Bahasainggris (27012021)

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Name Ke lass Seva Ayu Faranva (ednesbar X Mila 2 ALO goat VECOUNT TEA | | On the first day after MY school tard off all Lhe students For 2 weers due to the First case oF Cov \9 in Indonesia, | event my clay at home Gull baring lessons While preparing For Lhe 4fadualion exam Although {sometimes peel lonely ip | Study at home because (can't meet rriends and snacys inthe carewria, Wr byt Led bo be enthusiosic in Following Lhe acivitles oF learning From home and OF Course Maintain healeh so as not Lobe ExPosed Lo Covid-l4 Arter 2 weers Passed it burned out thot the Case of Covid-\9 Lin Indonesia js increasingly soaring Ond Made the government _| kate the decision GO extend bhe activities of learning From _|home and work From home i order bo reduce the Case of _|Covid- 19, even the Computer-based national exam thot \ should Carry out in 2020 was also canceled. During Quarantine (ny daily life became a lot changed, which was every doy \ went __}|o School and tutoring So that it Was only in the arternoon, Now it becomes From Morning Until Night | om at home, Stu- dying at home, helping the work oF Parents at home, guordi- £9 My Mothers stall , even because of the Current quarantine _|Vatso have to help care For Pet cats at home. Not only that, |Sometimes when | Feel bored gt home | also \ooK For obher J [lousy erings So as not to get bored a4. home, the most orten _|t do so as not to Jet bored at home js to mare Poetry and Imake stories because | love to Write, and this quarantine [Gives me @ lot or time to write _ Day arter doy, it’s been almost a year Covid- 19 stil exists lin Indonesia as well as with me Lhot has been almost a year more _activitles done From home. Regarding learning rrom home {that Ado there are Certainly likes ond sorrows, but \ really hope that the activities learned rom home will be more enjoyable Name: Setar Ayu Farahita Cass: X- Mira 2 ; in the Future both For the seesl ond ts Students Ay __ (as AS words)

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