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Assignment 3

Lists and Tuples

1. List Creation: Write a program that creates a list of five favorite fruits entered by the user.
2. List Slicing: Given a list `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]`, write a program to print the middle
five numbers.
3. Tuple Conversion: Ask the user to enter three numbers. Store these numbers in a tuple
and print the tuple.
4. List Operations: Write a program that adds an item to the end of a list, removes the first
item, and sorts the list.
5. Element Search: Create a list of numbers. Write a program that checks if a number
entered by the user exists in the list.
6. List Reversal: Write a program that reverses the elements of a list and prints it.
7. Tuple Unpacking: Create a tuple with four elements. Write a program that unpacks these
elements into four variables and prints them.
8. Maximum and Minimum: Write a program that finds the maximum and minimum
elements in a list provided by the user.
9. Concatenate Lists: Ask the user to enter two lists. Write a program to concatenate these
lists and print the result.
10. List to Tuple: Convert a list of numbers entered by the user into a tuple and print it.

Sets and Dictionaries

1. Set Creation: Write a program that creates a set of unique numbers entered by the user.
2. Set Operations: Demonstrate the basic set operations: union, intersection, difference,
and symmetric difference.
3. Dictionary Creation: Ask the user to enter three pairs of key-value pairs and store them
in a dictionary.
4. Dictionary Lookup: Write a program that asks the user to enter a key and checks if it
exists in a given dictionary.
5. Frequency Counter: Write a program that counts the frequency of each character in a
string using a dictionary.
6. Set Membership: Write a program that checks if a given element is present in a set.
7. Dictionary Values: Write a program that prints all the values in a dictionary.
8. Merge Dictionaries: Write a program that merges two dictionaries into one.
9. Dictionary Key Removal: Write a program that removes a specified key from a
10. Unique Elements: Write a program that finds all the unique elements of a list and stores
them in a set.

Form of the Assignment is to provide the report of the tasks in the view of the screenshots
of the code/compilation in the docx/pdf format. and submit to the moodle’s assignment’s box.

The defense is to explain the tasks and answer the questions that would probably appear
during the explanation.

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