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Key mappings for Vim with and without GUI. Plugin: (i) insert mode, (n) normal mode, (v) visual mode



\hm \hp \cl \cj \cs \c* \cc \co \cfr \cfu \cme \ccl \cd \ct \sd \sf \sfo \si \sif \sie \sife \sw \swh \ss \sc \s{

Help (n,i) (n,i) Comments end-of-line comment (n,v,i) adjust end-of-line comment (n,v,i) set end-of-line comment column (n) code comment /* */ (n,v) code comment // (n,v) comment code (n,v) frame comment (n,i) function comment (n,i) method description (n,i) class description (n,i) date (n,i) date & time (n,i) Statements do { } while (n,v,i) for (n,i) for { } (n,v,i) if (n,i) if { } (n,v,i) if else (n,v,i) if { } else { } (n,v,i) while (n,i) while { } (n,v,i) switch (n,v,i) case (n,i) { } (n,v,i)
show manual help (plugin)

\p< \p" \pd \pu \pie \pid \pin \pind \pi0 \pr0 \pe \pl \pp \nr \nw \ne \np \ni \nc \ns \ntl \ntg \ntr \if \isf \im \i0 \in \ie \is \iu \ip \isc \ica \ima \isi \ias \ii \io

Preprocessor (n,i) (n,i) (n,i) (n,i) (n,v,i) (n,v,i) (n,v,i) (n,v,i) (n,v,i) (n,i) (n,i) (n,i) (n,i) Snippet read code snippet (n) write code snippet (n,v) edit code snippet (n) pick up prototype (n,v) insert prototype(s) (n) clear prototype(s) (n) show prototype(s) (n) edit local templates (n) edit global templates (n) reread the templates (n) Idioms function (n,v,i) static function (n,v,i) main() (n,v,i) for( x=0; x<n; x+=1 ) (n,v,i) for( x=n1; x>=0; x=1 ) (n,v,i) enum + typedef (n,v,i) struct + typedef (n,v,i) union + typedef (n,v,i) printf() (n,i) scanf() (n,i) p=calloc() (n,i) p=malloc() (n,i) sizeof() (n,v,i) assert() (n,v,i) open input le (n,v,i) open output le (n,v,i)

#include<...> #include"..." #define #undef #if #else #endif #ifdef #else #endif #ifndef #else #endif #ifndef #def #endif #if 0 #endif remove #if 0 #endif #error #line #pragma

\+co \+c \+cn \+ci \+cni \+mi \+ai \+tc \+tcn \+tci \+tcni \+tmi \+tai \+tf \+ec \+tr \+ca \+c. \rc \rl \rr \ra \rm \rg \rp \ri \rk \re \rd \rh \rs \rx \ro \lcs \ucs
1 2

C++ cout << << endl; (n,i) class (n,i) class (using new) (n,i) class implementation (n,i) class (using new) implementation (n,i) method implementation (n,i) accessor implementation (n,i) template class (n,i) template class (using new) (n,i) template class implementation (n,i) template class (using new) impl. (n,i) template method implementation (n,i) template accessor implementation (n,i) template function (n,i) error class (n,i) try . . . catch (n,v,i) catch (n,v,i) catch(...) (n,v,i) Run save and compile (n,i) link (n,i) run (n,i) set comand line arguments (n,i) run make (n,i) cmd. line arg. for make (n,i) run splint1 (n,i) cmd. line arg. for splint (n,i) run CodeCheck2 (n,i) cmd. line arg. for CodeCheck (n,i) run indent (n,i,v) hardcopy buffer (n,i,v) show plugin settings (n,i) set xterm size (n,i, only Unix & GUI) change output destination (n,i) Menu(s) Load Menus (n & GUI only) Unload Menus (n & GUI only) CodeCheckT M is a product of Abraxas Software, Inc.

Dezember 2008

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