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Highlight the Project's Importance:

Emphasize the significance of the diagnostic instrument project for the company's future profits.

Clearly articulate how the timely completion of the report is crucial to keeping the entire project on

Explain the Impact on the Overall Timeline:

Illustrate how the delay in receiving the report might affect the overall project timeline.
Specify any potential consequences, such as increased costs or missed opportunities in the market.

Express Team Dependence:

Communicate that the success of the diagnostic instrument project is a collaborative effort that relies on
contributions from both R&D and IS departments.

Emphasize how timely information from the IS department is critical for the smooth progression of the

Seek Input and Understand Constraints:

Approach the IS Manager with a collaborative mindset, seeking their input on potential challenges or
obstacles they might be facing.

Show understanding and willingness to work together to overcome any obstacles that may be hindering

Propose a Win-Win Scenario:

Suggest potential ways to make the process smoother for the IS Manager, such as providing additional
resources or assistance.

Frame the completion of the report as a shared success that benefits both departments.

Build a Relationship:

If there is an existing relationship, leverage it. If not, take the opportunity to build rapport and
understanding between the R&D and IS departments.

Establishing a positive working relationship can make future collaborations smoother.

Use Positive Language:

Avoid sounding demanding or authoritative. Instead, use positive language that conveys collaboration
and mutual benefit.

Phrases like "working together," "mutual success," and "shared goals" can contribute to a positive tone.

Follow-Up and Express Gratitude:

After the report is delivered, express gratitude and acknowledge the effort put in by the IS department.

Reinforce the idea of successful collaboration and express the positive impact on the overall project.

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