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The planning:



The Story:
Chapter 1:
In USA, California lives a man named Daniel. He has a PHD in math and logic.
He teaches math in the “UNIVERSITY OF LOGICS AND ARITHMATICS”. He has
a friend named “Charles”. Charles has a PHD in physics and robotics. He is a
professional Robot engineer but as a side hobby he is also an inventor.
Daniel was having a perfect day at his university and suddenly he got a call.
When he checked it was Charles call. Charles urgently asked Daniel to come
to his lab but when Daniel asked why, Charles just replied that it’s a surprise.

Chapter 2:
The Surprise
After reaching Charles home he went through all the advanced security
systems that Charles had because of course he was an expert in technology
and could build it easily. After going inside the lab, he saw Charles standing
next to what seemed to be a mega large portal like thing. I tried to ask him
what was that thing but he started talking and said, “This is my newest
invention, a time machine. This machine can take you to any time in the past
but it can’t take you to any time in the future. You can come back to 2022 if
you went to the pas but not further than that. Also, this can be controlled by
this remote.” Daniel could not believe his friend and told him to stop joking
but turned out he wasn’t joking it was real, the machine was real and it
worked. Charles then asked him to come with him to the time of dinosaurs if
he doesn't believe that the machine actually work. But before going inside
that portal thing he warned Daniel to be careful as the landing can be really

Chapter 3:
The Problem
They went through the portal and had a really bumpy landing. When finally,
Daniel believed him Charles took out the remote to go back to their time but
it was damaged due to the landing. Daniel saw the look on Charles face and
realized something was wrong but then when he saw the broken remote, he
almost fell unconscious. After some struggles when Daniel came to is senses
Charles explained him that he already had thought of this so he installed a
fail safe at the time of dinosaurs so I could be able to find it and get back
safely. He took out his map on which the coordinate was written of the
failsafe but it was tore into pieces too.

The Survival
They had to find it manually. They both came to a conclusion that they
should first find shelter and food. Because they didn’t have any tools, they
made them by using the wood from the trees and rocks. While they were
peacefully finding the food and shelter, Daniel got an addition to his
troubles, a dinosaur came in front of him and started roaring on him like It
was going to eat him alive. Thankfully Charles heard the roars and came to
help him. When he was small, he was really interested in dinosaurs and
learned so much about them so he recognized the dinosaur to be the
friendly dinosaur “Lesothosaurus”. Because these dinosaurs were friendly
Charles was able to save Daniel but if not for Charles, Daniel would have
been eaten alive.

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