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LECTIONS FROM CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FOUNDING OF THE IEORY OF TRANSFINITE NUMBERS (First ARTICLE) on fg eer inl treba ad arbi mr, ed raga sib fies a pine maura pro expinar tdi. pu qu au ne tn, lcd extabae longi diligent.” $1 THE CONCEPTION OF POWER OR CARDINAL NUMBER gate” (Menge) we are to understand any collection into a whole (Zasam- ng 2u cinem Ganzen) M of definite and separate objects m of our intuition jought. These objects are called the “elements” of M. signs we express this thus M= (mt) 0) © denote the uniting of many aggregates M,N, P.. which have no com- ents, into a single aggregate by (MLN...) @ 1s of this aggregate are, therefore, the elements of M, of Ny of Py.» ‘will call by the name “part” or “partial aggregate” of an aggregate M any agate M, whose elements are aso elements of M. iis a part of M, and M, is a part of M, then M, is a part of M. aggregate M has a definite “power,” which we will also call its “cardinal will call by the name “power” or “cardinal number” of M the general con- ich, by means of out active faculty of thought, arises ftom the aggregate M ake abstraction of the nature of its various elements m and of the order they are given. om

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