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Implementation of a Multi-disciplinary Practice

Project in the NICU

Laura Warner BSN, RNC-NIC, Morgan Pittman BSN, RNC-NIC, Darlene Fulinara BSN, Jan Thape MSN, RNC-NIC, Thomas Bass MD
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, Norfolk, VA

Abstract IVH Prevention Bundle Results


Bleeding in the brain or intra-ventricular IVH prevention “bundle’ implementation is a


The bundle implementation has required on-going

hemorrhage (IVH) in neonates can be devastating common strategy to decrease the rate and 40

collaboration/ education to fine tune the different

and with lifelong effects. The NICU nursing staff is severity of IVH in NICU patients. We aspects of the bundle including the use of the 30

collaborating with the neonatologists, neonatal collaborated to develop our research – based, Overall IVH

transportle, NIRS monitor and strategizing the 20

nurse practitioners, and residents on a quality multi- disciplinary interventions for infants < 28 clustering of care between all the disciplines.
improvement project to decrease the rate and weeks for the 1st 96 hrs of life . It expands our 10

severity of IVH by implementing a new bundle of “Golden Hour “ activities and includes changes Monthly activities include 0
Baseline 14-Nov 14-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar 14-Apr

preventative measures. to medical care, nursing care , data collection, - Evaluation of the protocol progress to identify 25
additional monitoring of cerebral oxygenation areas for improvement
and use of a Transportle positioning device. -Review of the data sheets for compliance to the 20

protocol, and areas for improvement

--Review of all the head ultrasound results by Dr. Goal

Bass. 10
Severe IVH

Introduction Our goals were to have compliance with the 5

protocol and to see a decrease in the overall IVH

Neonatal intra-ventricular hemorrhage or IVH is rates to less than 29% and severe rates (grades 3 0
Baseline 14-Nov 14-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar 14-Apr

defined by bleeding in/ around the ventricles of the Procedure and 4) to be less than 13%.
brain. The smaller and more premature the infant,
the higher the risk for IVH. There are four types of Our baseline for 2018 was 46% for overall IVH References
bleeds, called "grades" and are categorized by the and 17% for severe IVH rates.
Once the bundle was developed and a self-
amount and location of bleeding. Grade 1 being learning packet was distributed , we developed
mild and grade 4 the most severe. Bleeding can Over the past 5 months with the bundle in use,
an “implementation folder” for the staff. It we have had 2 months that exceed the severe
be one sided or bilateral. IVH is diagnosed by a
includes a quick guide for staff education and IVH goal rate and 3 months where the IVH rate fell
head ultrasound or "cranial sector scan". Ballabh P. Intraventricular hemorrhage in premature infants:
reference for the care of the < 28 week infants. under the 13% goal.
Grade 1: bleeding occurs in just a small area of mechanism of disease. Pediatr. Res. 2010 Jan;67(1):1-8
around the ventricles (germinal matrix area) Signs were placed at the bedside to facilitate As you can see from the graphs we have seen
some decrease in overall IVH rates, but not Bass WT. (2019) Elevated midline head positioning of
Grade 2: bleeding occurs inside the ventricle minimizing stimulation and encourage
consistently below our goal. However we have extremely low birth weight infants: ellects on cardio
Grade 3: the ventricles are enlarged by the clustering of care among all the providers. It
had an overall decrease in severe IVH rates . pulmonary function and the incidence of P-IVH
bleeding emphasizes the “ Golden hour” of completing J Perinatol. 2019 Mar;39(3):517-518..
Grade 4: bleeding occurs into the brain tissue. We continue to work on the protocol
all admission activities within 1 hr and having Carteaux, P, Cohen H et al (2003) Evaluation and
implementation between all the disciplines and
the incubator “top down” and humidity development of potentially better practices for the prevention
IVH is rarely present at birth, occurs most often collect data about our results.
started. & treatment of brain hemorrhage/ Ischemic brain injury in
within the first few days of life and is multi-
factorial. Risk factors include: The protocol implementation has demonstrated very low birthweight infants. Pediatrics 2003 111e:489-496
the importance of a multi disciplinary approach
and ongoing focus on the protocol process and Gresens P, Rogido P et al (2002) The impact of neonatal
Prematurity- inability to regulate cerebral intensive care practices on the developing brain. The Journal
blood flow, immature blood vessels/ outcomes.
of Pediatrics Vol. 40 #6 pp 653-670
circulation, immature neurons,
Multiple gestations Malusky S, Donze A. ( 2011) Neutral head positioning in
Hypoglycemia premature infants for intraventricular hemorrhage prevention:
Thrombocytopenia an evidence-based review. Neonatal Network. 2011 Nov-
Respiratory Distress Syndrome, pneumothorax, Dec;30(6):381-96

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