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Comparison of research paper and article

The article “How Office Ergonomics Can Create an Awesome Working Environment” on the
blog page of ‘Harmonize’ , a chat-based HR system, talks about the importance of ergonomics
in the working environment in office.
It starts of by explaining what ergonomics is and the three areas under ergonomics which are
crucial for enhancing work environments. The article has a decided flow and explains the topic
in a macro to micro method. The three broader divisions, physical, cognitive and
organizational ergonomics are explained in brief followed by benefits of ergonomics. The
notion that “ergonomics is more than just the type of chair you have,” is supported by a
checklist and the article is thus concluded.
The conference paper “Ergonomics in the Office Environment: A Review” from the
proceedings of international conference on energy and environment (March 19-21, 2009),
talks about the topic of work environment in much more detail. All topics and subtopics under
office ergonomics are discussed in thorough (Theroux) detail.
The language of both the article and the paper is easy to understand, but the article uses a
informal language as opposed to the paper’s formal one. The article is written in a concise
manner, just outlining the gist of ergonomics in work environment. This makes the article
suitable for a wider audience. The conference paper is targeted at a specific audience
interested in an in-depth study of ergonomics. The paper thus goes so far as to discuss the
minor details in the work place which affect the posture and indirectly, the work environment.
It talks about the position of furniture, shape and size of chairs, sound level, light, and even
the standards prescribed for the anthropometric design of any workstation.
Both the article and conference paper are supported by photos. Neither of the two relies fully
on photos to convey the information but while the photos used in the article just point out
the important distances to be considered while designing, the photo at the end of the paper
shows the ideal working position.
Both the writings end with a conclusion, the one in the paper more elaborate than that of the
article. The article provides no citations or references. The conference paper includes an
abstract, body, and appendix to support its argument. Although both writings seem to be
structured, the conference paper is a rather formal rendition of the said structuredness.

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