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Analytical Report

for Wendy's
•Mohsinah Sadaat
•SONGÜL Öztürk
•Umut Atabay
•Baran Şahinoğlu
•Sumaia Noman
• The story of Wendy’s began in 15 Dec 1969.
Founded by Wendy Dava Thomas and. It’s
an international fast food chain which first
opened in Columbus Ohio America. Wendy’s
Background grew its business significantly in December
31, 2018 Wendy’s was the third largest fast
food chain in the world. Now in more than
30 countries, Wendy’s has more than 6,800
•The purpose in writing about Wendy's entry
into the Turkish market is to analyze and
evaluate the potential opportunities and
provide insights and recommendations on how
they can effectively position themselves in the
Turkish market. The report also interested in
understanding Wendy's target audience in
Turkey, and how they plan to differentiate
themselves from competitors. The goal is to
gain a deeper understanding of Wendy's
expansion into Turkey and share our expertise
and insights with the Investors.
New Market Entry
•Geographic and Demographic Context
•Market Potential in Turkey
•Government Support and Economic Environment
•Political and Economic Centers
•Consumer Preferences
•Opportunities for Growth
•Strategic Implementation
• Brand Recognition
• Menu Diversification for Health
new items to • Conscious Customers
the market • Targeting Families with Small Children.
• positively influence families' perception
of Wendy's
• Innovation in Product Presentation
• Responsive Product Development
• Menu Appeal and Sales Increase
•In outline, Wendy's features a strong opportunity to re-enter the Turkish advertise,
centering on Ankara and Istanbul. The key situating of Turkey, coupled with government
bolster for remote venture, makes a favorable environment. In spite of competition from
worldwide monsters, Wendy's can separate itself with imaginative menu augmentations
like prepared potatoes and square-shaped cheeseburgers, catering to advancing shopper
inclinations. By fitting methodologies to neighborhood elements and emphasizing more
beneficial alternatives, Wendy's can overcome challenges and build up a solid nearness.
The potential benefits in expanded clientele, brand acknowledgment, and income make
Turkey a promising advertise for Wendy's development.

•Market Research
•Location Planning
•Menu Innovation
•Delivery Infrastructure Development
•Digital Platform
•Marketing Strategies
•Staff Training
•Community Engagement
•Continuous Adaptation
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