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Student Budget

For this part, five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question,
choose the correct answer from the choices A-G. There are three extra sentences that you do
not need to use.

University is an exciting time to learn and to make friends that will last a lifetime. (1) _____.
This increase means that most students can get into money trouble if they're not careful.

(2)___________. Students must also pay thousands more per year for room and board. In
addition to this, add on money for clothes, travel, and other personal expenses which will
leave students having to fork out a lot of money each year. (3) ___________. At most
universities, councillors can give students advice on how to budget their money.

The first thing they suggest is to write down your income. For example, the money you will get
from your family or a part-time job. (4) _____________. Put your expenses into two groups:
those that change (food, phone, books, travel), and those that will stay the same (tuition,
room and board). Add together all of your expenses.

(5) __________. This means they save their money, rather than trying to borrow from others.
As you can see, there's more to learn at university than just what's taught in the classroom!

A However, the cost of studying at university is on the rise.|It is not just the course fees.
B So, students need to spend their money carefully.
C Then, list all of your expenses.
D When students do this, they find it is easier to plan out their budget.
E Therefore, students will need to work.
F In addition, the costs are on the rise.
G However, students need to look at why they spend money.

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