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Consultancy Service for Pre-

Feasibility Study of Providing
Safe Water Supply from Tendaho
Dam To residents in Nearby Multi-
Towns and Villages

Pre-Feasibility Report [Final]

Submitted to
Afar Regional State Water,
Irrigation and Energy Bureau

Submitted By
Afar Design and Supervision
Works Enterprises

January 2022

Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of

Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam
To residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages

Pre-Feasibility Report [Final]

Afar Design and Supervision Works Enterprise

Afar, Samara
P.O. Box
Samara, Ethiopia

December 09, 2021

Afar Design and Supervision Enterprise

Pre-Feasibility Study for Tandaho Dam Final Report
Pre-Feasibility Report [Final] i

Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January 2022

Distribution List

No. of PDF Email Organization Name

Afar Regional State Water, Irrigation and Energy
5 Yes Yes
Bureau (ARSWIEB)

Record of Revisions

Revision Date Description

Initial Submission to Afar Regional State Water,
0 September 01, 2021 Irrigation and Energy
Bureau (ARSWIEB))

Afar Design and Supervision Works Enterprises

Report Prepared By:

Afar Design and Supervision Works Enterprises

Report Reviewed By:

Team of Afar Design and Supervision Works


Afar Design and Construction supervision works Enterprise

Pre-Feasibility Study for Tendaho Dam to Water Supply Final Report-Rev0
Pre-Feasibility Report [Final] ii

Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January, 2022


ARAP ........................ Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan

BH ............................. Borehole
BS ............................. Booster Station
CSA........................... Central Statistical Agency
m³/d……………………Cubic metres per day
EC ............................. Ethiopian Calendar
EMA .......................... Ethiopian Mapping Agency
ESIA .......................... Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
GC............................. Gregorian Calendar
GI .............................. Galvanized Iron
GIS ............................ Geographic Information Systems
GTP-2........................ Second Growth and Transformation Plan
GWE ......................... German Water Engineering
H:V ............................ Horizontal:Vertical
HDPE ........................ High-Density Polyethylene
in ............................... inches
SLWSSA ................... Samara and Logia Water and Sewerage Services Authority
l/s………………………Litres per second
m ............................... metre
masl .......................... Metres Above Sea Level
MoWIE ...................... Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy
MoWR ....................... Ministry of Water Resources
ND…………………….Nominal Diameter
NRW ......................... Non-Revenue Water
PN25 ......................... Nominal Pressure (Pression Nominal) 25 bar
PVC........................... Polyvinyl Chloride RFP
........................... Request For Proposal
ADSE………………..Afar Design Supervision Enterprise
ADSWE ..................... Afar Design and Supervision Works Enterprise
ARSWIEB ................. Afar Regional State Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau
ARS........................... Afar Regional State
SWL .......................... Static Water Level
UTME ........................ Universal Transverse Mercator Easting
UTMN........................ Universal Transverse Mercator Northing
UWSDC..................... Urban Water Supply Design Criteria
VES ........................... Vertical Electrical Sounding
WASH ....................... Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WRDB ....................... Water Resources Development Bureau
WWDSE .................... Water Works Design Supervision Enterprise

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

Pre-Feasibility Study for Tandaho Dam Final Report
Pre-Feasibility Report [Final] iii

Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January, 2022

Table of Contents

Acronyms................................................................................................................. ii .....
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................ 10
1.1 Background ..............................................................................................10
1.1.1 Project Background .......................................................................10
2.0 Water Source Assessment ........................................................................ 11
2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................11
2.2 Preliminary Assessment ...........................................................................11
2.3 Water Quality ............................................................................................12
2.3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................12
2.3.2 Location and Accessibility .............................................................12
2.3.3 Objective of the study....................................................................14
2.3.4 Methodology .................................................................................14
2.3.5 Water quality Analysis Results ......................................................15
2.3.6 Describing chemical Data..............................................................18
2.3.7 Tabular Description .......................................................................18
2.3.8 Graphical representation ...............................................................26
2.3.9 Data Analysis and Interpretation ...................................................28
2.3.10 Total dissolved solid (TDS) ...........................................................29
2.3.11 Sodium (mg/l Na) ..........................................................................29
2.3.12 Potassium (mg/l K) ........................................................................29
2.3.13 Calcium (mg/lCa2) ........................................................................29
2.3.14 Magnesium (mg/l Mg2-) ................................................................29
2.3.15 Chloride (mg/l Cl-) .........................................................................29
2.3.16 Nitrate (mg/l NO2-) ........................................................................30
2.3.17 Carbonate (mg/l CO32-) ................................................................30
2.3.18 Bicarbonate (mg/l HCO3) ..............................................................30
2.3.19 Sulphate (mg/l SO42-)...................................................................30
2.3.20 Phosphate (mg/l PO43-)................................................................30
2.3.21 Conclusions and Recommendations .............................................30
3.0 Population Projection and Water Demand Calculation ........................... 44
3.1 Population Projection ................................................................................45
3.2 Water Demand Estimates .........................................................................48
3.2.1 Assumptions and General Aspects................................................48
3.2.2 Design and Operation Horizons ....................................................48
4.0 Water Balance ............................................................................................ 59
4.1Availability of water ........................................................................................59
4.2Demand for Different Purposes .........................................................................59
4.2.1 Demand for irrigation.....................................................................59
4.2.2 Water supply for Domestic purposes.............................................60
4.2.3 Water supply for Livestock ............................................................60
4.2.4 Industrial Water supply..................................................................60
4.2.5 River Ecology ................................................................................61
4.2.6 Requirement for Ecology of Lakes ................................................61
4.3Evaporation Loss from the Reservoir .................................................................61

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

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Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January, 2022
4.4Gain in Water Availability ................................................................................61
4.4.1 Flow from Logiya River..................................................................62
4.4.2 Regeneration from Irrigation..........................................................62
4.5Water balance .................................................................................................62
5.0 Pre-Feasibility Design of the Intakes ........................................................ 63
5.1 Availability of Water in All seasons ...........................................................63
5.2 Minimum Water Level ...............................................................................69
5.3 Maximum Water levels .............................................................................70
5.4 Submerged and Floating Debris ...............................................................71
5.5 Cleaning and De-Silting Mechanisms .......................................................71
5.6 Power Availability......................................................................................72
5.7 Scouring effect during high water flows.....................................................72
6.0 Pre-Feasibility Selection of Water Treatment Plant ................................. 73
6.1 Objectives.................................................................................................73
6.2 Overview of the constructed Treatment Process and Units at Det,bahari..74
6.3 Design of Proposed Treatment Units ........................................................77
6.4 Design Flow Rate .....................................................................................77
6.5 Process Design considerations.................................................................77
6.6 Raw water balancing chamber of 200 m3 capacity ...................................80
6.7 Cascade aerator .......................................................................................80
6.8 Design of Rapid Mix/Flush Mix Unit ..........................................................83
6.8.1 Hydraulic Rapid Mixers .................................................................84
6.8.2 Mechanical Rapid Mixers ..............................................................86
6.8.3 Conclusion and Recommendation.................................................89
6.9 Design of the flocculation system..............................................................89
6.9.1 Horizontal flow flocculates .............................................................93
6.9.2 Vertical flow flocculates .................................................................93
6.9.3 Conclusion and Recommendation.................................................94
6.10 Design of the Clarifier ...............................................................................94
6.10.1 Chemically Aided Clarifier .............................................................94
6.10.2 Plain Sedimentation Tank/Pre-Treatment tank ..............................95
6.11 Design of the Rapid Sand Filters ..............................................................96
6.11.1 Design of Filters Unit .....................................................................96
6.11.2 Design of the back wash tank......................................................101
6.11.3 Checking design of Air Compressors and Air Main......................102
6.11.4 Design of the Wash Water Troughs.............................................103
6.12 Design the volume of the Clear Water Tank............................................103
6.13 Designing the Chemical Mixing Tanks ....................................................103
6.13.1 Pre-Chlorination chemical storage tank size................................103
6.13.2 Post Chlorination Tank size.........................................................105
6.13.3 Lime Solution Storage Tank (provision for PH Adjustment) .........105
6.14 Design of Sludge Management System ..................................................106
6.14.1 Design of the sludge Management System .................................106
6.14.2 Sludge Management ...................................................................106
6.15 Other Units .............................................................................................107
7.0 Design of the Transmission and Rising Main ........................................ 108
7.1 Consideration for the Improvement of the Water Supply System ............108

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

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Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January, 2022
7.1.1 The Raw water Rising Main ........................................................108
7.1.2 Size and Class of New Raw Water Main .....................................108
7.1.3 The Clear Water Rising Main ......................................................108
7.1.4 Capacity of the Water Main .........................................................109
7.1.5 Size and Class of the Transmission Main....................................109
7.1.6 Pipe Material ...............................................................................109
7.1.7 Proposed Layout of the system ...................................................109
8.0 Design of Electro-Mechanical Components........................................... 111
8.1 Background ............................................................................................111
8.2 Raw water intake and pump station ........................................................111
8.2.1 Raw water intake.........................................................................111
8.2.2 Raw water pumping station .........................................................111
8.2.3 Flow meter chamber ...................................................................112
8.3 Treatment plant ......................................................................................113
8.3.1 Aeration tank ...............................................................................113
8.3.2 Chemical pre-treatment...............................................................113
8.3.3 Rapid mixing ...............................................................................115
8.3.4 Flocculation .................................................................................116
8.3.5 Mixers/ agitators..........................................................................117
8.3.6 Clarifier unit .................................................................................118
8.3.7 Sluice gates: ...............................................................................119
8.3.8 Sand filtration ..............................................................................120
8.3.9 Chemical post-treatment .............................................................122
8.4 Clear water tank .....................................................................................122
8.5 Sludge drying beds .................................................................................123
8.6 Pipes ......................................................................................................123
8.7 Pumping station ......................................................................................123
8.8 Surge analysis ........................................................................................124
8.9 Ancillary components..............................................................................125
8.9.1 Access hatches ...........................................................................125
8.9.2 Handrails.....................................................................................125
8.9.3 Grating ........................................................................................126
8.9.4 Accessories.................................................................................126
8.10 Design criteria.........................................................................................126
8.11 Preliminary Design of Electro-mechanical Equipment .............................127
8.11.1 Mechanical works........................................................................127
8.11.2 Pumps:........................................................................................127
8.11.3 Electrical Works ..........................................................................134
8.11.4 Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)......................145
8.11.5 Cost Estimate..............................................................................149
9.0 The Investment Cost................................................................................ 151

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

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Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January, 2022
Table 2 - 1 Main Hydrologic Parameters for the Tendaho Dam sites, Irrigation project
Dam 1996................................................................................................................ 11
Table 2 - 2. Location of the sample points ............................................................... 14
Table 2 - 3: Water quality parameters to be analyzed .............................................. 15
Table 2 - 4.Selected Physiochemical and Bacteriological Analysis Result ............... 16
Table 2 - 5 comparison on the water type result of the samples ............................... 18
Table 2 - 6.Summary water type.............................................................................. 31
Table 3 - 1: Summary of Population Projections for Tandaho service Area ............ 46
Table 3 - 2: Summary of Population Projections Results for Logiya System ........... 47
Table 3 - 3: Summary of Population Projections Results for Det Bahari System ..... 47
Table 3 - 4: Design and Operation Horizons................................................................ 48
Table 3 - 5: Water Demand Parameters to be Used ............................................... 50
Table 3 - 6: Urban Categories and Per-capita Water Demand Standards (GTP-2) . 51
Table 3 - 7: Domestic Water Demand based on GTP-2 Standards For the Whole
project coverage area of Tendaho Dam System ...................................................... 52
Table 3 - 8: Total Water Demand for Tendaho Dam System ................................... 54
Table 3 - 9: Domestic Water Demand based on GTP-2 Standards for the Logiya System
................................................................................................................................ 55
Table 3 - 10: Total Water Demand for Logiya System ............................................. 56
Table 3 - 11: Domestic Water Demand based on GTP-2 Standards for the Det’bahari
System .................................................................................................................... 57
Table 3 - 12: Total Water Demand for Det’bahari System ....................................... 58
Table 6 - 1: Design Flow for the Treatment Plant..................................................... 77
Table 6 - 2: Proposed Sizes of Aeration Components ............................................. 81
Table 6 - 3: Design Criteria for Steps of Cascade Aerator ....................................... 81
Table 6 - 4: Sizing of ParshalL Flume...................................................................... 84
Table 6 - 5: Parameters for Rapid Mixer .................................................................. 85
Table 6 - 6: Unit Dimensions of Clarifiers ............................................................... 90
Table 6 - 7: Design Criteria for Vertical Hooper Clarifier [Water Supply and Sewerage
E.W.Steel] ............................................................................................................... 90
Table 6 - 8: Parameters for design of under drainage system of filtration units ........ 97
Table 6 - 9: Head loss through sand and gravel layers when sand is clean ............. 99
Table 6 - 10: Head loss through the under drainage piping system for logiya and
Detbahari TP ......................................................................................................... 100
Table 6 - 11: Summary of head loss in filtration system ......................................... 100
Table 7 - 1: Capacity of Raw Water Rising main.................................................... 108
Table 8 - 1: Pump configuration for Logiya water treatment plant. ........................ 127
Table 8 - 2: Pump configuration for Det’bahri water treatment plant. .................... 127
Table 8 - 3: Submersible vs. surface mounted pumps. ............................................... 129
Table 8 - 4: Pump capacity & head for Logiya water treatment plant. ................... 131
Table 8 - 5: Pump capacity & head for Det’bahri water treatment plant................. 131
Table 8 - 6: Pump drive motor power for Logiya water treatment plant (a new one).
.............................................................................................................................. 132
Table 8 - 7: Pump drive motor power for Det’bahri water treatment plant. ............ 132
Table 8 - 8: Pipe size for Logiya water treatment plant. ........................................ 134

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

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Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe W ater Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January, 2022
Table 8 - 9: Pipe size for Det’bahri water treatment plant...................................... 134
Table 8 - 10: Estimated cost of power suply for Logiya water treatment plant. ...... 136
Table 8 - 11: Estimated cost of power suply for Det’bahri water treatment plant. .. 137
Table 8 - 12: Estimated energy cost for Logiya water treatment plant................... 137
Table 8 - 13: Estimated energy cost for Det’bahri water treatment plant. .............. 137
Table 8 - 14: Estimated sizes of main power for Logiya water treatment plant. ..... 139
Table 8 - 15: Estimated sizes of main power for Det’bahri water treatment plant. . 139
Table 8 - 16: Estimated sizes of diesel generator set for Logiya water treatment
plant. ..................................................................................................................... 141
Table 8 - 17: Estimated sizes of diesel generator set for Det’bahri water treatment
plant. ..................................................................................................................... 141
Table 8 - 18: Types of starters ............................................................................... 143
Table 8 - 19: Summary of cost estimate for Logiya water treatment plant .............. 150
Table 8 - 20: Summary of cost estimate for Det’bahri water treatment plant .......... 150

Figure 2 - 1: Location of the sample points ............................................................. 13
Figure 2 - 2: Sample summary Report ................................................................. 26
Figure 2 - 3: pie Diagram of the sample water quality results ......................... 28
Figure 2 - 4: Tendaho Dam water Sample Laboratory Analysis ............................... 42
Figure 3 - 1: Typical Water Demand Fluctuations ................................................... 49
Figure 5 - 1: Proposed Intake Site Location for Logiya system of Tendaho Dam ..... 64
Figure 5 - 2: Proposed Intake Site Location forDet’bahari system of Tendaho Dam 65
Figure 5 - 3: Proposed Intake Site Layout................................................................ 66
Figure 5 - 4: Proposed Intake Layout Plan............................................................... 67
Figure 5 - 5: Proposed Intake Section View ............................................................. 68
Figure 6 - 1: Layout of the proposed Treatment Process shown below.................... 76
Figure 6 - 2: shows the proposed location of the new Treatment Plant for Logiya
System .................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 6 - 4: Arrangement of Rapid Mixing Units ................................................. 83
Figure 6 - 5: Calibration Curve of 0.3m throat Parhsall Flume ............................ 85
Figure 6 - 6:-Flash Mixer Tank Scheme ................................................................... 88
Figure 6 - 7: Static In Line Mixer Illustration ............................................................. 89
Figure 6 - 8: Dimensions of typical Clarifier .......................................................... 91
Figure 6 - 9:Typical Horizontal Hydraulic Flocculator Layout ................................... 93
Figure 6 - 10: Vertical Flow Flocculator, Alabama Types ......................................... 93
Figure 7 - 1Proposed Layout of Logiya System Layout.......................................... 110
Figure 8 - 1: Intake channels with sluice gates & submersible raw water pump ..... 112
Figure 8 - 2: Cascade aerator with pipes, valves & fittings..................................... 113
Figure 8 - 3: Electrical driven rapid mixer ................................................................. 115
Figure 8 - 4: Electrical driven flocculator mixer ......................................................... 117
Figure 8 - 5: Top mounted agitator ........................................................................... 118
Figure 8 - 6: Collector trough ................................................................................... 118
Figure 8 - 7: Wall mounted rectangular sluice gate ..................................................... 119
Figure 8 - 8: Typical filter pipes arrangement............................................................. 120
Figure 8 - 9: Perforated pipes arrangement for water and air ........................................ 121

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

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residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January, 2022
Figure 8 - 10: Nozzles arrangement and details .................................................... 121
Figure 8 - 11: Booster pump station utilizing submersible pump installed in artificial
wet well ................................................................................................................. 128
Figure 8 - 12: Low voltage switchgear & Motor starter ............................................... 142
Figure 8 - 13: Telemetry and data acquisition system architecture ........................ 147

Appendix A Description of Existing Systems
Appendix B Electro-mechanical Components

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

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Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January , 2022

Other than by the addressee, copying or distribution of this document, in whole or in

part, is not permitted without the express written consent of the Afar Design and
Construction Supervision Enterprise otherwise identified as “ADSWE for Tandaho
Dam Water supply Project”.

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Pre-Feasibility Report [Final] 10

Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January , 2022

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.1.1 Project Background

This reports correspond to the Pre-Feasibility reports for the Tendaho Dam
Surface water supply for nearby the residents of the surrounding towns and
villages in compliance with the requirements in the Contract Agreement
signing between the Afar water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau and Afar Design
and Construction supervision Enterprise for the Consultancy Service for Pre-
Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages.

The previous reports submitted are the


Inception report, have the following contents:

1. Introduction

2. Project overview and scope of the consultancy service

3. Design review of the main components of the water supply system

4. Key issues

5. Update on the consultancy work plan and methodology

This reports, corresponds to the completion of the activities described as


1. Data Collection & Review

2. Socioeconomic Study

3. Hydrology Study

4. Engineering Study and Preliminary Design

5. Topography survey at the desk

The present report summarizes the consultant’ findings and progress on the above
tasks. The individual chapter for the study of the different project components contain a
general and detail description of the concepts and approach taken on the study, as well
as the specific design criteria used in sizing this individual components. The rough
bills of quantities for each project component are also shown in the last chapter
of the report included.

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

Pre-Feasibility Study for Tandaho Dam Final Report
Pre-Feasibility Report [Final] 11

Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January , 2022

2.0 Water Source Assessment

2.1 Introduction

As part of the scope of the work requested under task in the term of reference, the
consultant is to review and confirm the water source quantity and quality selected for
surface water system in the service area. To perform this task, the following documents
that had relevant information were made available to the consultant, collected and

 Tendaho Irrigation project design document by WWDSE

 Tendaho Dam Final Design document by WWDSE

 Awash river hydrology study near by the tendaho Dam site study

The objective of the present assessment is to confirm the selection of the Tendaho
Dam as the source for the water supply project and verify the reliability and suitability of
this sources to meet the water supply requirements for the population of the
project service are over the design period.

2.2 Preliminary Assessment

Preliminary Assessment

In general, increasing access to safe water is not an easy task for the Region. It is
characterized by multiple and complex challenges that would require robust planning
and management of water resources. So long as the rate of urbanization and
industrialization is also increasing, this would further complicate the interventions. In
this regard, dependency on groundwater alone and project based interventions will
less help the efforts of solving lack of safe water for residents. This will also have a
negative role in the efforts of ensuring sustainable and adequate water supply to the
increasing industrial developments in the Project area..

Water of the project area, has multiple challenges. Among this Lack of integrated
water development approach, Deteriorating Groundwater Quality.

 Owing to mainly the location of the Region is within the Main Ethiopian Rift System, and
thereby characterized by active volcanisms, different studies indicate that salinity and
fluoride concentrations of groundwater of the area is high especially Dubti, Assayta
afambo, Serdo-Wuhalimat Dichoto Town and A most parts of the project area, the
available groundwater is very hot, which then requires for costly hot pumps. Therefore,
groundwater alone cannot be a dependable water source for residents of the these multi
 Due to increasing urbanization and industrialization dependency on groundwater alone
and project based interventions will less help the efforts of solving lack of safe water for
residents. This will also have a negative role in the efforts of ensuring sustainable and
adequate water supply to the increasing industrial developments in the Region.

Afar Design and Supervision works Enterprise

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Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To
residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January , 2022
Beyond all, the current practices would highly compete the water demands of the future
Beyond all, the current practices would highly compete the water demands of
the future generation. Accordingly, it is preferred source of water is Tendaho
Dam to Nearby Towns and Villages currently being used to irrigation of sugar cane
and some of local agriculture.

It is noted that the main reports that are the object of the design review phase being
undertaken by the consultant, namely the WWDSE reports none of them include a
hydrology study, rather they base their conclusion on the finding of previous studies.
Both of these base studies confirm that the recommended sources for the study
water supply project is Tendaho Dam that is currently being used to irrigation of
sugar cane and some of local agriculture.

The tendaho dam mainly constructed for irrigation purpose on the river of Awash
near to logiya town at tendaho area.

The Tendaho Dam determine the following parameters for the site selected for dam,
based on a 16 year period observation at Tendaho dam sites gauges of Awash river

Table 2 - 1 Main Hydrologic Parameters for the Tendaho Dam sites, Irrigation
project Dam 1996
Item Description Value
1 Watershed are, Km2 5,300
2 Mean annual runoff, M3/s 26.5
3 Mean flood flow, M3/s 52.6
4 Mean low flow, M3/s 12.0
5 Mean annual rainfall, mm 279.5
6 Lowest recorded daily flow, l/s(1979) 240
7 Maximum recorded daily 1,124
8 flow,m3/s(1982)
Mean monthly flow, m3/s 155
9 98% one day duration low flow l/s 1,000

The data for the minimum flow recorded is no longer deemed as significant as the
flow in the river is now regulated at the Tendah dam that is required to release a
minmum flow. The same applies to the maximum flows that had been recorded as
these are also regulated by the dam. The consultant continues to make efforts to obtain
the up to dated records for the operation of the dam related top the released flow

2.3 Water Quality

2.3.1 Introduction

The type and concentration of ions in water depend on the processes that have affected
the water since it fell as rain. Among the factors determining the level of trace and
major elements is the content of solute in the initial rain, the extent of reaction with rock
and soil, loss of constituents by precipitation or absorption, and loss of water
because of evaporation, transpiration or reaction with minerals.

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residents in Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages
January , 2022

Chemical composition of natural waters varies widely depending upon climate and
hydrology in a specific drainage area, which implies a seasonal influence. Among
drainage areas, composition is mostly dependent upon geology.The fact that the
oceans are saline is the result of the release of ion salts from rock and minerals on
the continents. Leaching and runoff transport these ions from land to the ocean
basins where they accumulate in seawater.

In its passage from recharge to discharge area, water may dissolve substances it
encounters or it may deposit some of its constituents along the way.The eventual
quality of the water depends on temperature and pressure conditions, on the kinds of
rock and soil formations through which the water flows, and possibly on the
residence time.In general, faster flowing water dissolves less material.water, of course,
carries with it any soluble contaminants which it encounters.

This study is applied in the lower Awash River in Adaytu mille, logia tendaho dama and
Main canal,Asayita and Afambo woredas.The study involves collection of representative
samples,laboratory testing of physochemical parameters and analyses and
interpretation of Results.

2.3.2 Location and Accessibility

The study area is found in the lower Awash sub basin of the Awash River .The Lower
Awash Sub- is located within Awash Basin found in Adaytu-mille Logia –Asayita-
Afambo woredas of the Afar Regional State. (see the figure below)

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January , 2022

Figure 2 - 1: Location of the sample points

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January , 2022

Table 2 - 2. Location of the sample points

Reference :UTM, ADINDAN ZONE 37

x y Z Sample ID Location
714224 1294249 387 AWR-L1 Tendaho Dam
714224 1294249 387 AWR-L2 Tendaho Dam
712823 1292547 420 LCW-1 Logia
712823 1292547 420 LCW-2 Logia
763019 1280534 359 ASR-1 Asayta
786983 1273675 349 Afs-1 Afambo
692447 1230584 454 Adr-1 Adaytu

N.B these samples are taken from the Awash River at lower awash basin from
Adaytu town to Downstream of Afambo town Areas

2.3.3 Objective of the study

The main objective is to study the water quality of lower awash river involves the
collection of relevant physico-chemical data for water supply purpose in order to:

 Characterize the chemical composition of the selected sample sites.

 To characterize the interaction of surface water with alluvial and volcanic

aquifers ground water systems.

 Characterize the surface water of the study area, its suitability for domestic
water supply based Ethiopian Drinking Water and WHO.

2.3.4 Methodology

Regarding of the nature of surface water quality factors a total of 7 Water sample
sites were sampled from the awash rivers and lakes to be analyzed .After the result is
obtained the genesis and occurrence of the major cations and anion were
analyzed via laboratory testing. Finally surface water of the river are evaluated for
the purpose of water supply. purpose based on the chemical analysis result,
geology, and Hydrogeology and hydrology conditions.

The water quality study involves the collection of relevant physico-chemical for different
water bodies of interest in the study area and adjacent areas in order to:

 Characterize the chemical composition of the alluvial and volcanic aquifers

and adjacent area to establish their relationships,

 The interaction of surface water with alluvial and volcanic aquifers ground
water systems.
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 Characterize the groundwater of the study area, its suitability for domestic
water supply based Ethiopian Drinking Water and WHO standards.

The main parameters determined are:

Table 2 - 3: Water quality parameters to be analyzed

Nr. Water Quality Parameters Method of Determination

1 . Electrical Conductivity Conductometry

2 . pH Potentiometry

3 . Total Dissolved solids (TDS) Gravimetry

4 . Hardness

. Calcium (Ca)

. Magnesium (Mg)

. Chloride (Cl) Titrimetry

. Alkalinity

. Carbonate (CO3)

. Bicarbonate (HCO3)

5 . Fluoride (F)

. Iron (Fe)

. Manganese ( Mn)

. Phosphate (PO4) Spectro photometer

. Sulphate (SO4)

. Nitrate (NO3)

. Boron(B)

6 . Sodium (Na)

. Potassium (K) Flame Emission

2.3.5 Water quality Analysis Results

In the lower Awash basin ,a total of 7 water sample was taken with two liter plastic
container at the surface of River and Tendaho Dam and sent to Mekelle university
school of Earth science for further physical, chemical and bacteriological water
analysis.The Test parameters were measured in the laboratory and the selected
physio-chemical and bacteriological water analysis results are given in table shown
below in comparison with WHO maximum allowable concentration
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Table 2 - 4.Selected Physiochemical and Bacteriological Analysis Result


Region Afar Allowable
Zone Zone 1 Concentr
Woreda Dubti Dubti Dubti Dubti ation
Date of collection 03/03/12 E.c 03/03/12 E.c 03/03/12 E.c 03/03/12 E.c (mg/l)
Date of Received 04/03/12 E.c 04/03/12 E.c 04/03/12 E.c 04/03/12 E.c
Sample ID AWR-L1 AWR-L2 LCW-1 LCW-2
Lab ID 01198/2012 01196/2012 01201/2012 01203/2012
Fluoride (mg/l F-) 0.0027 0.00177 0.00177 0.00165 1.5
Total Hardness (mg/l 54.7515 83.3375 83.3375 77.6875
CaCO3) 500
Total Dissolved Solids 458.53 464.23 458.53 459.96 1000
Electrical Conductivity 643 -
643 651 643
µs/cm) (EC)
PH 7.63 7.3 7.41 7.34 6.5-8.5
Ammonium (mg/l NH4) 0.0315 0.00059 0.059 0.0055 2
Sodium (mg/l Na) 100.8 8.85 8.85 8.25 200
Potassium (mg/l K) 0.6885 0.5782 0.5782 0.539 12
Calcium (mg/lCa ) 18.9 52.51 52.51 48.95 200
Magnesium (mg/l Mg2-) 1.8 27.73 27.73 25.85 150
Total Iron (mg/l Fe) 0.333 0.3599 0.3599 0.3355 1.0
Manganese (mg/l Mn) 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.5
Chloride (mg/l Cl-) 18.7065 8.0653 8.0653 7.5185 250
Nitrate (mg/l NO2-) 6.111 3.7406 3.7406 3.487 0.5
Chromium (mg/l Cr) 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05
Copper(mg/l Cu) 0.3105 0.3953 0.3953 0.3685 1.5
Nitrite (mg/l NO3) 0.036 0.0354 0.0354 0.033 45
Alkalinity (mg/lCaCO3) 200 170 195 202
Carbonate (mg/l CO32-) 0.0315 0.21889 0.2188 0.2405
Bicarbonate (mg/l HCO3) 65.8755 189.6024 189.60 176.748
Sulphate (mg/l SO42-) 177.561 84.8066 84.805 79.057 400
Phosphate (mg/l PO43-) 0.096 0.00118 0.00118 0.0011 2
Total Coliform Per 1ml 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
E. coil 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
True color (chromaticity) 2.34TCU 2.34 TCU 2.34 TCU 3.41 TCU 22 TCU
odor No odor No odor No odor No odor No odor
Taste Not Not Not unpleasa Not Not

unpleasant unpleasant unpleasant Unpleasa

Turbidity 0.41 NTU 1.51 NTU 0.52 NTU 0.65 NTU 5.0

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WHO Maximum
Region Afar Concentration
Zone Zone 1 (mg/l)
Woreda Asayta Afambo Mille
Date of collection 03/03/12 E.c 03/03/12 E.c 03/03/12 E.c
Date of Received 04/03/12 E.c 04/03/12 E.c 04/03/12 E.c
Sample ID ASR-1 Afr-1 Adr-1
Lab ID 01199/2012 01202/2012 01197/2012
Fluoride (mg/l F ) 0.00174 0.00276 0.00144 1.5
Total Hardness (mg/l 81.925 55.9686 67.8
CaCO3) 500
Total Dissolved Solids 468.51 467.80 387.93 1000
Electrical Conductivity -
657 656 544
µs/cm) (EC)
PH 7.31 7.32 7.68 6.5-8.5
Ammonium (mg/l NH4) 0.00058 0.0322 0.048 2
Sodium (mg/l Na) 8.7 103.04 7.2 200
Potassium (mg/l K) 0.5684 0.7038 0.4704 12
Calcium (mg/lCa2) 51.62 19.32 42.72 200
Magnesium (mg/l Mg2-) 27.26 1.84 22.56 150
Total Iron (mg/l Fe) 0.3538 0.3404 0.2928 1.0
Manganese (mg/l Mn) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.5
Chloride (mg/l Cl-) 7.9286 19.12 6.5616 250
Nitrate (mg/l NO2-) 3.6772 6.246 3.0432 0.5
Chromium (mg/l Cr) 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05
Copper(mg/l Cu) 0.3886 0.3174 0.3216 1.5
Nitrite (mg/l NO3) 0.0348 0.0368 0.0288 45
Alkalinity (mg/lCaCO3) 195 201 215
Carbonate (mg/l CO32-) 0.21518 0.0322 0.17808
Bicarbonate (mg/l HCO3) 186.3888 67.3394 154.2528
Sulphate (mg/l SO42-) 83.3692 181.506 68.9952 400
Phosphate (mg/l PO43-) 0.00116 0.00368 0.00096 2
Total Coliform Per 1ml 0.00 0.00 0.00
E. coil 0.00 0.00 0.00
True color (chromaticity) 1.53 TCU 1.79 TCU 1.23 TCU 22 TCU
odor No odor No odor No odor No odor
Taste Not unpleasant No unpleasant Not unpleasant Not Unpleasant

Turbidity 0.22 NTU 0.35 NTU 0.23 NTU 5.0

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Table 2 - 5 comparison on the water type result of the samples

Sample Location Geology X Y Water type TDS (Mg/l)

AWR-L1 Tendaho Dam Basalt 714224 1294249 Na-SO4 458.53
AWR-L2 Tendaho Dam Basalt 714224 1294249 Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 464.23
LCW-1 Logia Alluvial 712823 1292547 Ca-Mg-SO4 458.53
LCW-2 Logia Alluvial 712823 1292547 Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 459.96
ASR-1 Asayita Alluvial 763019 1280534 Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 468.51
Afs-1 Afambo Alluvial 786983 1273675 Na-SO4 467.80
Adr-1 Adaytu Basalt 692447 1230584 Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 387.93

Sample AWR-L1 and Afs-1 has Na-SO4 water type which is due to ponded
water.AWR-L1 is sampled from tendaho dam where us Afs-1 sample is collected
from Afambo lake.Therfore,the same water type of both samples shows the same
hydro and geological setting.The Rest sample results shows similar Results that
calcium rich from cation and HCO3 Rich from Anion elements.

2.3.6 Describing chemical Data

In addition to the direct laboratory result of the concentration of each chemical

constituents of the collected sample, further condensed tabular and graphical
representations could be done to have meaningful interpretation and display the
concentration or relative abundance of the major ions.

2.3.7 Tabular Description

The summation of the major anions and cations expressed in meq/l (% meq/l) are
usually used to graphically display the concentration or relative abundance of the
ions and the pattern of variability. This routine water quality analysis approach also
aids in evaluating the electron neutrality of the water. If the water is electrically
neutral, the ratio of the sums of the major anions and cations expressed in meq/l
should be one, or be in +/-0.05 range of acceptability.

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Figure 2 - 2: Sample summary Report

2.3.8 Graphical representation

In addition to the tabular display of result analysis of chemical quality of River water
(table above ), graphical representations are also helpful especially for comparing
analysis and for emphasizing similarities and differences.The major cations and
anions expressed in table above could be represented in graphs as shown below for
visual recognition of the dominant chemical composition determining the analysis of
water quality and the type of the water.

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Figure 2 - 3: pie Diagram of the sample water quality results

2.3.9 Data Analysis and Interpretation

The water quality criteria standards were used to interpret water quality characterization. The
suitability of water for domestic and drinking purposes are based on WHO Standards.The
analyzed laboratory result taken from Seven (7) sample point values for each physiochemical
and biological values and compared with the WHO water quality standards and interpreted in
accordance with the result obtained from the samples with the maximum allowable limits.

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2.3.10 Total dissolved solid (TDS)

Total Dissolved Solid comprises inorganic salts (principally calcium,magnesium, potassium, sodium,
bicarbonates, chlorides and sulfates) and small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in
water. Concentrations of TDS in water vary considerably in different geological regions owing to
differences in the solubility’s of minerals. The WHO and Ethiopian drinking water quality guide lines
for TDS is 1000 mg/l.In the study area the TDS value ramges from 387.93 mg/l in Adr-1- Up
468.51mg/l in Asr-1 samples which is below the maximum limits of WHO Standard.

2.3.11 Sodium (mg/l Na)

More consumption of sodium may cause hypertension, congenial heart diseases and kidney
problems (Singh et al., 2008). The concentration of sodium in the study area ranges from 7.2mg/l in
Adr-1 sample up to -100.8 mg/l in AWR-L1 sample points which is below the limit set by WHO
Standard.The WHO drinking water standards for sodium is 200mg/l.

2.3.12 Potassium (mg/l K)

The concentration of Potassium in the study area ranges from 0.4704 mg/l in Adr-1 sample up to -
0.6885 mg/l in AWR-L1 sample points which is below the limit set by WHO Standard.The WHO
drinking water standards for sodium is 12 mg/l.

2.3.13 Calcium (mg/lCa2)

The concentration of Calcium sodium in the study area ranges from 18.91mg/l in AWR-L1 sample
up to -52.5 mg/l in AWR-L1 AND LCW-2 sample points which is below the limit set by WHO
Standard.The WHO drinking water standards for sodium is 200 mg/l.

2.3.14 Magnesium (mg/l Mg2-)

Manganese is an essential element for humans and other animals. Adverse effects can result from
both deficiency and overexposure. Manganese is known to cause neurological effects following
inhalation exposure, particularly in occupational settings, and there have been
epidemiological studies that report adverse neurological effects following extended exposure to
very high levels in drinking-water (WHO, 2008)The concentration of Magnesium in the study area
ranges from 1.8 mg/l in AWR-L1 sample up to -27.33 mg/l in AWR-L2 AND LCW-2 sample points
which is below the limit set by WHO Standard.The WHO drinking water standards for sodium is 150

2.3.15 Chloride (mg/l Cl-)

Due to considerable amount of chlorides contained in both domestic and some industrial
wastes (such as from tanneries), the measure of chloride in receiving waters indicates the level
of salt pollution and thus the degree by which the beneficial use of water for agriculture can be
affectedThe concentration of Chloride in the study area ranges from 6.5616 mg/l in Adr-1 sample up
to - 19.12 mg/l in Afr-1 sample points which is below the limit set by WHO Standard.The
WHO drinking water standards for sodium is 250 mg/l.

2.3.16 Nitrate (mg/l NO2-)

The WHO suggests that drinking water should have less than 50 mg/L of nitrate to protect against
methaemoglobinaemia in bottle-fed infants (short term exposure).The concentration of Nitrate in the
study area ranges from 3.0432 mg/l in Adr-1 sample up to 6.246 mg/l in Afr-1 sample points which
is Below the limit set by WHO Standard.The WHO drinking water standards for sodium is 50
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mg/l.Nitrate forms naturally in soil from transformations of nitrogen, nitrogen containing fertilizers,
manure, or urea. Direct surface runoff of waters from agricultural areas and discharge from
wastewater treatment facilities can also contribute to elevated nitrate concentrations and degrade
the quality of stream water.

2.3.17 Carbonate (mg/l CO32-)

The concentration of Carbonate in the study area ranges from 0.0322 mg/l in Adr-1 sample up to
0.2405 mg/l in LCW-2 sample points which is Below the limit set by WHO Standard.

2.3.18 Bicarbonate (mg/l HCO3)

The concentration of Bicarbonate sodium in the study area ranges from 65.8755 mg/l in AWR-L1
sample up to 189.6024 mg/l in AWR-L2 sample points which is Below the limit set by WHO

2.3.19 Sulphate (mg/l SO42-)

The concentration of Sulphate in the study area ranges from 68.9952 mg/l in Adr-1 sample up to
177.561 mg/l in AWR-L1 sample points which is Below the limit set by WHO Standard.The WHO
drinking water standards for sodium is 400 mg/l.

2.3.20 Phosphate (mg/l PO43-)

The concentration of Phosphate in the study area ranges from 0.0011 mg/l in LCW-2 sample up to
0.096 mg/l in AWR-L1 sample points which is Below the limit set by WHO Standard.The WHO
drinking water standards for sodium is 2 mg/l.

2.3.21 Conclusions and Recommendations

Based on conducting laboratory water quality testing of seven (7) samples from the lower awash
basin River the following Conclusions and Recommendations are forwarded.

 Sample AWR-L1 and Afs-1 has Na-SO4 water type which is due to ponded water.AWR-L1 is
sampled from tendaho dam where us Afs-1 sample is collected from Afambo
lake.Therfore,the same water type of both samples shows the same hydro and geological
setting.The Rest sample results shows similar Results that calcium rich from cation and
HCO3 Rich from Anion elements.
 All parameters content of the water are within the permissible range allowable limit
set by WHO.
 Surface water bodies like lakes, rivers, oceans can be polluted Easily by
physical, chemical, or biological changes that is harmful on living organisims
makes water unsiutable for desire uses.There fore,Proper treatment method
should applied for the intended purpose.
 Sewage, industrial chemicals, heavy metals from industrial processes, and
house hold cleaners are examples of materials commonly discharged into
streams and rivers.
 In short surface Water pollution could be occurred when pollutants are
directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment
to remove harmful compounds.
 Untreated discharge from industries, domestic wastes, flower farms, and
irrigation runoff are among the major sources of pollution in Awash
River.There fore,Properly treatment and preventive measures should be
carried out.
 In summary the water type and TDS Value of the samples is given below.
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Table 2 - 6.Summary water type

SampleID Location Geology X Y Water type TDS (Mg/l)

AWR-L1 Tendaho Dam Basalt 714224 1294249 Na-SO4 458.53
AWR-L2 Tendaho Dam Basalt 714224 1294249 Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 464.23
LCW-1 Logia Alluvial 712823 1292547 Ca-Mg-SO4 458.53
LCW-2 Logia Alluvial 712823 1292547 Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 459.96
ASR-1 Asayita Alluvial 763019 1280534 Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 468.51
Afs-1 Afambo Alluvial 786983 1273675 Na-SO4 467.80
Adr-1 Adaytu Basalt 692447 1230584 Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 387.93

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Several water quality laboratories tests and analisis have been performed over
the years for the Awash river water for different purpose but mainly for water
supply and irrigation projects. A reasonably complete summary of the
previous analysis
conducted is shown

Ethiopian slandered WHO guide line

Tendaho Dam site
maximum permissible maximum permissible
/awash river (mg/l)
Water quality level, 2013 , 1993
Palatability Health Palatability Health Range
Based based Based based
pH 6.5 - 8.5 6.68-7.63 7.3
Electrical conductivity
Turbidity 5 NTU 0..23.1.51 0.87
Total Hardness (CaCO3) 300 mg/l 500 52-108 80
TDS mg/l 1000 1000 388-878 633
Total Iron Fe 0.3 0.5 0.3-0.6 0.45
Manganese Mn 0.5 150 0.5 0.0-0.01 0.005
Ammonia NH4+NH3 1.5 0.1 0.00059-0.0616 0.03
Magnesium Mg 50 150 1.8-27.73 14.5
Calcium Ca 75 200 18.9-52.5 35.7
Sulfate SO4 250 200 500 69-347 208
Chloride CL 250 250 6.5-36.58 21.5
Lagilar Index
Organic Matter
Total alkalinity (CaCO3) 200 170-215 193
Sodium Na 200 200 7.2-103 55
Potassium K 1.5 0.47-1.35 0.91
Nitrate as NO3 50 50 3.04-11.95 7.50
Nitrite NO2 5 3 0.03-0.07 0.05
Fluoride F 3 1.5 1.5 0.001-0.005 0.003

As expected, the parameter that is turbidity within the recommended limits due
to the water comes to the cannel from the storage part of the reservoir of
the Tendaho Dam, showing values of up to 0.78NTU,the recommended
maximum values is 5NTS under the World Health organization
standard(WHOs) and 7NTU under the Ethiopian standards. But this values not
expected on all season of the river or dam. This values highly increase during
rainy season. This values alone establishes the need for compressive
treatment to ensure reductions in turbidity to ensure effective
disinfection if the supply is intended for the use of potable water supply for
consumption. Although other sample results indicate within the limit of the
recommended standard, these are not of great concern relative to turbidity.
In order to do an additional laboratory test on a raw water sample taken from
the tendaho dam(awash river nearest to the dam Site), the consultant tool a
sample at the existing intake site on March 17,2020. This sample was taken to
the use Mekele University laboratory and the results as shown below in figure
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Figure 2 - 4: Tendaho Dam water Sample Laboratory Analysis

The relevant observations regarding these tests are summarized below:
 The total Alkalinity appears to be sufficient that for processes that will
included chemical assisted sedimentation/flirtation there should be no need to
adjust PH or introduce a carbonate source to react with the coagulants such
as aluminum hydroxide or the poly-aluminum chloride.

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 The sample result verifies that the Total Hardness is in the recommended
limit ,which is good for coagulation process
 Sodium is elevated but still under 20mg/l(WHO)
 Iron is just above the guideline of 0.3mg/l however this parameter is not
anticipated to be an issues much of the iron in this form will be oxidized and
precipitated to be through the treatment plant process, including disinfection.
 Colour is within the recommended WHO maximum values of 15, this is
anticipated to be mainly due to absence of the turbidity level but this not the
same during rainy season may become to high beyond the WHO standard
which will be also be addressed by the comprehensive treatment process that
is warranted by the high turbidity
 Magnesium and phosphate concentration are not high, and these will also be
addressed through oxidation and precipitation during the treatment process.
The Tahal 1995 study also conducted a water quality analysis for the Awash river,
although the objective was for irrigation. Nevertheless, the findins reported for the
study are of interest and relevant for the present water supply project. This study
found that the conductivity of the water is medium to high during the rainy seasons,
which is when the rock formations of ,arine origin found along the watershed release
considerable amounts of salts containing Ca++, Mg++, SO4-, Cl- and HCo3- into the
runoff. The study concluded that the Awash river near to the Tendah dam water is
suitable for irrigation and water supply.

3.0 Population Projection and Water Demand Calculation

For population projection we have used exponential projection methods with

the growth rate of high variant of the regional factor forecasted by CSA, 1994
Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia, Volume I Statistical Report, June
1998 and extrapolated by consultant.

The consultant use the high variant growth rate for projection of the current
and future population of project using the base population date of CSA 2007 in
order to be safe checking of the water balance of the Dam reservoir capacity.

So that the 2007 Census should be the base for all projections. Thus, Lot 1
and 2 had in 2007, according to CSA 2007 Population Census, a population
of 198,386 people (107,270 male and 91,116 female) on Tendaho system that
was growing at 2.2% per annum. Based on this base population and growth
rate, the projected population for
2021 was estimated a 351,488 persons (190,252 male and 161,601

The CSA is the authority charged with the mandate to determine population
sizes and growth rates. Accordingly, it has determined national growth rates
which are recommended by the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR,
2006) in its design criteria, and region-specific growth rates at five years
intervals to be used for population projection. The regional authorities required
the Consultant to use region- specific rates for the design of the Tendaho

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drinking Water Supply Project. Thus, for the population projection for the
project area in the present study, CSA 1994 growth rates determined at
regional level for every five years interval could be used. However, these
rates go up to 2030, so we can reasonably assume the last rate to continue to

Likewise, the base population for 2030 can be obtained by applying the same
rates to the current population obtained for 2021. Projections will then be
made by applying the Geometric population projection formula:

Pt=Po (1+r) t t
Where P= Population after a certain period of time,’t’
Po = the base population
r = the growth rate - using CSA
recommended growth rates for Afar Region
t = the time elapsed between Po and Pt
The medium variant growth rate scenario will be
adopted to avoid over or underestimating
the future population.

3.1 Population Projection

The population projection was obtained by using the exponential growth method, the
growth rates published in the 1998 CSA Analytical Report, extrapolation of the rates
for the period 2031 – 2050 and using the base population provided by the CSA 2007
census. The detailed calculations are shown and summarized in the following table
2007 2021 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
S. No.
Growth Rate(high Varieant)
Service Woreda Service town/Village Type 4.30% 3.90% 3.80% 3.70% 3.60% 3.50% 3.40%
1 DUBTI Town 14,715 26,072 36,850.43 44,339.12 53,083.57 63,235.60 74,953.46
2 LOGIYA Town 14,038 24,873 35,155.04 42,299.19 50,641.32 60,326.29 71,505.04
3 DATE BAHRI Town 1,562 2,768 3,911.68 4,706.61 5,634.83 6,712.47 7,956.32
4 SAMERA Town 2,625 4,651 6,573.73 7,909.63 9,469.55 11,280.56 13,370.90
Sub Total 32,940 58,363 82,491 99,255 118,829 141,555 167,786
1 SORIDO R.Village 1,868 3,310 4,677.99 5,628.64 6,738.71 8,027.46 9,514.99
6 GURIMU DALENA GAYIDARO R.Village 2,769 4,906 6,934.34 8,343.53 9,989.02 11,899.38 14,104.39
7 DEBEL NA HALEBAYIR R.Village 2,852 5,053 7,142.20 8,593.62 10,288.44 12,256.06 14,527.17
8 DUBTI BEYIHAYILE R.Village 1,837 3,255 4,600.36 5,535.23 6,626.88 7,894.24 9,357.08
10 ARADO NA HANAKES R.Village 2,818 4,993 7,057.05 8,491.18 10,165.78 12,109.95 14,353.98
11 MEGENITA R.Village 3,240 5,741 8,113.86 9,762.74 11,688.12 13,923.43 16,503.51
12 TANIGAY KUMA R.Village 917 1,625 2,296.42 2,763.10 3,308.03 3,940.68 4,670.90
Sub Total 16,301 28,882 40,822 49,118 58,805 70,051 83,032
Total 49,241 87,246 123,313 148,373 177,634 211,606 250,818
2 ELIDAR WUHA LIMAT Town 151 268 378.15 454.99 544.72 648.90 769.15
Sub Total 151 268 378 455 545 649 769
1 ELIDAR WUHA LIMAT R.Village 908 1,609 2,273.88 2,735.98 3,275.56 3,902.00 4,625.06
Sub Total 908 1,609 2,274 2,736 3,276 3,902 4,625
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Total 1,059 1,876 2,652 3,191 3,820 4,551 5,394
1 ASAYITA ASAYTA Town 16,052 28,441 40,198.65 48,367.76 57,906.72 68,981.16 81,763.71
Sub Total 16,052 28,441 40,199 48,368 57,907 68,981 81,764
1 GALIFAGE R.Village 4,095 7,256 10,255.01 12,339.02 14,772.49 17,597.67 20,858.61
3 HINELE R.Village 2,817 4,991 7,054.55 8,488.16 10,162.17 12,105.65 14,348.89
4 HANDEG R.Village 5,821 10,314 14,577.40 17,539.79 20,998.94 25,014.91 29,650.29
6 KEREBUDA R.Village 2,861 5,069 7,164.54 8,620.50 10,320.62 12,294.40 14,572.61
7 RUMAYTU R.Village 2,302 4,079 5,765.27 6,936.88 8,304.95 9,893.24 11,726.51
8 MAMULE R.Village 3,114 5,517 7,797.74 9,382.39 11,232.76 13,380.98 15,860.54
9 KEREDURA R.Village 1,927 3,414 4,825.36 5,805.96 6,950.99 8,280.34 9,814.73
10 GELEALO R.Village 1,981 3,510 4,961.04 5,969.22 7,146.45 8,513.18 10,090.72
Sub Total 24,918 44,149 62,401 75,082 89,889 107,080 126,923
Total 40,970 72,590 102,600 123,450 147,796 176,062 208,687
1 AFAMBO AFAMBO Town 822 1,456 2,058.52 2,476.84 2,965.32 3,532.43 4,187.00
Sub Total 822 1,456 2,059 2,477 2,965 3,532 4,187
1 ALESABULO R.Village 5,412 9,589 13,553.15 16,307.40 19,523.50 23,257.29 27,566.98
2 HUMADOYETA R.Village 3,818 6,765 9,561.33 11,504.37 13,773.23 16,407.31 19,447.66
3 MEGO R.Village 4,627 8,198 11,587.29 13,942.04 16,691.65 19,883.87 23,568.44
4 GENETE R.Village 2,860 5,067 7,162.23 8,617.73 10,317.30 12,290.44 14,567.92
5 DEAKA R.Village 1,658 2,938 4,152.09 4,995.87 5,981.15 7,125.02 8,445.32
6 HOROGUBI R.Village 2,686 4,759 6,726.49 8,093.43 9,689.60 11,542.70 13,681.62
Sub Total 21,061 37,316 52,743 63,461 75,976 90,507 107,278
Total 21,883 38,772 54,801 65,938 78,942 94,039 111,465
Refugee Camp, nearby
1 Refuge camp Aysaita Town Refugee 18,601 18,601.00 18,601.00 18,601.00 18,601.00 18,601.00
2 University Samara University Dormitary 15,500 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00
Grand Total 113,153 234,586 306,967 364,552 436,793 514,859 609,965

2007 2021 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
S. No.
Growth Rate(high Varieant)
Service Woreda Service town/Village Type 4.30% 3.90% 3.80% 3.70% 3.60% 3.50% 3.40%
1 DUBTI Town 14,715 26,072 36,850.43 44,339.12 53,083.57 63,235.60 74,953.46
2 DUBTI LOGIYA Town 14,038 24,873 35,155.04 42,299.19 50,641.32 60,326.29 71,505.04
4 SAMERA Town 2,625 4,651 6,573.73 7,909.63 9,469.55 11,280.56 13,370.90
Sub Total 31,378 55,596 78,579 94,548 113,194 134,842 159,829
1 SORIDO R.Village 1,868 3,310 4,677.99 5,628.64 6,738.71 8,027.46 9,514.99
6 GURIMU DALENA GAYIDARO R.Village 2,769 4,906 6,934.34 8,343.53 9,989.02 11,899.38 14,104.39
7 DEBEL NA HALEBAYIR R.Village 2,852 5,053 7,142.20 8,593.62 10,288.44 12,256.06 14,527.17
8 BEYIHAYILE R.Village 1,837 3,255 4,600.36 5,535.23 6,626.88 7,894.24 9,357.08
Sub Total 9,326 16,524 23,355 28,101 33,643 40,077 47,504
Total 40,704 72,120 101,934 122,649 146,837 174,920 207,333
2 ELIDAR WUHA LIMAT Town 151 268 378.15 454.99 544.72 648.90 769.15
Sub Total 151 268 378 455 545 649 769
1 ELIDAR WUHA LIMAT R.Village 908 1,609 2,273.88 2,735.98 3,275.56 3,902.00 4,625.06
Sub Total 908 1,609 2,274 2,736 3,276 3,902 4,625
Total 1,059 1,876 2,652 3,191 3,820 4,551 5,394
1 ASAYITA GALIFAGE R.Village 4,095 7,256 10,255.01 12,339.02 14,772.49 17,597.67 20,858.61
Sub Total 4,095 7,256 10,255 12,339 14,772 17,598 20,859
Total 4,095 7,256 10,255 12,339 14,772 17,598 20,859
2 University Samara University Dormitary 15,500 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00
Grand Total 45,858 96,752 119,841 143,179 175,430 207,068 248,586

Table 3 - 3: Summary of Population Projections Results for Det Bahari System

2007 2021 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
S. No.
Growth Rate(high Varieant)
Service Woreda Service town/Village Type 4.30% 3.90% 3.80% 3.70% 3.60% 3.50% 3.40%
3 DATE BAHRI Town 1,562 2,768 3,911.68 4,706.61 5,634.83 6,712.47 7,956.32

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Sub Total 1,562 2,768 3,912 4,707 5,635 6,712 7,956
10 ARADO NA HANAKES R.Village 2,818 4,993 7,057.05 8,491.18 10,165.78 12,109.95 14,353.98
11 MEGENITA R.Village 3,240 5,741 8,113.86 9,762.74 11,688.12 13,923.43 16,503.51
12 TANIGAY KUMA R.Village 917 1,625 2,296.42 2,763.10 3,308.03 3,940.68 4,670.90
Sub Total 6,975 12,358 17,467 21,017 25,162 29,974 35,528
Total 8,537 15,126 21,379 25,724 30,797 36,687 43,485
1 ASAYITA ASAYTA Town 16,052 28,441 40,198.65 48,367.76 57,906.72 68,981.16 81,763.71
Sub Total 16,052 28,441 40,199 48,368 57,907 68,981 81,764
3 HINELE R.Village 2,817 4,991 7,054.55 8,488.16 10,162.17 12,105.65 14,348.89
4 HANDEG R.Village 5,821 10,314 14,577.40 17,539.79 20,998.94 25,014.91 29,650.29
6 KEREBUDA R.Village 2,861 5,069 7,164.54 8,620.50 10,320.62 12,294.40 14,572.61
7 ASSAITA RUMAYTU R.Village 2,302 4,079 5,765.27 6,936.88 8,304.95 9,893.24 11,726.51
8 MAMULE R.Village 3,114 5,517 7,797.74 9,382.39 11,232.76 13,380.98 15,860.54
9 KEREDURA R.Village 1,927 3,414 4,825.36 5,805.96 6,950.99 8,280.34 9,814.73
10 GELEALO R.Village 1,981 3,510 4,961.04 5,969.22 7,146.45 8,513.18 10,090.72
Sub Total 20,823 36,894 52,146 62,743 75,117 89,483 106,064
Total 36,875 65,335 92,345 111,111 133,024 158,464 187,828
1 AFAMBO AFAMBO Town 822 1,456 2,058.52 2,476.84 2,965.32 3,532.43 4,187.00
Sub Total 822 1,456 2,059 2,477 2,965 3,532 4,187
1 ALESABULO R.Village 5,412 9,589 13,553.15 16,307.40 19,523.50 23,257.29 27,566.98
2 HUMADOYETA R.Village 3,818 6,765 9,561.33 11,504.37 13,773.23 16,407.31 19,447.66
3 MEGO R.Village 4,627 8,198 11,587.29 13,942.04 16,691.65 19,883.87 23,568.44
4 GENETE R.Village 2,860 5,067 7,162.23 8,617.73 10,317.30 12,290.44 14,567.92
5 DEAKA R.Village 1,658 2,938 4,152.09 4,995.87 5,981.15 7,125.02 8,445.32
6 HOROGUBI R.Village 2,686 4,759 6,726.49 8,093.43 9,689.60 11,542.70 13,681.62
Sub Total 21,061 37,316 52,743 63,461 75,976 90,507 107,278
Total 21,883 38,772 54,801 65,938 78,942 94,039 111,465
Refugee Camp, nearby
1 Refuge camp Aysaita Town Refugee 18,601 18,601.00 18,601.00 18,601.00 18,601.00 18,601.00
Grand Total 67,295 137,834 187,126 221,373 261,363 307,790 361,379

3.2 Water Demand Estimates

3.2.1 Assumptions and General Aspects

The following assumptions and general aspects have been considered in the
determination of the water demand projections:

 As there are no available guidelines which provide clear and distinct

recommendations for non-domestic demand estimates, about 40 percent of
the total domestic demand is assumed to account for this demand category.

 The demand for Samara University has been considered based on the
current and future enrolments information sourced from the University

 Provision for water service by Public Tap Connections will be assumed to be

for rural villages and their water demand is assumed based on GTP_II

 Per-capita water demand for House Connections and Yard Connections are
assumed to be as per the GTP-II Guidelines.

 As there is only limited information to estimate Unaccounted-For Water

(UFW) which is composed of leakage and unauthorized consumption, the
Consultant considered the values provided in the above national guidelines
with necessary adaptation based on the limited information available on the
existing network and experience in other similar countries. Accordingly, an
allowance for leakage will be in included in the overall water demand

It is noted that currently, according to the International Water Association (IWA), the
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term non-revenue water (NRW) is the more commonly used term rather than
unaccounted-for water (UFW).

3.2.2 Design and Operation Horizons

The study assumes the period of 2021 – 2030 for the design and implementation
phase, and a design horizon of 2030 – 2050 for the operation of the water supply
project that is being considered for project area, as summarised in the table below.

Table 3 - 4: Design and Operation Horizons

Design Horizon Year/Period

Start Year 2030

Phase I 2031 - 2040

Design Horizon Year/Period

Phase II 2041 - 2050 Demand Variance

During the Consultant’s field socio-economic survey for different project study, it was
evident that there is no reliable information available at the water utility on the
production and consumption volumes for the existing water system. Further, due to
serious water shortages from the existing sources and the poor performance of the
distribution network, it is very difficult to monitor the variation of the water supply and
demand. Accordingly, the Consultant followed the practical approach and
experiences in similar projects in order to discern the water demand fluctuations in
the city as described in the paragraphs that follow.

General annual fluctuations in water demand are shown in Figure 4-2 A. The water
demand generally reaches its peak in the summer and is at low point in winter.
Figure 4-2 B shows the general daily fluctuations in water demand. The hourly water
demand increases in the morning and evening when water consumption activities
increase. Since domestic water consumption activities fall drastically at night, the
only demand at night is basically attributable to leakage under normal water service
conditions and specific to the particular town, some non-domestic institutional,
commercial and industrial consumption. In some towns of Afar region, however, due
to the implementation of water supply rationing, households commonly store water in
their water tanks overnight on water supply days for their use on non-supply days.
Consequently, current water demand is expected to remain high even during the

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Figure 3 - 1: Typical Water Demand Fluctuations

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While the above is true, the maximum day and peak hour factors for for the service
area of the project have been recommended to be 1 and 1.6, respectively (MoWR,

In consideration of the above water consumption patterns, the following water

demand parameters will be adopted that are generally used in designing water
supply facilities, as provided in the table below:

Table 3 - 5: Water Demand Parameters to be Used

Facilities Required Capacity Water demand adopted

Water Source Capacity to meet the maximum Maximum day water demand
day water demand = 1.0 times of the average
day water demand

Transmission mains Capacity to supply the maximum Maximum day water demand
and transmission day water demand = 1.0 times of the average
pumping stations day demand

Distribution pipes and Capacity to distribute the peak Peak hour water demand
distribution pumping hour demand on the day of the = 1.6 times average day
stations maximum day water demand water demand

Service reservoirs Capacity to absorb the difference 8 hours of the maximum day
between the constant inflow of water demand
water from the transmission
mains and the diurnal fluctuation
of the demand throughout the
day; including the peak hour

The variation of water demand is estimated in the subsequent sections and tables
considering different options for the design. Options for Guidelines for the Calculation of Water Demand

Among the national guideline documents that the Consultant reviewed, we have
determined that the Urban Water Supply Design Criteria (MoWR, 2006) and Second
Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP 2, 2015/16-2019/2020) are the most
appropriate for the estimates of the current and future water demands.
Acknowledging the limitations of the two guidelines due to various conditions the
consultant uses Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP 2, 2015/16-
2019/2020) for estimation of water demands.

The second available guideline for per-capita water demand estimation is GTP-2 for
a five-year plan (2016 - 2020). It was prepared in 2015 to guide the development
endeavors of the country for the provision of sufficient and safe water for the
population. Unlike the MoWR 2006 Design Criteria which proposes distinct per-
capita water demand values for different connection types, GTP-2 recommends

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minimum demand standards for different urban settings based on their population as
shown in the next table. The GTP-2 also states that the coverage of the water supply
system is to be planned to reach 75 percent by the end of 2020 while at the same
time ensuring the attainment of recommended minimum per-capita demand values.
In addition, the plan aims at supplying water to the premises of households for
Categories I, II, III, and IV towns/cities and within a 250 m distance for towns in
Category V.

Table 3 - 6: Urban Categories and Per-capita Water Demand Standards (GTP-2)

Urban Category Population Size Per-capita Demand Supply Point


Category I >1,000,000 100 Premises

Category II 100,000 – 1,000,000 80 Premises

Category III 50,000 – 100,000 60 Premises

Category IV 20,000 – 50,000 50 Premises

Category V <20,000 40 Within 250m

Rural 25

As shown in the above table, the town population of project area falls into
Category III, IV and V with a proposed per-capita water demand of 60, 50 and 40
l/c/d respectively for different design period. So to squeezed this difference the
consultant taken average per capital water demand for different categories. For rural
area of the project it takes 25l/c/day.

In view of the above and considering a uniform 40 and 55, l/c/d per-capita water
demand for the town of the project area, the water demand estimates were
calculated and are presented in the table below. Under this guideline it is assumed
that the House Connections (HCs) and Yard Connections (YCs) as well as the
envisaged Public Taps (PTs) will have the same unit consumption and as such only
HCs are considered for ease of calculations.

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Table 3 - 7: Domestic Water Demand based on GTP-2 Standards For the Whole project coverage area of Tendaho Dam
System Domestic Domestic Domestic
S. Water Water Water Domestic Water
No. Service Service Average Population Demand Population Demand Population Demand Population Demand
Woreda town/Village Type L/c/day 2021 2021(m3/day) 2030 2030(m3/day) 2040 2040(m3/day) 2050 2050(m3/day)
1 DUBTI Town 55 26,072 1,433.97 36,850.43 2,026.77 53,083.57 2,919.60 74,953.46 4,122.44
2 LOGIYA Town 55 24,873 1,367.99 35,155.04 1,933.53 50,641.32 2,785.27 71,505.04 3,932.78
3 DATE BAHRI Town 40 2,768 110.70 3,911.68 156.47 5,634.83 225.39 7,956.32 318.25
4 SAMERA Town 40 4,651 186.04 6,573.73 262.95 9,469.55 378.78 13,370.90 534.84
Sub Total 58,363 3,099 82,491 4,380 118,829 6,309 167,786 8,908
1 SORIDO R.Village 25 3,310 82.74 4,677.99 116.95 6,738.71 168.47 9,514.99 237.87
GAYIDARO R.Village 25 4,906 122.65 6,934.34 173.36 9,989.02 249.73 14,104.39 352.61
HALEBAYIR R.Village 25 5,053 126.33 7,142.20 178.55 10,288.44 257.21 14,527.17 363.18
8 BEYIHAYILE R.Village 25 3,255 81.37 4,600.36 115.01 6,626.88 165.67 9,357.08 233.93
HANAKES R.Village 25 4,993 124.82 7,057.05 176.43 10,165.78 254.14 14,353.98 358.85
11 MEGENITA R.Village 25 5,741 143.52 8,113.86 202.85 11,688.12 292.20 16,503.51 412.59
KUMA R.Village 25 1,625 40.62 2,296.42 57.41 3,308.03 82.70 4,670.90 116.77
Sub Total 28,882 722 40,822 1,021 58,805 1,470 83,032 2,076
Total 87,246 3,821 123,313 5,400 177,634 7,779 250,818 10,984
2 ELIDAR WUHA LIMAT Town 40 268 10.70 378.15 15.13 544.72 21.79 769.15 30.77
Sub Total 268 11 378 15 545 22 769 31
1 ELIDAR WUHA LIMAT R.Village 25 1,609 40.22 2,273.88 56.85 3,275.56 81.89 4,625.06 115.63
Sub Total 1,609 40 2,274 57 3,276 82 4,625 116
Total 1,876 51 2,652 72 3,820 104 5,394 146
1 ASAYITA ASAYTA Town 55 28,441 1,564.26 40,198.65 2,210.93 57,906.72 3,184.87 81,763.71 4,497.00
Sub Total 28,441 1,564 40,199 2,211 57,907 3,185 81,764 4,497
1 GALIFAGE R.Village 25 7,256 181.39 10,255.01 256.38 14,772.49 369.31 20,858.61 521.47
3 HINELE R.Village 25 4,991 124.78 7,054.55 176.36 10,162.17 254.05 14,348.89 358.72
4 ASAYITA HANDEG R.Village 25 10,314 257.84 14,577.40 364.43 20,998.94 524.97 29,650.29 741.26
6 KEREBUDA R.Village 25 5,069 126.73 7,164.54 179.11 10,320.62 258.02 14,572.61 364.32
7 RUMAYTU R.Village 25 4,079 101.98 5,765.27 144.13 8,304.95 207.62 11,726.51 293.16

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December 09, 2021

Domestic Domestic Domestic

S. Water Water Water Domestic Water
No. Service Service Average Population Demand Population Demand Population Demand Population Demand
Woreda town/Village Type L/c/day 2021 2021(m3/day) 2030 2030(m3/day) 2040 2040(m3/day) 2050 2050(m3/day)
8 MAMULE R.Village 25 5,517 137.93 7,797.74 194.94 11,232.76 280.82 15,860.54 396.51
9 KEREDURA R.Village 25 3,414 85.35 4,825.36 120.63 6,950.99 173.77 9,814.73 245.37
10 GELEALO R.Village 25 3,510 87.75 4,961.04 124.03 7,146.45 178.66 10,090.72 252.27
Sub Total 44,149 1,104 62,401 1,560 89,889 2,247 126,923 3,173
Total 72,590 2,668 102,600 3,771 147,796 5,432 208,687 7,670

1 AFAMBO AFAMBO Town 40 1,456 58.26 2,058.52 82.34 2,965.32 118.61 4,187.00 167.48
Sub Total 1,456 58 2,059 82 2,965 119 4,187 167
1 ALESABULO R.Village 25 9,589 239.73 13,553.15 338.83 19,523.50 488.09 27,566.98 689.17
2 HUMADOYETA R.Village 25 6,765 169.12 9,561.33 239.03 13,773.23 344.33 19,447.66 486.19
3 MEGO R.Village 25 8,198 204.95 11,587.29 289.68 16,691.65 417.29 23,568.44 589.21
4 AFAMBO GENETE R.Village 25 5,067 126.68 7,162.23 179.06 10,317.30 257.93 14,567.92 364.20
5 DEAKA R.Village 25 2,938 73.44 4,152.09 103.80 5,981.15 149.53 8,445.32 211.13
6 HOROGUBI R.Village 25 4,759 118.98 6,726.49 168.16 9,689.60 242.24 13,681.62 342.04
Sub Total 37,316 933 52,743 1,319 75,976 1,899 107,278 2,682
Total 38,772 991 54,801 1,401 78,942 2,018 111,465 2,849
Refugee Camp,
Refuge nearby Aysaita
1 camp Town Refugee 40 18,601 744.04 18,601.00 744.04 18,601.00 744.04 18,601.00 744.04
2 University University Dormitary 40 15,500 620.00 5,000.00 200.00 10,000.00 400.00 15,000.00 600.00
Grand Total 234,586 8,895 306,967 11,588 436,793 16,477 609,965 22,994

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Table 3 - 8: Total Water Demand for Tendaho Dam System

Ye ar
S. No Population and Demand Cate gory Unit 2021 2030 2040 2050
1 Population
1.1 Population growth % 3.90% 3.80% 3.60% 3.40%
1.2 Total population No 251,993 326,610 459,803 637,510

2 Domestic Water Demand m3/day 9,030 11,779 16,752 23,383

2.1 Socio-Economic and climate adjusted factor 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35
2.2 Adjusted Domestic water Demand m3/day 12,191 15,902 22,616 31,567

3 Non Domestic Water Demand

3.1 % of puplic water Demand % 10 10 10 10
3.2 Puplic Water Demand m3/day 1,219 1,590 2,262 3,157
3.3 % of Livestock, Industrial and other Demand % 30 30 30 30
3.4 Livestock, Industrial and other Demand m3/day 3,657 4,771 6,785 9,470
Total Non Domestic demand m3/day 4,876 6,361 9,046 12,627
Total Demand 17,067 22,263 31,662 44,193
4 Losses
4.1 % of Water Loss % 30 30 25 20
4.2 Water Loss Amount m3/day 5,120 6,679 7,915 8,839
m3/day 22,187 28,942 39,577 53,032
5 Average Day Demand L/s 257 335 458 614
7 Maximum Day factor 1.1 1 1 1
m3/day 24,406 28,942 39,577 53,032
8 Maximum Day Demand L/s 282 335 458 614
9 Peak Our Factor 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
m3/day 35,499 46,306 63,324 84,851
10 Peak our Demand L/s 411 536 733 982
m3/day 26,114 30,967 42,348 56,744
11 Maximum Day demand including Extraction Loss(7%) L/s 302 358 490 657

As shown in the above table, the total maximum water demand that will be required for the
project area in accordance with the GTP-2 Guidelines, in Phase I and Phase II are
39,577 m³/ d and 53,035 m³/day, respectively.

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Table 3 - 9: Domestic Water Demand based on GTP-2 Standards for the Logiya System

Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic

S. No. Average Population Water Demand Population Water Demand Population Water Demand Population Water Demand
Service Woreda Service town/Village Type L/c/day 2021 2021(m3/day) 2030 2030(m3/day) 2040 2040(m3/day) 2050 2050(m3/day)
1 DUBTI Town 55 26,072 1,433.97 36,850.43 2,026.77 53,083.57 2,919.60 74,953.46 4,122.44
2 DUBTI LOGIYA Town 55 24,873 1,367.99 35,155.04 1,933.53 50,641.32 2,785.27 71,505.04 3,932.78
4 SAMERA Town 40 4,651 186.04 6,573.73 262.95 9,469.55 378.78 13,370.90 534.84
Sub Total 55,596 2,988 78,579 4,223 113,194 6,084 159,829 8,590
1 SORIDO R.Village 25 3,310 82.74 4,677.99 116.95 6,738.71 168.47 9,514.99 237.87
6 GURIMU DALENA GAYIDARO R.Village 25 4,906 122.65 6,934.34 173.36 9,989.02 249.73 14,104.39 352.61
7 DEBEL NA HALEBAYIR R.Village 25 5,053 126.33 7,142.20 178.55 10,288.44 257.21 14,527.17 363.18
8 BEYIHAYILE R.Village 25 3,255 81.37 4,600.36 115.01 6,626.88 165.67 9,357.08 233.93
Sub Total 16,524 413 23,355 584 33,643 841 47,504 1,188
Total 72,120 3,401 101,934 4,807 146,837 6,925 207,333 9,778
2 ELIDAR WUHA LIMAT Town 40 268 10.70 378.15 15.13 544.72 21.79 769.15 30.77
Sub Total 268 11 378 15 545 22 769 31
1 ELIDAR WUHA LIMAT R.Village 25 1,609 40.22 2,273.88 56.85 3,275.56 81.89 4,625.06 115.63
Sub Total 1,609 40 2,274 57 3,276 82 4,625 116
Total 1,876 51 2,652 72 3,820 104 5,394 146
1 ASAYITA GALIFAGE R.Village 25 7,256 181.39 10,255.01 256.38 14,772.49 369.31 20,858.61 521.47
Sub Total 7,256 181 10,255 256 14,772 369 20,859 521
Total 7,256 181 10,255 256 14,772 369 20,859 521
2 University Samara University Dormitary 40 15,500 620.00 5,000.00 200.00 10,000.00 400.00 15,000.00 600.00
Grand Total 96,752 4,253 119,841 5,335 175,430 7,798 248,586 11,046

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Table 3 - 10: Total Water Demand for Logiya System

S. No Population and Demand Category Unit 2021 2030 2040 2050
1 Population
1.1 Population growth % 3.90% 3.80% 3.60% 3.40%
1.2 Total population No 96,752 119,841 175,430 248,586

2 Domestic Water Demand m3/day 4,253 5,335 7,798 11,046

2.1 Socio-Economic and climate adjusted factor 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35
2.2 Adjusted Domestic water Demand m3/day 5,742 7,203 10,527 14,911

3 Non Domestic Water Demand

3.1 % of puplic water Demand % 10 10 10 10
3.2 Puplic Water Demand m3/day 574 720 1,053 1,491
3.3 % of Livestock, Industrial and other Demand % 30 30 30 30
3.4 Livestock, Industrial and other Demand m3/day 1,723 2,161 3,158 4,473
Total Non Domestic demand m3/day 2,297 2,881 4,211 5,965
Total Demand 8,039 10,084 14,738 20,876
4 Losses
4.1 % of Water Loss % 30 30 25 20
4.2 Water Loss Amount m3/day 2,412 3,025 3,684 4,175
m3/day 10,451 13,109 18,422 25,051
5 Average Day Demand L/s 121 152 213 290
7 Maximum Day factor 1.1 1 1 1
m3/day 11,496 13,109 18,422 25,051
8 Maximum Day Demand L/s 133 152 213 290
9 Peak Our Factor 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
m3/day 16,721 20,975 29,475 40,082
10 Peak our Demand L/s 194 243 341 464
m3/day 12,300 14,027 19,712 26,805
11 Maximum Day demand including Extraction Loss(7%) L/s 142 162 228 310

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Table 3 - 11: Domestic Water Demand based on GTP-2 Standards for the Det’bahari System

Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic

S. No. Average Population Water Demand Population Water Demand Population Water Demand Population Water Demand
Service Woreda Service town/Village Type L/c/day 2021 2021(m3/day) 2030 2030(m3/day) 2040 2040(m3/day) 2050 2050(m3/day)
3 DATE BAHRI Town 40 2,768 110.70 3,911.68 156.47 5,634.83 225.39 7,956.32 318.25
Sub Total 2,768 111 3,912 156 5,635 225 7,956 318
10 ARADO NA HANAKES R.Village 25 4,993 124.82 7,057.05 176.43 10,165.78 254.14 14,353.98 358.85
11 MEGENITA R.Village 25 5,741 143.52 8,113.86 202.85 11,688.12 292.20 16,503.51 412.59
12 TANIGAY KUMA R.Village 25 1,625 40.62 2,296.42 57.41 3,308.03 82.70 4,670.90 116.77
Sub Total 12,358 309 17,467 437 25,162 629 35,528 888
Total 15,126 420 21,379 593 30,797 854 43,485 1,206
1 ASAYITA ASAYTA Town 55 28,441 1,564.26 40,198.65 2,210.93 57,906.72 3,184.87 81,763.71 4,497.00
Sub Total 28,441 1,564 40,199 2,211 57,907 3,185 81,764 4,497
3 HINELE R.Village 25 4,991 124.78 7,054.55 176.36 10,162.17 254.05 14,348.89 358.72
4 HANDEG R.Village 25 10,314 257.84 14,577.40 364.43 20,998.94 524.97 29,650.29 741.26
6 KEREBUDA R.Village 25 5,069 126.73 7,164.54 179.11 10,320.62 258.02 14,572.61 364.32
7 RUMAYTU R.Village 25 4,079 101.98 5,765.27 144.13 8,304.95 207.62 11,726.51 293.16
8 MAMULE R.Village 25 5,517 137.93 7,797.74 194.94 11,232.76 280.82 15,860.54 396.51
9 KEREDURA R.Village 25 3,414 85.35 4,825.36 120.63 6,950.99 173.77 9,814.73 245.37
10 GELEALO R.Village 25 3,510 87.75 4,961.04 124.03 7,146.45 178.66 10,090.72 252.27
Sub Total 36,894 922 52,146 1,304 75,117 1,878 106,064 2,652
Total 65,335 2,487 92,345 3,515 133,024 5,063 187,828 7,149
1 AFAMBO AFAMBO Town 40 1,456 58.26 2,058.52 82.34 2,965.32 118.61 4,187.00 167.48
Sub Total 1,456 58 2,059 82 2,965 119 4,187 167
1 ALESABULO R.Village 25 9,589 239.73 13,553.15 338.83 19,523.50 488.09 27,566.98 689.17
2 HUMADOYETA R.Village 25 6,765 169.12 9,561.33 239.03 13,773.23 344.33 19,447.66 486.19
3 MEGO R.Village 25 8,198 204.95 11,587.29 289.68 16,691.65 417.29 23,568.44 589.21
4 GENETE R.Village 25 5,067 126.68 7,162.23 179.06 10,317.30 257.93 14,567.92 364.20
5 DEAKA R.Village 25 2,938 73.44 4,152.09 103.80 5,981.15 149.53 8,445.32 211.13
6 HOROGUBI R.Village 25 4,759 118.98 6,726.49 168.16 9,689.60 242.24 13,681.62 342.04
Sub Total 37,316 933 52,743 1,319 75,976 1,899 107,278 2,682
Total 38,772 991 54,801 1,401 78,942 2,018 111,465 2,849
Refugee Camp, nearby
1 Refuge camp Aysaita Town Refugee 40 18,601 744.04 18,601.00 744.04 18,601.00 744.04 18,601.00 744.04
Grand Total 137,834 4,641 187,126 6,253 261,363 8,679 361,379 11,949

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Table 3 - 12: Total Water Demand for Det’bahari System

S. No Population and Demand Category Unit 2021 2030 2040 2050
1 Population
1.1 Population growth % 3.90% 3.80% 3.60% 3.40%
1.2 Total population No 137,834 187,126 261,363 361,379

2 Domestic Water Demand m3/day 4,641 6,253 8,679 11,949

2.1 Socio-Economic and climate adjusted factor 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35
2.2 Adjusted Domestic water Demand m3/day 6,266 8,441 11,717 16,131

3 Non Domestic Water Demand

3.1 % of puplic water Demand % 10 10 10 10
3.2 Puplic Water Demand m3/day 627 844 1,172 1,613
3.3 % of Livestock, Industrial and other Demand % 30 30 30 30
3.4 Livestock, Industrial and other Demand m3/day 1,880 2,532 3,515 4,839
Total Non Domestic demand m3/day 2,506 3,376 4,687 6,452
Total Demand 8,772 11,818 16,404 22,583
4 Losses
4.1 % of Water Loss % 30 30 25 20
4.2 Water Loss Amount m3/day 2,632 3,545 4,101 4,517
m3/day 11,404 15,363 20,505 27,099
5 Average Day Demand L/s 132 178 237 314
7 Maximum Day factor 1.1 1 1 1
m3/day 12,544 15,363 20,505 27,099
8 Maximum Day Demand L/s 145 178 237 314
9 Peak Our Factor 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
m3/day 18,247 24,580 32,808 43,359
10 Peak our Demand L/s 211 284 380 502
m3/day 13,423 16,438 21,940 28,996
11 Maximum Day demand including Extraction Loss(7%) L/s 155 190 254 336

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4.0 Water Balance

The water balance study is a very important item for planning of any Water Resources
Development Project. It has to take into consideration the followings:
- Availability to be based on historic data of flow taking into consideration:-
 The required dependability
 Proposed or earmarked u/s & d/s utilization
- Demand for all purposes (in case of Tendaho as follows)
 Irrigation
 Water supply for
 Human consumption
 Livestock
 Industries
- Environmental requirement for protecting ecology in
 River
 Lakes
- Losses, due to
 Evaporation from the reservoir
 Losses in irrigation system due to
 Conveyance in canal system
 Application in the field

4.1 Availability of water

According to the hydrological study (source: design report of irrigation for Tendah
and kessem Dam) the average annual flow at the Tendaho dam site is 2334Mm3
based on 40 year available data and 2579Mm3 based on 20 years available data

4.2 Demand for Different Purposes

4.2.1 Demand for irrigation

The major demand is for irrigation. The command as contemplated for

60,000ha sugarcane is proposed as a principal crop and the gross annual
requirement for entire command is 1800Mm3 for Tendaho Irrigation. Kessem
irrigation proposed for 20,000ha for factory and 10,000ha for community

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totally for 30,000ha is proposed as a principal crop and a gross annual to

require to irrigation field is 1017Mm3.

4.2.2 Water supply for Domestic purposes

For Tendaho dam there is a plan for drinking water at initial stage for a
population of 1.6 million and it is assumed that about 65,967m3/day which is
become 25Mm3 per annum by considering 40l/c/day. For keesem Dam the
consultant has not provided from the client sufficient design document as of
tendaho to review the proposed drinking water assumed. But the consultant
analyzed the dam capacity and the information provided from the Kessem
shugar factor stakeholders there is a thought for drinking water for shugar
factory and the community. There is a canal which is used for water supply for
kessem shugar factory and drinking of water purpose for staff a capacity of to
convey about 9m3/s. From this capacity of water the kessem shugar factory
demands about 6m3/s and enter to its treatment plant. The remaing water of
3m3/s required after treated from the treatment plant of Kessem shugar factory
utilized for the staff and the surrounding community at kebena viilage for
drinking purposed. Kessem factory also has under construction of treatment
plant currently for a capacity of 11m3/s (11,000l/s) for staffs employer about
5,600 employer and community in addition of factory utilized completion in
percentage of 85%.

4.2.3 Water supply for Livestock

The population for the livestock and the criteria for its consumption of water are not
clearly known. Tendaho dam storage capacity assumed 25Mm3.of water for demand
of livestock which is the same as domestic water for drinking purpose. For absences
of sufficient design study document of kessem dam and irrigation project the
consultant could not identify the livestock demand of kessem dam storage capacity

4.2.4 Industrial Water supply

Tendaho dam storage assumes water demand of industries for two sugar
factories of 10,000 to 12,500 tons per day capacity are proposed for their
requirement of 10Mm3. Kessem dam assumed 1.8Mm3 for Industries.

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4.2.5 River Ecology

In the Master Plan for the Awash Basin Prepared by Halcrow, they have
considered a range of 5m3/sec for ecological stability downstream of the
Tendaho dam. This will amount to 158Mm3 say 160 Mm3, It is important to
note that a significant part may be 50 to 60 % may reach the lakes and
contribute towards fulfilling the requirement of ecological stability of the lakes
per annum.

4.2.6 Requirement for Ecology of Lakes

The current level of medium annual flows to the lakes Abaye is estimated as
1000Mm3. In the Master Plan prepared by Halcrow a minimum allocation of
500Mm3 has been made. In view of minimum annual, flow of 932 Mm 3
(1984), this allocation of 500Mm3 seems quite high. The only available for
ecological stability of the land is 135Mm3. Over and above this the flow from
Logiya River (80 Mm 3) and flow available from regeneration (141Mm 3) will
also add for the ecological stability of the lakes Abeye. Thus the total water
available for ecological stability of lakes Abeye is increase to 356Mm3.

4.3 Evaporation Loss from the Reservoir

The maximum and average water surface area of the proposed reservoir of
Tendaho has been estimated as 160 and 120sq km. respectively. The average
annual evaporation has been taken as 2900mm. This gives an average annual
evaporation loss from the reservoir as 400 Mm3. The maximum and average
water surface area of the proposed reservoir of Kessem has been estimated as
47 and 27sq km. respectively. This gives an average annual evaporation loss
from the reservoir as 100 Mm3.

4.4 Gain in Water Availability

There are several items, which will add to the availability of water in the
command. These include the flow from Logiya River which joins the Awash
River downstream of the proposed dam and the water, which becomes
available in the river or lake due to regeneration from irrigation in the

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4.4.1 Flow from Logiya River

As Logiya River joins the Awash River downstream of the proposed dam, its
flow is not impounded in the reservoir and it drains to the lakes through
Awash River. However, this flow may be of much help in contributing
towards the requirement of the river Awash or the lakes in maintaining their
ecological stability. According to a rough, estimate the average annual flow
of Logiya River is 80 Mm3.

4.4.2 Regeneration from Irrigation

Significant amount of water is going to be utilized for irrigating sugar- cane;

the net depth of water in the field is 2353mm taking into consideration for
Tendah irrigation the net requirement of water in field as 2000mm and field
application efficiency as 0.85. According to standard practice, the
regeneration from irrigation water is taken as 8 to 10 percent. Thus out of
total applications of 1412 Mm3 irrigation water in the field, ten percent of the
same i.e. 141 Mm3 which will appear in the river or the lakes, will be able to
compensate the requirement for the ecological stability.

4.5 Water balance

In the background of above discussion, the water balance for the Tendaho
dam reservoir may be as given below:
S.No. Particulars Gains (Mm3) Losses (Mm3)
1. Annual average flow (+) 2334
2. Requirement for Irrigation (-) 1800
3. Water supply
(a) Domestic (-) 25
(b) Livestock (-) 25 (-)60
(c) Industries (-) 10
4. Ecological stability for
(a) River (-) 160
(b) Lakes (-) 135
5. Evaporation Loss from reservoir (-) 400
6. Flow from Logiya river (+) 80
7. Regeneration from irrigation (+) 141
8. Spill or release from the reservoir during *** ***
raining season (during August)

(+)2555 (-) 2555

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5.0 Pre-Feasibility Design of the Intakes

Water from main cannel of Tendaho dam irrigation cannel is abstracted with the help
of cannel intake and divert to the raw water balancing chamber. However, due to the
magnitude of the cannel flows and the fluctuating water level, the design of a reliable
cannel intake for raw water diversion use is a significant challenge.

It is evident that if the intake is properly located and designed, the requirement for
pre-treatment and treatment process may be minimized, as well as the need for
protection works. At the end this will be reflected on the project costs, not only for the
capital works but for operation and maintenance. Consequently, the design of the
raw water intake for Tendaho surface water supply system takes into account the
challenging physical features of Tendaho Irrigation cannel, providing a relatively
problem free intake system that will be able to operate in most conditions and water

The consultant has assessed and considered all alternative locations the pros and
cons of the different sites. The proposed location for the new intake is shown in figure
5-1 and 5.2. The location is about 700m downstream of the Diversion weir or 1km
downstream of Tendaho dam Intake Structure and was chosen because it is on the
outside cannel bend, where scouring is prevalent as opposed to deposition, and
because the cannel is stable as it is on exposed sandstone bedrock.

5.1 Availability of Water in All seasons

The reliability of the water source coming the cannel from Tendaho dam at the
selected site for the intake was already discussed in the water source chapter of the
present report.

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Figure 5 - 1: Proposed Intake Site Location for Logiya system of Tendaho Dam

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Figure 5 - 2: Proposed Intake Site Location forDet’bahari system of Tendaho Dam

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Figure 5 - 3: Proposed Intake Site Layout

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Figure 5 - 4: Proposed Intake Layout Plan

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Figure 5 - 5: Proposed Intake Section View

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5.2 Minimum Water Level

Through it was shown that there will be adequate supply of water in the cannel during
all seasons, due to the wide cross section at the intake location and during low water
flows, iot is possible that the water level will be to low, despite in the channel and with
insufficient head for the cannel to provide the required gravity flow into the wet well.
According to the historical records the water level fluctuation is between maximum
and minimum water level is 3.0m. The normal maximum water level is reportedly
2.5m below the bank. Given that the bank elevation is around 390masl, the maximum
water level would be around 389.5masl and the minimum water level would be
around 387masl

Picture of the cannel

Ideally the minimum flow of water currently assumed based of the discharge released
of 4,000m3/s from the diversion weir for the purpose of irrigation for small and micro
farmer for production of wheat. For the purpose of the present preliminary design, the
minimum water level is taken to be 387masl which will be verified as more reliable
information is made available. Furthermore, additional survey data points will be
taken along the cannel section at the intake location to verify the cannel bed
elevation and correlate minimum historical discharges with minimum water level. This
additional information will allow the consultant to verify the elevation of the intake to
adjust the preliminary design accordingly so as to ensure that it will function under
minimum water level

In order to deal with the particular condition of the cannel source at the chosen
location, the intake was designed with the following relevant features

 Two intakes are proposed at two different levels as shown in the figure below,
both extending from the face of the retaining wall of cannel into the intake

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 The bottom intake consists of RC rectangular channel of section 750*750mm
and equipped with a trash rack at the entrance on the face of the retaining

 The bottom intake channel is positioned at an elevation of 387masl,which is

0.75 meter below the assumed minimum water level. This intake will operate
only during low flow conditions and will be closed during high water levels to
avoid the entrance of bed load sediments.

 The intake pipe at the higher level consists of a 300mm pipe and it is
positioned at an elevation of 389.5masl. This is 2.5m higher than the bottom
channel intake. This intake will operate during high water conditions with the
bottom intakes closed.

 The wet well base is set at an elevation of 386masl, which is one meter below
the level of the intake channel allowing for suction head of the pumps.

Being the intake location at the outer bend of the cannel, this is where scouring takes
place and hence the deeper section of the cannel. By placing the intake at this
location and at the cannel bed elevation, it ensures that during low water flows the
intake will be able to capture the available water.

5.3 Maximum Water levels

The maximum capacity of the cannel design for to convey 75,000m3/s of discharge
for sugar cannel Irrigation purpose. This discharge corresponds to storage in water
level of 1.45m above the low flow water level.

The WWDS1983 study for the Tendaho irrigation project included an analysis of the
peak flow that can be expected at the Dam site location. This analysis was done to
determine the need for bank protection measures for the expected floods during peak
flows which may overtop the spillways, which is also relevant for the present study for
the intake of the water supply system. The results show that there is a probability that
a peak flow of 85,000m3/s may occur at this location in the design period of 20 years,
which is somewhat higher than estimated discharge of the full cannel design.
Nevertheless, taking the rise of 1.45m above the flow water levels is a conservative
approach to estimate the maximum high-water levels.

Picture of full Stage of the cannel

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Therefore, the assumed maximum water level is taken at 389.2masl,which is 0.5m

below the top of the bank at the cannel intake site. However, the top of the retaing
wall will be set at 389.7masl, which is consistent with the top of the bank elevation, at
388masl. The gate for the location intake channel will be closed during high-water
level period records to minimize the entrance of bed load sediments to the wet well

5.4 Submerged and Floating Debris

The cannel carries a significant amount of floating and submerged derbis as well as
bed load sediments mainly during the rainy seasons. If such derbris and sediments
are allowed to enter the intake and into the wet well, it can damage the pumps and
cause operational issues. Therefore, the intake entrance is equipped with a trash
rack that will prevent any solids from entering the intake in sizes that are not handled
by the pumps. The intake pumps are of the drainage/sewage heavy duty sluge
pumps that handle a rang of suspended solids and sediments. Nevertheless, to
safeguard the pumps and minimize the wet well cleaning operations, the intake is
provided with strainers at the intake pipes. The position of the intake is also designed
to minimize the entrance of suspended and bed load solids, positioned at an-angle to
the opposite flow direction as shown in the drawing.

5.5 Cleaning and De-Silting Mechanisms

The Tendao Main Cannel carries a significant of suspended and settable materials
that will be deposited at the bottom of the intake wet well, in some percentage of the
total amount entering the intake. To handle this problem, the following considerations
have been made in the design:

 The intake bottom channel and the intake pipe are equipped with strainers;

 The bottom channel is positioned at an angle opposite to the direction of flow

 There two intakes levels that are to be operated depending on the level of the
cannel. During high water levels, the lower intake will be closed to prevent the
bottom load to enter the wet well. The bottom intake channel will only be

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operated in the loe/dry periods with low water levels. The intakes are closed
and opened by gate valves operated from the pump house above the wet

 The intake bottom channel is accessible for cleaning by operators during the
dry periods with low water levels, and

 The raw water pumps are heavy duty sludge pumps which cope with fluids
with high concentration of suspended solids and the pump configuration is
such that when cleaning of the wet well is required, the same pumps are used
to pump the deposited sediments back to the river.

5.6 Power Availability

There is already an existing power line in the areas which will need to be extended to
the intake location. However, in the event that the power from the grid fails, a stand
by generators is proposed

5.7 Scouring effect during high water flows

In order to minimize the potential scouring during high water flow, the intake
foundation is on the bedrock that is exposed at the site, properly imbedded and
anchored. The intake will be protected by the retaing wall that is placed in front of the
intake and around, protecting from the upstream side to the downstream side. The
intake structure and the retaing wall are to be constructed from reinforced concret,
highly resistant to flow impacts.

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6.0 Pre-Feasibility Selection of Water Treatment Plant

6.1 Objectives.

The objective of treating the raw water is to make it potable and safe for consumption
with acceptable chemical and microbiological constituents. Besides, the water must
be aesthetically acceptable free from apparent turbidity, color, odor and objectionable
taste. Through appropriate selection and design of individual processes and their
integration into treatment sequences to suit the nature and quality of the raw water,
and with good operating practices, it is possible to produce finished water for the
residents that will comply with the biological, chemical and physical quality
requirements of the standard of World Health Organization (WHO).

The selection of appropriate treatment process can also be facilitated by investigating

the existing treatment plant clarifying raw water of the same quality. Besides, local
constraints like limitations of capital, availability of skilled and unskilled labor for plant
operation, availability of major equipment items and parts, water treatment
chemicals, and country’s experience in operating and managing treatment plants of
same scale and process need to be thoroughly investigated in order to select
appropriate treatment process and units. Therefore, under this topic, appropriateness
of the proposed treatment process and compatibility of the units will be verified taking
into account the following points:

 Revised target population and water demand;

 Compliance of applicable standards and parameters;
 Constructability of the units and appropriateness of the system in terms of
cost, operation and sustainability;
 Allocated budget for the installation of the plant.

The main considerations of treating water are the following:-

Heath Value: to significantly reduce the effect of water bome/related diseases which
are the main causes of health deterioration responsible for illness and death in
Ethiopia and the same in Afar region

Aesthetic Values: to have drinking water with acceptable taste,

odor,color,turbidity(health specific parameter), salinity, hardness and temperature
Economic Values:- to increase productivity of the people such that women and girls
do not have travel long distance to fetch water and instead they have time to go to
school to participate in community development works, attract involves, have
healthier and productive society

6.2 Overview of the constructed Treatment Process and Units at


The treatment plant constructed for the purpose of Tendaho shugar factory laboure
at Datebahari, a Conventional Rapid Sand Filtration System was proposed to treat
the raw water to potable standard. For Afar region around for the project service area
have no any treatment plant practice overall.
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The treatment process at detabahari is a Conventional Rapid Filtration System with
the following main units.

1. Aerator: the aerator has been provided at the headwork of the treatment plant to
remove the excess iron of the raw water. The aerator has been
provided with the stilling tank to balance the flow raw water to the plant.

2. Rapid Mixer: as there are colloidal particles in the raw water that cannot be
removed by simple sedimentation, the use of coagulants have
been necessitated in order to bring the colloidal particles together
to form macro floccs that can easily be removed in the subsequent
units. In order to mix the coagulants with the raw water, a hydraulic
system rapid mixer, Prashall Flume, has been constructed in the
treatment. A one floor chemical building with chemical store,
laboratory, chemical dosing platform and office has been provided.

3. Slow Mixer: two pipes with bends have been installed for the process of
flocculation to slowly mix the coagulants with the raw water.
4. Upflow Sludge Blanket Clarifiers: this vertical flow type clarifiers, also called
Vertical Hooper Clarifiers, have been
constructed to clarify the water. The
coagulated water conveyed by the central
distribution channel is distributed to the
three clarifiers. The following units and
accessories have been proposed for the

i. Ferrous pipe Inlets to each clarifier with control valves to regulate the flow
rate to the clarifiers to isolate each of the clarifiers for service and
ii. A 0.9m deep space of has been left above the sludge blanket layer for future
installation of tube settlers to improve the capacity of the clarifiers;
iii. Sludge draw-off hooper to remove the sludge periodically;
iv. Walkways around the clarifiers with guardrails;
v. Outlet works including V-notches and collection troughs.

5. Filtration Units: four rapid sand filtration units have been constructed for plant
with the following units.

i. Pipe at inlet of each filtration unit to regulate flow from the clarified water
distribution channel to the filtration units;
ii. Flow deflector at the inlet of each unit to distribute the water over the surface
area of the units uniformly;

iii. Under drainage system which includes blind central manifold and perforated
laterals to collect filtered water and direct to clear water reservoir and to
convey backwash water to clean the filter media;
iv. Back wash reservoir and compressors to wash the filter media periodically;
v. Filter gallery to oversee the filters and control units.

6. Disinfection: A centralized chlorine dose preparation room constructed in

chemical room. After the chlorine dose is prepared in the room, it is
gravitated to the chlorine contact chamber, which is also
constructed and installed in the room, before entering the clear
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water reservoir where the water is disinfected before lifted to the
town for distribution.

7. Clear Water Reservoir: around 200m3 reservoir constructed after the filtration.
8. Clear Water Pumping Station: A clear water pumping station installed to the
house two centrifugal high lift clear water
pumps; two backwash centrifugal pumps; two
centrifugal recirculation pumps; two
compressors; surge arrestor and control

The design of the each unit of the system has been undertaken based on the raw
water quality, treated water standard, allocated budget, accessibility, and
functionality. The details of the performed design are presented in the flowing
Layout of the proposed Treatment Process shown below

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Figure 6 - 1: Layout of the proposed Treatment Process shown below

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6.3 Design of Proposed Treatment Units System Layout

The design team has proposed a compact layout as shown in the figure below.

6.4 Design Flow Rate

This project is 20 year design horizon in two different phases. Phase I has 10 year up
to 2040 and phase II up 2050. Therefore, the capacity of the new plant is determined
taking into account the estimated demand of the service area in the coming ten
years. Accordingly, the design flow of the new treatment system is determined as
presented in table below.

Table 6 - 1: Design Flow for the Treatment Plant

Capacity of Treatment Plant
Treatment Plant Site UNIT
Phase-I Phase-II
m3/day 18,422 25,051
Logiya m3/hr 768 1,044
l/sec 213 290
m3/day 20,505 27,099
Det’bahari m3/hr 854 1,129
l/sec 237 314

6.5 Process Design considerations

As indicated in the design criteria, the treatment plant is designed to treat the
maximum day demand at the year 2040 with provision for the system to expand to
cover the year 2050 demand.

The Design maximum Day Demand discharge is 18,422m3/day (768m3/hour,

12.8m3/min or 213liter/second) for logiya treatment plant and 20,505m3/day
(854m3/hour, 14m3/min or 237liter/second) for Det’bahari treatment plant.

The main focus of the proposed water treatment system is removal of suspended
matter from the raw water pumped from Tendaho Main cannel of irrigation project so
as to enhance the effectiveness of the disinfection process.

With the exception of high suspended solids resulting in the high turbidity and color,
the raw water has no offensive constituents. Almost all values are within W HO and
Ethiopian Drinking Water Guidelines through some of the parameters such as iron
and manganese are marginally high during a few months of the year. In the same
manner, the raw water is regularly exposed to bacteriological contamination from
human and animal activities.

The components of the proposed water treatment plant (WTP) are the following:

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1. Raw water intake from Main cannel of Tendaho Irrigation dam
2. Raw water balancing chamber of 200 m3 capacity
3. Cascade aerator
4. Plain sedimentation
5. Rapid Mixing/Flash mixing
6. Floculation/slow mixing
7. Sedimentation
8. Filtration
9. Disinfection
10. PH adjustment(provision for)
11. Sludge Treatment
The reference materials for the design are the following:
 Design criteria submitted as part of Tendaho and kessem Pre-feasibility
Surface water treatment plant Inception Report;
 Previous project under similar conditions
 Document review made of pervious designed prepared for the project
 Evaluation made on existing and pervious water treatment plant as well as
the following key reference material:
- Surface water treatment plant for communities in developing
countries,Chritopher R. Schulz and Daniel A. Okun, USA 1984
- A.C Tower Water supply, cox and Wymann Ltd, London,
- Guidelines for the Design of water Treatment Plants,Ministry of the
Environment, Ontrio, Canada.

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Figure 6 - 2: shows the proposed location of the new Treatment Plant for Logiya System

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6.6 Raw water balancing chamber of 200 m3 capacity

Water from main cannel of Tendah dam irrigation cannel is abstracted with the help
of cannel intake and divert to the raw water balancing chamber. However, due to the
magnitude of the cannel flows and the fluctuating water level, the design of a reliable
cannel intake for raw water diversion use is a significant challenge.

It is evident that if the intake is properly located and designed, the requirement for
pre-treatment and treatment process may be minimized, as well as the need for
protection works. At the end this will be reflected on the project costs, not only for the
capital works but for operation and maintenance. Consequently, the design of the
raw water intake for Tendaho surface water supply system takes into account the
challenging physical features of Tendaho Irrigation cannel, providing a relatively
problem free intake system that will be able to operate in most conditions and water

The consultant has assessed and considered all alternative locations to pros and
cons of the different sites. The proposed location for the new intake is shown in figure
5-1 and 5.2. The location is about 700m downstream of the Diversion weir or 1km
downstream of Tendaho dam Intake Structure and was chosen because it is on the
outside cannel bend, where scouring is prevalent as opposed to deposition, and
because the cannel is stable as it is on exposed sandstone bedrock.

6.7 Cascade aerator


The test result of the raw water sampled from the source during rainy season
indicates that the concentration of iron is 0.02mg/lit and this value is within the limit
set by WHO. However, according to the information gathered from the operators of
the existing treatment plant, the concentration of iron in the raw water usually
exceeds the upper limit during dry season and the concentration sometimes reaches
0.5mg/lit. It is also mentioned in the previous study report that the total iron content of
the raw water as measured during the study was in the order of 0.46mg/lit. Therefore,
the proposal of the previous study to include the aerator is reasonably adopted.

The aerated water enters stilling tank before gravitated to the subsequent unit, rapid
mixer. The purpose of the stilling tank is to balance and keep flow uniformity to the
succeeding treatment units. This is a popular arrangement whereby the water from
the tank flows by gravity and regulated flow from the tank to the treatment is
maintained without throttling the gate valves of the pumps regularly. Therefore, as
the provision of the tank minimizes problems related to flow fluctuation, the adoption
of the tank into the system is quite appreciated.

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Type, orientation and proposed size

Cascade type aerator has been proposed as it is cost effective and requires minimal
operation and maintenance as it does not involve moving elements. The aerator
together the stilling tank is oriented just upstream of the rapid mixer. The proposed
dimensions are given in table below.

Table 6 - 2: Proposed Sizes of Aeration Components

Components Dimensions Unit Value Remark

Width m 7.0
Influent Channel Length m 1.2
Depth m 1.0
No. No. 5
Step Width m 7.0
Aerator Steps
Step Height m 0.5
Step Tread m 0.6
Width m 7.0
Stilling Tank Length m 3.5
Depth m 1.7
Diameter mm 500
Effluent Pipe Material - DCI
Length m 25

Checking Sufficiency the Cascade Steps

The following design criteria have been adopted from Mariappan, 2005, to check the
sizing and suitability of the proposed cascade steps of the aerator.

Table 6 - 3: Design Criteria for Steps of Cascade Aerator

3 2
Surface Loading Rate m /m /hr 10 – 35
Head Required m 0.5 – 3.0
Number of Steps - 3 -6

The total surface area of the five steps of the aerator is estimated to be 21.00m2.
This would result in surface loading rate of 36.6m3/m2/hr and 40.33m3/m2/hr for
logiya and detbahari treatment plant respectively and the value is slightly higher than
the recommended values given in table above. Therefore, the number of steps has

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been increased to six so that the surface loading rate would be become to 30.5 and
33.61m3/m2/hr respectively for logiya and Detbahari. The total head will also be

The size of the stilling which is provided to balance the incoming water from the raw
water pumping station and the flow to the treatment plant is tank is 42m3
(7.0mx3.5mx1.7m). As the tank does not have storage purpose but only to balance
the flow water to the treatment plant, it is sufficient to serve the design purpose.
Finally, the effluent pipe that conveys aerated water from the stilling tank to the
subsequent unit has been designed as follow.

Check Size of Effluent Pipe

Check Flow Velocity

V  Q / A  0.213219m 3 / sec  1.10m / sec...Ok!! for Logiya TP
3.14 0.5 2
V  Q / A  0.237325m 3 / sec/  1.20m / sec...Ok!! for Det bahari TP

Head Loss in Effluent Pipe

 Friction Loss

1.85 1.85
V   L   1.1   25 
h f  6.81      1.167  6.81     1.167  0.0649m for Logiya TP and
 C  D   120   0.5 
1.85 
V   L   1.2   25 
h f  6.81     1.167   6.81     1.167   0.0763m for Detbahari TP
 C  D   120   0.5 

 Minor Loss [One Entrance Loss, One 900 Bends, One Exit Loss, One Fully
Open Gate Valve]

 1.12 
hm  0.5  0.5  1.0  0.19     0.14m for Logiya TP and
 2  9.81 
 
 1.2 2 
hm  0.5  0.5  1.0  0.19     0.16m for Detbahari TP
 2  9.81 

 Total Head Loss

H loss  0.07  0.14m  0.21m for Logiya TP

H loss  0.08  0.16m  0.24m for Detbahari TP

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It is generally appropriate to provide aerator with the proposed aerator. However, as

determined in the analysis, the number of steps should be six to insure the
appropriateness of the units for the intended purpose.

The influent channel and the stilling tank should be equipped with overflow and
drainage pipes complete with appropriate controlling mechanisms. It should also be
furnished with internal and external ladders for operation, service and maintenance.
In conclusion, the arrangement of the influent channel, the steps and stilling tank is
appropriate for the intended purpose.

6.8 Design of Rapid Mix/Flush Mix Unit









Figure 6 - 3: Arrangement of Rapid Mixing Units

The purpose of the rapid mixing unit is to agitate the raw water with coagulants
forcefully to bind the colloidal particles found in the raw water to form floccs so that
they settle in the subsequent units. In general, both hydraulic and mechanical rapid
mixing units have been proposed for the system. The following figure shows
arrangement of the rapid mixing units in plan and section.

This rapid/flash mix system is to ensure that the coagulation chemicals or coagulant
aid (typically aluminum hydroxide, alum) are dispersed quickly and completely
throughout the incoming raw water. The process is referred to as coagulation. There
are two types of flash mixers:
a. Hydraulic
b. Mechanical

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6.8.1 Hydraulic Rapid Mixers

The hydraulic mixers are proposed to operate during dry season when the turbidity of
the raw water is minimal. For this purpose, two rapid mixing units, i.e. Parshall Flume
and Baffle Walls, have been provided based on the velocity gradient produced by
each unit. The design of the units is presented below.

Sizing of Parshall Flume

The sizing of the Parshall Flume should be reviewed based on the design flow rate of
Stage I of the project.

The proposed Parshall Flume is a free-flow type and its size, governed by the free-
fall condition, is determined based on the design flow rate of 18,422 m3/day (Logiya
TP) and 20,505m3/day(Detbahari TP) and submergence ratio of 70%. Accordingly,
appropriate size of the throat width and other dimensions of the selected Parshall
Flume have been selected as shown in the highlighted row the following table.

Table 6 - 4: Sizing of ParshalL Flume

W A B C D E F G (m3/Day)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Min Max

150 620 600 390 400 600 300 600 122 9550

300 1370 1340 600 850 900 600 900 274 39500

460 1450 1420 750 1030 900 600 900 367 60200

610 1530 1500 900 1210 900 600 900 1030 81100

910 1630 1650 1200 15700 900 600 900 1500 123000

1220 1830 1790 1520 1940 900 600 910 3190 166000

1520 1860 1940 1830 2150 900 600 910 3920 210000

Calculate the flow depth Ha and Hb

Q  2.27 W  H a 2


Q = Flow (m3/sec)

W = Width of throat (m)

Ha = height of the water upstream the throat (m)

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2 2
 Q 3  18,422 m 3 /day3
  0.46m  0.5m
Ha      for Logiya TP
 2.27 300
 2.27 W   
2 2
 Q 3  20,505m 3 /day  3
  0.495m  0.5m
Ha      for Det bahari TP
 2.27  300
 2.27 W   

The flow depth downstream of the throat (Hb) is determined using the following
calibration curve, which is derived from the selected submergence ratio (Ha/Hb) of
70%. Accordingly, the value of Hb will be 0.35m.

Calibration Curve of 0.3m throat Parshall Flume

Water Depth, ha or hb, (m)


Flow (m3/sec)

Figure 6 - 4: Calibration Curve of 0.3m throat Parhsall Flume

Checking the Velocity Gradient (Intensity of Agitation)

The intensity of agitation created by the rapid mixer should be sufficient to ensure
uniform dispersion of the coagulant in the water body. The following parameters are
considered to check the compatibility of the unit for the required purpose.

Table 6 - 5: Parameters for Rapid Mixer

Parameter Unit Remark
Velocity Gradient Sec-1 700-1000

Detention Time sec 5-30

Design Flow Rate= 0.213219m3/sec=12.793m3/min for logiya TP and

0.2373245=14.239m3/min for Detbahari TP

Height of Hydraulic Jump=hb-ha=0.5m-0.35=0.15m

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Detention Time= 4sec

Volume of water coagulated within the detention time=

0.213219m3/secx4sec=0.85m3 for logiya TP and 0.95m3 for Detbahari TP

Density of Water= 1000kg/m3

Viscosity = 0.000798N.s/m2

Based on these parameters, the power imparted by the Parshall Flume has been
estimated to be 346.15W. The intensity of agitation produced by the flume is
estimated to be 678.967 sec-1 and this is slightly less than the recommended value.
Therefore, the Parshal Flume should be augmented with additional rapid mixing unit.
The other unit proposed for this is Baffle walls and the detail design is presented
Baffle Walls

The suitability of the provided baffle walls has been checked by determining the
velocity gradient generated by the baffle walls. For the design flow rate of 0.213219
and 0.2373245m3/sec, the detention time and the velocity gradient have been
determined as follow.

The volume of the channel bounded by the baffle walls and the channel walls is
measured to be 4.03m3. This results in detention time of 17.13sec. After the
detention time is estimated, the velocity gradient generated by the baffle walls has
been estimated to be 404.3 sec-1. Therefore, the sum of the velocity gradient
generated by the two hydraulic mixers (Parshal Flume and the Baffle Walls) is well
above the required value and, hence, the combination of the two will impart sufficient

Hydraulic rapid or flash mixers, in comparison to mechanical mixers, do not require a

motor drive and electricity as opposed to mechanical mixers which often present
operational problems. Furthermore, hydraulic rapid/flash mixers such as a weir or a
flume, do require significant dividing hydraulic head which needs to be
accommodated in the overall hydraulic(energy grade line) of the treatment works.

Recent experience in Adama,Jimma and Meterhara water supply systems and

others, show that hydraulic rapid mixers which are dependent of a flume weir or
cascading water fall are not performing well, and they have been replaced or
assisted by propeller type mechanical rapid mixers.

6.8.2 Mechanical Rapid Mixers

Mechanical flash mixers are easy to operate, have minimal head losses and re quite
efficient. Hence, two types of mechanical flash mixers are considered in the present

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As mentioned in the above section, the hydraulic mixers are able to impart sufficient
rate of agitation. In addition, the provision of mechanical mixer is important for the
two cases mentioned below.

1. As the turbidity of the raw water increases during rainy season, there would
be a heavy load on the hydraulic mixers. Therefore, in order to ensure
adequate agitation in such cases, it is worthwhile to provide a mechanical
mixer that would augment the hydraulic mixers during the rainy seasons.

2. Consolidated solids may fill the irregular floor of the Parshal Flume, which
causes the hydraulic jump and causes the chemical and the raw water mix
together, unless regularly cleaned and this will minimize the functionality of
the mixer. Therefore, in order to insure the sustainability of the system, it is
important to provide the mechanical mixer.

Therefore, the mechanical mixer has been designed in such a way that I will impart a
velocity gradient of 500sec-1. A 0.714m3 (1.2m x 0.85m x0.7m) box has been
provided just downstream of the Parshal Flume where the mechanical motor
complete with its accessories will be installed for the rapid mixing. Accordingly, the
required capacity of the motor has been determined to be 190 watt with 75%

Sizing of Coagulated Water Channel

The conveyance system of the coagulated water from the Parshall Flume to clarifiers
is made to be open channel type. The proposed channel is accessible for inspection
and maintenance, hence suitable for operation of the system. Besides, the open
channel can be equipped with staggered baffle walls to enhance the coagulation

Dimensions of the channel

Width = 0.8m
Depth = 0.5m
Length = 28m (Excluding the coagulated water distribution channel)

Determine Channel Bed Slope and Head Loss

Based on the above parameters, the cross-sectional area of the channel will be
0.40m2 and the wetted perimeter is 1.8m. The hydraulic radius and channel bed
slope will be 0.222m and 0.0054m/m, respectively. By using the Manning’s Equation,
the velocity of flow in the channel will be 2.1%. Therefore, a 0.54% slope with
mentioned channel dimensions is sufficient to impart adequate velocity of flow for the
coagulated water. It is also recommended to adopt the same slope for the distribution

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channel of coagulated water in order to insure uniform flow velocity at all sections of
the channel. This dimension appeal both of the treatment plant of the project area

A mechanical rapid mix essentially a rectangular tank with a propeller inserted with a
shaft and moved by electrioc motor. This type of system is relatively common and
practically suitable for treatment plants where there is a variation in the incoming flow
of water. The typical configuration of a mechanical proposed flash mixer tank and
with the electrically driven shaft is as shown below.

Figure 6 - 5:-Flash Mixer Tank Scheme

The basic parameters for the design of a mechanical rapid mix system are the
detention time in the mix tank and the energy input that is to be imparted by the
solution which establishes the size of the mix propeller and the size and operating
speed of the electric motor.
 Dt=Detention time recommended is less than 1 minutes,45 seconds or
 Volume of Tank, based on a detention time of 45 seconds
 Volume of Tank=Q*Dt
 Volume of tank Logiya TP=0.75*12.8=9.6m3 round to 10m3 based on flow
rate 213.2l/s, with Dt 45s or 0.75min
 Volume of tank Det’bahar TP=0.75*14=10.5m3 round to 11m3 based on flow
rate 237.3l/s, with Dt 45s or 0.75min
 Proposed liquid depth,1.5m
 Surface area,9m2
 W/L ratio 3.1, with L=3 and W=9
 Proposed Tank=3m*9m*1.5m(depth) Static in-Line Mixers

Static Mixer is an alternative and consists of a motionless mixer typically inserted in

to the incoming raw water discharge pipeline from the pump station and where is no
pre Treatment incorporated in to the treatment process. These system are viable
where is a piped flow under pressure and with sufficient velocity. The coagulant
chemicals are injected at the rapid mix point and the flow stream is mixed with the
chemicals. The static in line mixer was considered as an alternative given the greater
simplicity and equal effectiveness under relative constant raw water flows.This type
of mixer is illustrated below:

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Figure 6 - 6: Static In Line Mixer Illustration

Given that pre-treatment is proposed for the water works at logiya and Detbahari, an
inline rapid mix is not viable as the chemical addition will be after the pre-treatment
tanks where there is no longer pressure flow.

6.8.3 Conclusion and Recommendation

The various option for the various rapid/flash system have been considered and
given the proposed configuration of the treatment process a mechanical rapid mix
system is proposed. This will consists of one mix tank measuring 3m*9m*1.5m
(depth). Two mechanical mix units are proposed to be mounted on the one tank, to
operate as one duty and the second as standby. This will provide redundancy should
there be a maintenance issues with the first unit.

6.9 Design of the flocculation system

Type and Purpose

The selected sedimentation unit is up flow hooper clarifier type, which combines the
flocculation and sedimentation process in a single unit. The coagulated water from
the distribution channel is conveyed by ferrous pipes to the bottom of the clarifiers
where flocculation is undertaken and then flows upward through the bulk of the tank,
which serves as a sedimentation tank. As the water moves upward its velocity
decreases until it reaches the point at which settling velocity is equal to the upward
velocity of the fluid. As the number of particles so suspended increase at the point of
equilibrium, a sludge blanket will be formed which will act as a filter. As the particle
density in the sludge blanket increases, the water velocity through the blanket will
increase resulting in upward moment of the suspended mass to a new equilibrium
point. In time, the blanket is wasted from time to time via bleeding pipes while the
clarified water is collected by troughs from the top of the tank.
Orientation and Proposed unit dimensions

Six clarifiers arranged in two rows have been provided. The two rows of clarifiers are
separated by a 0.8m wide and 0.5m deep open channel used as a distribution
channel for the coagulated water to each clarifier. The covered top of the channel is
also used as a walkway and guardrails are provided on both sides. Details of the unit
dimensions are presented in table below.

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Table 6 - 6: Unit Dimensions of Clarifiers

Components Dimensions Unit Value Remark

Width m 0.8
Depth m 0.5
Length m 24
No. 6 Arranged in two rows
Top Area m2 64 Square Top with side length of 8.0m
Bottom Area m2 1 Square Bottom with side length of 1.0m
Depth of Water m 6.4
Collection No. 2 per clarifier
Trough Length m 8
No. 2 One channel for each row
Width m 0.5
Effluent Pipe
Depth m 0.5
Length m 24

Checking the suitability of the clarifiers

The design of clarifiers is generally controlled by the surface overflow rate, detention
time and the weir-loading rate. In order to check the compatibility of the clarifiers
typical design values are taken as follows: -

Table 6 - 7: Design Criteria for Vertical Hooper Clarifier [Water Supply and
Sewerage E.W.Steel]
3 2
Surface Loading Rate m /m /day 55 (Max)
Detention Period hr 2
Weir Loading Rate m3/m/day 175

i. Checking the Detention Period

Volume of One Tank has been calculated as shown below based on the dimensions
of the tanks as shown below.

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Figure 6 - 7: Dimensions of typical Clarifier

The volume of the Vertical Hooper Clarifier with the above mentioned dimensions will
be 215.47m3. This results in a total detention time of 1.53hr. This detention time is
determined using the maximum day demand of Stage I. This designed flow rate,
which results in a 1.53hr detention time, is attained at the end of the design period of
the treatment plant, ten years. Since the detention time remains sufficiently above
2hr for more than 96% of the project duration, the proposed dimensions and numbers
of the clarifiers are reasonably acceptable.
ii. Checking Overflow Rate

The Surface Area of One Clarifier with the top dimensions of 8m x 8m will be 64m2.
The total surface area of the six clarifiers will be 384m2. Therefore, the overflow rate
of the clarifiers will be 47.97 and 53.40m3/m2/day for Logiya and Detbahari treatment
plant respectively and it is less than the recommended maximum limit of
55m3/m2/day. Therefore, the dimensions of the clarifiers are acceptable in terms of
the overflow rate.

iii. Checking Weir Overflow Rate

As mentioned in the above table, two weirs with length of 8m each have been
provided for each of the six clarifiers. The total length of the six clarifiers will be 96m.
The weir loading rate, which is the ratio of design flow rate and the total length of the
weirs, has been estimated to be 211.71m3/m/day and this is larger than the
recommended maximum limit of 175m3/m/day. This shows that the proposed two
weirs per clarifier are insufficient. In order to bring the weir overflow rate within the
acceptable limit, the number of weirs per clarifier has been increased to three and the
overflow rate will be 141.14m3/m/day. Therefore, three weirs have been provided for
each of the clarifiers complete with all accessories.

iv. Checking Depth

The depth of the tanks should be adequate to allow the inlet zone, the settling zone
and the outlet zone to be built vertically above one another.The 6.4m depth of the

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clarifiers are quite suitable as it provides sufficient space to allow completion of the
flocculation process.


The above analyses show that the provided sedimentation tanks with their
dimensions are technically compatible to cope with the quality of the raw water.
However, the following points should be considered in order to ensure the
functionality and sustainability of the units:

 This system has to work on a continuous flow basis. As power interruption

highly affects its performance, the necessary backup power supply has to be
 Operation for this system is much more complex than rectangular
sedimentation tanks and proper training has to be provided for the operators;
 In order to minimize the possibility of failure in the proposed sludge bleeding
and bottom drainage system should be propely designed for detail design

The flocculation system is a slow mixer that flows the rapid/flash mix and the
coagulation process to promote the contact of the coagulated practices to form large
particles which are referred to as floc. The slow mix promotes these practices to
attract and combine with the suspended matter in the raw water and cause to settle
in the clarifiers.

There are two types of flocculators considered for the proposed water treatment plant
at Tendaho surface water treatment Plant.

a) Hydraulic

b) Mechanical

Mechanical flocculators are dependent on the operation of motors, gearboxes

bearing and slowly moving paddles in the tanks to promote flocculation of the
particles. Because of these mechanical comports, mechanically flocculators do
introduce an additional and maintenance complexity.

Hydraulic flocculators are not dependent on mechanical system but rather on the
slow velocity and turbulence of the coagulated water as it flows through the process
tanks and therefore are not as problematic as the mechanical systems. Hydraulic
slow mixers do however requires a starting operating level that introduces an
additional height to the overall profile of the water treatment plant. Because hydraulic
flocculators do not require electro-Mechanical components they are relatively easy to
manage. Hydraulic flocculators can be configured in both a horizontal flow pattern or
in a vertical up and down flow regime.

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6.9.1 Horizontal flow flocculates

In a horizontal flocculator the flow is directed through parallel tanks and through a set
of baffles to promote a gentle mixing of the coagulated stream so as to create the
conditions for the coagulated particles to combine into floc particles. The typical
arrangement for a horizontal hydraulic is illustrated below:

Figure 6 - 8:Typical Horizontal Hydraulic Flocculator Layout

6.9.2 Vertical flow flocculates

The vertical flow flocculator, also refered to as the Alabama types flocculator,
consists of a series of chambers through which the water flows in two directions(up
and down). This types of flocculator process is illustrated in the figure below:

Figure 6 - 9: Vertical Flow Flocculator, Alabama Types

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6.9.3 Conclusion and Recommendation

The three types of flocculators have been considered and evaluated for the
application in Tendaho surface water treatment plant. Overall preference is a
hydraulic over a mechanical flocculation system because of the greater simplicity and
to avoid dependence on electro-mechanical system which will introduce operational
complexities, As noted, the flow of raw water to the plant will be relatively consists as
the raw water pump motor are to operate at a constant speed, and therefore the
hydraulic flocculation system is proposed. The vertical counter-flow flocculator is
proposed and should have to be sized in detail design study of the project. For rough
size of vertical counter flow flocculator as shown below:
 Consider each unit to have a 4m*4m flow area
 Operating depth of 4m
 Overall each unit will have a volume of 64m3
 For a detention time of 20 minutes, at the design plant flow rate of
12.8m3/minutes for logiya and 14.3m3/min for deta’bahari, the required
volume is 256m3 and 286m3 respectively.
 Four units for logiya and Five units Det bahar are required

6.10 Design of the Clarifier

6.10.1 Chemically Aided Clarifier

The flocculatated particles that are formed in the flocculation tanks are settled in the
clarifies; also referred as the sedimentation tanks.

These units are designed based on the design parameters as follows;

 Design flow rate:

- Q=18,422m3/day(767.6m3/hr) for logiya and

20,505m3/day(854.4m3/hr) for Det’bahari(volume of water to be
treated each day)

 Determining volume and surface area of tanks determined based on the

proposed design surface overflow rate detention time:
- Design surface overflow rate,25m/day
- Design detention time,2 hours

 Overall surface are required at the design plant flow rate of

18,422/25=736.88m3 for logiya and 20,505/25=820m3,
Propose 700m3 and 800m3 for logiya and Detbahari

 Volume of tanks=Dt* Q=2*768(854)=1536m3 for logiya and

1708m3 for Det’bahari Treatment plant

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Considering the high concentration of suspended matter in the raw water and the
anticipated volumes of chemical sludges that will be produced it is prudent to provide
appropriate flexibility for operations staff to clean and maintain the clarifiers. In order
to facilitate the shut- down of the clarifier system for maintenance while still enabling
the treatment plant to remain operational, the clarification system is proposed to be
provided by six parallel units each rated for one six of the design treatment capacity
of the plant. Each unit is to be sized as follows:

 Tank Dimensions:

- For 6 Tanks

- Area per tank will be 117m2 for logiya and 133m2 for Det’ Bahari
treatment plant

- Volume of each tank will be 256m3 for logiya and 285 for Det’ Bahari
treatment plant

- Design length/width ratio of 4:1

- Proposed depth of each tank, 3m

 With a ratio of L:W at 4, the resultant width is 5.4m and the

length is 21.6m for logiya and width is 5.8m and the length is
23.2m for Det’bahari treatment plant.

Additional depth for sludge accumulation as well as slope towards the sludge outlet
system has been provided to allow a smooth gravitational flow of the settled sludge.

The inlet system is designed to entrance a smooth and uniform flow of water into the
tanks without disturbing the settling water. The outlet channels are designed to
adequately collect the clarified water at the design flow rated and transmit it to the
rapid sand filter.

6.10.2 Plain Sedimentation Tank/Pre-Treatment tank

Setting analysis carried out under this project show that after less than one hour free
settlement of raw water, most of the particles in the water had settle out leaving a
relative clear supernatant.

This simple settlement system is a physical water treatment process using gravity
and without chemical conditioning to remove suspended particles from the raw water
prior to the chemical condition processes. Particles that are normal suspended by the
turbulence of moving water are removed when the water is still in settling basins.

While the clarifiers discussed above are to operate with coagulant chemically
conditioned raw water and are designed for a detection time of 2 hours, the proposed
plain sedimentation tanks will have a settlement detention time of 1 hour. Hence
these units will be one half of the size of the clarifier capacity. Three parallel

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sedimentation tanks are proposed; each rated for 50% of the design capacity in order
to provide flexibility for maintenance operations.

The only difference between the clarifies and these tanks is the inlet and the outlet
weir overload rates being double the clarifier’s capacity. The calculations are as

Inlet Zone:
Use diffusion wall with opening is provided. The openings should withen the middle
half of the wall
 Flow through openings=0.2m/s
 Area of openings=Q/V
 Q=213 and 237l/s(taking one tank handling the flow during draing) for Logiya
and Det’bahari Treatment plant
 A=Q/V=1.1m2 and 1.2m2 for logiya and Det’ Bahari
 Use diameter 200mm opening
 Area of opening =0.03m2
 Number of openings=1.1/0.03=36.6 for Logiya and 1.2/0.03=40 for Det’
Bahari. So take number of openings 40 for logiya and Det’ Bahari
 Use five rows having ten opening each for logiya and Deta bahari treatment

Outlet zone

The outlet is with an open canal weir. The total weir length L is calculated as follows
 L=0.2Q/HVs
 Q=18,422m3/day and 20,505m3/day for logiya and Det’Bahari respectively
 H=4m
 Vs=25m3/day
 L=0.2(18,422)/(4*25)=36.8m for logiya and L=0.2*(20,505)/(4*25)=41m for

6.11 Design of the Rapid Sand Filters

6.11.1 Design of Filters Unit

Purpose and Type

The purpose of the filtration units is to further remove solids from the clarified water
to polish its quality. A rapid sand filtration type with sufficient hydraulic application
rate has been recommended to cope up the required design flow.
Checking the suitability of the units

The total number of filtration units proposed for the system is six with the assumption
that if one is unit is out of function, the others can be overloaded without affecting the
quality and quantity of the output water. The design of filtration units is generally
controlled by the filtration rate. In order to check the compatibility of the units
provided, typical filtration rate of 5m3/m2/day have been adopted.

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 Design treatment capacity:Q=18,422m3/day(logiya) and
 Proposed number of filter units:6
 Design flow rate through each units:3,070m3/d(128m3/hr) and
3,418(142m3/hr) for logiya and Det’Bahari respectively
 Design filter rate(Conservative given the high turbidity in the raw
 Area per filter:26m2 for logiya and 29m2 for Det’Bahari
 Filtration rate over five filters when one units is back wash:8m/h
A maximum acceptable filterartion rate for dual media configuration is 11.7m/h,
therefore, the estimated loading rate of 8.0m3/h when one unit is the backwash is
i. Checking the Filter Rate

The surface area of one clarifier with dimensions of 4.3m by 6.8m is 29.24m2. The
total surface area of the six filter units will result in a filtration rate of 4.83m3/m2/hr
while the filter rate for five units (when one filter unit is out of function) will be
5.8m3/m2/hr. Even though the filtration rate for five units is slightly higher than the
recommended value, it is generally acceptable as rapid sand filtrations can be over
loaded up to 7m3/m2/hr without affecting the output. Therefore, the proposed
dimensions and number of units are quite compatible with the desired flow rate.
ii. Checking Filter Media

The proposed filter bed is composed of a supporting gravel layer of 450mm,

excluding the under drainage system, and a filter bed of 750mm. the depth of filter
bed is quite acceptable. Besides, the chosen uniformity coefficient of 1.5 and
effective size of 0.7 are quit attainable. The 450mm gravel bed, which is within the
recommended depth, is composed of four layers with grain sizes of 20mm, 12mm,
5mm and 2mm from bottom to top with depth of 150 for the bottom layer and 100mm
for each of the other layers.
iii. Checking the size of under drainage system

The proposed under drainage system is a grid system of pipes that consists of
laterals and manifolds. The two primary purposes of the under drainage system are
to collect the filtered water and convey to the clear water tank and to uniformly
distribute wash water during backwashing of the filter units. The design is generally
governed by the criteria summarized in table below.

Table 6 - 8: Parameters for design of under drainage system of filtration units

Recommended Typical
Parameters Unit
Range Value
Ratio of orifice area to bed area - 0.0015-0.005 0.003

Ratio of Area of lateral to area of orifice - 2-4 2

Ratio of area of manifold to area of
- 1.5-3 1.5

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Spacing of laterals cm, c/c 7.5-30 25

Spacing of orifice cm, c/c 7.5-30 20

Diameter of orifice mm 6-20 10

Area of bed=29.24m2

Orifice Area=0.003x29.24m2=0.08772m2

Area of laterals=2x0.08772m2=0.17544m2

Number of laterals=680cm/25cm=27

Area of one lateral=0.17544m2/27=0.0065m2

Diameter of one lateral=90.99mm

Therefore, the diameter of the laterals should be taken to be 100mm.

The required number of orifices per lateral and the total number per filter unit has
been determined as follow.

Number of orifices per lateral=Length/Spacing of orifices=4.2m/0.2m=21

Total Number of orifices= 21x27=567

The required size of the manifold has been determined as follow.

Area of Manifold=1.5x0.17544m2=0.26316m2

Diameter of manifold=579mm

The size can be taken as 500 or 600mm, as it is able to convey the treated water
from one filter unit with acceptable flow velocity.
iv. Head loss through filter media and under drainage system

The determination of head loss in the filter media and under drainage system is used
to locate the water level in the subsequent structure, which is the chlorine contact
chamber. The head losses in the various components of the filter units have been
determined as determined below.
Head loss through the filter media

The head loss though clean filter media is calculated using Carmen-Kozeny
equitation given below.

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f 1 e L v2
hl   3  
 e d 2g

Where, f= friction factor and given by the following equation

1 e
hl  150  1.75

Ø= particle shape factor (usually 0.85 to 1.0);

e= Porosity Ratio (usually 0.4 to 0.5);

L= Media depth (m);

d= media grain diameter (m);

v= Kinetic viscosity (m2/s);

g= Acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s2);

NR= Reynolds number given by the following formula;

d v
RN   w

µ=absolute viscosity (N-s/m2)

ρw= density of water (1000kg/m3)

Therefore, the head loss through clean sand and gravel layers is given in table

Table 6 - 9: Head loss through sand and gravel layers when sand is clean
Size Depth Density Viscosity Velocity
Layer Porosity RN f hl (m)
(mm) (m) (kg/m3) (N.S/m2) (m/s)
Sand 0.7 0.75 0.45 1000 0.001518 0.0016 0.743 112.796 0.193003
Head loss through clean sand 0.193
1000 0.001518 21.227 5.283 5.283276 4.19x10-5
1 20 0.15 0.5
Layer 6.74 x10-
1000 0.001518 12.736 7.639 7.638793 5
2 12 0.1 0.5
1000 0.001518 5.307 16.448 16.44843 0.000409
3 5 0.1 0.48
1000 0.001518 2.123 38.496 38.49607 0.002395
4 2 0.1 0.48
Head loss through gravel layers 0.003
Total head loss through sand and gravel layers when the sand is clean 0.196

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As shown in the above table, the total head loss through sand and gravel layers
when for clean sand is in the order of 0.2m. However, critical head loss is
experienced when the sand layer is clogged by floccs and sediments and this head
loss is called terminal head loss. Experiments show that the terminal head loss
through sand reaches 2 to 3m. This is due to solid particles deposit in the pores of
the filter bed that decreases the opening of the media and as a result increases the
head loss. Therefore, a typical terminal head loss of 2.5m has been adopted for this
particular project. This would result the total head loss of 2.503m head loss (including
the 0.003m head loss through the gravel layer).
Head loss through under drainage piping system

The head loss through the under drainage piping system includes loss found in the
orifice, laterals and manifold. As shown in table below, the total head loss in the
under drainage piping system is 0.083m.

Table 6 - 10: Head loss through the under drainage piping system for logiya
and Detbahari TP
Diameter Flow Rate Velocity Head Loss
Pipe Number Flow Rate Remark
(mm) (m3/s) (m/s) (m)
Orifice 10 0.0396 567 0.0001 0.79 0.0791 K=2

Laterals 100 0.0396 27 0.0015 0.19 0.0026 L=4.3m

Manifold 500 0.0396 1 0.0396 0.20 L=6.8m
Total head loss through the under drainage piping system 0.0825

Head loss through clear water pipes

The head loss through the clear water pipes that convey filtered water to the clear
water tank has been estimated to be 0.5m. Therefore, total head loss through the
different components of the filter units will be as summarized below.

Table 6 - 11: Summary of head loss in filtration system

Head losses (m)
Components Clean sand Clogged sand Remark
condition Condition
Sand Bed 0.193 2.500
Gravel Bed 0.003 0.003
Under drainage system 0.0825 0.0825
Clear water pipes 0.500 0.500
Total 0.7785 3.0855

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as shown in the above table, the head loss through the filter media, the gravel layer,
under drainage system and the clear water piping system is in the order of 0.78m
when the filter sand is clean and the head loss increases to 3.1m when the sand is
v. Determination of Minimum water depth in filter units

The minimum water level in the filter units must be selected to provide sufficient head
over the filter media to prevent negative pressure in the media. To ensure positive
pressure, the water depth over the media should exceed the maximum head loss
through the media bed. The total head loss in the filter units is 3.1m including the
terminal head loss of 2.5m. Therefore, a water depth of 3.15 (>3.1m) above the filter
media is provided in the filter unit.

6.11.2 Design of the back wash tank

Checking Filter Backwash arrangement

The purpose of filter bed backwashing is to remove deposited floccs without washing
out the media; therefore the vertical velocity of the water during backwash must be
greater than the settling velocity of the floccs, but less than the settling velocity of the
filter media.
Checking size of Backwash Tank

The design of backwash facilities is governed by two parameters: the backwash flow
rate and duration of the backwash. The adopted backwash flow rate at the higher
side of the recommended ranges is 50m3/m2/hr. The duration of the backwash
depends on such factors as the nature of the floccs, whether air scouring is used, the
geometry of the filter bed, and arrangement of the wash water trough. Usually the
entire backwash lasts from 8 to 15 minutes. The back wash time taken 10minutes are
reasonably adopted for this project Therefore, the sizing of backwash facilities have
been checked as presented below.
Area of filter bed to be washed=4.3mx6.8m=29.24m2
Volume of water required for backwashing=50m3/m2/hrx29.24m2x (10/60)
Total Volume including 20% allowance for domestic
Therefore, the provided 300m3 elevated backwash tank is quite sufficient for
intended purpose.

The required elevation difference between the top of the filter media and the floor
slab of the backwash tank ranges from 7 to 10m. The filter units should be in the side
of the backwash tank to reduce ground elevation difference between the two units.
The elevation difference between the floor slab of the backwash tank and the top of
the filter bed has been established to 8m.

The design parameters for the back wash water tank are as follows:

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 Back wash rate,40m/h
 Backwash duration,10minutes
 Area per filter:26m2 for logiya and 29m2 for Det’Bahari
 Backwash rate for each filter,10.0m3/Minutes
 Backwash volume per Backwash operation,100m3
 Proposed volume of backwash tank so as to allow for the backwash of 5
filters without the need for a refill,300m3
So as avoid a dedicated backwash pump system which would require two large
pump units, one duty and a second for standby, an elevated tank is proposed. The
tank would be set at a height of 15m based on the following:
 Free head above the filter tank,8m
 Allowance for the height of the filter units above ground,4m
 Allowance for friction loss of the back wash flow from the tank to the filter,3m
Total height to the bottom of backwash tank,15m

Checking size of Backwash Mains

The determined volume of water for backwash is lifted to the backwash tank through
the backwash pressure main and during the backwash the water is gravitated from
the tank to the under drainage system of the filter through the gravity main. The
consultant proposed that water from clear water tank is lifted to the backwash tank
through DN150 DCI and the water is gravitated to the bottom of the filter unit via
DN500 DCI pipe during the filter backwash. This pipe sizes are sufficient for the
intended as the velocities are within the acceptable limits. The rough design of the
backwash pump design and associated piping system is discussed under the design
of electromechanical equipment.

6.11.3 Checking design of Air Compressors and Air Main

The filter media backwash is undertaken by suing both water and air. The air
released from the manifold system located in the specially designed under drainage
system whereby the raising air bubbles increase turbulence throughout the bed and
clean the media grains by means of scouring action. After the scouring action by the
air bubble, the media is washed by mixing the air and water to further loosen the
media grains to facilitate easy removal of trapped floccs and solids. Finally, the
media is washed by water only for the required period until the solids and floccs are
satisfactorily removed.

For even distribution of air blow, a separate pipe system is required to generate the
required velocity head and ensure an equal supply of air across the whole filter area.
Accordingly, 54 laterals with diameter of DN25 arranged at 250mm spacing
connected to a DN100 air main. Besides, the selected compressor has capacity of
Q= 1580 m3/hr, H = 0.5 mbar. In general, the air scoring arrangement should
have found in suitable arrangement for the intended purpose

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6.11.4 Design of the Wash Water Troughs

Checking arrangement of backwash collection troughs

Backwash collection troughs should be designed hydraulically to ensure free weir

flow over the lip of the trough. In general, it is better for the troughs to be closely
spaced and set high above the expanded media to avoid the washing out of the
media. It is generally recommended that the distance from the bottom of the troughs
to the top of the media should be at least 0.2m.

The consultant proposed, two collection troughs each 0.6m wide and 0.4m deep
have been provided for each of the six filter units. the troughs are positioned in such
a way that their bottom is higher than the top of the filter media by 0.7m, which is far
enough for the filter media not to escape during backwash together with the
backwash water. Therefore, the arrangement of backwash collection troughs
provided has been proposed to be suitable for the intended purpose.
 Design basis,10m3/min at each filter
 Two troughs
 Design flow per trough,5m3/min(0.083m3/s)
 For a rectangular trough,0.4m wide, the depth of the backwash water
discharge in each trough is,0.25m
 Proposed trough with al allowance for 0.10m of freeboard is as follows:

6.12 Design the volume of the Clear Water Tank

The clear water tank is sized to allow a 30minutes contact time for the filtered water.
 Design Plant Capacity,768m3/h(logiya) and 855m3/h(Det’Bahar)
 Contact time of 30 min. for chlorine
 Volume of clear water tank,384m3 and 422.5m3 for logiya and Det’Bahari
treatement plant respectively.
 Proposed volume of clear water tank including allowance for freeboard and
baffle walls as well as allowance for phase II of the project a 500m3 tank is
used for both sites

6.13 Designing the Chemical Mixing Tanks

6.13.1 Pre-Chlorination chemical storage tank size

I. Chemical Mixing and Dosing Units

Two storey building with floor area of 58.2m2 (9.7m x 6m) each has been proposed
to house chlorine mixing and dosing units. The upper is to house tanks for mixing of

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hypochlorite and soda ash solutions while the lower floor room is provided for storage
of hypochlorite and soda ash powder.

The proposed house has found that for the pre-treatment building is sufficient to
house all the required facilities of coagulation and disinfection. In order to
accommodate all the chemical mixing and dosing facilities, the arrangement of the
units has been modified without altering the architectural and structural design of the
building during detail design of the project.

In addition to the equipment required for pre-treatment chemical preparation, two

lime solution tanks made of GRP or PVC, with 500-liter capacity each and two
hypochlorite plants tanks made of GRP or PVC, with 500-liter capacity each have
been provided in the building. The solutions prepared are gravitated to their
respective point of application by 50mm diameter HDPE pipes. Supporting
mechanisms for the pipes have been devised.
II. Chemical Contact Chamber

The filtered water is gravitated through a DN500 DCI pipe to the chemical contact
chamber for pH correction and disinfection before it enters the clear water tank. The
filtered water enters a 1.2m wide, 0.9m long and 1.5m deep bay where it is mixed
with the chlorine solution before jumping into chlorine contact channel over a 1.2m
wide weir. The chlorine contact channel has a width of 1.2m and length of 8.0m and
a 1.5m depth with three vertically staggered baffle walls. The water finally enters the
outlet box from where it is conveyed to the clear water reservoir by a DN500 DCI
pipe. The head over the 1.2m wide weir is calculated to be 0.23m as shown below.
 3 3 2
 Q   1.5  0.23524m 3 / sec 3
H  2      0.23m
 C  B  2 g  
0.6 1.2m  2  9.81m / sec 
 d 
 

In general, a free-call of 0.4m has been provided in order to ensure sufficient kinetic
energy to mix the chlorine solution with the water. The pipe conveying the water to
the clear water tank is controlled by a gate valve for cleaning and maintenance
III. Determination of head loss

The total head loss through the chlorine contact channel has been determined as

Freefall provided over weir= 0.4m

Head loss through Pipe (15m long) = 0.046m (Using Hazen-Williams Equation)

Minor losses [gate valve, two 90 dgree bends and exit] = (0.2+2x0.6+1) x

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Therefore, the total head loss in the chlorine contact channel and the effluent pipes is
0.64m and this head I will be provided between the water level in the chlorine contact
bay and maximum water level in the clear water tank. The chlorine contact chamber
is provided with external and internal ladders to access. Besides, overflow and
drainpipes have been provided for the channel.

The pre-Chlorination storage tank is based on the following criteria:

 Maximum dosing rate=2mg/h
 Density after solution=0.110kg/l
 Using calcium hypochlorite 65% concenteration
 2mg/l*18,422m3/day/1000=36.8kg/day for logiya treatment plant
 2mg/l*18,422m3/day/1000=41kg/day for Det’Bahar Treatment Plant
 Using solution 65% concentration=36.8/0.65=56.7kg/day for logiya treatment
 Using solution 65% concentration=41/0.65=63.1/day for Det’Bahar treatment
 Using solution density of 0.05kg Cl/l
 Flow rate =56.7kg/day/0.05*1000kg=1.1m3/day for logiya treatment plant
 Flow rate =56.7kg/day/0.05*1000kg=1.3m3/day for Det’Bahar treatment plant

Proposed two sets of 1500 liters capacity tank each for both logiya and Det’Bahari
Treatment Plant.

6.13.2 Post Chlorination Tank size

The post-chlorination chemical storage tank is based on the following criteria:

 Maximum Dosing rate 3mg/l
 Using the pre-chlorination tank sizeing above the size of the tank for post
chlorination will be 3/2 times the pre-chlorination tank
 Proposed three units of 1500liters,each tank for both sites

6.13.3 Lime Solution Storage Tank (provision for PH Adjustment)

Given the available data on the Alkalinity of the raw water,it is anticipated that there
will be sufficient buffering capacity to correspond to the dosages of aluminum
hydroxide(alum or equivalent) that may be necessary. Nevertheless, also considering
the high levels of turbidity in the raw water, and the potential need for high dosages
of alum to achieve an effective floc, it is prudent to also provision for the addition of
lime slurry(calcium hydroxide) to adjust the pH of the treated water

The capacity of the lime system will be determined based on the following criteria:
 Ca(OH)2 at concentration of 75%
 Dosing rate,5mg/l
 Chemical requirement/day,50kg/d,2.5kg/h
 Preparation of lime solution,25l/h
 Daily volume,0.6m3,proposed 1m3
 Proposed 2 units of 500 liters each tank

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6.14 Design of Sludge Management System

The sludge from the treatment plant will be conveyed by gravity to the proposed
drying bed units and the following consideration are taken

6.14.1 Design of the sludge Management System

The design of drying beds for waste sludge is based on the following parameters:
 Volume of water treated in sedimentation tank,18,422 and 20,505m3/day for
logiya and Det’Bahar Treatment plant
 Expected volume of sludge (take 0.1%), 18.4 and 20.5m3/day for logiya and
Det’Bahari respectively.
 Volume of water used for washing the filter,300m3/day
 Expected volume of sludge from the Six units=0.02m3/day
 Total sludge Volume, 18.42m3/day(logiya 20.62m3/day(Det’Bahar)
 Total volume of sludge in a year, 6,753m3(Logiya) and 7,520m3(Det’Bahar)
 Proposed depth of sludge in drying bed,0.3m
 Allowance for sludge drying time,21 days
 Time required to clear a sludge from a single drying bed,7 days
 Area required for each bed,981m2
 Length and width of a single dring bed,30m*10m
 Number of drying beds, proposed 12
 The total depth of gravel ranges from 20 to 30cm(take 30cm)
Two gravel layers with a combined depth of 30cm have been selected. A gravel
layer with grain size of not less 25mm will be packed at the bottom to a depth of
17.5cm. The second layer of gravel will be packed to a depth of 12.5m and the
grain size of the gravel should not be less than 15mm. Finally, filter sand with
uniformely coefficient of less than 0.4 and effective grain size between 0.2mm
and 0.75mm will be packed.
On top of gravel a layer of filter sand is packed over the gravel layer to a depth of
20cm. The sand should have uniformity coefficient of less than 4.0 and effective
grain size between 0.2mm and 0.75mm will be packed

6.14.2 Sludge Management

With the relatively lower annual precipitation of Afar region, and a shorter period
of rainy season, the depth of sludge to be filled at a time has adopted to be 30cm.

Since the evaporation rate in Afar region is very high, this depth ensures dring of
the sludge within three weeks.

The time required for a single fill of sludge to dry with at least 80% of it moisture
removed through percolation and evaporation takes usually about three weeks
where the temperature of the area is high.

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After the sludge becomes dry, the dried sludge should be regularly removed and
duped in landfill. The time required to remove a dried sludge from a 300m2 area
of drying bed is one week to 10 days.

6.15 Other Units

Sizes and arrangements of controlling mechanism, walkways, stairs, sight drainage,

etc. have to been checked and found to be acceptable.

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7.0 Design of the Transmission and Rising Main

7.1 Consideration for the Improvement of the Water Supply System

7.1.1 The Raw water Rising Main

The rising main conveys the raw water from the low lift station to the proposed
treatment plant. The DN500 DCI raw water raising main to conveying raw water from
200m3 we well to the proposed treatment plant is designed.

7.1.2 Size and Class of New Raw Water Main

The required capacity of the main for phase I will be 228 and 254l/sec for Logiya and
Det’bahari treatment plant respectively. For Phase-II the required capacity of the raw
water amount increased to 310 and 336l/sec

Table 7 - 1: Capacity of Raw Water Rising main

Design Flow for raw

Treatment Design Max. day Demand Diameter Velocity
water(Additional 7% loss)
Plant Site Period (mm) (m/sec)
l/sec m3/sec l/sec m3/sec
Phase I 213 0.213 228 0.228 500 1.2
Logiya Phase II 290 0.29 310 0.310 500 1.6
Phase I 237 0.237 254 0.254 500 1.3
Det' bahari Phase II 314 0.314 336 0.336 500 1.7

As it could be seen from the above table, the proposed DN500 pipe is able to convey
the Stage I design flow rate, for which the design of the new treatment plant is
undertaken, at a velocity of 1.2m/sec, which is within acceptable limits. The velocity
of flow for the second stage flow rate is slightly in the higher side. However, it can
also be tolerated for the proposed pipe size. Therefore, the proposed DN500 is
sufficient to convey the required flow rate to the new treatment plant. The selected
pipe class is PN10 as the pressure head developed in the pipe during pump
stoppage does not exceed 100m.

7.1.3 The Clear Water Rising Main

For logiya system the clear water rising main conveys the treated water from the
clear water tank to logiya main 5,000m3 service reservoir, which is located around
upstream/south side of logiya town at an elevation of 490masl. The proposed clear
water rising main discharges the water to this reservoir and then from which the
water is distributed to their own respective existing reservoir of the towns or villages.
But for Det’bahar system the clear water rising main conveyed the treated water from
clear water tank to 200m3 wet well for booster station of Asaita Afembo water supply
project located at Assaita town on elevation of 366masl.

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7.1.4 Capacity of the Water Main

The transmission main is designed to convey total discharge of 18,442m3/day for

logiya, which is transfer to the 5,000m3 service reservoir and 200m3 wet well for
booster station of Asaita Afambo water supply project respectively.

7.1.5 Size and Class of the Transmission Main

The main conveys the design flow rate of 18,422m3/day, with velocity of 1.2m/sec,
as the velocity range is within the acceptable limit, the proposed size has been found

PN10 pipes have been proposed. The proposed pipes are able to withstand static
pressure head in the main. However, in addition to the static pressure head, addition
pressure of 60m would develop in the main due to surge during pump stoppage or
valve closure. Therefore, the class of the new transmission main has been
determined to be 160m (16bar) taking into account the static and surge pressures in
the main.

7.1.6 Pipe Material

Pipe material for the water main has been proposed to be HDPE for Diameter less
than 400mm and DCI for Diameter greater than DN600mm because of its
advantages of less corrosion protection requirement and easy of construction.

7.1.7 Proposed Layout of the system

Water inter to the wet well from the main cannel of Tendaho Irrigation by two different
elevation level inlet pipe. From the wet well raw water transfer to the treatment plant
and the raw water treated in logiya treatment plant and then inter to the clear water
tank. In logiya, the clear water conveyed by DN500mm DCI pipe to South Logiya
town 5000m3 Main reservoir. From this reservoir there is two outlets to provide water
to Dubity proposed reservoir of 1500m3 by DN350mm HDPE pipe with length of
14,418m wich have transfer 157l/s discharge by velocity of 1.56 and the other outlet
to Semera existing booster station with a diameter of DN250 and then to DN200mm
HDE pipe of total length of 9,600m. The second outlet transfer a discharge of 106l/s
and 30l/s with a velocity of 2.02m/s and 0.73m/s respectively. There is an extension
of pip[eline from Dubti Proposed 1500m3 service and transfer reservoir to Sardo
Disheto 100m3 transfer Booster station in diameter of 200mm HDPE pipe with length
of 9300m which have a capacity of transfer a discharge of 24l/s with a velocity of
0.85 l/s. The proposed Layout system shown below.

Det’ bahary proposed layout system have intake structure, Treatment plant at
det,bahari , clear water tank with pump station, Raw water rising main of DN500mm
DCI pipe and Clear water transmission main to Booster station of Assaita for Assaita
Afambo water supply project. There is also small sizes proposed elevated reservoir
and pipes for the communities which is found around Date’bahari area.

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Figure 7 - 1Proposed Layout of Logiya System Layout

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Figure 7.2 Proposed layout of Det Bahri Treatment Plant

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8.0 Design of Electro-Mechanical Components

8.1 Background

The water source for the proposed water supply scheme is from the existing Tendaho dam
reservoir. A surface water treatment plant (WTP) shall be constructed in order to supply
treated water to different towns which are located in the region.
The design of electro-mechanical equipment shall incorporate the following water
treatment plant units:
 Raw water intake and pumping station
 Aerator
 Rapid mixing chamber
 Chemical dosing (pre-treatment)
 Flocculation chamber
 Clarifiers
 Rapid sand filters
 Clear water tank
 Chemical dosing (post-treatment)
 Sludge drying beds
 Clear water pumping station

8.2 Raw water intake and pump station

8.2.1 Raw water intake

Trash rack with cleaning mechanism and a manually or electrically operable rectangular
wall mounted sluice gate with extension spindle for operating from the top slab of the wet
well shall be provided to inlet of a rectangular concrete intake channel and on the inside
wall of the wet well respectively. The construction material for trash rack and sluice gate
shall be stainless steel (SS).

8.2.2 Raw water pumping station

This pump station shall have rail-mounted submersible pumps with a provision for a
standby pump. And shall have a locally operated motor starter and control equipment on
the top slab of the wet well.

Pump stations with four or more pumps, shall be used a two compartment wet well to
facilitate maintenance. The compartments shall be isolated from each other with sluice
gates, manually or electrically operable from the top concrete slab of the wet well.

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Figure 8 - 1: Intake channels with sluice gates & submersible raw water pump
Scope of the work:
 Provide a number of pumps to allow for 100% and 50% capacity of the WTP without
considerable energy wastage (e.g. throttling of 1 pump with 100% capacity, etc.)
 All electrical devices (mainly pumps) shall be connected to main power supply of the
plant featuring standby generator with automatic switch over.
 The raw water pumps should be manually operated, from both the main control panel
located within the treatment plant and in the raw water pump station.
 It shall function at full range between high and low water levels in the wet well.
 It shall be protected from unauthorized access, e.g. fence/gate around the entrance.
 Any E&M equipment shall be housed in a pumping station or suitable weather proof
 Dependent on the type of pumps used, the inlet must include a screen / strainer / filter
to protect the pumps from debris.
 There shall be a provision for taking out the pumps for maintenance purpose – not
necessarily a permanent structure.
 Convenient access for all operation &maintenance requirements shall be given.
 Monorail crane is used to extract the submersible pumps from the wet well.

8.2.3 Flow meter chamber

The valve chamber at the inlet to the WTP and the pipework thereafter shall be included in
this unit.
Scope of the work:
 This valve chamber shall contain electromagnetic flow meters with wall mounted
display units for the raw water inlet, which are preceded by a manual valve, so that the
flow can be regulated manually by the operator.
 The sensor output of the electromagnetic flow meters shall be transmitted to the main
control panel located within the treatment plant and also shown on a local flow indicator
in the valve chamber. The flow meter should have a digital display.
 A recorder system comprising a receiver/recorder/indicator/integrator instrument and
operating in conjunction with the transmitter will be located on the main control panel.
 The chamber should be constructed with reinforced concrete of water tight, with
inclined bottom slab with sump for portable drain pump, step irons, water tight manhole
cover of minimum diameter 600mm and should have convenient access to the flow
meter; alternatively the flow meter can be installed inside a building.
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8.3 Treatment plant

8.3.1 Aeration tank

This component is the first part of the WTP where oxidation by air and any gas stripping is

Figure 8 - 2: Cascade aerator with pipes, valves & fittings

Scope of the work:
 A provision for a bypass line shall be considered in order only the aeration unit is taken
out of operation for maintenance without other water treatment units are interrupted.
 Sampling points shall be provided in the raw water inlet.
 All parts of the plant must be easily accessible, however, the number of ladders and
stairs to be reduced to a minimum.
 The aeration unit to be equipped with an overflow pipe able to convey the maximum
production rate. The inflow to that overflow is to be designed to produce minimum water
level increase, and to maintain specified freeboard. By no means may the overflow pipe
be equipped with a valve.
 Suitable material shall be selected to avoid corrosion (e.g. stainless steel)
 A provision for drainage of the entire unit shall be considered.
 A provision for service water hose connection shall be made in order to clean the entire

8.3.2 Chemical pre-treatment

Chemical pre-treatment is from where preparation and dosing of chemical solutions (i.e.
coagulant (Al2 (SO4)3), Calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) and Lime (Ca(OH)2) to the
beginning of the WTP are done.
Scope of the work:
 The pre-treatment building shall be constructed with a minimum of two rooms, one for
the storage of chemicals and the other for the preparation and dosing of chemical
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 Chemical storage must have adequate ventilation and temperature/humidity control so

that there is no adverse deterioration of the chemicals in storage or the dosing plant.
 Shelves and/or other storage structures for the PE bags, drums or similar packed
chemicals shall be within the scope of this contract and shall be supplied and installed
 Ventilation equipment should be in stainless steel, galvanized or PP
 A well-considered system for transporting all chemicals, including unloading from
vehicles, storage/stockpiling, transporting from storage to dosing plant and preparation
of solutions must be arranged, with all necessary equipment provided (including
trolleys, cranes, slings, skips, storage hoppers, etc, as appropriate).
 Health and safety (H&S) equipment and Personal Protective Equipment for the average
number of workers for one year must also be provided.
 Minimum size of the pre-treatment building (area and internal heights) is that required
for convenient access to all plant and equipment for operation and maintenance (O&M),
for chemical storage and for all required movement of workers, etc.

Dosing Plant:
 Dosing (aluminum sulphate, lime and pre-chlorination) should be operable in manual
 The raw water inlet flow to the plant should be displayed adjacent to the pre-treatment
building, from where the chemical dosing plant is operated. Hence the pre-treatment
building should be constructed adjacent to the flow meter chamber.
 The raw water inlet flow and the operation status and alarm situation of the dosing
equipment must also be displayed on the main control panel with in the treatment plant.
 The following chemical consumables are recommended – however technical
alternatives within the stated criteria can be proposed. Any proposed chemical shall be
freely available in Ethiopia.
o For coagulation aluminium sulphate (AL2(SO4)3 -14H2O containing a minimum of
17% aluminum AI2O3) shall be used.

o Hydrated lime shall be used for pH correction.

o Calcium hypochlorite granules containing not less than 65% of free available chlorine
by weight will be used for both pre-chlorination of raw water and for post chlorination
of clear water as a disinfectant.

 Chemical preparation tanks shall be resistant to the prevailing environment and any
chemicals used in the process, e.g. reinforced concrete lined with glass reinforced
plastic or PE, GRP, PVC, PE, etc.
 Preparation tanks shall be big enough to provide sufficient capacity for minimum 12
hours operation at full capacity under adverse raw water conditions.
 Each tank shall be equipped with a mixer complete with electric motor, gearbox, shaft
and propeller driven at a speed not exceeding 400rpm, and a mixing basket in which to
dissolve chemicals.
 The tanks shall be arranged in such a way and be provided with stairs, platform or
similar to allow for an easy filling of the tank with the chemicals, stirring with manual
paddle or cleaning the tanks.
 A monorail crane with fixed I beam, manual hoist with integral trolley capacity 0.25 ton
and chain or similar arrangement shall be provided for refilling the preparation tank with
 A heavy duty scale 0.75 ton and a hand held trolley 150 kg capacity shall be supplied.
 All walk ways and stairs shall be slip-proof
 All chemical preparation tanks should be 1 duty and 1 standby arrangement.
 All dosing pumps should be 1 duty and 1 standby arrangement.

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 Drip trays, valves, connection pieces, etc, must be provided for the regular
maintenance and flushing of all pipes, pumps, etc,
 Dosing pipe work to the point of application should be uPVC or PE-HD. Within the
chemical building, the dosing pipe work shall be fixed to the walls. Outside the building,
the dosing pipe work shall be laid in trenches.
 On wall mounted sections in open air, the uPVC hose shall be sleeved in GS pipes,
with threaded dimensions minimum twice the diameter of the medium line.
 Service water should be provided to the building, for dosing, for filling the tanks by fixed
pipes, for cleaning a hose connection and also to a sink for hand washing and an
emergency eye wash.
 The process of the water influent data in the plant is sent to the PLC to check the flow
rate and adjust the chemical dosages.
 A provision for a local command and control of all dosing pumps, mixer and other
electrical items shall be considered.

8.3.3 Rapid mixing

There shall be a number of rapid mixing chambers on which an electric motor driven rapid
mixer shall be installed over each of them on a steel structure. Here; a coagulant (Al2
(SO4)3) injection pipe line with flow controlled gate valve shall be installed branching to
each mixing chamber.
A rectangular cross section collector troughs with adjustable V-notch weir fixed on their
length shall be constructed on each line; these troughs are connected to a concrete
distribution chamber where a manually operated sluice gate is installed at the inlet to the
flocculation chamber.
A numbers of sludge drain pipes with valves shall be installed on the length of each line.
These drain pipes shall be connected to the open concrete trench constructed adjacent
and parallel to the length of each line. The sludge collected on the trench shall be
discharged to sludge drying beds located some distances away from the rapid mixing

Figure 8 - 3: Electrical driven rapid mixer

Scope of the work:

 The component covers also the complete chemical dosing plant, with control
equipment, and any required chemical building for housing equipment and storage of
the respective consumables. Among others included are the chemical preparation
tanks, stirrers, dosing pumps, water supply & dosing pipe network up to the injection
point and associated electrical and mechanical works.
 The design of the unit includes dosing pipework and injection arrangement shall be in
such a way to avoid clogging.
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 Size of units, mixing devices with all electromechanical equipment as per detail design
and calculations for required coagulation.
 The tank shall be equipped with an overflow pipe able to convey the maximum
production rate towards the drainage ditch. The inflow to that overflow is to be designed
to produce minimum water level increase, and to maintain specified freeboard. By no
means may the overflow pipe be equipped with a valve.
 All stairs, ladders, platforms, walkways and hand rails which are necessary to provide
access to all parts of the plant shall be provided, however, the number of ladders and
stairs to be reduced to a minimum.
 The rapid mixing chamber must be provided with inclined bottom to chamber drain
(Hopper), fitted with pipes and manually operated valves for drainage.
 The construction material of the V-notch weir and collection troughs shall be stainless
steel (SS),

8.3.4 Flocculation

Flocculation is the process of aggregation of small particles into flocks. Particles form flocks
because of the electromagnetic forces. Surfaces, of particles, with different charges are
attracted to each other.
Agitation (mixing) in this process must be very gentle, with low shear stresses, in order not
to break up the formed flocks. It is therefore important to have quantitative measure of the
mixing intensity in order to keep the shear stress to the minimum and ensure desirable
There shall be a number of Flocculator lines with electrical driven slow mixers installed on a
stainless steel structure over each of them. Calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) and Lime
(Ca(OH)2) injection pipe line with flow controlled gate valve shall be installed branching to
each flocculation chamber.
A number of rectangular cross section collector troughs with adjustable V-notch weir fixed
on their length shall be constructed on each line; these troughs are connected to a
concrete distribution chamber where a manually operated sluice gate is installed at the inlet
to the collection chamber to clarifier units.
A numbers of sludge drain pipes with valves shall be installed on the length of each line.
These drain pipes shall be connected to the open concrete trench constructed adjacent
and parallel to the length of each line. The sludge collected on the trench shall be
discharged to sludge drying beds located some distances away from the Flocculator

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Figure 8 - 4: Electrical driven flocculator mixer

Scope of the work:

 Number of units for flocculation and coagulation shall be minimum 2 to allow for
separated treatment trains.
 Size of units, mixing devices with all electromechanical equipment as per detail design
and calculations for required flocculation.
 The component covers also the inlet, outlet, overflow and a bypass pipe line.
 All stairs, ladders, platforms, walkways and hand rails which are necessary to provide
access to all parts of the plant shall be provided, however, the number of ladders and
stairs to be reduced to a minimum.
 The Flocculator chamber must be provided with inclined bottom to chamber drain
(Hopper) fitted with pipes and manually operated valves for drainage.
 The tank to be equipped with an overflow pipe able to convey the maximum production
rate. The inflow to that overflow designed to produce minimum water level increase,
and to maintain specified freeboard. By no means may the overflow pipe be equipped
with a valve.
 The pipes/ troughs for collection shall be stainless steel (SS),

8.3.5 Mixers/ agitators

Mixers plays very important role in water treatment process. It mixes two or more liquids to
required results. Mixers normally consists two parts that is Drive and Impeller. The drive
shall be powered by electric motor coupled with gear box.
Medium duty, high capacity and gearbox drive mixers configuration shall include mounts,
drives, motors and impellers. The material of construction shall be stainless steel or high
strength aluminum housings, oversized drive shafts, bearings, flexible output couplings and
shut-off collars.
A propeller with an axial flow is a high performance mixer consisting of three or four blades
mounted on the main shaft. It is ideal for mixing low viscosity and medium viscosity fluids
and improving uniformity. The propeller is fixed on extension shaft and is flange coupled
with gear box shaft. The drive motor speed is reduced to the required speed of rotation of
the propeller using a speed reducer gear box which is coupled with the drive motor.

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Figure 8 - 5: Top mounted agitator

8.3.6 Clarifier unit

The Clarifier unit shall have a number of units with hoppers on each. Each hopper is
connected to sludge drain pipes with valves on the length of each unit of the Clarifier.
These drain pipes shall be connected to the open concrete trench constructed parallel to
the length of the units. The sludge collected on the trench shall be discharged on sludge
drying beds located some distances away from the Clarifier tank.
On the end of each clarifier tank; three numbers collector troughs with a 90 ° V-notch weir
on the sides shall be provided.

Figure 8 - 6: Collector trough

Each of the collector troughs is connected to a concrete collector and distribution chamber.
Adjacent to the distribution chamber; there are a numbers of rapid sand filter beds. The
distribution chamber and rapid sand filter beds shall be connected through pipe lines
comprising pneumatically controlled valves.
There shall be a numbers of concrete collector and distribution chamber with a numbers of
rectangular opening where sluice gates shall be provided.

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Scope of the work:

 The clarifiers shall be of equal size, with size, form, flow direction, lamellas/tubes,
surface loading and sludge extraction system as per detail design and calculations.
 Clarifiers should be able to be operated separately, i.e. one can be closed during
maintenance or repair whilst the others are still operated – therefore manual valves or
sliding shutters shall be provided at each inlet.
 Flow distribution between the various units must be adjustable with a control
mechanism to ensure equal flow in each structure.
 The component covers also the inlet, outlet, overflow and bypass line.
 The sludge discharge accumulated in the bottom hoppers of the clarifiers is done with
manually operated valve.
 All parts of the plant must be easily accessible with at least internal and external
ladders provided, however, the number of ladders and stairs to be reduced to a
 The tank to be equipped with an overflow pipe able to convey the maximum production
rate. The inflow to that overflow designed to produce minimum water level increase,
and to maintain specified freeboard. By no means may the overflow pipe be equipped
with a valve.
 A provision for service water hose connection shall be made in order to clean the entire
 The tank to be equipped with a PRF ( Polyester Reinforced with Fiber Glass) lamellar
pack with a AISI 304 frame, 60o slope and mounting kit
 The pipes/ trough for collection shall be stainless steel (SS),

8.3.7 Sluice gates:

Wall mounted gates are used to close off an opening in a wall in the WTP, and provide a
complete seal around the periphery of the opening in the wall.
The seals are Neoprene J seals which allow water pressure to force the seal against the
seating surface of the frame. Where off-seating pressures occur, the seals are reversed. If
both seating and off-seating pressure conditions are present, double seals are used. Ideally
this kind of gate should use rising type spindle as the threaded section is out of the fluid.

Figure 8 - 7: Wall mounted rectangular sluice gate

There are two types of gate opening direction: upward opening weir gates and downward
opening weir gates. Downward opening weir gates are similar to wall mounted gates, with
the exception that the gate is used for the purpose of level control, being closed in the
upward position and lowered to open. The fluid flows over the top of the gate and is
controlled by adjusting the gate height. Depending on the water level, and if the application

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requires, the gate can be sealed off. As a standard, the gate will be sealed on all four sides
or on three sides leaving the top open.

8.3.8 Sand filtration

The filter tank is usually made out of

reinforced concrete, filled with sand
and gravel to the height of 1.5-2
meters. The water is supplied to the
top of the sand-bed through
longitudinal distribution troughs and
filtered as it flows through the layers
of graded sand and gravel. A system
of perforated pipes on the bottom
drains or nozzles on slab/plate shall
collect the filtered water. The filter
tank can be constructed as open
tanks (rapid gravity filters).
In the course of these processes, more and more particles accumulate in the filter medium,
increasingly causing clogged filters and decreased performance. Filtering performance can
be improved through a cleaning of the filter bed. This is usually conducted through
backwashing: the flow of water is reversed, so that treated water flows backwards through
the filter. The sand is re-suspended and the solid matter is separated in the surface water.
Often, air is injected additionally to help the cleaning process. As soon as most particles
are washed out and the backward flowing water is clear, the filter is put back to normal
operation. Large quantities of sludge are generated through backwashing and require
some form of treatment before discharge into the environment.

Figure 8 - 8: Typical filter pipes arrangement

In detail the filter is comprises the following item:

 sand filters,
 filter floors,
 pneumatically actuated valves,
 level indicator and transmitter (LIT),
 SS pipe from sand filtration to chlorination tank,
 SS pipe from backwash tank to sand filtration,
 SS pipe from backwash air blower to sand filtration,
 SS pipe for overflow of sand filtration,
In addition to manual operation the functioning of the filters shall be regulated in automatic
by PLC
The filter back washing system shall have one of the following two types of under drain

 Precast Concrete panels with nozzles

 Perforated pipe with Manifold and laterals

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Figure 8 - 9: Perforated pipes arrangement for water and air

Figure 8 - 10: Nozzles arrangement and details

Scope of the work:

 The scope of this section is gravity filtration on gravel and sand beds of water coming
from the clarifiers; this section turns out to be the last treatment phase before final
disinfection and sending to the user.
 A number of rapid gravity sand filters are required, of equal size as per the detail
 The filters should be able to be operated separately, i.e. they can be closed during
maintenance or repair whilst the others are still operated.
 Filter shall allow for “filter to waste” at the end of the backwash cycle.
 The component covers also the inlet, outlet, overflow and bypass line.
 The component also includes the complete backwashing aggregates, including their
control and monitoring devices.
 It is recommended that the backwashing equipment will be located in the main pumping
station; however technical alternatives thereto are allowed.
 Backwashing equipment shall be controlled and monitored from the main control panel
and from the filter in a location convenient to operate all valves.
 Clarified water inlet, filter water outlet, backwash water inlet and air inlet shall be
controlled by pneumatic controlled valves.
 Each unit shall provide a level sensor or similar device connected to an alarm actuating
when backwashing is required.
 Backwash pumps should be provided with a standby.
 Air blowers should be provided with a standby.
 Backwash pumps and air blowers require an operation hour counter and pump / blower
selection must be done manually to equalize running times.
 Pumps will be connected to main power supply and operable from the generator with
automatic switch over at maximum capacity allowing for starting requirements during
main power failure.
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 Pumps to be installed on pump plinths within main pumping station.

 Pipe manifolds clearly structured and arranged, pipes supported by concrete.
 Pipe overpasses with steps and gratings in galvanized steel where needed.
 Water sampling points required on outlet
 In case the filter floor is proposed to be filter nozzles, filter floor elements, or similar
replaceable items subject to wear and tear or potential damage, 5% of spare parts shall
be delivered.
All pipes within and connected to the filter shall be stainless steel (SS),

8.3.9 Chemical post-treatment

Scope of the work:

 The component covers also the complete chemical dosing plant and control equipment and the
post-treatment chemical building, in which this is housed, i.e. also included are the chemical
preparation tanks, stirrers, dosing pumps, water supply & dosing pipe network up to the
injection point and associated electrical and mechanical works. However, the actual dosing point
is part of the detail design.

 All requirements for the chemical dosing plant and building stated under chapter above
also apply to the chemical-post treatment, except:

o Chemical post-treatment for disinfection shall be by hypochlorite and for pH

correction by lime

o Adjustment of the various dosing rates shall be done manually only

o The chlorine dosing shall allow for an adjustable dosing rate of 0 – 5 mg/l

o There shall be solution preparation tanks for chlorine solution and lime – sizes
of tanks shall be enough to allow for 24 hours dosing out of one tank under
design capacity assuming 2 mg/l dosing for chlorine. The chlorine solution tanks
should be provided with a standby.

8.4 Clear water tank

Clear water tank is where product water is stored and from which water is supplied for
compound services and pumped further to distribute to the end users.

Scope of the work:

 The clear water tank should have a minimum storage volume plus the provision for
 The tank design must allow for sufficient backwash water to be available at any time
whilst the WTP is running (e.g. separate compartment, lower inlet to backwash pumps,
 Tank must be provided with:
o Inclined bottom (2%) to chamber drain, fitted with manually operated valve.

o Chamber drain with portable drain pump, if necessary for draining.

o Access to tank bottom

o Chlorination compartment with baffle and / or guiding walls be provided to

ensure good mixing of the chlorine and to avoid any stagnant zones

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o Provision for level sensors with alarms, displayed on the main control panel in
the main pumping station

 The tank to be equipped with an overflow pipe able to convey the maximum production
rate together towards the drainage ditch.
 Sampling points should be provided on the clear water outlet
All pipes within or connected to the clear water tank shall be stainless steel (SS),

8.5 Sludge drying beds

Sludge drying beds is where sludge are collected and dried.

Scope of the work:

 All sumps and drain valves in tanks (aerator, rapid mixing chamber, flocculation tanks,
clarifiers and clear water tank) should empty to the sludge drying beds.
 There shall be a main drain pipe which conveys all drains to sludge drying bed. The
sludge collected on each trench shall be connected to the main drain pipe line which
conveys the sludge to the drying beds.
 The main drain pipe line shall be branched towards to each of the sludge drying bed
and these branched pipe lines shall be controlled by a gate valve.

8.6 Pipes

 The pipes for clear water pumps to clear water reservoir shall be stainless steel (SS),
 The pipes for backwash pumps to sand filters shall be stainless steel (SS),
 The pipes for backwash air pumps to sand filters shall be stainless steel (SS),
 The pipes for service water pumps to WTP services shall be galvanized steel (GS),
 The pipes for clear water tank to backwash and clear water pumps shall be HDPE,
 All pipes which are submerged in water shall be stainless steel (SS),
 The pipes from clarifier to sludge drying beds shall be HDPE,
 The pipes from sludge drying beds to pit shall be PVC,

8.7 Pumping station

The pumping station shall accommodate the following electromechanical equipment:

i. Clear water pumps

 Clear water pumps consist of a numbers of pumps for pumping from the clear
water tank to the town reservoir in the configuration duty + standby. It includes flow
measuring device on the common discharge pipe.
ii. Surge tank

 Surge tank, various maneuver and anticipatory valves for anti-surge protection
of the transmission pipe line to the receiving reservoir.
iii. Overhead traveling cranes

 Manually operated overhead traveling crane for the pumps

 Manually operated overhead traveling crane for the generator set

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iv. Motor control centre (MCC)

 The MCC consists of controls and protections for all the pumps, the PLC panel,
the ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) and other auxiliary panels.
v. Transformer

 Consists of a fenced; concrete pad mounted; 33/ 0.4 kV transformer with

appropriate capacity to satisfy the power requirements of the raw water pump station
and WTP. It should be positioned outside the building and connected to the medium
voltage network.
vi. Generator

 The diesel generator set with appropriate capacity to satisfy 50% power
requirements of the raw water pump station and WTP. It should have integrated fuel
tank in addition to bulk fuel tank.
vii. Backwash/ Service water pumps

 Service water pumps consist of a numbers of pumps with horizontal axis

complete with accessories to for lifting water to the elevated tank in the configuration
duty + standby. It includes flow measuring device on the common discharge pipe.
viii. Backwash air blowers

 Backwash air blowers consist of 2 numbers centrifugal compressors with

horizontal axis complete with accessories to blow air through the filter under drain tank
in the configuration 1 duty + 1 standby.
ix. Service air compressors

 Service air compressors consist of 2 numbers volumetric compressors complete

with accessories in the configuration 1 duty + 1 standby.
x. Extractor fans

 Consists of 2 numbers centrifugal fans with horizontal axis complete with


8.8 Surge analysis

All pump station designs shall include a surge evaluation. The surge analysis procedures
indicated below are generally adequate for pump stations. Larger facilities require special
detailed surge analysis. Engineers shall perform a more detailed surge analysis if they
determine it is needed to adequately evaluate surge.
Surge pressure in a transmission main is created by any change from a steady state flow
condition; the change may range from only slight pressure or velocity changes to
sufficiently high vacuum pressure or high pressure wave conditions. Events that introduce

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serious risk from surge are uncontrolled power failures resulting in a pump trip; rapid
opening, closing, or regulating of valves; and starting or stopping of pumps.
Surge control is more critical for pumping station power failure conditions. The following
various equipment and means prevent destructive surges:
 Automatically operated valves at the pump discharge

 Surge relief valves

 Surge tanks

If the down-surge gradient drops below the pipeline gradient, water column separation or
vapor cavities (negative pressure) may occur. Destructive secondary surge pressures can
result when the vapor cavity collapses. Use of air release/vacuum relief assemblies control
secondary surges but have a limited effective area along the pipeline.
The magnitude of surge pressure is a function of the following:
 Change in the velocity of flow

 Density of the fluid

 Speed of the pressure wave within the fluid and piping system

The speed or velocity of the pressure wave is a function of the following factors:
 Pipeline material

 Pipeline wall thickness

 Pipeline diameter

 Specific gravity and bulk modulus of the fluid being pumped

The surge analysis and selection of equipment and means to prevent surges shall be done at
detail design stage.

8.9 Ancillary components

8.9.1 Access hatches

The hatches’ frame and cover plate shall be fabricated from extruded aluminum trough
flange with continuous anchor flange around the perimeter and aluminum checker plate,
respectively, or be constructed of 316 stainless steel. All aluminum embedded in concrete
shall be coated with a bituminous paint. The frame and cover plate shall be equipped with
316 stainless steel hardware and accessories, including lift assist mechanisms. Lifting
mechanism shall consist of stainless steel compression lift springs enclosed in telescoping
vertical housing or stainless steel torsion lift springs. The access hatch shall be provided
with a hasp and recessed, keyed padlock locking system.

8.9.2 Handrails

Aluminum handrails are acceptable. Carbon steel handrails are not acceptable, regardless
of surface treatments they might receive.

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8.9.3 Grating

Foot traffic grating shall be aluminum press-locked, rectangular, bar-type with

manufacturer’s standard slip resistant surface. I-bar type grating will not be acceptable.
Seat angles or support beams shall be aluminum except supports embedded in concrete
shall be type 316 stainless steel.
Light and heavy vehicle traffic grating shall be galvanized steel heavy-welded or press
locked rectangular, crossbar type. Seat angles or support beams shall be galvanized steel,
except for supports embedded in concrete, which shall be type 316 stainless steel.

8.9.4 Accessories

All guide rails, chains, anchor bolts and other fasteners and hardware within the wet well
shall be Type 316 stainless steel.

8.10 Design criteria

The following design criteria shall be considered for hydraulic design:

 Hazen-Williams C-values shall be as defined further in this document.

 Engineering Data Book, or other recognized reference for hydraulic data, shall be used
for fitting and valve velocity head K-factors.

 The velocity of the pump suction line (where provided) shall be between 1-2 mps.

 The velocity of the pump discharge piping shall be generally 1.5-3.5 mps. Pipe
velocities shall be a minimum of 0.6 mps with one pump operating at minimum speed.

 Net positive suction head available (NPSHa) shall be calculated. The NPSHa
calculated shall be compared to the Net positive suction head required (NPSHr) by the
pump manufacturer. The calculated NPSHa shall be a minimum of one meter greater
than the NPSHr (i.e. And NPSH margin (NPSHA - NPSHR) ≥ 1)

 Lower rotational speed (~ 1,500 rpm) pumps are more desirable, since they reduce
pump wear. For a specific application, if there are comparable pump options available
with different pump speeds, the lowest pump speed shall be selected.

 Pump curves shall include manufacturer’s pump curve, modified pump curve including
all pump station losses, and single and multiple pumps running, at full speeds.
Operating curves shall be provided to include both system and pump curves, and all
operating points shall be identified.

 Pumps shall be selected for steep pump curves. Additionally, pump efficiency may be
considered. Pump curves shall be defined by: design point, shut-off head, and two
additional points on either side of the design point at the two boundary conditions.

 A hydraulic profile of the transmission main shall be provided. And this profile shall
show the hydraulic grade line from the pump station to the discharge location. If the
transmission main contains intermediate high points, it shall be analyzed whether an
intermediate high point becomes the controlling discharge elevation under some flow

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8.11 Preliminary Design of Electro-mechanical Equipment

8.11.1 Mechanical works

The mechanical equipment shall be selected according to pipeline layout and plants
elevation and proposed flow.

8.11.2 Pumps:

Pumps are designed to cope with the maximum day demand. All electromechanical works
will be designed to enable extraction of the design flow. At the feasibility study level, effort
has been made to determine the types of pumps, the capacity of the pumps and the power
requirement to run the pumps.

Table 8 - 1: Pump configuration for Logiya water treatment plant.

Water Water No. of No. of Discharge Total discharge
Pump ID Phase
Demand Demand pumps pumps (l/s) (l/s) (m3/h)
(m3/day) (m3/h) on stand
Raw water I 19,712 821 4 1 57 228 820.8
Clear water 18,422 821 4 1 57 228 820.8
Raw water pumps II 27,805 1,116.9 6 1 52 312 1,117
Clear water 26,805 1,116.9 6 1 52 312 1,117
It is recommended to use the same type of pumps at phase-I & II.

Table 8 - 2: Pump configuration for Det’bahri water treatment plant.

Water Water No. of No. of Discharg Total discharge
Pump ID Phase Demand Demand pumps pumps e
(l/s (l/s) (m3/h)
(m3/day) (m3/h) on standby )
Raw water I 21,940 914 4 1 63.4 254 913
Clear water 20,505 697 4 1 48.4 194 697
Raw water pumps II 28,996 1,208 6 1 55.9 335 1207
Clear water 27,909 945 6 1 43.7 262 944

Design of the booster pumps and the transmission main for logiya water treatment plant the surface pumps
(4+1) are designed to work for 24 hours. As the number of duty pumps are 4, each should have a capacity
about 57 l/s and total 4x57 = 228 l/s (the booster station is operation time schedule for pumps given below).

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Operation time schedule for pumps
Pump type hours in a day

Surface pumps 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 20-24

Pump -1 working time break time working time working time working time working time
Pump-2 working time working time break time working time working time working time
Pump -3 working time working time working time break time working time working time
Pump -4 working time working time working time working time break time working time
Pump-5 break time working time working time working time working time working time Preliminary design of pumps

The preliminary design of the pump system has been made based on the proposed water
demands of phase-I & II. Accordingly, from the water demand, the reservoirs levels and
locations has been taken as input data for the design and selection of the pumps.
Preliminary design of Electro-Mechanical works has been prepared based on the above
mentioned input data.

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Pumps are designed for conveying water from one location to another. The two general
water pump classifications include:
 Positive Displacement: A positive displacement water pump uses a flexible
diaphragm to discharge liquids via contraction and expansion. Positive
displacement pumps offer the benefit of efficiency, especially when working with
high-viscosity liquids or sensitive solids. They also perform well in applications
requiring the creation of high pressure or highly precise flow volumes.
 Centrifugal: Centrifugal pumps rely on a rotating impeller that spins the water inside
a specially designed housing. The rotating action propels the water through the
pump and housing via centrifugal force. Specific Water Pump Types

There are various types of water pumps models, including:

 Submersible: As the name implies, submersible pumps are designed and constructed for
underwater pumping applications. In most cases, submersible models are centrifugal pumps that
consist of a waterproof electric motor and pump that function as one unit.
Typical applications include:

 deep wells,
 wet wells/ shallow wells
 artificial wells
Submersible pumps could be utilized in a booster pump station. it is possible to construct an artificial
well instead of constructing pump houses for surface mounted pumps. The artificial wells are
constructed adjacent to the reservoir with appropriate size pipe casing to accomodate the submersible
pumps. The clearance between the pump set and the internal wall of the casing must be adequate
inorder to make the speed of water flow; which is used as a coolant; over the pump drive motor be as
per the pump manufacturer’s recommendation. In addition, the elevation of the bottom of the artificial
wet well and the elevation of the pump setting position are determined by the available net positive
suction head at the given site condition (i.e. altitude and temperature) and the net positive suction
head required by the pump (this is given by pump manufacturer).

Figure 8 - 11: Booster pump station utilizing submersible pump installed in artificial wet well
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The following table shows the comparison between submersible pumps and surface mounted pumps.

Table 8 - 3: Submersible vs. surface mounted pumps.

Types of pump Advantages disadvantages

Submersible  low noise  higher price

 cooling by surrounding liquid
 vibration and noise are absorbed by
the liquid
 highly efficient
 reliable
Surface mounted  lower price  Unprotected
 ease of maintenance  Airborne dust causes
nuisance problems:
Increased maintenance and
downtime, reduced
 Noisy

 End suction: End-suction pumps are the most common centrifugal pump models.
They consist of a horizontal shaft and a single impeller. Altering the impeller type
makes the pump compatible with clean and raw water services and levels of solid
 Multistage: These pumps are equipped with multiple impellers, providing the
additional pumping power required for high-pressure applications. However, they
are not a good choice for pumping liquids that contain solid materials. Examples of
multistage pump applications include in high-pressure services such as clear water
transmission pipes.
 The raw water from river has higher solids content with higher risk of clogging. The
most commonly recommended pumps for lifting water from raw water wet wells are
centrifugal submersible pumps with impeller having low susceptibility to clogging
and high efficiency. Pump Capacity

Capacity of a pump is the flow rate with which liquid is moved or pushed by the pump to the
desired point in the process. Capacity is measured in various units such as liters per
second, liters per minute and cubic meters per hour. The capacity usually changes with the
changes in operation point. The following factors affects pump performance:
 surface roughness;
 viscosity of the fluid
 internal clearances;
 mechanical losses (related to: bearings, lip seals, mechanical seals, and packing)
 Impeller size
 Size of inlet and outlet sections
 Impeller rotational speed

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The capacity of the pumps is determined from the water demand and the total head will be
calculated as follows: Pump Head

The total dynamic head of the pumps are calculated considering the Static Head (elevation
difference), Major loss (Pipe friction loss) and Minor Losses (Fitting loss).
 Static Head = Maximum Water Level in the reservoir at delivery side – Dynamic
Water level (for borehole)
= Maximum Water Level in the reservoir at delivery side – Minimum Water level in
the reservoir at suction side (for wet wells)
 Major loss (Pipe loss) is the friction or dynamic loss along the flow of the water
inside the pipe line, for this calculation we used Hazen Williams formula:

Hf = 10.67 x L x Q ^1.85 / C^1.85 / D^4.87

Where: Hf → Friction loss in pipe in meters

L → Length of transmission pipe in meters
Q → Discharge in m3/sec
C → Roughness coefficient for pipe
130 for HDPE pipes
110 for Steel pipes
120 for DCI/ GI pipes
D → Diameter of pipe in meters

 Minor losses (Fitting loss): is the minor dynamic friction loss along the flow of the
water passing through in the fittings, we use the following formula:

hf = Fc x V^2 / 2g

Where: hf → Friction loss in fittings and valves in meters

Fc → Friction coefficient for fittings and valves (adopted from
recommended tables)
V → Velocity of water in m/sec
g → Acceleration due to gravity in m/sec2
The total dynamic head is:
TDH = Hs + Hf + hf
Where: TDH → Total dynamic Head (m)
Hs → Static Head (m)

As per the above mentioned formula, the preliminary pump capacity & head for the raw
water pump station and clear water pump stations are given below.

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Table 8 - 4: Pump capacity & head for Logiya water treatment plant.

Pump ID Pump Q TDH

(l/s) (m3/h) (m)
Raw water pump (RWP) 4 duty/1stand- 57 228 24.8
Clear water pump (CWP) 4 duty/1stand- 57 228 112.5
Service water pump (SWP) 2 duty/1stand- 10 36 25
Raw water pump (RWP) 6 duty/1stand- 52 310 25
Clear water pump (CWP) 6 duty/1stand- 52 310 114.8
Service water pump (SWP) 2 duty/1stand- 10 36 25

Table 8 - 5: Pump capacity & head for Det’bahri water treatment plant.
Pump ID Pump Q TDH
(l/s) (m3/h) (m)
Raw water pump (RWP) 4 duty/1stand- 63.4 254 25
Clear water pump (CWP) 4 duty/1stand- 48.4 194 57.78
Service water pump (SWP) 2 duty/1stand- 10 36 25.12
Raw water pump (RWP) 6 duty/1stand- 55.9 335 25
Clear water pump (CWP) 6 duty/1stand- 43.7 262 201
Service water pump (SWP) 2 duty/1stand- 10 36 25 Power of pump drive motor

Pump drive motor’s power is depend on the operating point of the pump.
a) The hydraulic power is calculated as follows:
PH = ρ x g x H x Q

Where:PH → Hydraulic power (watts)

 → Density of Water (kg/m3)
g → Acceleration due to gravity (m/sec2)
H → Total Pumping Head (m)
Q → Discharge (m3/sec)
b) The power required to lift the water is slightly higher than the hydraulic power due to
energy losses in the pump. Hence the hydraulic power supplied by a pump is:
Pp = ρ x g x H x Q / ηp

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Where: Pp → Power of pump (watts)

p → Efficiency of pump
c) Power required driving the pump will be:
Pm = ρ x g x H x Q / ηp ηm

Where: Pm → Power of pump drive motor (watts)

m → Efficiency of motor
As per the above mentioned formula, the preliminary pump drive motor power for the raw
water pump station and clear water pump stations are given below.

Table 8 - 6: Pump drive motor power for Logiya water treatment plant (a new one).
Pump Motor Motor current
Pump ID
configuration (Kw) (A)

Raw water pump (RWP) 4 duty/1stand-by 22 42
Clear water pump (CWP) 4 duty/1stand-by 110 209
Service water pump 2 duty/1stand-by 7.5 14
Raw water pump (RWP) 6 duty/1stand-by 22 42
Clear water pump (CWP) 6 duty/1stand-by 110 209
Service water pump 2 duty/1stand-by 7.5 14

Table 8 - 7: Pump drive motor power for Det’bahri water treatment plant.
Motor Motor current
Pump ID
configuration (Kw) (A)

Raw water pump (RWP) 4 duty/1stand-by 22 42
Clear water pump (CWP) 4 duty/1stand-by 45 86
Service water pump 2 duty/1stand-by 7.5 14
Raw water pump (RWP) 6 duty/1stand-by 22 42
Clear water pump (CWP) 6 duty/1stand-by 132 251
Service water pump 2 duty/1stand-by 7.5 14

i. Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is a very important parameter in selection of centrifugal
pumps. We impart energy through a drive only at the pump shaft and not downstream in
the suction piping. Hence, liquid will be sucked into the pump only if a vacuum is created at
the suction, which is not the case. A centrifugal Pump requires liquid to be present at the
suction inlet which is at the same level of the impeller eye to work satisfactorily without the

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occurrence of unwanted phenomena like cavitation and the energy which makes this
possible is called the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH). Keeping the speed constant and
varying the suction flow, it is possible to get a suction head which is 97% of the original
head. The pressure reading at this point where there is a 3% reduction in head is
considered to be the point where cavitation starts, and the energy required here in terms of
meters is designated as the NPSH required or NPSHR. Cavitation can only occur when the
fluid pressure falls below the vapor pressure. NPSHA is depending on atmospheric
pressure and Atmospheric pressure depending on Altitude above sea level.
Net Positive Suction Head available (NPSHA) is calculated as follows:
NPSHA = Ha + / - Hz – Hf + Hv – Hvp
NPSHA → Net Positive Suction Head available
NPSHR → Net Positive Suction Head required
Ha → Atmospheric or absolute pressure
Hz → Vertical distance from the surface of the water to the pump centerline
Hf → Friction loss in suction pipe
Hv → Velocity head at the pump’s suction
Hvp → Vapor pressure of the water at its ambient temperature Pipe Sizes

The sizes of the suction and discharge pipes within the pump station will depend on the flow
rate and the velocity of water.

The following criteria will be adopted for the sizing of pipes within the raw water and clear water
pump stations:

Maximum flow velocities for pumping systems will be as follows:

 at inlet branch: 2 m/sec,

 at outlet branch: 3.5 m/sec,
 at inlet manifold; 1 m/sec,
 at outlet manifold: 3 m/sec,
 in riser pipe from submersible pump to well head: 2 m/sec.
The following formula is used to calculate the internal diameter of pipes:

D = (1.274 x Q / V) ^1/2

Where: - V = Velocity of water in pipe in m/sec

Q = Design discharge in m3/sec

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Table 8 - 8: Pipe size for Logiya water treatment plant.

Length Q Recommended V
Phase Site
(m) (m3/h) (mm) (m/s
Raw water pump to Treatment 228
150 450 1.4
Treatment plant /CWPS to 228
I 1,500 450 1.4
Main Reservoir
Service water pump to 72
50 150 1.1
elevated back wash tank
Raw water pump to Treatment 310
150 550 1.3
Treatment plant /CWPS to 310
II 1,500 550 1.3
Main Reservoir
Service water pump to 50 72 150 1.1
elevated back wash tank

Table 8 - 9: Pipe size for Det’bahri water treatment plant.

Phas Length Q Recommended V
e (m) (m3/h) (mm) (m/s
Raw water pump to Treatment 254
150 500 1.3
I Treatment plant /CWPS to 35,331 194 500 1.0
Service water pump to 72
50 150 1.1
elevated back wash tank
Raw water pump to Treatment 335
150 550 1.4
Treatment plant /CWPS to 262
II 35,331 550 1.1
Main Reservoir
Service water pump to 50 72 150 1.1
elevated back wash tank
D = Diameter of pipe in meters

It is recommended that the common suction & discharge pipe of the pumps and the
transmission main shall be designed by considering phase-II water demand.

8.11.3 Electrical Works General

Primary criteria for the design of the electrical system are that it is safe, meets capacity
requirements, is reliable, provides desirable operational control and ease of maintenance, and
is economically reasonable. The following sections are a discussion of the individual electrical
system elements as it relates to the aforementioned primary design requirements.

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And the electrical design works shall apply to the Intake/ raw water pump station and the water
treatment plant (WTP)/clear water pump station.

The local electrical utility shall provide electric service at 400-volts, 3-phase for the WTP. Cost
estimates for bringing 3-phase power to the WTP shall be delivered by the Ethiopian electric
utility (EEU). It is anticipated that the EEU will distribute power to the WTP with an
underground service lateral to the electrical service equipment provided under these project.
The electrical service equipment shall consist of a utility conductor landing section, metering
section, and a main breaker. All of these devices will be designed based on the EEU’s

Scope of works

The electrical design shall include the following main electrical components: -

 Power supply (both main & standby)

 Motor control center (MCC)
 Services
 Grounding Power supply

a) Electrical Service (MV line & power transformer)

The Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) shall provide the power transformers and associated
medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) equipment including meter units for this Project.
The items shall be installed at the borehole sites, booster pump stations and service reservoirs.
All the medium voltage works (transmission line from the nearest substation in the power grid
and the work in the transformer house up to the meter board) shall be liaison with EEU.

b) Standby Diesel generator Power

To satisfy part of the water demand, a standby diesel generator sets shall be erected. At the
time of mains failure, Standby diesel generator sets shall replace the main power supply in
order to supply the power requirement of the WTP.

Consideration will be given for providing 50% capacity in emergency case.

A) Introduction

Sizing the electrical service for the Intake/ raw water pump station and the water treatment
plant (WTP)/clear water pump station require an understanding of the amount of electric power

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required by the critical pump drive motors’ load, the lighting loads and auxiliary loads if any.
The power requirements of these elements may vary substantially from one another, but can
be accurately estimated once the power requirements of the planned WTP’s load is
determined. In addition to estimating the size of the electrical service, these elements can be
used to estimate the power output capacity of the main’s electrical distribution system and
standby diesel generator plant.

b) Critical load

Pump drive motors have start-up peak loads that exceed the steady state values which are
accounted for total power calculation. This will help set up the size of the electrical distribution
system required to support the whole of the WTP.

c) Lighting loads

Lighting loads account for all the lighting in the electromechanical (EM) buildings and its
compound. And is a function of the EM Building’s floor area.

The Electrical Service and the Generator power sources that provide power to the WTP cannot
be sized to the steady state values. These sources must be sized to the peak power
consumption of the loads, plus any derating or over sizing margins required. In practice, this
causes the electrical service and generator sizing to be substantially large.

The steady-state power consumption of the electrical loads within the WTP establishes the
power consumption for purposes of determining power suply cost and electrical energy costs.

Power supply cost includes the cost of poles, conductors, transformer, fixing accessories and

Table 8 - 10: Estimated cost of power suply for Logiya water treatment plant.
Length Cost of power supply
Description of MV Unit Total
(Km) (Birr/ Km) (Birr)
to Water treatment
Substation @ Logiya 1 865,000.00 865,000.00
Unit (Birr) Total (Birr)
Transformer & accessories 1 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Grand Total (Birr) 1,865,000.00

Unit (Birr) Total (Birr)
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Updating transformer and accessories 1 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00

Table 8 - 11: Estimated cost of power suply for Det’bahri water treatment plant.
Length Cost of power supply
Description of MV Unit Total
(Km) (Birr/ Km) (Birr)
to Water treatment
Substation @ Det’bahri 1 1,000,500.00 1,000,500.00

Unit (Birr) Total (Birr)
Updating transformer and accessories 1 2,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Energy cost is depend on the power consumed and the duration of operation of the electrical
equipment. And a rate for power consumption above 500 kWh/month is taken as 2.48 Birr/kWh
as per EEU’s unit power charge.

Table 8 - 12: Estimated energy cost for Logiya water treatment plant.
Required Energy cost
power (Birr/year)
Pump station name of duty
pumps (MW) Auxiliaries Pump drive Total
Raw water pump to Treatment plant 2 0.027 54,312.00 955,891.20 1,010,203.20
Pump Station: CWPS to main 4 0.12 108,624.00 9,558,912.00 10,004,270.40
Service water pump to elevated back 2 0.0075 325,872.00
Air blower pump (ABP) 1 0.03 10,862.40
Total (MW) 0.18 Grand total (Birr/year) 11,014,473.60
Raw water pump to Treatment plant 6 0.032 108,624.00 2,867,673.60 2,976,297.60
Pump Station: CWPS to main 6 0.12 108,624.00 14,338,368.00 14,786,442.00
Service water pump to elevated back 2 0.0075 325,872.00
Air blower pump (ABP) 1 0.03 13,578.00
Total (MW) 0.19 Grand total (Birr/year) 17,762,739.60

Table 8 - 13: Estimated energy cost for Det’bahri water treatment plant.

Number Required Energy cost

Pump station name of duty power (Birr/year)
pumps (MW) Auxiliaries Pump Total
Raw water pump to Treatment plant 4 0.027 54,312 1,911,782 1,966,094
Pump Station: CWPS to main 4 0.055 108,624 3,910,464 4,355,822
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Number Required Energy cost

Pump station name of duty power (Birr/year)
pumps (MW) Auxiliaries Pump Total
Service water pump to elevated back 2 0.0075 325,872
Air blower pump (ABP) 1 0.03 10,862.40
Total (MW) 0.12 Grand total (Birr/year) 6,321,917
Raw water pump to Treatment plant 6 0.032 108,624 2,867,674 2,976,298
Pump Station: CWPS to main 6 0.142 108,624 17,206,042 17,654,116
Service water pump to elevated back 2 0.0075 325,872.00
Air blower pump (ABP) 1 0.03 13,578.00
Total (MW) 0.21 Grand total (Birr/year) 20,630,413

a) Sizing of the Electrical Service (power transformer)

For the WTP, main power requirement shall be calculated as follows:-

Motor loads:

Motor Voltage =380V; 3ph; 50Hz

PF = 0.92;

Is = 6 x In (for direct on line start);

Type of motor starter: Soft type reduced voltage starter

Starting Power in KW = (2 + n - 1) x P; Power is directly proportional to Current.

Starting Power in KVA = (2 + n - 1) x P / 0.92 kVA


PF: Power factor

Is: Starting current in ampere

In: Nominal current in ampere

P: Pump drive motor power in Kw

n: Total numbers of pumps running in parallel

Lighting loads:

PF = 1

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Take auxiliary power = 5Kw or 5kVA for borehole pump

= 10Kw or 10KVA for booster pumps

Adding 10% allowance, the minimum rating of the power transformer

=1.1 x [(2 + n - 1) x P / 0.92 kVA + 5kVA]

Table 8 - 14: Estimated sizes of main power for Logiya water treatment plant.
Motor Number Number Calculated Standard
Pump station ID capacity of Duty of Transformer transformer
[kW] pumps Standby rating rating

Raw water pump to 22 4 1 110
Clear water pump (CWP) 110 4 1 766
Service water pump to 7.5 2 1 19
Air blower (AB) 30 1 1 38
Total power (KVA) 1,026 1,225
Raw water pump to 22 6 1 165
Clear water pump (CWP) 110 6 1 1,041
Service water pump to 7.5 2 1 19
Air blower (AB) 30 1 1 38
Total power (KVA) 1,329 1,500

Table 8 - 15: Estimated sizes of main power for Det’bahri water treatment plant.
Motor Number Number Calculated Standard
Pump station ID capacity of Duty of Transformer transformer
[kW] pumps Standby rating rating
Raw water pump to 22 4 1 110
Clear water pump (CWP) 45 4 1 309
Service water pump to 7.5 2 1 19
Air blower (AB) 30 1 1 38
Total power (KVA) 523 630
Raw water pump to 22 6 1 165
Clear water pump (CWP) 132 6 1 1,238
Service water pump to 7.5 2 1 19
Air blower (AB) 30 1 1 38
Total power (KVA) 1,605 2,000

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e) Sizing of Standby Diesel generator Power

To satisfy part of the water demand, a standby diesel generator sets shall be erected. At the
time of mains failure, Standby diesel generator set shall replace the main power supply in order
to supply the power requirement of the WTP.

For the WTP, standby power requirement shall be calculated as follows:-

Motor loads:

Motor Voltage =380V; 3ph; 50Hz

PF = 0.92;

DF = 0.95

Is = 6 x In (for direct on line start);

Type of motor starter: Soft type reduced voltage starter

Starting Power in KW = (2 + n - 1) x P; Power is directly proportional to Current.

Starting Power in KVA = (2 + n - 1) x P / 0.92 kVA


PF: Power factor

DF: Derating factor for site conditions

Is: Starting current in ampere

In: Nominal current in ampere

P: Pump drive motor power in Kw

n: Total numbers of pumps running in parallel

Lighting loads:

PF = 1

Take auxiliary power = 5Kw or 5kVA for borehole pump

= 10Kw or 10KVA for booster pumps

The minimum rating of the Diesel generator power

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= [(2 + n - 1) x P / 0.92 kVA + 5kVA] / 0.8

Table 8 - 16: Estimated sizes of diesel generator set for Logiya water treatment plant.
Motor Number Number Diesel
capacity of Duty of generator
Pump station ID [kW] pumps Standby rating
Raw water pump to 22 4 1 110
Clear water pump (CWP) 110 4 1 413
Service water pump to 7.5 2 1 19
Air blower (AB) 30 1 1 38
Total power (KVA) 609
Raw water pump to 22 6 1 165
Clear water pump (CWP) 110 6 1 550
Service water pump to 7.5 2 1 19
Air blower (AB) 30 1 1 38
Total power (KVA) 812

Table 8 - 17: Estimated sizes of diesel generator set for Det’bahri water treatment plant.
Motor Number Number Diesel
capacity of Duty of generator
Pump station ID [kW] pumps Standby rating

Raw water pump to 22 4 1 110
Clear water pump (CWP) 110 4 1 169
Service water pump to 7.5 2 1 19
Air blower (AB) 30 1 1 38
Total power (KVA) 353
Raw water pump to 22 6 1 165
Clear water pump (CWP) 110 6 1 660
Service water pump to 7.5 2 1 19
Air blower (AB) 1 30 1 38
Total power (KVA) 928
Diesel generator set shall be canopy/weather proof type. Motor control centre (MCC)

A) General

The MCC shall be free standing with front access and cable entries from below. Cables, both
power and control, from the MCC to the weather proof junction box installed adjacent to wet

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well and surface pumps shall exit from the bottom of the MCC and shall run to the floor
trenches through suitably sized galvanized cable tray including cover.

The motor control center shall comprise:-

• Low voltage incoming compartment,

• Motor starter compartment,

• Feeder compartment

• Control /Instruments compartment.

i. Low voltage incoming compartment

The low voltage incoming compartment comprises change over switch using the main &
generator change over contactors where applicable and power supply via incoming circuit
breakers (MCBs). These contactors shall be provided with mechanical interlock. And the
changes from main to standby shall be manual.

ii. Motor starter compartment

The motor starter compartment comprises TPN switch, Motor starters, control transformer
380v/110v unit protection devices and motor connection terminals.

Figure 8 - 12: Low voltage switchgear & Motor starter

a) Types of motor starter:

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There are different types of motor starter available. The following list are among the different
starting types:

 Direct on line starter

 Star/delta starter
 Soft starter

Table 8 - 18: Types of starters

Type of motor starter
Direct on-line starting Star-delta starting (Y/Δ) Soft starting (SS)
Three-phase motor Three-phase motor with low to high Three-phase motor
with low to medium power rating with low to high power
3 conductors to the Six conductors to the motor 3 conductors to the
High starting torque Reduced starting torque, 1/3 of the Variable starting
nominal torque torque
High current peak High mains load due to current peak No current peak
during switchover from Y(Star) to Δ
Voltage dip High mechanical stress due to torque Negligible voltage dip
surge during switchover from Y(Star)
One simple switching One simple switching
Guided soft stop,
protective functions,

Due to their no current peak & capable of guided soft stop protective functions & advantages
over other starters, soft starters shall be proposed for all pump starting other than small
powered pump drive motors which allowed for DOL starting.

The soft start/soft stop unit shall have an integrated display terminal that allow the user to
change both the programming and the adjustment or monitoring parameters in order to adopt
and customize the application in line with customer needs.

The soft start/soft stop unit shall have LEDs to indicate (Ready, Run and Trip)

b) Controls and protections:

Safety shut down circuits shall be provided to protect against faults. Each fault shall actuate a
corresponding indicator light and a common acoustic device.

The following controls and protection shall be provided: -

 Against short circuit by all the circuit breakers (CBs) (main CBs and unit CBs.)

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 Against over voltage, under voltage and phase lack.

 Against phase reversal.
 Against earth leakage for each pumping unit by adequate capacity relay.
 Against high temperature in the motor winding by adequate capacity relay. The motor
winding shall be provided with thermistors.
 Against High pressure in the transmission main to avoid the pump from running when
there is clogged discharge pipe or the valve at delivery side closed.
 Against Low pressure in the transmission main to avoid the pump from running when
there is breakdown on the discharge pipe.
 Against dry running of pumps by Water level electrodes and relay.

iii. Feeder compartment

Feeder compartment shall incorporate three phase Automatic circuit breakers (ACBs) of
suitable rating and it supplies the following electrical plants: -

 Field Instruments and Process equipment

 Lighting and power (indoor & outdoor)

iv. Control /Instruments compartment

The Control /Instruments compartment comprises PLC, Switches & relays for remote control &
monitoring of the intake/raw water pump station, water treatment plant and reservoirs from the
SCADA system at the central control room. Services

Complete electrical installation, including sub distribution boards. Conduits, lighting, power
outlets, accessories, switches, earthing, cables, wiring and all items necessary and required for
the works shall be considered within the following building including compound lighting:

 Generator house
 Control room at each boreholes
 Pump house
 Air blower room
 Control room at each pump station
 SCADA central control room
 Chemical dosing room
 Store
 Operator dwelling

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 Guard house
 Other EM building if any

And In addition to pump drive motors which are the major electrical equipment, the following
auxiliary equipment is considered:

 Disinfection plant
 Sump pumps Grounding

Electrical circuits, equipment, and equipment enclosures shall be bonded and grounded as
required by Article 7.6 of the EBCS. References to be used in designing grounding systems
shall include the following:

 EBCS 7.6--The National Building Code (NBC)

 IEEE Standard IEEE 142 Recommended Practices for Grounding of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems

A grounding electrode system shall be provided for all WTP and pump station site wiring
systems as required by the NBC. The grounding electrode system shall be used for grounding
of the neutral of the low-voltage power supply and the equipment ground conductors. Each
power supply system shall be connected to a grounding electrode system meeting all
requirements of Article 7.6 of the EBCS. Each item within the electrical system shall be bonded
together by a bonding conductor sized in accordance with the requirements of the NBC.
Grounding electrodes shall be in accordance to Article & of the EBCS

8.11.4 Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) Introduction

The process control and operation of the water production, disinfection and distribution system
is recommended to be automated in order the water supply to be reliable and efficient.

In this project, the water sources are from Tendaho dam. The intake/raw water pump station,
the water treatment plant and service reservoirs are situated far apart. This might make the
reliability of water supply to the diferent towns uncertain hence; remote control and monitoring
system is inevitable. And this shall be accomplished by Supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA).

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The application requires a central supervisory control and monitoring station, consisting of
human-machine interface (HMI) in which an operator may view displayed information about
Water levels, Rate & totalized flows, etc... in the water supply system. The central supervisory
control and monitoring station shall be installed with in the WTP or other convenient location to
be determined later.

The SCADA system is intended to control and/or monitor remote/local sites with in the intake/
raw water pump station, water treatment plant and the plants on the respective corridors
including reservoirs. Objective

The objective of the SCADA system is to remotely control, monitor, store, display and log
process and equipment information.

The information to be monitored and /or controlled are listed below, but not limited to the

 Water level
 Discharge rate & totalized flow of the following sites
 Discharge pressure of pump stations
 Pump status (i.e. .running, stopped & fault conditions)
 Total and daily running hours of each pump
 Pneumatic valves at the filter beds
 Status of dosing pumps’ (i.e. running, stopped & fault conditions)
 Residual chlorine at the clear water reservoir.
 Turbidity at the inlet of aerator
 pH at the inlet of aerator
 Status of:-

 Main power supply

 Diesel Generator set

 Fault conditions

In addition the SCADA shall have the following functions:-

 Remote operation of the pumps from the centre located in WTP or other convenient
location to be determined later.
 Time-tagging of events or Processing of events
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 Publication in logs, curves, mimics diagrams and reports.

 The system software shall be capable of View past events such as: Alarm Date, User
login/logout data, Export data as .CSV files and Print all or select data
 Updating of the application software or automation software
 Access supervision and authorization Modes of operation:

Starting and stopping of the borehole and booster pumps shall be done in four modes as

 Direct hand mode: The pumps shall be made to start and stop locally from the front
panel of the switchboard.
 Hand mode: The pumps shall be made to start and stop manually from the SCADA
central control room.
 Semi-automatic: The operator shall choose individual boreholes and number of
boreholes required to run.
 Fully automatic: The pumps shall be made to start and stop via PLCs from the SCADA
central control room. Components of SCADA system

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a combination of Telemetry and Data

Figure 8 - 13: Telemetry and data acquisition system architecture

RTU Radio Modems Directional Antenna Omni Directional Antenna

Repeater Directional Antenna Radio Modems Host computer (HMI) at
control centre

a) Telemetry
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It is a technique used in transmitting and receiving data over a media such as cable, telephone
line, GPRS, Radio, Satellite, etc. Data acquisition

Data Acquisition consists:-

 collecting information,
 transferring it back to a central site,
 carrying out necessary analysis
 control,
 and displaying this data on screens.

Information is gathered by transducers (sensors), such as:

 Flow meter,
 Level sensor,
 Water quality analyzer,
 etc.

It can also be signal to control and monitor equipment such as

 Motors,
 Valves,
 etc. Instrumentation

There are various types of measuring devices (instruments) used to measure physical and
chemical parameters in water supply system (i.e. level, flow, pH, etc.). The essential measuring
devices used in water treatment plant are described below.

a) Water level monitoring & control

i) Level indicator & transmiter (LIT)
Water shall be pumped from the raw water wet well, clear water reservoir at the water
treatment plant to their respective collector reservoirs from where it is pumped to the
successive reservoirs by pump relay system where applicable or by gravity.

Equipment and associated software shall be adapted for each automatic water supply. The
highest and the lowest water levels are detected by electrodes with relays transmitting an
alarm to the SCADA. The other thresholds are calculated from the signal 4/20 mA of the level
transmitter. They might be hydrostatic level sensors or ultrasonic level measurement,
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b) Flow measurement
The flow at the outlet of each pump station shall be measured by electromagnetic flow meter
and transmitted to the SCADA Control Centre at the water treatment plant. The measuring
system consists of a sensor and a transmitter. It should be remote version which sensor is
mounted separate from the transmitter. The transmitter shall supply a linear signal proportional
to the flow rate in m3/h and cumulative flow in m3. And it shall be appropriate for outdoor
installation. And the instruments have the following diameter and pressure rating:

c) O2 Analyser
This instrument is used for measuring and reporting dissolved oxygen. It is ideal for de aerated
water monitoring. The unit shall have a local display and transmit the measured value to the
SCADA system. It is robust and utilizes optical technology without membrane or electrolyte. 0 –
40 ppm range.

d) Residual chlorine sensor

Residual chlorine sensor and monitor shall be installed in the chlorination tank within the water
treatment plant to measure the chlorine residual of the product water. This unit shall be
complete with pipe work, valves, power and signal cabling. The unit shall have a local display
of the chlorine residue and transmit the measured value to the SCADA system.

A cell containing two dissimilar metals which continuously generates a micro ampere signal
proportional to the total residual chlorine rate in the sample over the range 0 -1 mg/l. And a
transmitter with 4-20 mA output proportional to 0 -1 mg/l free residual chlorine for transmitting
to remote terminal unit.

e) PH meter
pH measuring instrument shall be installed at the inlet of rapid mixer and chlorination tank at
the treatment plant. An electrode in the sample shall continuously measure the pH value. And it
shall include a transmitter which gives a 4 -20 mA output proportional to the pH range 4 to 8.

f) Turbidity meter
Turbidity measuring instrument shall be installed at the inlet of rapid mixer and clear water
reservoir at the treatment plants. An electrode in the sample shall continuously measure the
turbidity value. And it shall include a transmitter which gives a 4 -20 mA output proportional to
the turbidity.

8.11.5 Cost Estimate

The summary of cost estimation for the whole of the WTP at phase-1 is given on the table

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Table 8 - 19: Summary of cost estimate for Logiya water treatment plant
Description Cost

Intake and Raw water pump station (Euro) 560,000.00

Treatment Plant (Euro) 480,000.00
Clear water pump station (Euro) 1,200,000.00
SCADA system equipment (Euro) 390,000.00
Installation services (Birr) 50,500,000.00
Local transportation, Insurance and other 1,500,000.00
Spare parts (Euro) 240,000.00
Equipment & Tools (Euro) 250,000.00
Total of foreign currency (Euro) 3,120,000.00
Total of local currency (Birr) 52,000,000.00

Table 8 - 20: Summary of cost estimate for Det’bahri water treatment plant
Description Cost

Intake and Raw water pump station (Euro) 616,000.00

Treatment Plant (Euro) 408,000.00
Clear water pump station (Euro) 1,020,000.00
SCADA system equipment (Euro) 390,000.00
Installation services (Birr) 49,237,500.00
Local transportation, Insurance and other 1,500,000.00
Spare parts (Euro) 234,000.00
Equipment & Tools (Euro) 250,000.00
Total of foreign currency (Euro) 2,668,000.00
Total of local currency (Birr) 50,737,500.00

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9.0 The Investment Cost

Pre-Feasibility Investment Cost Estimation

A. For Logiya Treatment Plant System
S.NO Description Cost((Euro)
1 Construction of Intake Structure 1,543,092.21
2 Construction of Treatment Plant 12,435,507.82
3 Construction of Raw water Rising Main 4,084.66
4 Construction of Clear water Transmission Main 40,846.56
5 Construction of Transfer Main 43,213.99
6 Construction of Reservoir 617,236.88
7 Supply of pipes Material 3,141,744.82
8 Electro Mechanical Supply and Instalation Work 3,120,000.00
Sub Total 20,945,726.94
B. For Det'bahari Treatment Plant System
S.NO Description Cost((Euro)
1 Construction of Intake Structure 1,543,092.21
2 Construction of Treatment Plant 12,435,507.82
3 Construction of Raw water Rising Main 21,240.21
4 Construction of Clear water Transmission Main 953,086.37
7 Supply of pipes Material 13,343,209.12
8 Electro Mechanical Supply and Instalation Work 2,668,000.00
Sub Total 30,964,135.73
Total 51,909,862.68

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Afar National Regional State

Design and Supervision Works Enterprise

Appendix A

Appendix A
Description of Existing Systems

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Appendix A. Existing Water Supply System

A.1 Lot-I
A.1.1 Logiya Town
A.1.1.1 Source
The existing Water source for the town is from 7 boreholes which is drilled and constructed on
well field located on the southern side of the town in the year 2008 and 2014. The boreholes
yield capacity or pumped capacity is from 4 to 8 l/s. The functioned boreholes give service for
the town are EBH-1.EBH-2, EBH-3, EBH-4, EBH-5, EBH-6 and EBH-7.Thus, the total
production from existing seven functional wells of the town goes to 39 l/s.

A.1.1.2 Collector and Transmission Pipe System

The four wells are connected with collector pipes of GI pipes of DN 80mm and PN 16. The
length of collector pipe from EBH-1 is 85m, from EBH-2 is 115m, from EBH-3 is 1,242m, and
from EBH-4 is 1548m.

All the existing collector pipes from the existing four boreholes were designed to be connected
to a transmission DCI pipe of DN 150 and PN 16. The total length of this transmission pipe is
around 3.7km and connected with the previous surface reservoir of capacity 200m 3; water is
pumped to elevated service reservoir capacity 100m3 and distributed through gravity to users.

But the current practice observed only one well (EBH-1) is connected with the existing DN
150mm DCI pipe and join the existing 200m3 surface transfer reservoir. Raw water from two
boreholes (EBH-5 and EBH-6) is directly connected with DN 90mm PN 10 HDPE pipe with
separated two lines to inlet of 100m3 elevated reservoir.

The raw water from the remaining four boreholes (EBH-2, EBH-3, EBH-4 andEBH-7) is directly
connected to distribution pipes to users by direct pumping.

A.1.1.3 Storage Reservoir

Ground Level Reservoir: The largest reservoir in the town is the Circular RC service ground
reservoir with a capacity of 200m3 located at an elevation of 420.68m.a.s.l in the town. The
reservoir was initially designed to be supplied from previous all four boreholes, connected with
DN 150mm DCI transmission pipe. But currently, only one borehole (EBH-1) is connected to
this reservoir with the existing transmission pipeline.

This reservoir has two main functions, transfer and service storages. It transfers water to
100m3 elevated reservoir by pumping. It is fitted with DN 150mm inlet, DN 200mm out let, DN
150mm over flow, and DN 150mm drain flanged DCI pipes.

Elevated Reservoir: In the existing water supply scheme, there is also a 100m3 elevated
service reservoir, nearby 200m3 ground reservoir site, at an elevation of 420m.a.s.l.
The height of the tank is 24m above original ground level. It is currently directly supplied water
from 200m3 ground reservoir by pumping and directly connected two boreholes (EBH-5 and
EBH-6), with separate DN 90mm HDPE pipes. All the others are directly pumped to users
through the distribution line.

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This reservoir feeds some portion of the town by gravity; on top of it, the direct pumping from
the four boreholes to distribution lines covers the daily fluctuating demand in other parts of the

A.1.1.4 Distribution System

The existing distribution system of Logiya town is a single pressure zone and loop system,
where primary and secondary mains are aligned parallel and perpendicular to existing roads.
The distribution is fed water by gravity, from the service reservoir. But after failure to cover all
the demands using this existing distribution network, the Utility started directly pumping to
distribution system, which covers some portion of the town.

The existing distribution system comprised DN 400mm to DN 250mm DCI, and OD 110mm to
OD 50mm HDPE pipes. Lots of leakage observed in the existing system, especially, from
previous DCI pipes; this increased the difficulty to get the pipeline alignments. The total length
of the existing distribution pipe network is 20.3km. Pipe material type, diameter and length of
pipes in the distribution network are summarized and presented in Table - below.

Table A: 1 Existing distribution pipe system

Type of Pipe Diameter (mm) Length (m)
DCI 400 51
DCI 350 451
DCI 300 172
DCI 250 228
uPVC 150 1,623
uPVC 100 2,342
uPVC 80 6,516
uPVC 50 8,942
Total 20,325

A.1.1.5 Electromechanical Units

A. Electromechanical Units at Service Reservoirs
Two surface pumps were installed at the reservoir site to transfer clean water from the 200m 3
ground reservoir to an elevated water tower, based on initial design assumption, where all the
previous wells were planned to supply to the surface reservoir. The pumps are automatically
controlled from float switches in the receiving reservoir.

However, only one pump is currently operational; because water from one well is connected
with the existing 200m3 reservoir. Whereas two boreholes are currently directly connected to
elevated reservoir with separated pressure lines. The remaining other wells are directly
connected with the distribution system, before joining the service reservoir, even after the town
water supply source was fully shifted to the two boreholes.

A. Electromechanical Units at Boreholes

As it is mentioned earlier, the current water demand of the Logiya town is fully dependent on
seven boreholes, named here as (EBH-1 to EBH-7). The pumping units in these wells are
described in the following section.

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Pumping Station at EBH-1: Water from this borehole, which is drilled and constructed in
2008, is pumped using submersible pump whose power and discharge capacity are reported to
be 6 l/s. The present power supply for the submersible pump is from the national grid power,
using transformer installed inside the pumping station. At present, water from this borehole is
pumped through the existing DCI pipes of DN 150mm and PN 16 transmission pipe. Finally, it
joins with the 200m3 surface reservoir.

At this pumping station, there is a generator house with generator seat. There is also a standby
generator of capacity 90 KVA at the pumping station, which is installed to serve for both EBH-1
and EBH-2.

At this pumping station, Water from this borehole (EBH-1) is connected with riser GS pipe of
DN 80mm, with a total length around 85m. Fittings like Check Valve, and Air Release valve are
also installed in it.

Pumping Station at EBH-2: Water from this borehole, which is drilled and constructed in 2008
is pumped using submersible pump of power and discharge capacity 5 l/s. The present power
supply for the submersible pump is from the national grid power, using transformer installed
inside the pumping station. There is also a standby generator with a capacity of 90 KVA at the
pumping station. Currently, water from this borehole is delivered directly to various parts of the
existing distribution network through direct pumping. There is also a generator house with
generator seat.

At this pumping station, Water from this borehole (EBH-2) is connected with riser GS pipe of
DN 80mm, and different fittings like Check Valve, Air Release valve. The fittings connect the
riser pipes with collector GI pipe of DN 80mm and PN 16, which are directly connected with the
distribution system.

Pumping Station at EBH-3: This borehole, which is drilled and constructed in 2008, is
pumped using submersible pump of unknown power and discharge capacity. The present
power supply for the submersible pump is from national grid power, using transformer installed
inside the pumping station. There is also a standby generator with a capacity 60 KVA at the
pumping station. There is a generator house with generator seat for this well.

At the moment, this borehole is not functional due to pump failure. Water from this well was
delivered directly to various parts of the existing distribution network through direct pumping.
This borehole (EBH-3) is connected with riser GS pipe of DN 80mm, and different fittings like
Check Valve, and Air Release valve installed inside the control room. The fittings connect the
riser pipe with collector pipe pipes of GI type with DN 80mm and PN 16.

Pumping Station at EBH-4: This borehole that was drilled and constructed in 2008, is
pumped using submersible pump of power and discharge capacity 4 l/s. The present power
supply for the submersible pump is from national grid power, using transformer installed inside
the pumping station. There is also a standby generator, having a capacity of 60 KVA, at the
pumping station. At present, this borehole is not functional due to pump failure. Water from this

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well was delivered directly to various parts of the existing distribution network through direct

At this pumping station, there is a generator house with generator seat and installed generator
capacity of 60 KVA, where the generator is installed to power the submersible pump.
The borehole (EBH-4) has riser pipe of GS type with DN 80, and different fittings like Check
Valve, Air Release valve, installed inside the control room. The pipes are then connected with
collector GI pipe types of DN 80mm and PN 16.

Pumping Station at EBH-5: This borehole, which was drilled and constructed in 2014, is
pumped using submersible pump of power and discharge capacity of 5 l/s. The present power
supply for the submersible pump is from national grid power, using transformer installed inside
the pumping station. There is no standby generator available at this pumping station.

Thus, there is no properly constructed control room. The existing control room is made from
corrugated iron sheet metal wall cladding.

The borehole is connected with riser pipe of GS type with DN 80; it also lacks fittings like
Check Valve, and Air Release valve. Water from this well is connected with collector OD 90 PN
10, HDPE pipe having a total length of 3,846m; finally, it joins with the inlet of 100m 3 elevated
concrete reservoir.

Pumping Station at EBH-6: This borehole was drilled and constructed in 2014. It is pumped
using submersible pump of power and discharge capacity 6 l/s. The present power supply for
the submersible pump is from national grid power, using transformer installed inside the
pumping station. There is no standby generator and properly constructed control room at this
pumping station. The existing control room is made from corrugated sheet metal wall cladding.
This borehole is connected with riser pipe of GS type with DN 80mm. It has no fittings like
Check Valve, and Air Release valve. The riser pipe is connected with collector OD 90mm, PN
10 HDPE pipe of total length 3,271m; finally, it joins with the inlet of 100m 3 elevated concrete

Pumping Station at EBH-7: This borehole was drilled and constructed in 2014. Water is
pumped from the well using submersible pump of power and discharge capacity 8 l/s.
The present power supply for the submersible pump is from national grid power, using
transformer installed inside the pumping station. There is no standby generator and
properly constructed control room at the pumping station. The existing control room is
made from corrugated sheet metal wall cladding.

The borehole has connected with riser GS pipe of DN 80, and missed different fittings
like Check Valve, and Air Release valve. The well is then connected with collector OD
90mm, PN 10 HDPE pipe. Finally, it is directly connected with the existing distribution

A.1.2 Dubti Town

A.1.2.1 Source
The current source of water supply for Dubti Town are three boreholes, where two of
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them (EBH-1 and EBH-2) are very old and were drilled in 2000G.C. One other well
drilled with these two is not functional. They are located at the western part of Dubti
town. The third borehole (EBH-3), which is located around the Dry Port well field, is
drilled in 2013.

The yield from each well of the two old boreholes is around 6 to 8 l/s. The current
pumping rate from BH-3 is around 12 l/s; but this well may give a safe yield of more than
40 l/s as it is discussed in the Hydrological Report. The two old boreholes supply water
to a rectangular shaped reservoir while the new borehole (EBH -3) supplies to a newly
constructed circular shaped of reservoir. The total production capacity for the town from
the boreholes is around 26l/s to supply the town demand.

A.1.2.2 Collector and Transmission Pipe System

Pressure Lines: The Previous Water supply system of Dubti town, which was
constructed in 2002G.C with a financial support of Japanese Government, was
connected to the old boreholes, to supply water to the town. These were pumped with
isolated GI pipes of diameter 65mm; they are connected with DCI pipe of DN 150m m
before joining the rectangular service ground reservoir of capacity 400m3.

The daily production of the old boreholes was not enough to fill the demand of Dubti
Town; thus, a new BH was drilled in new well field around Samara Dry Port. The water
from this wells is pumped with DN 150mm GI pipe of total length around 9.0km; it is
connected with newly constructed ground circular concrete reservoir, found around the
previous rectangular reservoir location, in the hilly topography at the entrance of the
town from Samara Town.

A.1.2.3 Storage Reservoir

Ground Rectangular Reservoir: - The largest reservoir in the town is the Rectangular RC
service ground reservoir, with a capacity of 400m3. This is located at hilly location of the
town, around the entrance road to Dubti from Samara Town. This reservoir was constructed
in 2002 with a financial support from the Japanese government. It was initially designed to be
supplied from all old three boreholes, which pumped with isolated GI pipes of diameter 65mm
and connected with DCI pipe of DN 150mm before it joins with this reservoir. Water is
supplied to users with distribution main of DCI type of DN 300mm, which is connected with
the rectangular service outlet.

Circular Ground Reservoir: -The second reservoir in the town is a Circular RC service
ground reservoir, with a capacity of 300m3. It is located in the same hilly place with the
previous rectangular reservoir. This reservoir was constructed in 2013 by Water Works
Construction Enterprise of the Afar Region. It was designed to be supplied from the new
borehole drilled around Samara Dry port, which pumped with transmission DCI pipe of
DN 150mm and finally connected with this reservoir. Water from this new circular
reservoir outlet is connected with previous distribution main of DCI DN 300mm.

A.1.2.4 Distribution System

The existing pipe distribution system of the Town is installed in two different construction
phases. The first distribution system was put in place in the year 2002G.C, using financial aid
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from Japanese government. This system was primarily made to serve the communities using
public water fountains and private connections. This system was connected with the
rectangular surface concrete service reservoir. There is no functional water meter at the inlet
and outlets of the rectangular service reservoir. The pipe distribution system comprises DCI,
GS, and PVC pipes of diameter ranging from 150mm to 50mm.

The second expansion of the distribution system was constructed using a finance from World
Bank, through Regional Water Bureau. The construction of the pipe distribution system
together with the new pressure line and circular service reservoir, was made by the Water
Works Construction Enterprise of the Afar Region. This distribution system expansion
comprises DCI, GS, and HDPE pipes of diameter ranging from 300 mm to 50mm.

The total length of the existing distribution pipe network is 16.2km. Pipe material type,
diameter and length of pipes in the distribution network is summarized and presented in table

Table A: 2 Existing distribution pipe system

Type of Pipe Diameter (mm) Length (m)
DCI 300 2,127
DCI 250 375
DCI 200 1,704
DCI 150 951
uPVC 100 1,061
uPVC 80 1,931
uPVC 65 1,379
uPVC 50 3,176
GI 100 246
GI 80 1,717
GI 50 1,559
Total All Diameter Pipes Length (Meter) 16,226

A.1.2.5 Public Fountains

According to the town Water Utility Office, residents of the town get water supply service via
14 public water taps (PWT). Among these, only three PWTs were operational during the field
survey. However, the Utility has also indicated that these are not even serving users as most
residents who have no connection prefer to collect water from shared taps.

Consequently, majority of the residents depend on private and shared taps in different parts
of the town for their daily water collection. Findings from the HH survey also confirm this fact.
Furthermore, the Tendaho Irrigation Canal is also used by some residents of the town, as an
additional source option.

A.1.2.6 Electromechanical Units

A. Electromechanical Units at Boreholes
As it is mentioned earlier, the Current water demand of the Dubti Town is fully dependent on
three boreholes, named here (EBH-1 to EBH-3), which were constructed on different well

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field areas. One of the three boreholes drilled together with the two functional wells is not
functional at this time. The pumping units of the functional three wells is dealt below.

Pumping Station at Borehole (EBH-1): Water from this borehole, which was drilled and
constructed in 2000G.C is pumped using submersible pump of power and discharge capacity
6 l/s .The present power supply for the submersible pump is from national grid power, using
transformer installed inside the pumping station. There is a lso a standby generator of
capacity 27KVA at the pumping station, which has minor defects.

At present, water from this borehole is pumped to the surface rectangular service reservoir of
400m3 capacity, through DN 150mm of DCI transmission pipe. This is i nstalled during the
first construction phase.

At this pumping station, Water from this borehole (EBH-1) is connected with riser GI pipe of
DN 65mm; different fittings connected there.

There is a good conditioned generator house of size 8X4m. The current functional
submersible pump was installed by the Regional Water Bureau. However, the production
capacity of this pump is complained by the town Utility staffs.

Pumping Station at Borehole (EBH-2): Water from this borehole, which was drilled and
constructed in 2000G.C, is pumped using submersible pump of power and discharge
capacity 8 l/s. The present power supply for the submersible pump is from national grid
power, using transformer installed inside the pumping station. There are also two standby
generators of the same capacity of 27KVA at pumping station. These generators are
currently working without any defect. Water from this well is pumped to the rectangular
ground service reservoir.

Water from this borehole (EBH-2) is connected with riser GI pipe of DN 65mm; different
fittings are also connected there. At this pumping station, there is a well – conditioned
generator house with generator seat; its size is 8m by 4m.

Pumping Station at Recent Borehole (EBH-3): This borehole and related structures are
built in the second phase of construction, in 2013. Water from this borehole, which was found
near the Samara Dry Port area, is pumped using submersible pump of discharge capacity 12
l/s. The present power supply for the submersible pump is from national grid power, using
transformer installed inside the pumping station. There is also a standby generator available
at the pumping station.

Water from this well is pumped using a riser GI pipes of diameter 150mm. It is connected to
the circular concrete surface reservoir. At this new pumping station, there is also well
conditioned generator house.

A.1.3 Semera Town

The existing water supply system of the Semera town is constructed by water works
construction enterprise in the year 2011 and has been serving for the last eleven years.

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And also 1n the year 2018 additional new two borehole and transmission line was

The system has two boosting stations, one elevated water tanker, Raising main and
distribution network. The existing water sources of Semera town are four boreholes: namely
Borehole 1(BH1), Borehole2 (BH2), Borehole 3(BH3) and Borehole 4(BH4). With yield
capacity of 5l/s, 6l/s and 7l/s respectively, and NBH1 and NBH2 with the yield capacity 20l/s
and 30 l/s respectively. Currently only 2 boreholes (NBH1 and NBH2) are functional. All the
boreholes are located around Logia town.

One of the boosting stations is located adjacent to Logia town consists of one 500m3
storage capacity collection chamber, three surface pumps and four standby generators of
60KVA and the second pumping station is in Semera town in the same area of elevated
water tanker consists of two ground reservoirs with storage capacity of each 1000m3, four
surface pumps with discharge capacity of each 15 l/s and 24m head and one standby
generator of 62KVA and one elevated water tanker with storage capacity of 500m3.There
are four collector pipes of 3” diameter GS pipes that convey water from boreholes to
collection chamber at logia boosting station and one transmissi on main 8” DCI pipes from
logia boosting station to semera boosting station.

The existing distribution network has total length 18.0km of DCI pipe with various

A.1.4 Assayita Town

A.1.4.1 Sources
The water sources for the town are boreholes. The two functional boreholes (BH), BH3&
BH4, with a pump discharge capacity of 8.6 &11.5 L/sec produce 309.6 & 331.2m3/day
respectively. They produce a total of 640.8m3/day. On the Other hand, taking the 2 months
recorded production data average to calculate the annual production is estimated to be
242,689.5m3 or 664.9m3/day and it is assumed to be reliable .BH3 has high drawdown
during hot season.
The new bore hole, BH5 drilled by the 25 towns Water Supply Rehabilitation & Development
Project has a yield capacity of 25 l/se c is not yet completed and handed over to the utility.

A.1.4.2 Pumps and Generators

The functional boreholes BH3 & BH4 have submersible pumps installed in each of them and
operate 10 & 8hrs/day respectively. They operate by an electric power s upply from the
town. BH4 has a non-functional standby on-site generator but BH3 has not. The new station
(BH5) has a submersible pump and on site generator. But from our field observation the
conditions they are handled is not good.

A.1.4.3 Transmission

The transmission has a total length of 2.8km. There is a new transmission line laid from the
new borehole (BH5) to the reservoir that is not working. The buried riser main line is highly

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corroded due to the salty nature of the soil but no leakage is observed. There are resident
houses and latrines built near the boreholes and the transmission lines.

A.1.4.4 Storage and Treatment Facilities

There are circular elevated concrete and rectangular ground level masonry reservoirs each
with a capacity of 100m3 in a compound. The reservoir base is elevated at 12m and as the
ladder is anchored at the external part of reservoir and is long and old it is difficult to climb
and wash the reservoir. As the inlet diameter of the reservoir is higher than the outlet
continuous overflow is occurred and the operator is forced to stop the pump which might
bring failure. There are many cracks observed on the reservoirs. There is a separate
chlorination room with treatment facilities in the compound, but it is not han ded over to the
utility & not working.

A.1.4.5 Distribution
The distribution line consists of Ductile Cast Iron (DCI), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Asbestos
and Galvanized Steel (GS) pipes of different sizes and the total length is 27.0km. There are
some leakages observed due to the use of inappropriate fittings and old pipe line.
There is a new distribution line aligned from the reservoir to small part of the town, but is not
connected to the reservoir out let. There are many private connections laid on the main
distribution line which cause the burst out of the connected pipe lines and leakage
around the connection point. There are about 6.5km old pipes that need replacement. The
present population served is estimated to be 14,222 and accounts for 50 % of the population.

A.1.5 Assayita and Afambo Rural Village

In the water supply project area, we have found no existing water supply scheme in operation
during the site visit. Hence, there is no existing water supply infrastructure to be incorporated in
the new scheme except some component found in Henele kebele Hameltoli village in assayta
wereda and Alesabulo kebele in afambo wereda have 50m3 Elevated service reservoir and
water point for each village.

A.1.6 Serdo Town

The existing water supply system of the Serdo Town was constructed by Afar water works
construction enterprise, Studied and Supervised consulted by Afar Design and Supervision
Works Enterprise (ADSWE) and its investment being implemented by Afar Water, Irrigation
and Energy Bureau in the year 2018 years. Due to the excess TDS concentration of the Serdo,
well field cannot meet the required standards set by both WHO Guidelines, and the treatment
plant of desalination plant was constructed.

A.1.7 Dichato Town

There is no existing piped water supply distribution system in Dicheto town. Currently water
supply of the town is from drilled borehole fitted with submersible pump, short Galvanized Steel
Pipe transmission (about 250meter long), Small water tank mounted on about 2meter high
Masonry wall and only one water point near by the well.

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Afar National Regional State

Design and Supervision Works Enterprise

Appendix B

Appendix B
Electro-mechanical Components

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Water Supply from Tendaho Dam to residents in nearby Multi-Towns and


ANNEX-1a: Elevation & Proposed Flow

Intake and Treatment Plant

OGL Flow
Phase Site
(masl) (m3/d) (l/s) (m3/s)
Raw water pump station (RWPS) 370 21,683 251 0.25
Traetment plant
Clear water pump station (CWPS) 390 19,712 228 0.23
Service water pump to elevated 390 20 0.02
Main Reservoir 495
II Intake
Raw water pump station (RWPS) 370 29,486 341 0.34
Traetment plant
Clear water pump station (CWPS) 390 26,805 310 0.31
Service water pump to elevated 390 20 0.02
Main Reservoir 495

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ANNEX-1b: Selection of pipe

Pump stations

For the design of suction and discharge piping and the transmission pipeline from the
pump stations to their respective Systerns, a flow velocity limit of 0.6 to 1.5 meter/sec
is adopted. .

V = Velocity of water in
Where: - pipe in m/sec
Q = Design
discharge in
D = Diameter of Selected pipe in

P Q Dmax. Dmin. ded pipe
ha Site dia.
se (m3/s (m (mm
ec) (m) m) (m) ) (mm) (m)
Raw water pump to 0.7 0.4 461.
Treatment plant 3 730 6 68 500 150
Treatment plant /CWPS 0.7 0.4 440.
I 0.23
to Main Reservoir 0 696 4 20 550 1,500
Service water pump to 0.2 0.1 130.
0.02 206 150 50
elevated back wash tank 1 3 33
Raw water pump to 0.8 0.5 538.
Treatment plant 5 851 4 38 500 150
Treatment plant /CWPS 0.8 0.5 513.
II 0.31
to Main Reservoir 1 812 1 32 550 1,500
Service water pump to 0.2 0.1 130.
0.02 206 150 50
elevated back wash tank 1 3 33

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ANNEX-1c: Total Dynamic Head calculations and Pump

Pump stations

Major loss (Pipe loss)

Major loss (Pipe loss): is the friction or dynamic loss along the flow of the water
inside the pipe line, for this calculation we used Hazen Williams formula

Where: Hf – Friction loss in pipe in meters

L – Length of transmission pipe in
Q – Discharge in
C – Roughness coefficient for pipe
E 130
DCI 120
D – Diameter of pipe in

Si. L Q Q D Hf V
No Description
(l/se (m3/se (mm (m/se
(m) (m)
c) c) ) c)
Phase-I Intake
/RWPS to
Treatment plant
(A) Pump Station: RWPS
Type of transmission main: DCI
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 500
Total length of
transmission main (m): 150
Number of duty pumps: 4
Pump configuration: Single by
pump capacity (l/s): 63
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 226

1 Static Head Delivery

Maximum Water Level
(masl) = 395.0

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Intake Minimum Water

level (masl) = 370.5

2 Head loss
Major loss
Treatment 150 251 0.25 500 0.52 1.3
a Transmission Main (DCI) plant
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.05
Total Head loss 0.57

TDH (1 + 2) 25.07

Treatment plant /CWPS

to Main Reservoir
(B) Pump Station: CWPS
Type of transmission main: DCI
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 550
Total length of
transmission main (m): 1,500
Number of duty pumps: 4
Pump configuration: by
Single pump capacity (l/s): 57
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 205

1 Static Head Delivery

Maximum Water Level
(masl) = 500.0
Intake Minimum Water
level (masl) = 390.5

2 Head loss
Major loss
to Main 1,50
228 0.23 550 2.72 1.0
a Transmission Main (DCI) reservoir 0
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.27
Total Head loss 2.99

TDH (1 + 2) 9

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(C) Service water pump

to elevated back wash
Type of transmission main: Steel
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 150
Total length of
transmission main (m): 50
Number of duty pumps: 2
Pump configuration: by
Single pump capacity (l/s): 10
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 36

1 Static Head Delivery

Maximum Water Level
(masl) = 415.0
Intake Minimum Water
level (masl) = 390.5

2 Head loss
Major loss
to Elev. 50 20 0.02 150 0.56 1.1
a Transmission Main (DCI) reservoir
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.06
Total Head loss 0.62

TDH (1 + 2) 25.12

Intake /RWPS to
Treatment plant
(A) Pump Station: RWPS
Type of transmission main: DCI
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 500
Total length of
transmission main (m): 150
Number of duty pumps: 6
Pump configuration: Single by
pump capacity (l/s): Single 57
pump capacity (m3/h):
Static Head
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Delivery Maximum Water

Level (masl) = Intake 395.0
Minimum Water level
(masl) = 370.5

2 Head loss
Major loss
Treatment 150 341 0.34 500 0.91 1.7
a Transmission Main (DCI) plant
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.09
Total Head loss 1.00

TDH (1 + 2) 25.50

Treatment plant /CWPS

to Main Reservoir
(B) Pump Station: CWPS
Type of transmission main: DCI
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 550
Total length of
transmission main (m): 1,500
Number of duty pumps: 6
Pump configuration: by
Single pump capacity (l/s): 57
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 205

1 Static Head Delivery

Maximum Water Level
(masl) = 500.0
Intake Minimum Water
level (masl) = 390.5

2 Head loss
Major loss
to Main 1,50
341 0.34 550 5.73 1.4
a Transmission Main (Steel) reservoir 0
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.57
Total Head loss 6.31

TDH (1 + 2) 1

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(C) Service water pump

to elevated back wash
Type of transmission main: Steel
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 150
Total length of
transmission main (m): 50
Number of duty pumps: 2
Pump configuration: by
Single pump capacity (l/s): 10
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 36

1 Static Head
Delivery Maximum Water
Level (masl) = 415.0
Intake Minimum Water
level (masl) = 390.5
2 Head loss
Major loss
to Elev.
50 20 0.02 150 0.56 1.1
a Transmission Main (DCI) reservoir
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.06
Total Head loss 0.62

TDH (1 + 2) 25.12

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9-, 2
2a02: 1Pump drive motor calculation and
Pump stations

No. of No. of Motor Motor
Head Flow motor
Pumping station duty standby power current
(m) (l/s) power
pumps pumps (Kw) (A)

Raw water pump to Treatment
plant 4 1 25.07 62.74 22.63 42 22
Clear water pump (CWP) 4 1 112.49 57.04 92.32 209 110
Service water pump to elevated
back wash tank 2 1 25.00 10.00 3.60 14 7.5
Air blower pump (ABP) 1 1 6 57 30
Raw water pump to Treatment
plant 6 1 25.50 56.88 20.87 42 22
Pump Station: CWPS 6 1 115.81 56.88 94.77 209 110
Service water pump to elevated
back wash tank 2 1 25.00 10.00 3.60 14 7.5
Air blower pump (ABP) 1 1 6 333.3 28.77 57 30

ANNEX-2b Selection of Main & Standby power

Water treatment plant

Adding 10% allowance, the minimum rating of the power transformer (in KVA)
=1.1 x [(2.5 + n - 1) x P / PF +
Auxiliary power]

= [(2.5 + n - 1) x P / PF] / DF

Auxiliary power is asumed to be 10


PF: Power factor
DF: Derating factor for site conditions
Is: Starting current in ampere (=2.5In)
In: Nominal current in
P: Pump drive motor power in Kw
n: Total numbers of pumps running in parallel

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Numbe Numbe Calculate Calculated Selected

Si. Motor r of r of d diesel standard
no Pump station ID capacit Duty Standb generator transforme
r rating
. y [kW] pumps y rating r rating
Raw water pump
1 22 4 1 110 110
to Treatment plant
Clear water pump
2 110 4 1 413 766
Service water
pump to elevated 8 2 1 19 19
3 back wash tank
Air blower pump
30 1 1 38 38
4 (ABP)
Total power (KVA) 609 1,026 1225
Raw water pump
22 6 1 165 165
1 to Treatment plant
Pump Station:
110 6 1 550 1,041
Service water
pump to elevated 8 2 1 19 19
3 back wash tank
Air blower pump
30 1 1 38 38
4 (ABP)
Total power (KVA) 812 1,329 1500

ANNEX-2c: Cost of electrical


Ce (Auxiliaries) = Pa x Ha x Nd x Pe Ce
(Pump drive motors)= Pm x Hm x Nd x Pe

Ce : the cost of electrical energy in
Pa : the auxillary power in kW
Ha : auxillary running hours per day
Pm : the motor power in kW
Hm : motor running hours per day
Nd : number of days per year 365
Pe : electrical energy in Birr/kWh (above
500 kWh/month) 2.48

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January , 2022

the flat rate of electrical energy in

Birr/kWh 1.76

Numbe Require
Pa Ha Pm Hm
Pump station r of d power
name duty
pumps (Hrs. (Hrs. Pump drive
(kW) (kW) (MW) Auxiliaries Total
) ) motors

Raw water
pump to 2 5 12 22 24 0.027 54,312.00 955,891.20 1,010,203.20
Treatment plant
Pump Station:
108,624.0 9,558,912.0 10,004,270.4
CWPS to main 4 10 12 110 24 0.12
0 0 0
Service water
pump to
2 0 7.5 24 0.0075 325,872.00
elevated back
wash tank
Air blower pump
1 0 30 0.4 0.03 10,862.40
Total (MW) 0.18 Grand total (Birr/year)
Raw water
108,624.0 2,867,673.6
pump to 6 10 12 22 24 0.032 2,976,297.60
0 0
Treatment plant
Pump Station:
108,624.0 14,338,368. 14,786,442.0
CWPS to main 6 10 12 110 24 0.12
0 00 0
Service water
pump to
2 0 7.5 24 0.0075 325,872.00
elevated back
wash tank
Air blower pump
1 0 30 0.5 0.03 13,578.00
Total (MW) 0.19 Grand total (Birr/year)

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January , 2022

Water Supply from Tendaho Dam to residents in nearby Multi-Towns and Villages

Det’bahri Water Treatment Plant


ANNEX-1a: Elevation & Proposed Flow

Intake and Treatment Plant

OGL Flow
Phase Site
(masl) (m3/d) (l/s) (m3/s)
Raw water pump station (RWPS) 347 21,940 254 0.25
Treatment plant
Clear water pump station (CWPS) 366.78 16,728 194 0.19
Service water pump to elevated 366.78 20 0.02
Main Reservoir 368
Raw water pump station (RWPS) 347 28,996 336 0.34
Treatment plant
Clear water pump station (CWPS) 366.78 22,676 262 0.26
Service water pump to elevated 366.78 20 0.02
Main Reservoir 368

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January , 2022

ANNEX-1b: Selection of pipe

Pump stations

For the design of suction and discharge piping and the transmission pipeline from the
pump stations to their respective Systerns, a flow velocity limit of 0.6 to 1.5 meter/sec
is adopted. .

V = Velocity of water in
Where: - pipe in m/sec
Q = Design
discharge in
D = Diameter of Selected pipe in

P Q Dmax. Dmin. ded pipe
ha Site dia.
se (m3/s (m (mm
ec) (m) m) (m) ) (mm) (m)
Raw water pump to 0.7 0.4
Treatment plant 3 734 6 464 500 150
Treatment plant /CWPS 0.6 0.4 35,33
I 0.19
to Main Reservoir 4 641 1 406 450 1
Service water pump to 0.2 0.1
0.02 206 130 150 50
elevated back wash tank 1 3
Raw water pump to 0.8 0.5
Treatment plant 4 844 3 534 550 150
Treatment plant /CWPS 0.7 0.4 35,33
II 0.26
to Main Reservoir 5 747 7 472 500 1
Service water pump to 0.2 0.1
0.02 206 130 150 50
elevated back wash tank 1 3

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January , 2022

ANNEX-1c: Total Dynamic Head calculations and Pump

Pump stations

Major loss (Pipe loss)

Major loss (Pipe loss): is the friction or dynamic loss along the flow of the water
inside the pipe line, for this calculation we used Hazen Williams formula

Where: Hf – Friction loss in pipe in meters

L – Length of transmission pipe in
Q – Discharge in
C – Roughness coefficient for pipe
E 130
DCI 120
D – Diameter of pipe in

Si. L Q Q D Hf V
No Description
(l/se (m3/se (mm (m/se
(m) (m)
c) c) ) c)
Phase-I Intake
/RWPS to
Treatment plant
(A) Pump Station: RWPS
Type of transmission main: DCI
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 500
Total length of
transmission main (m): 150
Number of duty pumps: 4
Pump configuration: Single by
pump capacity (l/s): 63
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 229

1 Static Head Delivery

Maximum Water Level
(masl) = 371.8

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January , 2022

Intake Minimum Water

level (masl) = 347.5

2 Head loss
Major loss
Treatment 150 254 0.25 550 0.33 1.1
a Transmission Main (DCI) plant
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.03
Total Head loss 0.37

TDH (1 + 2) 24.65

Treatment plant /CWPS

to Main Reservoir
(B) Pump Station: CWPS
Type of transmission main: DCI
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 500
Total length of
transmission main (m): 35,331
Number of duty pumps: 4
Pump configuration: by
Single pump capacity (l/s): 48
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 174

1 Static Head Delivery

Maximum Water Level
(masl) = 373.0
Intake Minimum Water
level (masl) = 367.3

2 Head loss
Major loss
to Main 35,3
194 0.19 500 75.28 1.0
a Transmission Main (DCI) reservoir 31
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 7.53
Total Head loss 82.81

TDH (1 + 2) 88.53

(C) Service water pump

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January , 2022

to elevated back wash

Type of transmission main: Steel
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 150
Total length of
transmission main (m): 50
Number of duty pumps: 2
Pump configuration: by
Single pump capacity (l/s): 10
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 36

1 Static Head Delivery

Maximum Water Level
(masl) = 415.0
Intake Minimum Water
level (masl) = 390.5

2 Head loss
Major loss
to Elev. 50 20 0.02 150 0.56 1.1
a Transmission Main (DCI) reservoir
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.06
Total Head loss 0.62

TDH (1 + 2) 25.12

Phase-II Intake
/RWPS to
Treatment plant
(A) Pump Station: RWPS
Type of transmission main: DCI
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 550
Total length of
transmission main (m): 150
Number of duty pumps: 6
Pump configuration: Single by
pump capacity (l/s): Single 56
pump capacity (m3/h):
Static Head

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January , 2022

Delivery Maximum Water

Level (masl) = Intake 371.8
Minimum Water level
(masl) = 347.5

2 Head loss
Major loss
Treatment 150 336 0.34 550 0.56 1.4
a Transmission Main (DCI) plant
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.06
Total Head loss 0.61

TDH (1 + 2) 24.89

Treatment plant /CWPS

to Main Reservoir
(B) Pump Station: CWPS
Type of transmission main: DCI
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 500
Total length of
transmission main (m): 35,331
Number of duty pumps: 6
Pump configuration: by
Single pump capacity (l/s): 44
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 157

1 Static Head Delivery

Maximum Water Level
(masl) = 373.0
Intake Minimum Water
level (masl) = 367.3

2 Head loss
Major loss
to Main 35,3 132.1
262 0.26 500 1.3
a Transmission Main (Steel) reservoir 31 6
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 13.22
Total Head loss 8

TDH (1 + 2) 0
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January , 2022

(C) Service water pump

to elevated back wash
Type of transmission main: Steel
Diameter of transmission
main (mm): 150
Total length of
transmission main (m): 50
Number of duty pumps: 2
Pump configuration: by
Single pump capacity (l/s): 10
Single pump capacity
(m3/h): 36

1 Static Head
Delivery Maximum Water
Level (masl) = 415.0
Intake Minimum Water
level (masl) = 390.5
2 Head loss
Major loss
to Elev.
50 20 0.02 150 0.56 1.1
a Transmission Main (DCI) reservoir
b Minor losses (Fitting loss): 0.06
Total Head loss 0.62

TDH (1 + 2) 25.12

Afar Design and Construction supervision works Enterprise

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ANNEX-2a: Pump drive motor calculation and
Pump stations
Pre-Feasibility Report [Final] 180

Consultancy Service for Pre-Feasibility Study of Providing Safe Water Supply from Tendaho Dam To residents in Selected
Nearby Multi-Towns and Villages No. of No. of Motor Motor
DecemberP 0u9,m
20p2i1ng station
Head Flow motor
duty standby power current
(m) (l/s) power
pumps pumps (Kw) (A)

Raw water pump to Treatment
plant 4 1 24.65 63 22.63 42 22
Clear water pump (CWP) 4 1 88.53 48 92.32 86 45
Service water pump to elevated
back wash tank 2 1 25.12 10 3.60 14 7.5
Air blower pump (ABP) 1 1 6 57 30
Raw water pump to Treatment
plant 6 1 24.89 56 20.87 42 22
Pump Station: CWPS 6 1 151.10 44 94.77 251 132
Service water pump to elevated
back wash tank 2 1 25.12 10 3.60 14 7.5
Air blower pump (ABP) 1 1 6 333.3 28.77 57 30

ANNEX-2b Selection of Main & Standby power

Water treatment plant

Adding 10% allowance, the minimum rating of the power transformer (in KVA)
=1.1 x [(2.5 + n - 1) x P / PF +
Auxiliary power]

= [(2.5 + n - 1) x P / PF] / DF

Auxiliary power is asumed to be 10


PF: Power factor
DF: Derating factor for site conditions
Is: Starting current in ampere (=2.5In)

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December 09, 2021

In: Nominal current in

P: Pump drive motor power in Kw
n: Total numbers of pumps running in parallel

Numbe Numbe Calculate Calculated Selected

Si. Motor r of r of d diesel standard
no Pump station ID capacit Duty Standb generator transforme
r rating
. y [kW] pumps y rating r rating
Raw water pump
1 22 4 1 110 110
to Treatment plant
Clear water pump
2 45 4 1 169 309
Service water
pump to elevated 7.5 2 1 19 19
3 back wash tank
Air blower pump
30 1 1 38 38
4 (ABP)
Total power (KVA) 353 523 630
Raw water pump
22 6 1 165 165
1 to Treatment plant
Pump Station:
132 6 1 660 1,238
Service water
pump to elevated 7.5 2 1 19 19
3 back wash tank
Air blower pump
30 1 1 38 38
4 (ABP)
Total power (KVA) 928 1,605 2,000

ANNEX-2c: Cost of
electrical energy

Ce (Auxiliaries) = Pa x Ha x Nd x Pe Ce
(Pump drive motors)= Pm x Hm x Nd x Pe

Ce : the cost of electrical energy in
Pa : the auxillary power in kW
Ha : auxillary running hours per day

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December 09, 2021

Pm : the motor power in kW

Hm : motor running hours per day
Nd : number of days per year 365
Pe : electrical energy in Birr/kWh (above
500 kWh/month) 2.48
the flat rate of electrical energy in
Birr/kWh 1.76

Numbe r Require
Pa Ha Pm Hm
Pump station of duty d power
name pumps
(Hrs. (Hrs. Pump drive
(kW) (kW) (MW) Auxiliaries Total
) ) motors

Raw water
pump to 2 5 12 22 24 0.027 54,312.00 1,966,094.40
Treatment plant
Pump Station:
108,624.0 3,910,464.0
CWPS to main 4 10 12 45 24 0.055 4,355,822.40
0 0
Service water
pump to
2 0 7.5 24 0.0075 325,872.00
elevated back
wash tank
Air blower pump
1 0 30 0.4 0.03 10,862.40
Total (MW) 0.18 Grand total (Birr/year)

Raw water
108,624.0 2,867,673.6
pump to 6 10 12 22 24 0.032 2,976,297.60
0 0
Treatment plant
Pump Station:
108,624.0 17,206,041. 17,654,115.6
CWPS to main 6 10 12 132 24 0.142
0 60 0
Service water
pump to
2 0 7.5 24 0.0075 325,872.00
elevated back
wash tank
Air blower pump
1 0 30 0.5 0.03 13,578.00
Total (MW) 0.19 Grand total (Birr/year) 0

Afar Design and Construction supervision works Enterprise

211209_Pre-Feasibility Study for Tandaho Dam Final Report Rev0

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