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‘The Legend of Banyuwangi ong time ago, the island of java was ruled by a king. The King had a Loyal Prime Minister whose name was Sidapaksa. This is a story about the prime minister. sidapaksa’s wife was beautiful, he loved her very much, But his mother did not like her. One day,sidapaksa's mother asked the King to send her son to a faraway place. She though while his son was away, she had a chance to get rid of his wife. Of course, she did not tell the King about it. The king agreed with her. So he gave Sidapaksa a task. "Go to Mount Ijen. There grows a flower that can keep a woman beautiful. Get the flower for the Queen,” says the King. Sidapaksa went home sadly. He told his wife about the task "I cannot leave you alone. Soon you will give birth to our child," Sidapaksa answered. "Don't worry about me. I can take care of my self." The next day, sidapaksa left for Mount Ijen. It was a long and hard journey, A few days after Sidapaksa left, his wife gave birth to a handsome Baby boy. She was very proud of the baby. One day, Sidapaksa's wife went to the spring. ‘The wicked woman took the baby away. She threw the baby to a river. Sidapaksa's wife was shocked when she could not find her baby. "Where is my baby?" She cried. She searched for her son. But she could not find him, Finally she fell sick because she did not eat or drink, She grew thin and weak day after day. After two years, Sidapaksa came home. He could not wait to see his wife and child. His mother saw him at the gate. She said to him,"My son, your wife is wicked woman. She killed her own baby. She killed your son. She threw you son to the river." Sidapaksa was very angry to hear it, He dit not believe in anything his wife said. He was very angry that he would kill his wife. Sadly his wife said, "I'm very sad because you dont believe me. You don't have to kill me. Because I will die soon."" Then she ran to a river nearby. Before the current of the river took her away, she said, " my dear husband, if the fragrant smell comes out of this river, then I'm innocent.". A miracle happened from the river, there came out some fragrant smell. At the center of the river came out two beautiful flowers. A big flower and a small one. The small flower said, "Father, I'm your son. My mother is innocent. It was grandmother who threw me tothe river." Sidapaksa cried loudly. He regreted what he had done to his Wife. But it was too late. His wife and child turned into two flowers. The smelly and dirty river turned into clear and sweet smelled one. In javanese, It's called banyuwangi. It means fragrant river. The land around the fragrant river is now known as Banyuwangi, a town in East Java, Queen Aji Bidara Putih ‘Muara Kaman county lies along the Mahakam River, in eastern borneo. In the past the county was a kingdom, ruled by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a typical queen of Myths: beautiful, wise, and sensitive. Many princes and kings proposed her but she always refused them because she concerned more about ruling her country and guarding her people. One day, a Chinese junk came to eastern Borneo. First the people thought it was a merchant ship but the ship was loaded with trade goods and highly trained soldiers. Their envoys brought gold antiques and porcelains to announce the proposal from Prince of China. The queen didn't refuse instantly and replied that she had to ponder first. After the envoys left the palace, the queen called a court officer and ordered him to infiltrate the Chinese junk to gather information on the prince. night fell, the officer sneaked into the junk, got through behind every guards, and finally found the prince's room. The large door ‘was opened and he couldn't find any peek hole. So the officer put his ear to the wall, trying to catch sound: from inside. he heard that the prince was having his dinner and the noise of his chewing and slurping surprised the officer. It was like a boar which once he heard when he was hunting. He quickly left the boat and returned to the palace, He reported that the prince must have been a phantom, not a human, He believed that the phantom could be in a human's form only during the daytime. The queen was so surprised and got angry. On the next day, she refused his proposal.The enraged prince ordered his troops to raid Muara Kaman, The battle was won by the huge troops of China, and they got close to the palace. Queen Aji Bidara Putih chewed a leaf of betel vine and sang a mantra (spell) while holding it. When she threw it to the Chinese troops, it turned to giant centipedes. The Chinese troops started to retreat but three centipedes chased them and sank the junks.The site of the sunk ship is now known as Danau Lipan, Lake of Centipede, with chinese treasures hidden on the Lake's bed. The Story of Blind Bachelor once upon a time in riau, lived a mother with her three sons. The oldest was Bujang Perotan, the middle child was Bujang Pengail, and the youngest child was Bujang Buta. He was named Bujang Buta, because he was blind. Those three children had different personalities. Although he was blind, Bujang Buta was the kindest child, While his older brothers were busy playing, bujang Buta always helped his mother. One day, thei ‘mother asked them to go to the jungle to collect some fire woods. Bujang Perotan and Bujang Pengail agreed to help. The mother and Bujang Buta did not know that Bujang Perotan and Bujang Pengail planned something bad, They wanted to leave Bujang Buta alone in the jungle! “Bujang Buta, stay here under this tree, Bujang Pengail and I will look for the woods in other areas, Wait for us and we'll go home together,” said Bujang Perotan. Then, Bujang Buta waited and waited for hours. But his brothers did not show up! Bujang Buta was so scared. He tried to walk. He could not find his stick. His brothers had hid it. ‘Suddenly, he stepped on something. “What is this? I think this is a fruit.’s mango. Yummy!” Bujang Buta then enjoyed the fruit. He was really happy to eat the mango, He was very hungry. he ate the mango very fast until he made a mistake. He accidentally swallowed the pip fruit! His eyes were wide open. Amazingly the incident made his eyes able to see. He was no longer blind! However, his happiness soon ended after he saw there were a monkey and a tiger in font of him, He was so scared. He wanted to run away. “Don't be afraid, my friend. We're not going to hurt you,” said the tiger. “We know everything, We know you are a good kid. We want to help you. Take these ropes and stick. You will need them someday to help you,” said the monkey. Bujang Buta received those things. After saying thank you, Bujang Buta then continued walking, He wanted to go home. On the way home, he met some people. they told him that the king's daughter was arrested by the king of elephants. Nobody dared to release her because the king had big Elephants as hi soldiers, which are why he was named as king of elephants. Bujang Buta wanted to release the princess. With the ropes and the stick, he was fighting bravely against the elephants. He won! He then released the princess and brought her back to the palace. The king was so happy, he then asked Bujang Buta to stay in the palace and marry his daughter. Bujang Buta was so happy; he immediately went home to ask his mother to stay with him in the palace. Bujang Buta did not have a hard feeling towards his brothers. He forgave them and also asked Them to stay in the palace. His brothers really regretted their bad behaviours. They promised to be nice. The Legend of Situ Bagendit Nyai bagendit was a widow. She was the rich st person in the village. She had a very big house fill with a lot of jewellery. She also had many servants working for her. Nyai Bagendit was also known for her bad attitude. She did not like to help others. Whenever the villagers needed some money, they borrowed the money from her. However, when they returned it, the villager had to pay double. If they were not able to return the debt, Nyi Bagedit would ask her servants to take the villagers belongings. Nyai Bagendit also hated beggars. She thought that beggars were lazy people. She never felt sorry to any beggars coming to her house. So when the old Beggar came to her house, Nyai Bagendit immediately to ask her to go. "Go away you lazy old woman! Go out of my house!” said nyai Bagendit. "Please, Nyai, give me some money or just give me some food. I'm so hungry", Said the beggar. "Food? You asked for food? This is my house not a restaurant. Go now! I dont want to see you here!" Nyai Bagendit then threw a stone to the old beggar. The old beggar was very sad. She then said, "Nyai Bagedit, I know you are the riches person in this village. You have anything but you never help other people. You are not grateful to God. Wait for the punishment from God. You will be punished!"'The old beggar then left Nyai Bagedit's house. "Ha ha ha! You are right. I'm the richest person here, So no one can punnish me, not even God can punish me!" Nyai Bagendit was very arrogant. Nyai Bagendit then went back to her big house. Not long afier that, an earhquake happened. Her house fell down, Nyai Bagendit cried for help. "Help me! Somebody please help me!" But nobody listened her crying for help. nobody in the village felt the earthquake. amazingly, the earthquake only happened in Nyai Bagendit's house, The land was opened. It was so big that the entire Nyai Bagendit's house, and all her wealth were gone. The villagers just wathes what happened to Nyai Bagendit and her house. They ‘were amazed, they knew that god punished Nyai Bagendit for behaving badly and never helped other people. Slowly, the place where Nyai Bagedit's house stood became lake. Since then, people named the lake as Situ Bagendit, It means Lake of Bagendit. Banta Barensyah The Honesty Flutist Jong ago, there lived a boy named banta Barensyah with his mother in a village in Aceh, Their life very poor. Their job is just winnowing rice husk in a rice mill. Their wages were only a handful of rice. One day there was no work in rice mills so that they could not eat. So Bareansyah's mother, go ask for rice to her wealthy brother ‘Jacob’. But instead of rice obtained, but shout. Not far from their village, there is a kingdom which king was very wise. he has a beautiful daughter named ‘Putri Terus Mata’, She just wanted to get marry if there is a man who can find her clothes of gold and suasa. The desire of the princess reached the Berensyah ears. "Let me look for that clothes Mom. I'll sail to the country side. I will be aboard Uncle Jacob," said barensyah pleaded. With a heavy heart, his uncle let him participate. Armed with a flute and a piece of taro eaves he went. Up in the middle of the sea he was dropped by his uncle on Barensyah demand. He immediately held his taro leaves and like magic He could float. Gusts of wind bringing Berensyah to the destination. After arriving at the land he immediately looking for a weaver and convey the intent why he came, Barensyah ask the weaver to make the cloth of gold. Weaver just look Berensyah in disbelief, "With what will you pay me?" ask the weaver. "I'll pay for it with a song, who I blow from this flute." said Barensyah. Barensyah began blowing his flute, and weavers began to work. Clothes of Gold was finally completed. Barensyah then sailed back with his taro leaves. In the middle of the sea, he met with the Jacob's ship. Jacob saw a flash in Berensyah flute, he knew it was a the golden clothes. Jacob robs the golden clothes, and throw Barensyah to The sea. The sea waves bringing Barensyah to the beach. Fortunately, there are a couple who find and caring Barensyah until cured. After Barensyah recovered, he excused himself to the old couple. Berensyah went back to his village. When he got there, he heard that his uncle will be marry the princess. Barensyah angry, because he was get the golden clothes. Meanwhile, when Jacob's wedding will be held, suddenly came a hawk. "Kiik, kiiik ... the golden clothing, belongs Barensyah," said the eagle. The palace became crowded, Jacob eventually imprisoned and Banta Barensyah live happily with his Mother and Princess Terus Mata. The Legend of Cindelaras Raden Putra was the king of Jenggala kingdom. He had a beautiful queen. Besides that, the king also had a beautiful concubine, Unlike the queen, the concubine had bad personalities. She was jealous with the queen, so she planned to make the queen leave the palace. By doing so, she could be the new queen. The concubine asked the palace healer to help her do the bad plan. They told the king that the queen wanted to poison him. ‘The king was angry. He sent the queen to a jungle. It is the punishment for her. There was one condition that the king did not know, the queen waspregnant. After several months lived in the jungle, the queen gave birth to a healthy baby Boy. she named him Cindelaras. he grew up as a nice, healthy, and handsome young man. ‘One day, while Cindelaras helped her mother to collect some fire woods, an eagle dropped an egg. He took the egg and carefully took care of it. The egg hatched into a chick and then it became a strong rooster. The rooster had a magical skill, It was very powerful and skilful in fighting with other roosters. Besides that, the rooster could also s ng. The song was about Cindelaras and his father, Raden Putra. “My master is delaras. He lives in the jungle. His father a king. His name is Raden Putra.” The rooster often sang the song. When Cindelaras first heard that song, he ignored it. However, he could not stand it anymore. He talked to his Mother about it. His mother told him the whole story. Cindelaras was very surprised. He decided {0 go to the palace to meet the king, his father. cindelaras also brought his rooster to go to the palace. On the way to go there, he met some people. They asked him to fight his rooster with their roosters. Cindelaras rooster won the fight. He won again and again, Cindelaras great rooster was heard by King Raden Putra. So, he invited Cindelaras to the palace to fight his rooster with the king's rooster. The king made a bet. If Cindelaras’ rooster won the fight, he would get all king’s jewellery. However, if Cindelaras’s rooster lost, he ‘would be punished in a jail. The two roosters fought bravely. In just few minutes, Cindelaras” rooster won the fight! Then, the rooster sang the song. The king was surprised, He asked who Cindelaras was. He then told the king about her mother living in the jungle. Later, the palace healer admitted his mistake. He said that the queen was innocent, She never tried to kill the king. The king was very angry. He ordered the concubine to be sent to jail. The king immediately went to the jungle to pick up his wife. He apologized for sending her to the jungle and made her the Queen again. The Legend of Kebo Iwa One day in bali, there is a man and his wife were praying. They have been married for a Jong time but didn't have any child. They asked God to give them a children. They prayed and keep prayed. God finally answered their pray. The wife then, got pregnant and gave a birth to a baby boy. They were very gratefull and happy. ‘The baby was extraordinary. He was very different from most Babies. He ate and drank a lot. Day after day He ate more and more. His body was getting bigger and bigger. And by the time he was a teenager. his body ‘was as big as a buffalo, People then started to call him Kebo Iwa. His eating habit make Kebo Iwa’s parents spent a lot of money to buy his food in large amount. They finally went bankrupt. They gave up and asked the villagers to help them provide the food. The villagers then worked together to cook and build a big house for kebo Iwa. He was like a giant, He could not stay with his parents anymore because his body is too big. Sadly, afier a few months, the villagers also could not afford to cook him the food. They then asked Kebo Iwa to cook his own food. The villagers just prepared the raw materials. Kebo Iwa agreed and as an expression of his, gratitude to the villagers, he built a dam, dug wells, and he also protected the villagers from wild animals and people who wanted to attack their village. He did those things by hit elf. Meanwhile, the troops of Majapahit were planning to attack Bali, They knew about Kebo Iwa. And they also knew that they could not conquer Bali with Kebo Iwa there. Kebo Twa was too powerful for them. gajah Mada, the Maha Patih (Chief Minister) of Majapahit then planned something. They were pretending to invite Kebo Iwa to Majapahit to help them dig some wells. They said that Majapahit was suffering from a long dry season and needed much water. Kebo Iwa didn't know the plan, so he went to majapahit without any suspicion, When Kebo Iwa was busy digging a very big well, the troops covered the well with many lage boulders. Kebo Iwa had difficulty in breathing and buried alive. He died inside the well. After the death of Kebo Iwa, Bali was conquered by Majapahit. Until now, people still remember Kebo Iwa because he had done a lot for Majapahit and Bali. The Stone head of legendary Kebo Iwa can be found in Pura Gaduh temple in Blahbatuh, Gianyar. Kebo Iwa also known as Kebo Waruga or Kebo Taruna. The Legend of Crying Stone In a small village, a girl lived with her Mother. The girl w: s very beautiful with a long and shiny hairs. Everyday She put some make-ups and worn her best clothes. She did not like to help her mother to work in a field, she was very lazy and she worried that the field would be soiling Her clothes and beauty. One day, the Mother asked the girl to accompany her to go to the market for buying some food. At first, At first the girl immediately refused her mother's, but the mother persuaded her by saying they also are going to buy new clothes. finally, The girl agreed but she asks her mother to walk behind her. She did not want to walk side by side with her mother because she thought that her mother is not the same as herself like beautiful and fashionable, her mother is just an old woman who is shabby and full of wrinkles. Although her mother was very sad, she agreed to walk behind her daughter. On the way to the market, everybody admires the girl was beautiful but they are also curious about who is Behind the beautiful girl, there was an old woman with a shabby dress. The girl and her mother looked very different!. so there was a brave man who asked, "Hello, pretty lady. Who is the woman behind you?". “She is my servant” answers the girl without hesitation, hearing those words, the mother was sad, but she did not say anything. not long after, they met several people who were asking about the same thing, "Hello, beauty. Who is the woman behind you?” asked them again, Again the girl answers that her mother was her servant. She always said to another people that her ‘mother was her servant, Her mother's heart was very hurt to hear the words of her daughter who repeatedly called her a servant. At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prayed to the god to punish her daughter. shortly after, the God answers her prayer. Slowly, the girl's legs were stiff and turned to stone. The process continued to the upper part of the girl's body and the girl was very panicky, she cried and asked her ‘mother to forgive her "Mother, please.. please forgive me! I promise I won't do it again ". But it’s too late, Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Nowdays, many people can see the tears falling down from the stone and some people called it by the crying stone or in Indonesian mean batu menangis. ‘The Legend of Lutung Kasarung Once upon a time in Sunda land, there wa a big beautiful kingdom named Pa ir Batang. The king was Tapa Agung. He has seven daughters and he still confuses to choose one of them to change his position for his Queen. The name of his seven daughters are purbararang, purbalaras, purbakencana, Purbaningrat, Purbajati, Purbasekar, and the last is purbasari Ayuwangi. Purbasari Ayuwangi is different from all of her sister. Her appearance was not as beautiful as her six sisters but The Goodness of her heart is spout from her face. In the day the decision, Tapa Agung announced to Pasir Batang people. He will resign as the King of Pasir Batang Kingdom, Unexpectedly, people choose Purbasari Ayuwangi to be the King of Pasir Batang Kingdom. It ‘made her six sisters jealous, particularly Purbararang. "I must thwart Purbasari Ayuwangi to lead this country,” said Purbararang to herself, One night, Purbararang did her evil plan, Purbararang entered to Purbasari Ayuwangi room when Purbasari was falling sleep. Then, a tree sap in a coconut shell was rubbing to Purbasari body. The day after that, when Purbasari woke up, she shocked see her skin, Her skin becomes black like a monkey. "Oh, my God! What happened to me, Oh no, I become a black monkey!" Purbasari Ayuwangi sighed. At that time, all the Pasir Batang people tumultuous and the Kingdom Guard stand by in their position, Purbasari was crying and begging, but nobody heard her. Than Purbararang commanding her guard to exile Purbasari to the jungle. In the jungle, Purbasari meets with a black monkey named Lutung Kasarung. He served Purbasari and tried to find some leave to cured Purbasari, One day, when Lutung Kasarung did His asceticism and Suddenly, in front of Purbasari, there stands a beautiful castle kingdom named Cup Mandala Ayu. Lutung Kasarung and Purbasari moved from jungle to that castle and Purbasari becomes the Queen of that country. A lot of Pasir Batang people moved to Cupu Mandala Ayu, because the people knows that the queen of this kingdom is Purbasari. Purbararang as the queen of Pasir Batang is so angry. She said that "I must kill the Queen of Cupu Mandala Ayu!" She tried to challenge Purbasari, but Lutung Kasarung knew her trick. Purbararang offers Purbasari to be the queen of Pasir Batang, but a condition. Purbasari should have a groom. Lutung Kasarung offer himself to be Purbasari groom. Purbasari received Lutung Kasarung. She said, "Yes, Ido." Thunderclap split the sky. The simple word which said by Purbasari changed god curse and changed Lutung Kasarung become handsome prince. With amazement face, Purbararang said to Purbasari "Now you had had a husband. So I should hand over this kingdom to Finally, All Pasit Batang People live in peace and prosperous, you. The Legend of Cianjur once upon a time, there is the richest man lives in West Java. He is the one owner of the fields in the whole area, The villagers are just as labourers to him, so they called him as "Pak kikit" or "Mr. kikir" (a stingy man). Pak kikir has a Son. His son has a different character with him. He is a humble and kind boy. He always helps the villagers. One day, Pak Kikir celebrates a Thanksgiving party. He thinks this party can be effect to the harvest of his fields. All the villagers get invitation. The villagers are happy because they think that they can find many delicious foods in that party. But it's out of what they already imagined. Pak Kikir just put out small food. "Huh.... The miserly man, I can't imagine flow stingy he is." “The Lord is never blessing him,” Says some of the villagers in that party. At the same time, there is an old Woman comes to Pak Kikir. She asked for his mercy. "Give me a plate of rice please...” Says the old woman “What! I must work hard to get the place of rice!” Said Pak Kikir. "Have a mercy on me, please...""Nowu.u. get out of my face!” The old women crying and leave the party. However, Pak Kikit’s son is sad about that. So he gives his lunch snipe at for the old woman. After that, the old lady walks to a mountain, When she arrive at the top, she saw Pak Kikir's house. The best home in that area, She said, "Remember this Pak Kikir! Your gluttonous will sink you! And the Lord will never bless you!" Then the old Woman jabbed her stick to the land, Then the water from the trace jabbed. Time afier time the water becomes the flood. The villagers and Kikir’s Son run to save themselves to the mountain, While they are running, Pak Kikir tries to keep his prosperity. The flood is getting fast, and Pak Kikir sinks with his money. The villagers and the Son saved. They are sad with son as their leader. This boy teaches the villagers how to be a good farmer, how to handle the fields and water balance. Then the villagers this accident. They decided to find a new area. The villagers elected Pak Kiki called this boy as Anjuran (a Suggestion). The villagers obey thei leader said. Some years later, the villagers change the name to be Cianjur. It means full of water. Now, cianjur known as the best area to produce rice in west Java Province-Indonesia.

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