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◼ It has a reason
◼ It is telling me something
◼ I need to be honest and seek
the reason
Common reasons
◼ Am no sure what to do! (seek guidance)
◼ Vague idea what to do (seek clarity)
◼ Don’t want to do (find out the resistance)
◼ Don’t know How to do (seek the skill)
Change it, like any other thing
in your life…
◼ In all cases the will needs to be changed
to focus on what is needed
◼ Make the commitment
◼ Then give the mind the message
◼ The body will automatically prepare
◼ Then start doing it…once…twice… soon a
new habit formed!.
◼ All this takes some time, but commitment is
key! Just come back to track, if you fall
◼ It is not a mystery, it is not about sub-
conscious, it is not out of reach.
“Laziness brings no
happiness, it only ends in
forced work”

80/20 Rule: 80% of
productivity, comes from only
20% of the things we do.
Focus on the important
Ask: what is my purpose here?
How to use this day to come closer to it?
Which are you? How can you

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