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Living in a city can be both exciting and challenging.

On one hand, cities offer a diverse range of

opportunities for work, education, and entertainment. On the other hand, the rapid pace of life and the
high cost of living in the city can make life difficult. In this essay, I will discuss some of the drawbacks
of living in a city and how governments can upgrade the urban lifestyle.
The first problem is that cities are frequently overpopulated, which can cause traffic jams, lengthy
waits for public transportation, and increased air pollution. People's health and quality of life may
suffer as a result of this, and those who have respiratory conditions may find it especially difficult.
Secondly, many people, especially those with low financial resources, may find the high expense of
living in cities to be exorbitant. When compared to rural regions, the cost of housing, food, and
transportation can sometimes be significantly greater in cities, making it impossible for many
individuals to afford even the most basic essentials.Finally, living in a city may be alienating since
residents frequently feel cut off from their neighbors and lack a sense of belonging. This is especially
true in big cities where individuals could feel lost in the crowd and have a hard time establishing a
feeling of community. Governments may improve urban living for all citizens in a number of ways. For
instance, they may spend money on public transit to improve its effectiveness, accessibility, and
affordability. To give citizens access to nature and lower air pollution, governments can also increase
the number of parks and green areas in the city. Governments can also offer incentives to businesses
to settle in smaller towns and rural regions, which would relieve urban sprawl and create new job
In conclusion, while living in a city can appear to be challenging, governments have a responsibility to
ensure that urban life is accessible and enjoyable for everyone. By investing in public transportation,
green spaces, and alternate employment opportunities, governments can make urban life better for
everyone and help to address some of the challenges that come with living in a city.

Food that has been genetically modified has expanded in all corners of the world. In order to obtain
desired qualities, GM foods are made by changing the genetic makeup of plants and animals. The
argument put forth by supporters is that GM foods boost food supplies by yielding greater rates and
being more nutrient-dense. Moreover, GM crops are resistant to pests and harsh weather, which
means fewer toxic pesticides and herbicides are required.
The ability of genetically modified foods to boost food supplies is one of its key benefits. This is
crucial in regions where food shortages are frequent. Because GM crops can be modified to yield
more, farmers will find it simpler to fulfill the world's rising food need. Furthermore, the requirement for
toxic pesticides and herbicides is decreased because GM crops are frequently resistant to pests and
harsh weather conditions.
On the other side, every living creatures were negatively impacted by the drawbacks of GM food.
There are worries over how eating genetically modified food can affect your health in the long run.
According to several research, eating GM food can increase the chance of developing allergies and
cancer. Additionally, GM crops can harm animals and other plants by cross-pollinating with non-GM
crops, which reduces biodiversity. Super weeds and super bugs that are resistant to insecticides and
herbicides may develop as a result of the excessive use of GM crops.
In conclusion, in order to assure the safety of GM foods, it is critical for researchers and decision-
makers to keep examining their consequences. While it is vital to take into account the benefits of GM
foods, there may also be hazards that should be highly considered. We can make wise decisions
concerning the usage of genetically modified foods and make sure they are both safe for human
consumption and the environment.

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