recently witnessed or read about. 30p


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