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import tkinter as tk

def handle_input(event):
# Get the user's input
user_input = entry_field.get()

# Generate a response from the AI

ai_response = generate_ai_response(user_input)

# Display the AI's response

chat_box.insert(tk.END, f"AI: {ai_response}\n")

# Create the main window

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("AI Chatbot")

# Create the chat box

chat_box = tk.Text(root, height=20, width=80, border=2)

# Create the input field

entry_field = tk.Entry(root, width=80)
entry_field.bind("<Return>", handle_input)

# Create the send button

send_button = tk.Button(root, text="Send", command=handle_input)

def generate_ai_response(user_input):
# This is where you would implement your AI code
# For now, just return a simple response
return f"You said: {user_input}"

# Start the main loop


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