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Hands aching and trembling, with a steady breath I pierced through the fabric.

Needle in hand, wrapping the thread into the button's openings. Once more I

repeated the process, just like I had done countless times. Never stopping, for the

slightest hesitation shown would not be taken kindly. “How long has it been?” “How

long will I continue to stand here?” I could only wait for this eternity to end.

Even when it did, the only thing comforting was feeling the rough floor on my back. I

could only rest during these moments, despite them flying by in an instant. When

everything turns black, bliss is the only word that could describe it. The only time I

am truly living. Hearing the hallways filled with the chatter of students, their laughter

echoed throughout. Reminiscing about every lesson taken, every friend made, every

day experienced. It assured me that I would make it through another day of this

suffering that was no better than death. The only thing preventing me from giving up,

gripping to it tightly each time I fell into despair.

Gray walls enclosed us from the outside, every day they brought in more children.

All of us had dreams and aspirations we wanted to fulfil, only for us to be stripped of

them. We gave up our future so that our family could live. Some of us are too young

to understand what is happening, just following what their parents tell them to do.

Only to be abandoned and sold off to work. I think to myself “Were we born just to be

used?”, “Why do we have to experience such hardships?”, “When will our cries for

help be heard?” How I yearn to be free, to be loved, to be alive. I doubt that that day

will come. No matter how much I pray; No matter how much I dream, only a miracle

can save us.

Opening my eyes, I greeted my needle as if it were an old friend. The unending and

unrelenting pain began once more.

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