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Present Simple Vs Present Continuous

1. Right now, mum ___________________ (wash) the dishes while dad
______________ (take out) the trash.
2. Every morning my mum ________________ (prepare) the meal of the day. She
always __________(make) something delicious!
3. Listen! Dad ___________________ (vacuum) the kitchen.
I can’t stand that noise.
4. We usually _________________ (feed) the pets twice a day.
5. I never _________________ (iron) my bed sheets. I find it quite boring!
6. ________ you ____________ the laundry on a clothesline? (hang)
7. I can’t help you right now! I _____________________ the beds!! (make)
8. My sister often ___________________ (set) the table before we have lunch.
9. Dad sometimes __________________ (make) breakfast for us in the mornings.
10. My brother George rarely _________________ (water) the plants in our yard.
11. Look! The girls ___________________ (organize) the closet.
12. Michael ________________ (dust) the furniture while Annie
________________ (polish) them! That chest of drawers looks so luxurious!
13. Every autumn, my parents _________________(rake) the leaves twice a day. we
have so many thick trees outside!
14. Look! Claire and Sam __________________(Wash) their dad’s brand-new car!
15. How often ___________ you ______________ (do) the laundry?
16. Mum ____________________ (weed) the garden while dad _________________
(mow)the lawn. We want our garden to look stunning for spring!
17. Be careful! The floor is wet. Samantha __________________ (mop) the floor.

1. Is washing / is taking out

2. Prepares/makes
3. Is vacuuming
4. Feed
5. Iron
6. Do you hang
7. Am making
8. Sets
9. Makes
10. Waters
11. Are organizing
12. Is dusting / is polishing
13. Rake
14. Are washing
15. Do you do
16. Is weeding/ is mowing
17. Is mopping

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