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i a d e

G u r a l
c u l t u
r s ã o
ime s
l ê
em ing
a d e
Gui t u r a l
ão cul s
im e r s
n g l ê
e m i

The best way to learn how to swim is to jump

into water! How about doing the same when
learning a second language?

English is one of the most widely used languages

around the world; wouldn't you like to speak it with
ease? Whether you want to speak English to further
your education or advance your career, an English
immersion is the best way to learn the language.
And the best part is: you can do this at home!
Sometimes people think they have to travel and live
abroad so they can get in touch with the language,
but that’s not always true. The internet has made it
possible for us to experience the world around us
without leaving our desks, and furthermore, you are
they key to surround yourself with the language, you
should do as much as you can in English.
Immersion also makes learning easier, because you
can learn the language in a way that relates to your
own life and experiences. This makes the language
feel more relevant and provides more motivation for
you to learn.
You’ll be learning English every step of the
way, in everything you do.

Just give it a try!

Getting ready for your big day:
Decide ahead of time that you’ll only listen to and
speak in English for one full day. It will be
uncomfortable, but at the end of the day, you’ll be
happy that you accepted the challenge. You deserve
a day off, just for you (and your family), relaxing and
having some fun! Are you ready?
Don’t forget:
always have a dictionary by your
side or an app to translate new
words; looking for pictures is also a
good way to memorize
some days before this activity, look
over this guide to check if you
need to buy or prepare anything
for the big day
change all your devices and
accounts to English
label things in your house with post-its
this guide gives you suggestions for an entire day
in English, but it’s really important to keep the
contact with the language for at least 15 minutes
every day
After your morning ritual, it’s time to get
started! Why don’t we listen to some songs
to warm up our day? Our playlists on Spotify
are awesome. Here’s a playlist for you:

Inglês para lavar a louça by L.A. Centro de

Ensino: click here

Inglês para exercitar by L.A. Centro de

Ensino: click here

Choosing what to wear:

Americans are not that worried about clothes, so I’d
suggest choosing the most comfortable outfit to
stay at home. However, if there is any celebrity or
character from a TV show you love, feel free to try to
copy them. Isso parece bobo, né? Mas vai te ajudar a
entrar no clima, até mesmo decorando a sua casa de
alguma forma que te remeta à língua e agindo da
maneira deles.
Having Breakfast:
What about eating the most famous and traditional
breakfast in the United States? Scrambled eggs with
bacon and American pancakes! They’re super easy
to make and delicious.

Don’t worry if you like to get up late, you can also

have breakfast and lunch at the same time and
enjoy this famous brunch experience. This is a very
casual meal where people like to stay for a long time
and enjoy the company of others.

Scrambled eggs:

Click here to watch the recipe’s video, check the

ingredients and steps
1 or 2 tablespoons of butter
salt, pepper, herbs
light cream or milk (optional)
cheese (optional)
fried bacon

American pancakes:

6 small pancakes:
1 + ½ cups of flour
3 + ½ teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 + ¼ cups milk
1 egg
3 tablespoons butter
Toppings: honey, butter, jam, nutella, maple
syrup, fruits… whatever you like!


1. In a bowl, mix the flour with baking powder,

salt and sugar
2. Pour in the milk
3. Break the egg
4. Add butter and mix
5. Heat a small frying pan (small because the
pancakes need to be fluffy)
6. Pour the batter into it, using around ¼ cups for
each pancake
7. Brown on both sides
8. Add your favorite topping and serve

Moving your body:

Now we’re going to get you moving a little. These

are some Youtube channels, choose the best activity
for you, watch one video and follow the steps:

Yoga with Adriene
Fitness Blenders: from 5 to 45 minutes workouts
Nate Bower Fitness: boxing
Just Dance: great option if you have kids at home
Having Lunch:
Feeling hungry? I bet you are!
You know, lunch is not the most important meal for
Americans like it is for us. They usually have just a
snack for lunch, like a sandwich or a slice of pizza.
The most famous combination is probably soup and

This is our suggestions for your lunch today, it is a
famous dish, basically pasta with cheese. The video
for this recipe and the steps is here:
Cheddar cheese (but
you can mix different
Pasta – elbow noodles
½ cup of Butter
½ cup of Flour
Spices: salt, mustard,
pepper, onion powder
3 cups of milk

Watching a movie:
What about relaxing now? Watching a movie or one
episode of your favorite tv show is a great idea. Here
is a list of different and good options for you to
watch and learn English at the same time.

1. Forrest Gump 6. Friends

2. The Hangover 7. Modern Family
3. The Hunger Games 8. Killing Eve
4. The King’s Speech 9. The Good Place
5. Toy Story 10. This is us

Grab a bowl of popcorn or a hot chocolate

and enjoy this moment.
If you’re watching something long, pause every
20 minutes and ask yourself some questions to
check if you understand the context. It’s really
important to get the general idea (at least 70%).
So, when you finish watching, set a score of
comprehension, from 0% to 100%. *desenhar um
termometro, com as porcentagens, talvez?*
Only choose something interesting, that you
would like to watch.
Depending on your English level, using subtitles
may or may not be a great idea. Subtitles are
great to help you connect the words that are
being spoken to the words you see on the
screen. If you’re a beginner or someone who
wants to improve their listening skills, then you
should use subtitles when you’re watching it for
the first time so you can understand what the
movie is about. And then, watch it again without
subtitles, and pay close attention to the words
you’re hearing. Easy, right?
Repeat your favorite lines if you have time. If you
say it aloud, you’re more likely to remember it
If your family is at home or you have friends, they’re
more than welcome to play these games with you
and have lots of fun!

Beer pong: this is a famous drinking game in

which players attempt to throw balls into cups
(usually red plastic ones), and the opponent is
required to drink the contents of any cup in
which a ball lands. If you’re over 21 – because the
minimum legal age drinking in the USA is 21, you
can drink alcohol, otherwise, juice or anything
Never Have I Ever: the famous Brazilian “eu
nunca”. You say something you have never done,
and you can set a challenge: score points, make a
fool of yourself, drink something…
Name your favorite: board game where you
have to name your favorites when landing in
a specific place
Gartic! – online game where your group or
people around the world draw something
and you have to guess – you can select the
language English and also the kind of room:
food, animals, verbs…

Having Dinner:

For dinner you can order pizza or a hamburger,

they’re the most famous dishes in the USA. There
are a lot of places selling what they call the
“American pizza” or the “American hamburger”.
The most famous toppings are pepperoni and

During “fast food time”, they really enjoy

the food, and to do so, they don’t use
cutlery (fork and knife and napkins!!) to eat.
So, eat with your hands!
Going to bed:

Before sleeping, how about doing crosswords

puzzles, reading, praying or meditating?


Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,

The most popular technique in the West,

mindfulness meditation actually has its roots in
Buddhist teachings. The whole premise behind a
mindful meditation is to slow down and pay
attention to your thoughts, without judging them
or becoming involved. You are simply an observer of
them, focusing on your breath and taking note of
your body’s different sensations and feelings.

Start doing this for 3 or 5 minutes and then include

this activity in your days, it will make a great
difference in your life. There are some guided
meditations on YouTube and also some apps, like

I hope you liked these activities and the day!

If you’re posting on your social media, don’t forget to
tag us @la_idiomas

Have a good night!

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