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October 8, 2022


This is our assessment series in Methods of Research. This is needed in partial fulfilment
of the requirements in the course Methods of Research.

1. Attached herein is our assessment series in Methods of Research.

2. Please accomplish the assessment series on short coupon bond, Times New Roman, font
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4. The deadline will be on December 17, 2022 (Saturday) until 11:59pm.

Looking forward to your usual cooperation. Should you have concerns or clarifications,
please do not hesitate to send me a private message thru .
Thank you so much and more power!

Dr. John Patrick D. Serrano

Methods of Research

A. Major Categories of Qualitative Research Designs to Discuss

1. Phenomenological Studies

This examines human experiences through the descriptions provided by the people involved.
This type of research is used to study areas in which there is little knowledge (Donalek, 2004).


Daly (2005) studied the lived experiences of mothers of suicidal adolescents. Unstructured inter-
views were conducted with 6 mothers living with suicidal adolescents. Six themes were
identified: failure as a good mother, the ultimate rejection, feeling alone in the struggle,
helplessness and powerlessness in the struggle, cautious parenting, and keeping an emotional

2. Ethnographic Studies

These involve the collection and analysis of data about cultural groups. Agar (1986) described
ethnography as encountering alien worlds and making sense of them.


Gance-Cleveland (2004) examined the features, critical attributes, processes, and benefits of
school-based support groups for adolescents with an addicted parent. Participant observations
were conducted weekly at two high schools over one semester. Interviews were conducted with
program administrators, school administrators, group co-facilitators and participants. School-
based support group participation was found to enhance self-knowledge and led to self-care and

3. Grounded Theory Studies

These are studies in which data are collected and analyzed and then a theory is developed that is
grounded in the data developed by two sociologists, Glaser and Strauss (1967).


The grounded theory qualitative method was used by Williams and Irurita (2005) to study the
personal control and emotional comfort of hospitalized patients. Interviews were conducted with
40 patients, and 75 hours of field observations were conducted. The basic psychological process
identified by the researchers was labeled as optimizing personal control to facilitate emotional
comfort. Personal control referred to the ability of patients to influence their environment;
emotional comfort was defined as a state of relaxation that affected the physical status of the
patient. Personal control was found to be a central feature of emotional comfort.

4. Historical Studies

These concern the identification, location, evaluation, and synthesis of data from the past.


Oral histories were gathered from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a
Virginia state hospital (Harmon, 2005). These nurses were now retired and had between 12 and
46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences of
these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of
antipsychotic medications. They expressed resignation and frustration while trying to provide
care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that
they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The camaraderie they
experienced with other nurses helped them continue in their positions, despite what they felt to
be a “thankless job.”

5. Case Studies

These are in-depth examinations of people or groups of people.


A case study approach was used to study the roles of perioperative nurses in Ireland (McGarvey,
Chambers, & Boore, 2004). Data were collected in three different hospitals during 358 hours of
observation and from 35 nurses during 34 hours of interviews. Nurses used a range of coping
mechanisms to manage the dissonance they felt between what was considered to be ideal and
what could realistically be done in the operating department. Nursing behavior was
administratively modeled by the nursing hierarchy and negatively reinforced by the medical
profession (McGarvey et al., 2004, p. 1119).

6. Action Research

These seek action to improve practice and study the effects of the action that was taken
(Streubert & Carpenter, 2002).


Action research was used with staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in London
(Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson, 2005). The purpose of the study was
to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS). Staff
took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings
to give their opinions of what they thought were the facilitators and barriers to the
implementation of the POS.

7. Narrative Study

It weaves together a sequence of events, usually from just one or two individuals to form a
cohesive story.


There was a girl, and actually she’s still at the school. Her name’s Madeline Sabourin. I walked
over and she said, “Mr. Dalton, Mr. Dalton, that boy just stepped on my tree,” meaning the tree
that she had planted. And for me that was just a fundamental realization, that these kids were
really taking ownership. And again, you get back to the question of hope—I’d hoped to be
establishing some of these values over the long term (Bell, 2000).

8. Biographical Study

This is an exhaustive account of a life experience.


The researcher takes a collection of archival documents (interviews, speeches, and other
writings) and various media (pictures, audio, and video footage) to present a comprehensive
story of John F. Kennedy.

9. Reflexive Study

This pertains to reflecting on yourself the researcher, to provide more effective and impartial


During a project involving an emotive subject such as talking to people who care for their elderly
parents The researcher may project their own feelings into the interview - how they would feel if
they were in the same situation. However, their relationship with their parents will be completely
unique, and therefore different to the participant’s relationship with his or her parents. The
researcher’s reaction to the participant’s answers may influence what questions the researcher
chooses to ask and how they ask them. This therefore influences the answers that are given.
B. Qualitative Research Designs

1. Grounded Theory Designs. These pertain to systematic, qualitative procedures that

researchers use to generate a theory that explains, at a broad conceptual level, a process,
action, or interaction about a substantive topic.

1.1. Systematic Design. This refers to emphasizing the use of data analysis steps of open,
axial, and selective coding, and the development of a logic paradigm or a visual picture
of the theory generated.

1.2. Emerging Design. This pertains to the process in which the researcher collects data,
immediately analyzes it rather than waiting until all data are collected, and then bases the
decision about what data to collect next on this analysis. The image of a “zigzag” helps
explain this procedure.

1.3. Constructivist Design. This is referred when the researcher’s focus is on the meanings
ascribed by participants in a study.

2. Ethnographic Designs. These are qualitative procedures for describing, analyzing, and
interpreting a cultural group’s shared patterns of behavior, beliefs, and language that develop
over time.

2.1. Realist Ethnographies. This pertains to objective account of the situation, typically
written in the third-person point of view, reporting objectively on the information
learned from participants at a field site. In this ethnographic design, the researcher
narrates the study in a third-person dispassionate voice and reports on observations of
participants and their views.

2.1.1. Confessional Ethnography. This pertains to a report of the ethnographer’s

fieldwork experiences

2.1.2. Life History. This refers to a study of one individual situated within the cultural
context of his or her life

2.1.3. Auto-ethnography. This pertains to a reflective self-examination by an individual

set within his or her cultural context.

2.1.4. Micro-ethnography. This refers to a study focused on a specific aspect of a

cultural group and setting

2.1.5. Ethnographic Case Study. This refers to a case analysis of a person, event,
activity, or process set within a cultural perspective

2.1.6. Critical Ethnography. This pertains to a study of the shared patterns of a

marginalized group with the aim of advocacy about issues of power and authority
2.1.7. Feminist Ethnography. This pertains to a study of women and the cultural
practices that serve to disempower and oppress them.

2.1.8. Postmodern Ethnography. This refers to an ethnography written to challenge the

problems in our society that have emerged from a modern emphasis on progress
and marginalizing individuals

2.1.9. Ethnographic Novels. This refers to a fictional work focused on cultural aspects of
a group

2.2. Case Study. This pertains to a variation of an ethnography in that the researcher provides
an in-depth exploration of a bounded system (e.g., an activity, an event, a process, or an
individual) based on extensive data collection (Creswell, 2007). Collective Case Studies. These refer to case studies in which multiple
cases are described and compared to provide insight into an issue. Intrinsic Case Study. This pertains when the case itself is of interest. Instrumental Case Study. This is pertained when the focus of a qualitative
study may be a specific issue, with a case (or cases) used to illustrate the issue.

2.3. Critical Ethnographies. This is referred when the researcher is interested in advocating
for the emancipation of groups marginalized in our society (Thomas, 1993).

2.4. Narrative Research Designs. These pertains to qualitative procedures in which

researchers describe the lives of individuals, collect and tell stories about these
individuals’ lives, and write narratives about their experiences (Connelly & Clandinin,
2.4.1. Autobiographies
2.4.2. Biographies
2.4.3. Life Writing
2.4.4. Personal Accounts
2.4.5. Personal Narratives
2.4.6. Narrative Interview
2.4.7. Personal Document
2.4.8. Documents of Life
2.4.9. Life Stories and Life Histories
2.4.10. Oral Histories
2.4.11. Ethno-histories
2.4.12. Ethno-biographies
2.4.13. Auto-ethnographies
2.4.14. Ethno-psychologies
2.4.15. Person-Centered Ethnographies

3. Mixed Methods Designs

3.1. Convergent Parallel Design. This pertains to simultaneously collecting both quantitative
and qualitative data, merge the data, and use the results to understand a research

3.2. Explanatory Sequential Design. This refers to instead of collecting data at the same
time and merging the results, a mixed methods researcher might collect quantitative and
qualitative information sequentially in two phases, with one form of data collection
following and informing the other.

3.3. Exploratory Sequential Design. This involves the procedure of first gathering
qualitative data to explore a phenomenon, and then collecting quantitative data to
explain relationships found in the qualitative data.

3.4. Embedded Design. This pertains to the collection of quantitative and qualitative data
simultaneously or sequentially, but to have one form of data play a supportive role to the
other form of data. The reason for collecting the second form of data is that it augments
or supports the primary form of data.

3.5. Transformative Design. This refers to the use of one of the four designs (convergence,
explanatory, exploratory, or embedded), but covers the design within a transformative
framework or lens.

3.6. Multiphase Design. This occurs when researchers or a team of researchers examine a
problem or topic through a series of phases or separate studies. The groups of phases or
studies are considered to be a mixed methods design and the intent of the design is to
address a set of incremental research questions that all advance one programmatic
research objective (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011).

Major Reference: Creswell, J.W. (2012). Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research (Fourth Edition). Pearson Education, Inc. Boston.

Direction: Identify the research design appropriate for the following studies. Compose questions
for the Statement of the Problem.

Teacher Retention: Why Do Teachers Remain in the Classroom? by Patrick J. Couch

Research Design

This study will utilize a qualitative approach listing the basic interpretative method was
employed. The research method is needed because this primary instrument for data collection
and analysis, as opposed to the analysis of previous existing data sets.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to amidst legislative reforms that impacted their goals,
benefits and working conditions would experience elementary level teachers remain in the
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What are the factors contribute to teachers remaining in the profession?______________

2. How do teachers describe the impact of the changes to their personal and professional
3. How do teachers perceive the profession past 2010 legislative reforms?_____________ _
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Perceptions of Gender Differences in Science Intelligence by Megan Fink

Research Design

This study will utilize the Q sent method. The research method is needed because they
examine it participants were more likely to rank male or female students higher on a science test.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to asked participants to predict them non science test
scores to write whether participants were internalizing a gender stereotype.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. How can you determine whether elementary, middles or high school students had
preferences about working with a male or female partner in a science project?_________
2. What is the most likely to rank male or female students higher in science test?
3. Is there a significant relationship between select a male partner for science projects rather
than a female partner?______________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Instilling a Sense of Social Entrepreneurship in America’s Youth by Tommy Flaim

Research Design

This study will utilize correlational study. The research method is needed because there
was a correlation between students’ perceived ability to affect change and their tendency to stand
against bullying.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to instill interest in business/or social entrepreneurship
in elementary school students.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. It is important that we fully leverage its potential?________________________________

2. Can we somehow influence young student in America to view a career in business and or
social entrepreneurship as a more desirable goal?________________________________
3. Is there a significant differences in interest in social entrepreneurship nor business?
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Analyzing the Relationship between Student Engagement and Instructional Strategies in a
Kindergarten Spanish-Immersion Religion Class by Emma Fleming

Research Design

This study will utilize correlational study. The research method is needed because it is
looking for the relationship between student engagement and instructional strategies in a
kindergarten Spanish- immersion religion class.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between student
engagement and instructional strategies in a kindergarten Spanish-immersion religion class.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. How can student engagement be described in a kindergarten Spanish-immersion religion

2. What are the instructional strategies on a kindergarten Spanish- immersion religion class?
3. Is there a significant relationship between student engagement and instructional strategies
in a kindergarten Spanish-immersion class?_____________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Analysis of Principal Leadership in the Wake of Maintaining a Tight Budget by Michael H.
Ginocchio Jr.

Research Design

This study will utilize descriptive method. The research method is needed because it will
analyze the principal leadership in the wake of maintaining a tight budget.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to analyze the importance of principal leadership
public schooling, and provide more research into what constitutes successful leadership in this
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the act of a principal in handling a tight budget?__________________________

2. It is important in 21st century public education and regimes highly capable individuals in
order to succeed?__________________________________________________________
3. How can you find out if there is a consistent trait necessary for someone to be a
successful principal figure?
4. What is the findings through the way they handled their budgeting situation is the
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Which Classroom is Best? A Comparative Study of Spanish Classes for Heritage Language
Learners by Madeline Hahn

Research Design

This study will utilize comparative study. The research method is needed because in
order to assess effective heritage language class design and the time impact of content-based

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to investigate which of two heritage language class
designs isolated language teaching or content-based instruction.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. Which classroom is the best?________________________________________________

2. How can the learners compare the study if Spanish classes heritage language?_________
3. Is there a significant between heritage language class design and the content-based
instruction of Spanish classes?_______________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
The Impact of Exercise on Freshmen Academic, Mental, and Social Adjustment to College
by Grace Mazur

Research Design

This study will utilize descriptive method. The research method is needed because the
study examines the relationship between exercise and students’ academic, mental, social
adjustment to the freshman year at college.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to develop scores for academic, social and mental
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the impact of exercise in freshmen academic, mental and social adjustments in
2. What is the implications of the finding in terms of personal exercise reactive and
university required physical education programs?________________________________
3. Is there a significant relationship between exercise and academic, social and mental
adjustment, the finding other freshmen?________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
A Study of Text Material Including Customized Course-Packets at the University Level by
Erin Moston

Research Design

This study will utilize descriptive method. The research method is needed because
textbooks continue to play a major role in university curricula, yet some teachers are turning to
an alternate form of customized text.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to investigate textbook and course-packet usage and
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the focus on the particular from text, this study puts the two side by side while
comparing teacher and student opinions?_______________________________________
2. How the students and teachers demonstrate connection in perceiving participation with
assignment outside the class?________________________________________________
3. What is the preference towards course-packets alongside increase reading, preparation
and grade expectations?____________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Let’s Talk About God: The Effects of Personal Religiosity on Caring Classroom and School
Communities by Kara Neumann

Research Design

This study will utilize descriptive method. The research method is needed because the
study of classroom care and community seeks to determine the effects that a teacher’s personal
religiosity can have on the culture of care developed in the classroom and has on the broader
school-wide culture.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to solidity the positive look between classroom culture
and school culture.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. How to looks at the effects that religiosity of a teacher has on creating that culture of
caring within his/her classroom?_____________________________________________
2. What is the implications of a culture of caring on school communities and tries to make
the teacher to connect religiosity to this discussion?______________________________
3. What is the effects of personal religiosity on caring classroom and school communities?_
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
The Effect of Positive Student/Teacher Relationships on Students' Ability to Count and
Number Objects by Malaysha Stewart

Research Design

This study will utilize correlational study. The research method is needed because it is
looking for the positive effect student/teacher relationship on students’ ability to count and
number objects.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to find the effect of positive student/teacher
relationship on students’ ability to count and number objects.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What are the effects of positive student/Teacher relationship on students’ ability to count
and number objects?_______________________________________________________
2. How can you address the relationship on students’ ability to count and number objects to
become effective?_________________________________________________________
3. Is there a significant relationship on students’ ability to count and number objects?_____
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Promising Practices in Juvenile Justice: A Restorative Lens by Kelly Griffith

Research Design

This study will utilize descriptive method. The research method is needed because the
promising practices in juvenile justice through restrictive laws.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to investigate the promising practices I juvenile justice
through restorative laws.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. It is important to identify the promising practices on juvenile through a restorative laws?

2. What are the factors to contribute restorative laws from promising practices?__________
3. What are the challenges in promising practices in juvenile justice?__________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Perceptions Vs. Realities: Experiences of African American Women at Washington High
School by Ray’Von Jones

Research Design

This study will utilize correlational study. The research method is needed because there
was a correlational between perceptions vs. realities through experiences of African women at
Washington High School.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to percept the experiences of African American
Women versus reality at Washington High School.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. To what perceptions of experiences of African American women at Washington High

2. To what realities experiences of African American Women at Washington High School?_
3. Is there a significant relationship between perceptions versus realities through
experiences of African American women at Washington High School?_______________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
School Effectiveness as Influence on Students with Military Parents by Maria McGuire

Research Design

This study will utilize correlational design. The research method is needed because they
examine the relationship between military parent-child relationships, key factors of military life.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to what degree does the relationship with the parents
and key-factors in the military lifestyle predict the variance in military children’s self-esteem,
social belongingness and resilience.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. To what degree does the relationship with parents and military lifestyle predict the
variance in military children self-esteem?______________________________________
2. To what degree, does the school effectiveness as influence of students with military
3. To what degree does the relationship with parents and military lifestyle predict the
variance in military children resilience?________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
The Effect of the Black Arts Movement on the Evolution of Black Identity by Njeri

Research Design

This study will utilize correlational design. The research method is needed because they
examine the relationship between the effects of the black arts movement on the evolution of
black identity.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to find the effect of the black arts movement on the
evolution of black identity.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What are the effect of the black arts movement on the evolution of black identity?______
2. How can you address the relationship of the black arts movement on the evolution of
black identity?____________________________________________________________
3. Is there a significant effect of the black arts movement on the evolution of black identity?
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________

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