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Nama : Dini Ayomi

RahmadanNIM :


Prodi : D-3 Keperawatan

Good afternoon, everybody My name’s Galih I’am a head of nurse in London Hospital.

The title of my presentation is Hypertensi. We are here today to learn about hypertensi. I shall only
take 15 minute of your time. I have divide my talk into 3 sections. The first point I will make
definition of concern. Then I will mention the causes of hypertension. After that I will consider the
symptoms hypertensi. The last topic I will address is prevention.

Hypertension is the medical understanding of high blood pressure. This condition can cause various
kinds of life-threatening health complications if left unchecked. In fact, this disorder can lead to an
increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and death. The term blood pressure itself can be described as
the force of circulating blood against the walls of the body's arteries which are the main blood
vessels. The amount of pressure that occurs depends on the resistance of the blood vessels and how
intense the heart is to work. A person can experience high blood pressure when more blood is
pumped by the heart and due to the narrowing of the blood vessels in the arteries. Hypertension can
be known by routine checks on blood pressure. It is recommended to be done annually by all adults.

I’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk.

Q : what are the symptoms of hypertension?


● Headache;

● Nosebleed;

● vision problems;

● Chest pain;

● Ears buzzing;

● Hard to breathe; and

● Arrhythmia

Any question again?

if there are no questions I close. hat’s all for me thanks for your attention, and i hope you’re get the
point. And the last i say wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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