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Project Information

It is a very basic analytics project for beginners to understand how to explore data to
get some insights using python
• Library used - Pandas
• Data Description - Name, Gender, Department, Salary, Location & Ratings of
1015 employees [All column names are self explanatory]
• Objectives -

1. How many Males/Females are there in the entire organization?

2. How many Males/Females are there in the each department or for each
3. For which department is the average Pay highest?
4. For which location is the average Pay highest?
5. What percentage of employees received good & very good rating? What about
poor & very poor rating? and average rating?
6. Compute gender pay gap for each department. Interpret
7. Compute gender pay gap for each location. Interpret

Additional Exercises:
1. Use visualization to understand & explore data
2. Use statistical methods to explore the relationship/association between the

• gender & location

• gender & department
• gender & rating
• gender & salary
• location & salary
• department & salary

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