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Jlh apt er

'i:J:3-\ • •

Efec,;tro ,.. Elect ric current, Mugn cti ·sn1 ""' magnet.
• l •,

I~•\ I

t I '• ; ;


~ The relat1onship betwe en .
mugn ctlsm
. . nnc1 electr i c ity w·.is, d'1scovc
. scien ti st h , Cl . . . ,1 • u lectur e
rc<.1 in I 8 J 1J wlicn, ulmn g
demo nstra tion. the Durns h I < ns - in stinn () , .1
cr.,tct founJ thut nn clcrtr .
ic . , nt .in a w,rc
e. curre dcll cc1<:d
11 nearby comp . uss needl
•. .
~ So, the produ ction ot magn etism from c, 1cctnc curre nt is c· 11 , ·I
~ ' ,1 n clc1.:tro ma gncti iun .
⇒ Oersted for the first time concluded t w1len n charge is in 111 .
It .
ric . · ot,on lhl'. n 11 r rod uct magnetic li eld.
So, Charge at rest produ ce only ' Elect field '
.· . '
:=:- A charge in motion produ ce t,.vo fi elds· · ' Fl
, ect, 1c f 1cld •inJ M . .
· ' agnct1 c l1 clcl '
⇒ In nature there are three tfolds ;
I. Electric field
2. Magnetic field
3. Earth gravitational' field
it • • ,. t ,, t • .
⇒ Electric field sun·ounds the charge when 1s a re., or •n moti on m r f l it
n only, while gravi tation al field . · ' agne i c i v d surrounds an object wh,:11
is in motio 1s surrounded by all ,)Lj ects.

⇒ So. a charge 1s surro unde d by 3 fields .
study only electric 'and ma · · I
⇒ In electromagnetism we h . ' gnctic ti e d of charge so here we ncglcd grav itational
• Id , d , 'd by two fi elds.
tre an v.e cons1 er t at a movmg charge is surrounded

as early as 800 B•c . Tl1ey d"1scovc rcd that the stunt: magnetite (h .:3 04)
_ t magnetism
The early. Greeks .knew abou
esian Stone') is a materi al that produ ces magnetic
attracts ~1eces 0~1~on: ~ magnet (from Greek word ' Magn
omagnets are used in many every <lay and sci enti tic
field_. T~1s field 1s mv1s1ble. Permanent magnets.and electr
and move heavy loads, such as scrap iron at a recyd ing
applications . Huge electromagnets are used to pick up
such a magn et. These ends an: c::illed poles ; une is c.1 1kd
Iron objects are most strongly attracted to the ends of
the north le, and the other is called the south ole.

d to the electric force between charged oh_iect:; in th3t

The magnetic force between two magnets can be likene \
unlike poles of two magnets attract one another and like
magnet is attracted to the south pole of another magn
together repel each other. Electric charges differ fro~
poles repel one anoth er. Thus, the north pole of ::i
et, and two north pul es .(or two south poles) bn)ught d use
magnetic poles in that th~y can be isol?k d, w here:1s
times a permanent magnet 1s cut. each piece alway s h3 s
J' '

magnetic poles cannot. In fact, no matter how many - ·

s occur in airs.
north ole! and a south ole. Thus ma netic oles alwa
• • "it" 7
-, - • • • .. ' ..
• •

nqun1<11 it .iu~in.l~r "\ . · . -~ .. -

• • • ~)
- '. • •

Imes 1s hi gh at ro1nts nenr the pok s. ,md tl1,

⇒ In case of~ bar magnet, the density of magneti ~ field
1 . _ . . . . r.
density at points near the center of the magn et s low. magncuc l1 l·ld , 11 will ali gn 1tscL 111 th~
⇒ lfwe place a magnetic compass at any point in the earth 's
· .1
direction •the magnetic •
field lines . · r Id l"nes is that it is the path lo. llu\1; cd by a ma~nctt c 11tlt l 1
⇒ Common m1sconccpt1on about magn etic
1e ·
• ,. . ·t , , th . ,,,.1 111 •t·1 · 11u 1· · ·
pole in a magnetic field. . - ·L o l'thc magnd 1c u1 LT ,1c 1111.:.- l 11 ' c ' . ~ l l
J 11 cc ion
⇒ This is not correct. It is th,: instantaneous
--- - - - ---- - - -
ole in the ma netic field .

<fl>a~ : 99
' - , 114 ,, ~1, ,Vl/ I l,(_,1/, f .J I..'.'..} ~ t,U/l f U ,U f " ~
l II
I, He founds that if magnetic needle is parall el to condu cting
wire, this means that the . ' '
the wire, so there is no deflection of magnetic needle . re is n
0 ,
II . Ir cum~nt is tlown through the wire, the magnetic needle is current .
det] ectcd, when again the 1
in opposite direct.ion the magnetic needle again . d b 111. . . . . curren t .
deOecte ut opposite direction. This d n 1s fl0v'll
shows that with there exist some magnetic field outside
wire. e ection
On increasing the current in wire deflection of magnetic
needle increases.
·1hi:,, is a ~nlid proof tlwt. Current, I oc ma,l/ lll'lic field
('nm l'nl i1lib Ii ,r l~l' ,n:scnt ing the l>irn:1 ion or
a rvlagm:til: I· il'ld
, I

Into the page

Out of the page

It is represented by magnetic lines of force.
⇒ Magnetic lines of force always form a close
⇒ Magnetic field lines start from North pole of
magnet and ends on South pole of the magnet.
· ⇒ Inside magnet the direction of magnetic field lines is from
' South to North '.
⇒ Outside magnet the direction of magnetic
field lines is from 'North to South '.
⇒ Magnetic field around the charge will be disapp
ears if current is switched off or charges stop moving

.¢Nitlit4dGii4itMMfadfMM•iirfflMit•i,- ... .
The strength of magnetic field is measured in terms of Magn
etic flux density . ~
⇒ B is a measure of field concentration (Number oflines in each square meter
or 1he tield).
⇒ The magnetic field around a current carrying
conductor is described in terms of B
⇒ It is represented by B.
⇒ It is a vector quantity.

⇒ lt is sometime called Magn etic field B.

⇒ Unit:
Tesla o r -
or Gauss
· 1 Tesla = 10 4 G
1 G = 10- 4 T
~Definition of magnetic field in term of (Force on a mov
ing charge in magnetic field)
⇒ We can define a magnetic t1~ld Bat some point in space
in terms of the magnetic force FB that the
field exerts on a charged particle moving with a velocity
v, which we call the test object.
~ lf'q' is the charge moving in a uniform magnetic field Bwith
vand B, so the force P;;: exerted by magnetic field is gi ven by;
speed where 0 is the angle between v,

Fm= qvB sin0

this shows that Fm ocq (Magnitude of charge)
Fm oc v (Magnitude of velocity)
Fm oc B (strength of magnetic field )
Fm oc sin0
/11 vector furm ,·

. Frn=q(v><B)
·_'l tl .. i; f,;; is•pcrpendicular to plane of vand
• :;· '
·-~ 1~;1, ;~ perpendicular to V.
· . i·. IKT171· 11Jkul nrlo B.

g;<UJ€'. 100
nor slow down a moving charge }artic le. but it can
::::') A uniform magn etic field can neithe r speed uple.
change only direc tion of movi ng charg e partic
:::> A magn etic force canno t chang e the kineti
c energy of a particle.
==' i( V = 1. q = l.0 = 90°, then F.,n= B
l to Force expe rienc ed by a unit posit ive
This show s t hat jj at a poin t in a space (2D)l s equa
lar to the direc tion of B
char ge movi ng with a unit veloc ity perpe ndicu
:::> /)irecli()n of Magnetic force :
It is gi ven by two Right hand Ruic:
of the magnetic force acting on a particle with
Two right-hand mies for deten ninin g the direction -
charge q movi ng with a veloc ity v in a magnetic
tield B.
ofv, with B coming out of your palm, so that you can
(a) In this rule, the fingers point in the direction
curl your fingers in the direc tion of B. The direct ion of
ion in which the thumb points.
v x B, and the force on a posit ive charg e, is the direct
thumb and Bin the direction of your fingers. The
(b) fn this ~le, the vecto r vis in the direction of your
force FB on a posit ive charg e is in the direction of your
palm, as if you are pushi ng the partic le with your hand.
~ Ifwe apply the right -hand rule on electr on (nega tively
charged), so by apply ing the rule it is clear that force
r II

electron will be vertic ally upwa rd.

:=) The direc tion of posit ive charg e will be exact ly
oppos ite~-so it will be vertica11y down ward for positi
charge. f,

⇒ Some ·cases of Magnetic force; R

(h j
Sin(O °) = 0 ta)

· Ma gne tic[ orce

Ang le bet wee n v and B
i 0 = -0° or 180°
vB (O) O =
F. = vB 1 = vB max imum value
2. i 0 = 90°
⇒ If v ~ o, i.e. charge particle is at rest
Fm = q(O) Bsin0 = 0
Charge at rest experience no force.

⇒ :; ::n~ ~::tn e~:;c ~lly neural pa~icles like neutron moving

in magn etic field experience no force. .

⇒ Unit o/8:
Si unit of magnetic field ii is Tesla.
As; Fm
Fm -- _qv Sm vqsin-
⇒ 8=-- 8

if v = lms- 1,q = 1 and F = 1-N'then B = 1Tesla

. .
✓ Ma netic field of earth is about 10-4 r.
✓ A s~rong electromagnet can produce a magnetic field
of about 2 Tesla.
✓ Another unit used for B is Gauss. 4
1 Tesla = 10 G
1 Gauss = 10- r

· • Discussion · '

1. qvB = 0
lf 0 = 0° then Fm =not on
~charged ~t'ic1e. In this case a charged particle wilJ move
a . ·
In this case B does exerts any force
parallel to field.
2. If f) 180° then F: vB 0

'{}J~.: 101
St~o· l~c pa~ticle will move in its original dirccti;;-- - - - -- - - - - - - - -
-. 90 then F.m -- qvB ⇒ M axmwm . value
In this caS& a magnetic fi Id ·11 .
ch'mging ,·ts d' . e w, exerts force, nol by changing magnitude of charge but it will d

the field . 1rect1on ' a,·· a rel·u/t ti.le c,,arge
, d . .
r perpe d'o so by
particle will move ,n .
a circle of radius
. n icular to
In sud1 c~se magri-t ·1 fc . • 'd . .
c c 01 ce prov, es necessary cenlnpetal force = mv /r 2

mv 2
i. /l{l(/ius ofa path:

mv 2 mv
qvB =-- ⇒ r =-
r qB
r oc v ⇒ fast moving particles move in large circl; e and so on
ii. Time period of revolution of cltarge particle in magnetic field:
2rcr 2rr mv 2mn.
v v qB qB
Time period is independent of v and r
iil Frequency of revo/11tio11 in a circle: -
l qB
= r = 2mn.

iv. Angular freque11cv:
qB qB
w = 2rrf = 2rr(-)
= -m
4. If a moving charged particle enter a uni form magnetic field making an angle to the direction oftield it
describes a helical ath.

Concept · -::~ ·~- ·

if 0 = 0° ⇒ then Lt mean somethmg parallel
if 0 = 180° ⇒ then it mean something anti - parallel
i 8 = 90° ⇒ then it mean somethin Pe endicular

· Magnetic flux _: ~-
⇒ The dot product of magnetic induction B and vector area element .1A .
.1¢ = B . .1A = B.1A cos0 So;
B = 'A!.. ⇒ Mgnetic
field strength is magnetic
flux passing per unit area .
⇒ It is represented by¢.
⇒ The .1¢ represents the magnetic field lines passing through the vector area element .1A placed
perpendicular to the field.
⇒ The area here is a vector area.
⇒ Direction of a vector area A is normal lo the surface area.
::;. Maximum magnetic.flux:
If the surface area is perpendicular to the field or Normal to the surface area is parallel to magnetic
field B.
⇒ Zero Magnetic flux:
If normal to the surface area become perpendicular to magnetic field B.
⇒ Unit: weber and 1 Wb = lNmA- 1

· Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor


t ~-•

</})~; 102
Mo glll:ll r llu x llirough~ t,-,11 -. 1·- - - -111-
(0 ) Tin; fl ux 1li ro11gh lhc ii h, ~ v'.ng h,"
1' ) 'l'Iic L11~
1'l!!IJ.!!Jhc '-'=
11 /"h!lll' fi clcl- - - - - -
' lee: ,,,~ l -CIO. 11-h..:11 II le IIH1gnc11c fi eld iq p· II ·I
' 0 !.1~~1111u111 whl·n lhc 11
,ir n c I,, !he plan e ~urli,cc
!!!J.' nc111 fiel d .,
11u1c ~ ~ rl~':J!lnnc
. • • - - 2..'~ rpc
, . 1c churg cl -
;:::, If a mugru:1rc force 1s exerted on II sing .
ic r
rurticlc moves through a magnet le·I <I, .It should 'c purti clc when 1hc
n0 l , ,
. surprise you
that a currcnt-carryrng wire olso c . )C )( )(
· xpcrrcnces a fiorcc ,
w 1Jen placed in a

magnetic field.
-=> This follows from the fact that the c urrcnt is . a colic t' f )C
charged particle s in motion-' hence , th e resultant forec ion o many
. c exerted by the I
field on the wire is the vector .sum ofth e .Ill d'1v1dual

force d Fmapctl c
all the charged particles making up th e current. < s exerte on )C )(
. .
-=> Magnetic force on a curTcnt ca rrying d . .
➔ con uctor 1s given by:
F=l( lxil) )C )C 8
F = llB sin0
A current-carrying conductor in a
-=> i is a vector .
length and. directio. n of I is- aIong d'ircc11on magnetic field experiences a force
. . of length
-=> Note that this express ion applies only to t . lhat is perpendicular to the
. .- ' a s rai g1it segment of wire
direction of lhe current
ma umlorm magnetic field .
⇒ Force per unit length is given by;
-l = l8sin0
⇒ Magnetic force on a current carryin g conductor in different cases·
Angl e · Magn etic orce ·
I. 1/ 0 = 0° Fm = llB(O) = 0
I if a curren t carryi ng c~nduc tor is
Parall el to B
or 180°.
I if a curren t carryi ng con_:!ucto1· is
2. F. = llB 1 = llB maxim um value
⇒ Directio11 offorce on a curren t carrying conductor:
Hence. we know that F is always perpendicular to the plane off and
Its dir~c tion can be determined by one of the two rules;
Ri.{Jht hand rule for cross produc t · Flemin g's left hnnd nile
Stretch forefinger, middle finger, and thumbs of
Orient your right hand in such a way that your un-
your left hand mutually perpendicular.
stretched finger points along the direction of
conventional curren t your bend fingers points If forelinger points in the direction ul' B
Middle finger in the dirr.ction of Current I
along the dirl:!ction of 8.
Ynur extend ed thumb will give you direction of The11 thumb will give you direction of Fm·

. ...
l ....
) I { " )( )I
, 8.,
.( l( )( )(

,c ,r )( X
8,.. (

ITT • <
,( )( "' )II

,_ 0

(c l (d)

(a) A wire suspended vertically between the poles of a magnet.

, so that the magnetic field
(b) The setup shown in part (a) as seen looking at the south pole of the magnet
s vertical.
(crosses) is directed into the page. Whe11 tltere is 110 c11rre11t 111 the wire, It remain
(c) Wht'II f/11 1 c11rr1•111 I.\ ,,,,,,,n rd, 1hr w/r,• t/1'.f/,'<'l.f to the lefl.
(ti) Wh ('II tile• curr i·111 l.\ dow1111 ·ord, tllf• win' d,'}la t.,; to 1/1<' right.

/\n,pi.:n· '.s 111\v glv1,•:-. 11s J,:ell l'fll l rcluf ion hl' f ween n rnrrcnl irt a wire of any shape and th eir
magn .
fidd produced arou nd ii. et1 c

l'h ls lnw is onl y rrnc for ., tl':tdy l'lln-cnl.

=- > J'l,c sum of cl111 proclocl of' 111:1g11c1ic fie ld slrcngrh/ lnducri on ;irouml any closed path in
- air/vacullll) .IS
cqu11l to''" tim('s the tol nl currcnl cndoscd hy tha t c.: losed rmth .
1'111.' closed pnlh is gcncrn lly cn lkd Amr;erlan loop (:m imaginary closed lnnr
P f :rn arhitrary :.hape
which cnclosnf cum:nl carrying co nducror).
⇒ This luw is only vn fid for sy111111<·1ricn l arran gcrrn:nts.
l' t:1'1// ll /vi ty - {:' / (!C lr {c
II /J1•r t y
M11llu-mntlcnl form: Pe rm e abili ty = Maqn"tic "r
• - , - 0 peny

) B.t:,,[ = µ o fe ncloserl
µ 0 = Permea bility
⇒The results hold good and is independ ent of shape and size of[! cln -.:t: path that enclose current.
⇒ By considering a long st.raight current carrying conductor. Due too current magnetic
field produced
nround the c1irrent carrying conductor, the magnitud e of m:i.gnetic field that is perpendi cu lar
at a
distance ·r· from conductor is given by;
B oc /
Note that µ 0 /2rr is a constant term.
⇒ This is one oft he applications of ampere law.
⇒ Magnitude of magnetic fi eld when there is external medium ,
µml · µrµol
= 2rrr = 2rrr
⇒ Permeability: it is capability of a medium to be magnetized in external magnetic field .
µ 0 ➔ permea bility of air or vacuum
µm ➔ permea bility of medium
Relative permeabilitv: the ratio of permeability of medium to permeability of vacuum.
µrelative =-

Magnetic field due tci a current carry~ng:$'0_/e_r:1aid'(':\PPUca~'iorj of Ampere law) -

Magn~tic field l111c:s for a 11gh1ly wo1111d sole11u1d of f111i1e leng~1. ~.1n y111g n steady cw rt<1tl The
15 Slrong nnd ne11rly urn fonn . Nore ftdd in itk'. 111tc, ,or span· The rnagn.:tic lield lines for 0
thal the fit kl l111t;., re ~cmble rltrh,· " fu bar 11111gno1, 1Y1 ,·,111111g 1l u1111,u solenoid
eff.-c tt vcly
has nonh nnd soutJ, oles loose ly wounJ soleno id

=> Solenoid is a Greek word whi ch means '·t ube like".

<eJwpMYr/ 'flo,: 13 "C!?
6 ~ cl
.d . I /UJ.1na(Jne.tu,n1, "
;:::, wire wo un d .HI the
/\ so Icnor rs :.i 011.g r '
:::> Figure shows · solenoidorm ol a heli x .
n current curry rng
. .
=> M:rgnclr c lrcld. around so lcrn'd •
. . ( ' 11chuvcs lik . ,
=> Inside magnetic lrcld is uni for•,,1r111dp arlllc r1 bnr nu1gnct .
:;;:, Outside the solenoid the rn·,g . . · a c lo lhc solcnoi (1 ux,. s.
. , netr c f,cldisv , -
;:::> /\ s thc length o f the solenoid .IIH.:.rcascs ti· . er Y srnall.
becomes weakcr. ' l e rntcnor field b ~
. r I C1.:0 111cs rnurc un .1r
:;;:, Magnetic re d aro und cum.:nt cu . orn, :ind the ex terior 1- ·Id
rry111g sn lcnoiJ is . ,e
given by;
n ==
µ nl
I - current I lira o
n == numb er f ugh a sol enoid
o lllrn per uni t l en,qth,
n == -
8- I
- magnet ic f . id .
⇒ , . .rs • I' Le
Note that magnetic licld insides o 1enord
1111 I
Ill sid e th e sofen.01"d

⇒ Magnitude of magnetic field .rns,.d e so lenoid orrn .

, an iron.
' w Iicn , ., .
• • [J == . co, c rs placed inside it then;
⇒ By the use of iron as a core mat crra
. 1
(mater·18 1 • •
increased · rnsrde solenoid) ti ,e overall magnetizati on or 8 .
net will be
because core material add s. some ex trn ma .
⇒ Al a point near th e ends of an . gncti c properly.
air-cored so lenoid ' the . . .
1 magnitud e of magnetic field is gi ve n by;

B == 2µon!

. . . · .---.... wi se, 1t acts as North-pole.

Force betwee n two current carrying conductor .· . .

direction , they will show
⇒ If two ~urrent c~rry ing conducto rs of same length carrying current in th e same
a11ractwn. The fo rce o f attractio n per unit length is given by;
~ µo f1f2
f =---
2rr T
⇒ If current in parallel conduct ors are in opposite direction the conductor will repel each

⇒ So, we ca11 SllJ' that like currents allract and unlike current repel each other.
⇒ Force between two parallel moving c/1(Jrges is given by;
F = µo q1q z V1V 2

i1M&,iJ!i4k§f,,j,,,,,t,iif i,iGY!cld,ti¥J@i#4!ti!t!!fftirt·firf,M,t44iMii41•
Source of electric force is source charge where source of magnetic force is current
- loop.
2· Electric lines of force donot forms a close loop where magnetic lines of force can form a close
3. Electric force is angle independent and magnetic force is angle dependent.
(parallel) of the electric field, whereas the magnetic force
4· An electric force acts along the direction
acts perpendicular to the magnetic field. is moving or at rest.
5. The electric force aclc; 011 a charged particle regardless of whether the particle
whereas the magnetic fon.:t: acr.s 011 a charged particle only when the particle b in mo~ion.
Cf!lia121RA/ ~ : 13 "cg ~ l/t,0,mtuJ nw,,s.m,, " ~


6. The .
electric force does work in displadng a charged particle. whereas lite mag nc1ic lore, .
. .
w11h a srcady magnetic field dot's no woi'k when a particl e Is di splaced because !he torccC ,1, ~fl.c,atcc1

perpendicular to the displnrem r11t.

7, This menns that e/ectrlcfinrce C"hflfll(l'J th e speed nm/ hence kinetic energy. Howe ver h
. • ' ia,1~11e,;c
force does not cl1at1gt• speed (kinlltlc e11ergy) nj cl,nrge pnrt,cle.
8. Note that the electric force is much greflter rhan the magnetic force.
A long wire carrying n s;cady current. It is bent into a circle of one turn and the magn,~ric ticld at~ r - ...___
coil is ll It i~ th('n 1'ent inl.o ll circular loop of n turns. the magnetic field at the center of th e coil will b,- 111 lhc
a)2n8 b)n 2 B c)nb d)2n 2 B ~
Magnetic field at the center of a circular coil of n turns is given by
Thus B ex: N/ R if current is constant

Given: n x (2rrr) = 2rrR

R = nr or r = R /n
B' ex: n/(R/n)
B' ex: n2 /R l
Thus B'/B = n 2B
· "Lorentz force . ·· · · :: ; : :_ :-
⇒ The total force experienced by a charged particle moving in a regio n of· space where hn1I , clc~1 ric
magnetic fields are presents.
⇒ Matltematicnlly it is give11 by;
Floren;z = fe + FB = q(E + V X B)
⇒ Some important cases;

In this case charge

particle will experience
only electri c fo rce, the
if 0 = 0° or 180° FE= qE speed, momentum and
kinetic energy of a
charged particle will bl'.
chan eel .
_ . ·. · if ii, t and ii ar~11wtually perpendicular
:-. ;. An,qle ·. · Ma,qnetic force Electric force Result
In this case FL = 0 or
Fe + F,,; =0
if 0 = 90° J'hi ~ mc:ans 1h:11 ii lh-'.'
are opposite' 1(1 e:1ch
other thl· pan,~·k 11 ill
move undelledeu
through rhe tkld. /

i.e. qE - qvB - v - ;; 1

if velocity of a charged particle fies the equation v =~ then it will gu unde{lected.

· Velocity selector · ·
)( X )(
Bio )C )(

,<;;ouru: + ♦ ♦ )C + )( ♦ "X ♦ )(" + (a) A vcl - - - - - - ·

- - - --
X )I )( ,VXII . oc11y , . ll~ I , r .... ,

0 I )(, )( )( pan1cle is mnvu .. . h.:n a positi vely charucd

X :;(. ~ E m . ,_ ,,, h , d 1t:11 11 ~
} m the presence of a
agneuc fielJ d,,..,c,
- - -, - - ; ~ - :- )(~ )C
"' )( ---
--- 1
',( field di rec Jed do'" " '. ' 11110 th~ page and an clccln c
x )C' )( )( )( )'I )(
· force qE . d' -.11 d ' ,1 n ,,~ncnc~s
el ectnc n.• a downward
j _•_ " >< a 11 ,1 11 Up\\ rd
- ( -) - -
Sli1 X x ><
-] •£ q11 x 8 . t b) Wh. " magnetic force
, en 11 ,cs, ro .. l
. a moves in a hon Loni ,I - . ,,c~ ialanc~. lhc pan,dc
~ In many experiments invol vi . . (b)
- - - -- · · ~ rough the liclds.

.h . ng moving char d
. can bge part1cles. ii is im ponant that th ,
wit essentially . the same velo ci•ty. This h'
. l: pan,cks
all mo vt:
and a magnetic field oriented ass hO\\-n .in F. e ac 1eved hy · apply· mg a comb111af 1 1•
~ A uniform electric field is· d"1re1.. 1ed venicall tgure. H n an ckctric field °
magnetic . . is applied
field in the dire.l:llon . perpendicu l · ( in the plane
_) _trn nwurd or th t: r.ii;'-')
. . . .. ,nd ., u1111un11
~ If q 1s pos1uvc

. . lo the rigl h. ar to the
and the velocit ,v ' . 1:s
1I 1
. dectri c ti "·Id ( 11 110 11-: pa t.: ,·).

' qE 1.s downward
. . . • c magnetic force qv x 8 j, up,, .1rd .ind · Iii,; c: b :tric

~ "hen the magnitudes of the two fiie· Id s orecho._, ·I

t:n so 1lflt qE = qvB· th c part,ck
· of the field - , F
horizontal line throu g h th e region · mo,-c~ in a strai!:!111
~. ron, the cxpr •, · 1· ,w lind th at ~
E · t:s 5 ion q : = qvB,
⇒ Onl y those
. panicles ha ving~ speed ' , pass und etlccted th rnu g•h Ihc mutuall y perpendicul ar electric and
magnetic field s.

⇒ . at speeds greatc th
The magnetic force exerted on pa.rticl es movmg h.1 .
force, and ihe particles are deflected upward. ·~ r an t s 1s stronger than the electric

⇒ '°' t,ct e,I 1Iow11ward.

Thosl! mo\'in g at speeds less th an th is arc d,,fl
Charge to mass ratio for an electron • . •: .
•• • •I ,• .,. 0J

R11110 generall y means. let

y we have to find ra tio between these variables.
Genaall y. there will be 1hree possihilitic ~.
- > I ⇒ if X >y
- = l ⇒ t/ X =y
-X < 1 ⇒ if x < y(the answer will be in pui nt s )
y d
Ratio rrenerall v means th at how mu ch one vari able is f:! reakr or Cl ual or k s~~·r than the 2" va riah k .

⇒ /11 charge to mass ratio of electron, we determint whether charge of dedron greater than its mas~.
l!qual to its mass or lesser than its mass.
⇒ The charge to mass ratio of an electron is given by,· e 2V
e V
-=- or -=-- 2
m Br m B2 r
V = potential differenc e applied
r = radius(m agnitude of radius can be found experimentally) 11 1

⇒ Today. the: accepced value of charge to mass ratio for an electron is: 1.7588 x 10 C. kg-

&rde r of elm ratio of proton. a - particle and electron _ _ _ _ '>

a) (e/m)p > (e/m)a > (e/m)e
b) (e/m)e > (e/m)p > (e/m)a
c)(e/m)a > (e/m)e· > (e/m)p
d)none of these
Electrical charge on proton, a-particle and electron is e, 2~. e, and ma = mp > > me

<J>rJ'f'Y: 101
1-) = 7 r = -
m JJ


ma ~
Im I,, =;;;;
e t·
Su, / - ) > (- )
111 I ' '11 rr
C C e
llr 11ce, /-) > (- ) > I-)
Ille 111µ 111n
Answer: (b)

Ir is a· device to accelerate heavy charged particles lik·e proton. deuteron ere ... lo high speed.
⇒ Ir is only suitable for accelcraring heavy charge object, electrons are not al:celerared lhrou ·•h
g cyc lo
⇒ l/nd1arged particles like Neutron are also nor accelerated through cydotron. Iron_
⇒ Cyclotron frequency is given by;
1 qB
T 2mn
Cyclotron frequency is independent of velocity v of ions and radius r of the circular parh.
"I 11:UL LUJ' Y"'l5 ,..,..,,., ..,,· coil

⇒ When a current carrying loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field. a net torque acts 0 11 loop which
tend to rotate the loop.
⇒ There are two forces that acts on loop, these forces are equal in magnitude (= I LB) but oppositt: in
direction and have different line of action.
⇒ Therefore. these two forces constitute a couple which rotates the loop in anticlockwise direction abour
the vertical axis.
⇒ The torque on the loop is equal to moment of the couple .
.:::;> Expression of torque acting 011 current carrying loop (Valid for loop of any shape):
r = IABcose
A = Area of loop (length x bredth)
a' =magnetic field in which loop is placed
I =.current through loop

Expression of torque acting on current carrying loop for n turns (Valid for loop of any shape):
T =n/ABcose =-IABcose
. l
where n = number of turns per unit length
⇒ Expre.nion of torque acting on current carrying loop (if the loop is'i11 circular shape):
rrr 2 TTD 2
r = NIAB ~ Nlrcr~Bcosa ⇒ Nf 4Bcosa As,Area = rrr 2 =
r ex: Current through the loop
r cx: area of coil or loop
r ex: Magnetic field through the loop
r cx: number oo turns o coil
⇒ Some cases:

~a¥': 108
When 0 = 0° 11 s cos (()") = I = ma x i mum
i.e. plane of loor is parallel to th e direction of r = n /11/J ⇒ m nx im1.11n uu /11 c
ma netic field .

~ = ~=-=7::~W
direction =he~fi1i::
of ma >nctil:

i.e. plane of loop is perpendicular to the

1eld 90-:-
0::= ~-;-::::~~~
r = o⇒
: :~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ : :: : : : : ~.:

Expression of torque in terms of Magn etic mome11r of the curre11t loop:

/\ s co s ('J 0 °)
_- :
O = 1.eru
1/. el'o or m i n./m w n va lu e
_ -_- _-_- _ - _ -_ __ j
t = nl/\B
As = Magnitude of magn etic moment of cw Ten t lonp so ,
71 /A

r = M/Js in0 ⇒ i = M x B
⇒ So. when a current carrying loop is placed in a uniforn1 magnetic fi eld. lorq111.: ac ts u11 it "" hi ch 11.: ncb 111

rotate the loop so as to align the M in the direction of magneti c fi eld .

⇒ 41"he unit of torque acting on a current carrying coil is; Nm .

_ . Moving coil Galvanom eter

⇒ The galvanometer is the main component in analog meters for measuring small current and vo ltag1.: .
⇒ Principle: It uses a current carrying coil that rotates in a curr~_nt carrying coil in a magnetic ti eld
(torque acts on it).
⇒ Components:
I) Rectangular coil having large number of turns of-insulated copper wire .
2) The coil is suspended between the poles of a powerful horseshoe magnd by a suspensinn film: or
phosphor-bronze. A spring is attached to the other end of the coil. Tht· cum.:nt cntcrs 1h1.: rni I
through the fibre and leaves the coil through the ·spring.
3) The upper end of the suspension fibre is f Onnected to a rotating. sln.:w head so that the pl ane or
the coil can be adjusted in any desired position.
4) The horseshoe magnet has cylindrically concave pok-pi.cces. Due Ill thi ~. -.;h ;1rc. lhl' ma!-.'., lll'l
produces radial magnetic field so th;;it whd1 coil rotates in any position its plane i~ al\\ a:, :-- p;1r;ilk l
·to the direction of magnetic field . When ct,rrent flows through the coil it gets cklkctcd .
5) A soft iron cylinder is fixed inside the coil such that the coil can rotate freel y between the ptib
and around the cylinder. Due to the high permeability, the son iron .core increases the"'stn:n or
the radial magnetic tkld .
A small plane mirror M is fixed to the suspension fibre. Thi s along with lamp anJ scak
arrangement is used to measure the deflection of the coil.
⇒ When a current to be detected through the coil is passed the coil experi ence a torque (Called cklkc1i11g
torque) . Through this the coil begins to torque.
Deflecting torque = Tc1 = 11/ABcos0
As field is radial,so plane is parallel to (0°) => Cos(O°) = 1 => r r, = 11/ AB
⇒ When a coil begins to turns. the phosphor bronze wire starts turning and produce ;11H1ther torqLk' "hkh
is called restoring torque .
Restoring torque = Tc = k0 (k is a constant called torsion cu nstant)
Tc ex: 0(twist)
⇒ The coil turns until ra = r, . They become equal.
⇒ Asta = ;ire

~:Au;,e,: 109
~ " ,. • • v • • • "~J- ► < 11 ,'\ lfl ~
- I .•

kO k
n/AB =kB=> I= - -
=- I = G0 r\s C = - .., .011
11; W ' !-' tn nr
so, I oc I) (As cu1-re11t throu gh th e coil i11 cn·asrd cwist will bf· ulso , . • ,
. . 111 1 1
⇒ Current sensitfrity of galvanomd a: Deflectw11 per 11111t n1t T n1t 1s ml/r d r u r,, ,
. . . 0
1 11
nBA kO t •' t' 11,~11 1 ,
Current sens1t1v1ty. S, =1 = T .-Is J =_ 1 11 v
Unit: rad A- 1 or div A- 1
⇒ Voltaoe sensitivity ofgah·a11orneter: Deflection per unit 1:u/rogr is C<I/Jt'Ci cur,· ,
lllf,·1, 1
0 fl n/U 1, 1·111 ,
Voltag e sensitil'it v. S,. = - =- = - - 111
· V IR kR
R = resistance of gnl11a 110 met cr
Unit: rad v- or di v v-
1 1

The sensitivity of a galvanometer can be im:rcnscd b~ :

✓ increasing the strength ~f B
I ✓ increasing the area of a coil

increasing the number of tunis i11 th e coil
✓ Decreasing the torsion constant k of th e spring
__ ✓ Decreasing the resistan ce of ga lva nometer

✓ J'hc small value of k means week suspension.

✓ B~ increasing the area. the coil will become tn1lky.
✓ By increasin ° the number of turns this wi II increasr resi stutH.:t: of coil.

Conversion of galvanometer into Ammeter .. -. ·f,r.

\._ (1-1) r /
.............. _._____ ........... .,•·
. t
⇒ We need to convert galvanomt:tcr into ammetc:r to increase the valul· l)f current m~asur.:1111.'.nl (Ill lllli~,·
Galvanometer which can measure large current). so for thi s Wt' convt'rt Gafra11omf ta imo 11111mt·ta ~r
the help of connecting shu111 resistance in parallel.
⇒ Shunt have low resistance.
⇒ Sometime shunt is used to incrensc the rnnge of an ammetrr.
⇒ As the value of shunt is small so the resistance of ammeter will be greatc:r.
⇒ Ammetc:r is connected with circuit in series.
⇒ Value of sltu11t resista11ce is given by;
Shunt resistance, Rs
= I -I -1
- IG
Where G is resistance of galvanometer. 1 is cum:nt through galvnnom~tcr.
⇒ Value of Resista11ce ofAmmeter is gfren by;
Ammeter Resist a11 ce; I? =-
G -+ Resisf w1ce of gahmwm l'ttr
S -+ Sh1111t r esis tmlt't'
⇒ Hence the value of RA 111 ,,, eter < R51 w 11 r (Slnint Resistm1ce)
~ Full scale deflection currelll iJ· !(ive11 by;

Full scale dc/lect ion current, 19 = 11k

ri = number ol scale dit'isio11 i11 ga/1•,11w111t1t t!1 ·
k = curt-ent for 011e scale de/lectio11 in the .,1af va,w11_11-'rer

</l>a9e: 11 0
::::) If we.~ connect n hig
h resistance in series wi
th &lllvunometcr then it
::=> Voluncter is gc
ncru\\y connected in pa is called Vo\\mctcr.
rullcl with the circuit .
::::) The High resistance
is generally cn\\cd multip
::::- The value of high res lier.
istance (Multiplier) is
-;::;, As the value of mu in rnng,c ot' kilo ohms .
ltiplier is very large. va
lue or resistan
Re sis tan ce of Multipl ce of voltmeter will be also lar ge.
ier oc Resistance of Am
-:;- Value tJf higl, resistan meter
ce/ Multiplier Is given by:
911 (M ult ipl ter ) =1 - G
~ J'a/ue of Resistance
of Voltmeter:
Rvo1tn111ur :: G +
• .c:,t 'V olt md cr resistan R
_._ l 1cncc tI,e va \ue . ce is generally greater than that of
Mu lti p\k r

'. /',1,r· .· 111

n rMagnetic.:
•--- force on current F = l(L X B) F = llB si ~
car in conductor
2. F F
Magnetic induction B=-
B=- V
¢=BA case
3. Magnetic flux = B.A
4. II µof
Magnetic flux lknsity B=-
>(li.tii) = µ01 Zrrr

5. 8 = /L 0 nl
Magnetic fidd dut.: to B = µ0 - I
6; Magnetic force acting on a F=q(vxB) ft = qvB sin0f·
charge particle moving in
ma netic field
7. Lorentz force F=F.+F
8. elm value of electron e V e 2V
m Br
9. Velocity selector E
10. Torque acting on current r = IBA cosa
carrying loop in magnetic
11. Torque acting on current r = NIAB cosa
carrying coil in magnetic
lidd •
12. Deflecting torque acting on r= NIAB
alvanometer coil
13. Restoring_torque acting on r = C0
1:rnlvanometer _coil
14. Torsional constant_ C
r = ·....
15. relation between current and f~-c-0
deflecting angle in lj,_ _BAN
alvanometer ._
16. Shunt rt!sistance for - IR
conversion of galvanometer R· =....!l......L
s I - /
into ammt!ter
17. High resistance for t~e V
conversion of galvanometer
into voltmeter
1g -R9
- --~- ~ - - - - -- ..... - -- - -· --- --- ~ - - - - - --

I. Magnetic induction Nm- 1 A- 1

Magnetic tlux NmA- 1
3. weber
Mal!netic tlux density Wb/m 2 1 1
4. Nm A
Permeability of free space (JLo) Wbm- A- 1 1
5. Relative permeabilit y (Ur) 110 unit
6. elm valut! of t:le1.:trun _C/K,q
7. Torsional constant (c)

CZl'a9.c,: 112
the ends of a long cur rent carrying .
Magnetic fidd at . l .
. d . .d straig ht sol .d . . so eno1d is half u1· Lha1 ·H ii
Magn errc fief ms, e a long
eno, is mde pendent of the
. ' 1c ~ c11t1\:.
. uniform over the cross-section of th e so 1enoid 1ength and d'
1s .
to curr · iarnckr of the ·snlcn 01.d and
The magnetic field produced due ent through
3) a conductor iS'l<llwa . a plane
lane of the conductor. d" ys in perpendicular to th e
P . L r.
,orce does no wo k
The magnetic oren tz r on tfJe char .
4) . ge, as it always acts .
motion of charge. · ion of
perpendicular t0 the direct
· fi Id h as t hree properties ·
) Magnetic 1e
;. lt is only due to moving charges n th.
is you can remember if
Con ditio n
charge is stationary Resu lt
onlv electric field
charge .is moving with unifonn vel OClt· V
e:ectr!c field and ma2netic field
charge 1s moving with accelerated e ectnc field ma net'Jc field and electromagnetic
motion radiations . g

. •
ii. Any charged particle m magnetic field w,.11 a1ways move m a c. I
. . ~ _ ircu ar path.
iii. Smee magnetic force is given by th e 1•ormula F = qv x 8
. ·
6) A charge alwa ys experiences a force in electr"ic. tiie Id • whether it is st t' • .
• charg e does ~,. . · . a ionar y or m motion.
7) In a magnetic field , a stationary not experience any force · wh'I .
. . . paral lel to the d' .
ea movmg chargt: experience~
force . provided. 1t 1s not mov ing 1rect1on of the field .
. ! magn et" fi • ·.
8) Electric force ts an abso lute conc ept whilt orce is a relative conce. pt for an ohst:r ver
. . . JC · ·
. r. elect ri fi · · d ·
9) Magnetic ,orce 1s velocity dependen
t. while
c orce is m ependent ot the state of rest or mot·1or •• ,· ...,~
. I
charge d part 1c e.
10) The value of mag. netic field induction .
at a point, on the center ofse para1JOn ·
of two 1mear parallel
direction is zero.
conductors carrying equal currents m the ~ame
etic field. then it experiences only torque. not a force.
11) If a magnetic needle is kept in a unifonn magn
needle experiences both torque and force.
12) In non-uniform magnetic field. magnetic To produce
between the two dees by the ionization of the gas.
13) The positive ions arc produced in the gap
proton. hydrogen gas is used ; while for prod
ucing alpha-particles, helium gas is used. ·
se it
in a uniform magnetic field does not change becau
1-l) The energy of a charged particle moving to which . the speed of
to its direction of motion due
experiences a force in a direction, perpendicular
e its K.E. remains·same.
charged parlicle remains unchanged and henc endent of the speed
15) Time period of revolution of a charged
particle inside the dees (magnetic field) is indep
th of the
nds upon the value of its charge. mass and streng
and radius of the circular path described . It depe
field . circular orbit.
to the magnetic field. then it starts moving in _a
16) If a particle enters a magnetic fi eld normally 1t w1Lh the
lies on the circumference . (Most 01 us wuluse
The point at which it enters the magnt.:tic tield
. . . .
cent reof theo rbit) . ased by incre asmg dista nce betw een galva nometer and lamp
17) Accuracy o ,· suspen d ed 1ype MCG can be incre ,
. . . ' .
and scale arrangement. incre aSmg heigh t ofpo mter. . .
be increased by
18) Accuracy of pivoted type MCG can . t tial diffe rence curre nt and resistance. 1t 1s a
measure po en '
19) Multimeter is a single device which can
modified form of moving coil galvanometer.
ified form of MCG.
20) Ohmmeter measures resistance and is a mod
th is connected before
emf of e cell. A C ltage · rectifier circuit
\l'TJ A voltmeter cannot be used to measure To measure · · vo '
22) A voltmeter can measure D.C. voltage only.
. 1
right angles to the field. The force is zero
voltmeter. ·
. when the charged particle move ~ a Itel to the field ~where R =. radius of. dees.
23) Lorentz force is maximum · paral lel or anup ara •
parti cle
1s at rest or mov mg . t I00k for two values in the given question and
when the char ged . ter or shunt, JUS -
24) Whenever there is a question involving amme
always apply the fo~mula,
<f/Ja<;e,: 11 3
Smallervalue S
---- -=-
Bigger value S +G
where S IS· shunt which is very small and ·
G is resistance of galvanometer.
25) If in the ques t'ion two values of ·
current are given, olways remember the hlgger value will be I and th
smaller value will be/ c
26 ) ffin th e question only one value of
current is given, remember it will nlwnys he lg,
27 > It in the ~uestion. it is given
thot x% of mnin current passes through gulvunometcr, then simply apply the
formula :.i. =·~ ·
I 100·
28 ) In formula R = ! - G V is new range (for
• Exar:nple: if galvanometer was able to read up to IO volts and it ls to he con~erted into voltmeter lo read up
to I00 vo.lts, then V will be I00 volts) and to calculate 1!! always apply the tormula
·Old range
lg= G.
29) For a voltmeter, value of R should always be very high and value of S should be very small.
30) In order to reduce the range of voltmeter of resistance G from V to V/n, a shunt equal to riG should be
connected in parallel with it.

<g>~,. 114

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