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Title Assets made available to an employee

Pub Date 25/01/2024

Category Payroll
HM Revenue & Customs



Assets such as computers, televisions and bicycles that are made available to employees can
create certain tax, National Insurance and reporting obligations. There is no requirement to
report anything to HMRC if the asset is office equipment only used for business use. Assets that
are made available as part of a salary sacrifice arrangement will usually need to be reported to

If the assets are for personal and business use, then they must be reported on a P11D form and
Class 1A National Insurance will be due on the value of the benefit. A P11D form is a form used
by employers to list certain ‘benefits in kind’ provided to directors or employees.

Working out the value of an asset made available to an employee can be quite complex and
there are various steps that need to be followed depending on the circumstances at hand.

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