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NIM : 049839949
Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4204

My opinion on why we need holiday :

1) Eliminate fatigue/thoughts in the brain so that it becomes fresh as before
2) Humans need entertainment to refresh tense muscles after work/activities
3) Reduce stress levels.
The change in environment and different activities during the holidays help us
feel relaxed and happy. It also allows us to release endorphins, hormones that help
relieve stress.
4) Provide new enthusiasm.
When we step away from our daily routine, we have the opportunity to reflect
on our goals, dreams, and hopes. This can motivate to plan and accomplish new
things after returning from vacation.
5) Not only are holidays beneficial for the mind and emotions, holidays also have a
positive impact on physical health.
A relaxing and enjoyable vacation can help maintain body balance. During the
holidays, you may be more likely to exercise, have a more balanced diet, and sleep
better. All of this can contribute to a feeling of youth and overall better health.
6) Increase attention or awareness.
Increased attention to the surroundings certainly has the benefit of reducing
stress and increasing compassion, resilience and happiness.
7) Provides health benefits, one of which is heart health.
8) Makes someone's mood better and makes someone more creative.
9) Going on holiday will give us lots of time to rest and do lots of fun things that we
sometimes don't have time to do on weekdays. Free yourself for a moment from all
the pressure of work, do activities that will make you happy and relaxed.
10) Provides a lot of new knowledge and insight

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