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Logic and Model Theory 645

Tarski asked if the theory of Rexp is decidable. This The first two sentences tell us that the relation “∼”
question remains open, but the answer is known to defines a graph, and for each pair (n, m) the sentence
follow from the following conjecture of Schanuel in Φn,m tells us that the extension property holds for all
transcendental number theory. pairs of disjoint sets A and B with A of size n and B
of size m. Thus, a model of T is a graph for which the
Conjecture. Suppose that λ1 , . . . , λn are complex num-
extension property holds for any pair of disjoint finite
bers that are linearly independent over Q. Then the field
sets of vertices.
Q(λ1 , . . . , λn , eλ1 , . . . , eλn ) has transcendence degree at
The argument above shows that with probability 1
least n.
the random graphs we constructed are models of T .
Macintyre and Wilkie have shown that if Schanuel’s Now let us see why they are isomorphic (again with
conjecture is true, then the theory of Rexp is decidable. probability 1). This will be an immediate consequence
of the following theorem.
6 The Random Graph Theorem. If G1 and G2 are any two countable models
Model-theoretic methods give interesting information of T , then G1 is isomorphic to G2 .
about random graphs [III.34]. Suppose we construct a Recall that an isomorphism between G1 and G2 means
graph as follows. The vertex set is the set N of all natu- a bijection f from the vertex set of G1 to the vertex set
ral numbers N. To decide whether we will have an edge of G2 such that x is joined to y in G1 if and only if f (x)
between x and y (with x = y) we flip a coin, putting an is joined to f (y) in G2 . The proof, which we shall now
edge there if and only if we get heads. Although these sketch, is a “back-and-forth” argument that gradually
constructions are random, we will show below that, builds up an isomorphism between G1 and G2 . First,
with probability 1, any two such graphs are isomorphic. let a0 , a1 , . . . be an enumeration of the vertices of G1
The proof depends on the following extension prop- and let b0 , b1 , . . . be an enumeration of the vertices of
erty. Let A and B be disjoint finite subsets of N, and G2 . Let us set f (a0 ) to be b0 . Next, we choose an image
suppose that they have sizes n and m, respectively. for a1 : if a1 is joined to a0 then we need to find some
We would like to find a vertex x ∈ N that is joined to vertex that is joined to b0 and if a1 is not joined to a0
every element of A and to no element of B. Now for any then we need to find a vertex that is not joined to b0 .
particular x, the probability that it does not have the Either way, we can do it because G is a model of T , so it
desired property is p = 1 − 2−(n+m) . Therefore, if we satisfies the extension property. (The particular cases
look at N different vertices, the probability that none we use here are Φ1,0 and Φ0,1 .)
of them has the desired property is p N . Since this con- It is tempting to continue finding images for a2 , a3 ,
verges to zero with N, the probability that at least one and so on, in each case using the extension property to
x ∈ N has the property is 1. Moreover, since there are make sure that the images are joined to each other if
only countably many disjoint pairs (A, B) of finite sets, and only if the original vertices are. The trouble with
with probability 1 it is the case that for every such pair this is that we may not end up with a bijection, since
(A, B) one can find a vertex x that is joined to every for any particular bj there is no guarantee that we will
vertex in A and to no vertex in B. ever choose it as the image of some aj . However, we can
We can formalize this observation in a model-theo- remedy this by alternately choosing an image for the
retic way. Let Lg = L(∼), where “∼” is a binary relation first ai that does not yet have an image, and a preimage
symbol (which we read as “is joined to”). We let T be for the first bj that does not yet have a preimage. In this
the Lg -theory: way we build the desired isomorphism.

(i) ∀x∀y x ∼ y → y ∼ x; It was not essential to use model theory to prove the
(ii) ∀x ¬(x ∼ x); above result. However, it has the following very nice
(iii) Φn,m for n, m  0. model-theoretic consequence.
Corollary. For any Lg -sentence φ either φ is true in
Here Φn,m is the sentence every model of T or ¬φ is true in every model of T .
∀x1 · · · ∀xn ∀y1 · · · ∀ym Moreover, there is an algorithm that will tell us which
n 1 n m
of φ or ¬φ is true in every model of T .
1 1 1
xi = yj → ∃z xi ∼ z ∧ ¬(yi ∼ z) . To prove this, one first applies a slight strengthen-
i=1 j=1 i=1 i=1 ing of the compactness theorem, which allows one to

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