TVA BOK 0038384 TVA BOK 0038384 Jaipur Architectural 1912

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JAIPUR PORTFOLIO or ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS. ParRT XI—CHATRIS AND DOMED ROOFS. $eoued under the patron ‘bis thighness Mabaraja Sawai Madhu Sin, Jaipiie. ) eMrTED PREFACE. “ ETHER successful or not, it sms well worth while that an attempt should be made to interest the Public in Indian Architectural art; fst, beause the artist and architect will certainly aquire broader and more varied views of ther att hy its study, than they can acquire from any other source, More than this, any one who masters the subject sufiently to be able to understand their at in its best and highest forms, will rise from the study, with a kindlir fcling towards the mations of India, and a higher—serssinly corrster—appreiation of their social status than could be obtained from their literature, or from anything that row exists in their anomalous social and politcal postion.” (Fergusson's History of Indian and Eastern Architecture, pretae “The natives of India long ago found out that it fs not temples and palaces alone that ae capable of ‘omamental treatment, but that everything which man makes, may become beautiful provide the hand of tate be {oiled by sound jadgment, and that the architec never forgets what the object i, and never conozals the onstructve exgenses ofthe building itself, ts simply this inherent taste and love of beauty, which the natives Seem aivays to have possessed which enables any one to work suczsflly in any age and ander any conditions (Bexgusson, p. 487) Photography has done mach to make ws acquainted with the general charter ofthe magnificent buillings which are to be found in many parts of India, and the Archzologcal Department has done much in preparing plans of ancient buildings and in producing plates for achacloical purposes, but fw attempts have yet been Inde to produce archteetural details in such a shape as would be easily accessible and of practi use 0 the architet and the artisan All ovho take an interest in architectre must regret the poverty in design, especially im details which as rule characterises modern buildings in this country. Standard plans are too often produced, and buildings are rected, by those who have no sympathy with Oriental architectae, and have never made any altempt 19 take [Acvantage ofthe architectural wealth and beausifal ecamples everywhere around ws Fw men nn suave he ine or he oppor, to me esons facie di, or ily tat many opie wil cat of ecg buns so grand as ate met with a Ababa, Daa or Agra sill there B no reason why the deals which erenywbere met the ej, 2 ll of vigor, s0 frac ans sabe should ot te made tse of moter tangs Why shuld weaedsh pl, for ‘Erinn be prinout of doors and windows? or openings nich ae exposed to a Indan sn and ¥0 moaicon tan be without any tempt wo protec them? and ye how oe co ees crvos of tis sor tis not pretended that the collection known as the Jaipur Porflio, of which this forms Vol. XI, is anything like exhaustive. ‘The drawings have all boen carefully Gone and have been arranged in pars—each sheet ose thatthe different examples may be compared and selections readily made. Many of the details are on a large scale to serve as working drawings forthe architect and artizan . “The lads who have been employed in preparing the drawings are all natives of Jaipur. Lala Ram Bux, to-whom it was stated in the previous Portiolios ereit is due for the assistance he gave in the preparation of the first ten volumes, ied about eight years ago, Lala Skunker Lall head draftsman, has suceeded him and deserves ‘edit. These men have gained much by the examples they have drawn, “The liberality of His Highness Maharaja Sawai Madho Singh of Jaipur has enablod these Portfolios to be published —act with any expectation of remuneration, but withthe hope thatthe drawings may help those who zmay be called upon to design buildings in te future, andewho wish to profit hy the past. Te drings marked * nthe dex have been coped rom ple records those marked + are fom sexgns peared In StS. Jao oft ugar thee rine herein the hope hat they maybe seal a, caer Tine ter dravings are fom achal meurenent of te original baldags. Volumes of examples Sgn be coed rom lps of Ind if one gly hi ine and opportunity to take up the subjee." Tas fs ee acon any 90 means complet ora pve 8 8 might De Bot nay perhaps be found ca = S. S. JACOB, Jas, Mate, 19. Saipur Portfolio of Architectural Details. Fie Pe Fen Fea Fares Figs. Fig res, PART XL CONTENTS. oer: Ch Grief Se Gh grt, Tepe of Jagat Si ‘ns Bee ar mBncukeecer pat: Me] * Chase traces Gate, Jaan Choe; |” FPWR EAS & 33 Figs ta 3 Pied seca ME SM soe mp etoe clad NSE a i rte soe ee | ae a et ee a rte coangrasteem mStar ce er gts soar gin lean es] enn meine tm | 8 Fone nnn hs S| = 92 Ret cing Bite Sh | Pe hat gs cas nw Maio an ae Cat ante aed oe auger | 1 84 PhO othe Nr Ta a Ris a Set Fun 1 Bika Te Singh; Bh, *, x Paul St TL ree a aj Pas Eavnion Soe aod |= at Te set Pip " ast Fie 6 Me NaS Pen Beeld St ae CHATRIS axp DOMED ROOFS. Jos ie a Cen PES Bit Cas tea Ma a Madore, Pa + Oo Sie Pa, Sein ad lair Se Aor Set Pa He Hes Camp fam Chan 5 Mosque of Bint Achat Keli; Pla, Slat ae bl ages egy es ni Pa Design ere rm Comp over stati; Bert ‘Ag Dig or Canoe “Bae seth om ee cers Mercer Daigo a enor rome oF Reg gt aout Amp ot Re toc t Mevoral Area ot Reming Eatin ‘Quota: Dein Ssademe Meno Hal Fa cicceaater dea JnipuR PORTFOLIO. OF TARCHITESTURAL DETAIL. [ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS [AvuaibuR PORTFOLIO OF ypu PoRTroUO oF 7 ivan rosrFouo oF ARCMITECTURAL DETAILS JAIPUR PORTFOLIO. OF ‘ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS sipin PORTFOLIO oF F “ARCHITECTURAL SETAILS ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS "ARCHITECTURAL: JAIPUR: PORTFOLIO. OF ‘ARCHITECTURAL, DETAILS IAUR PORTFOLIO OF "ARCHITECTURAL, DETAILS: JAIPUR PORTFOLIO OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS. JAIPUR PORTFOLIO. OF TARCHITESTURAL DETAILS. ee LINIPUR PORTFOLIO. OF ARCHITECTURAL, OETAILS JAIPUR PORTFOLIO. OF [ARCHITECTURAL OETAILS JAIPUR PORTFOLIO. OF INPUR PORTFOLIO oF [ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS. 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