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Module 2 – Using Slideshows

Video 1 – Finding open programs

Welcome to Module 2 – Video 1

In this video we look at finding open programs.
Do you ever find yourself ‘losing’ one of your open programs and not being able to switch
quickly between, for example, a web browser and a Word document when you’re trying to add a
picture to it?
We often have a lot of open programs when we’re working, so this is a brief video to show you
how to switch easily and quickly between them.
You can easily try this on your computer now. Hold down the ALT key, which is next to the
space bar at the bottom, and then press the ‘Tab’ key – over on the left near the top.
When you do this, you will see all your open programs as small pictures. If you keep pressing
the ‘Alt’ key and then repeatedly press the ‘Tab’ key, you will move between the open programs.
Try to do the following:
1. Make sure you have your web browser and Microsoft Word open
2. In your web browser, search for a photo of a dog
3. Make sure you find a picture that is free to use
4. Right-click on the picture and select ‘Copy”
5. Hold down the ‘Alt’ key and then press tab
6. Move between your open programs until you have highlighted Microsoft Word
7. Let go of the buttons to bring Microsoft Word to the front
8. Right-click and paste in your image

This is a very useful way to navigate your computer when you are working.

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