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COL1A1 (3G3): sc-293182

The extensive family of COL gene products (collagens) is composed of several Store at 4° C, **DO NOT FREEZE**. Stable for one year from the date of
chain types, including fibril-forming interstitial collagens (types I, II, III and V) shipment. Non-hazardous. No MSDS required.
and basement membrane collagens (type IV), each type containing multiple
isoforms. Collagens are fibrous, extracellular matrix proteins with high tensile DATA
strength and are the major components of connective tissue, such as tendons
and cartilage. All collagens contain a triple helix domain and frequently show
222 K –
lateral self-association in order to form complex connective tissues. Several
collagens also play a role in cell adhesion, important for maintaining normal < COL1A1
tissue architecture and function.


1. Bateman, J.F., et al. 1996. Collagen superfamily. In Comper, W.D., ed.,

Extracellular Matrix, Vol. 2: Molecular Components and Interactions.
COL1A1 (3G3): sc-293182. Western blot analysis of COL1A1 (3G3): sc-293182. Immunoperoxidase staining
Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 22-67. COL1A1 expression in Hs 732.Sk/Mu whole cell of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human pancreas
lysate. tissue showing cytoplasmic staining.
2. McCarthy, J.B., et al. 1996. Cell adhesion to collagenous matrices.
Biopolymers 40: 371-381. SELECT PRODUCT CITATIONS
3. Myers, L.K., et al. 1997. Collagen-induced arthritis, an animal model of 1. Zhou, N., et al. 2016. BMP2 induces chondrogenic differentiation, osteo-
autoimmunity. Life Sci. 61: 1861-1878. genic differentiation and endochondral ossification in stem cells. Cell
Tissue Res. 366: 101-111.
2. Han, J. and Wang, W. 2017. Effects of tanshinol on markers of bone
Genetic locus: COL1A1 (human) mapping to 17q21.33; Col1a1 (mouse) turnover in ovariectomized rats and osteoblast cultures. PLoS ONE
mapping to 11 D. 12: e0181175.
SOURCE 3. Zhang, B., et al. 2018. Hypoxia induces endothelial-mesenchymal transition
in pulmonary vascular remodeling. Int. J. Mol. Med. 42: 270-278.
COL1A1 (3G3) is a mouse monoclonal antibody raised against a recombinant
protein corresponding to amino acids 1021-1108 of Collagen a1 Type I of 4. Zheng, W., et al. 2019. Carvedilol alleviates diabetic cardiomyopathy in
human origin. diabetic rats. Exp. Ther. Med. 17: 479-487.
5. Xu, Y., et al. 2020. A positive feedback loop of TET3 and TGF-β1 promotes
PRODUCT liver fibrosis. Cell Rep. 30: 1310-1318.e5.
Each vial contains 100 µg IgG3 kappa light chain in 1.0 ml of PBS with < 0.1%
6. Liu, W., et al. 2020. Sodium aescinate significantly suppress postoperative
sodium azide and 0.1% gelatin.
peritoneal adhesion by inhibiting the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway.
Phytomedicine 69: 153193.
COL1A1 (3G3) is recommended for detection of Collagen a1 Type I of mouse, 7. De Micheli, A.J., et al. 2020. Single-cell analysis of the muscle stem cell
rat and human origin by Western Blotting (starting dilution 1:200, dilution hierarchy identifies heterotypic communication signals involved in skeletal
range 1:100-1:1000), immunoprecipitation [1-2 µg per 100-500 µg of total muscle regeneration. Cell Rep. 30: 3583-3595.e5.
protein (1 ml of cell lysate)], immunofluorescence (starting dilution 1:50, dilu- 8. Licini, C., et al. 2020. Analysis of multiple protein detection methods in
tion range 1:50-1:500), immunohistochemistry (including paraffin-embedded human osteoporotic bone extracellular matrix: from literature to practice.
sections) (starting dilution 1:50, dilution range 1:50-1:500) and solid phase Bone 137: 115363.
ELISA (starting dilution 1:30, dilution range 1:30-1:3000).
9. Okur, M.E., et al. 2020. In vivo wound healing and in vitro anti-inflammatory
Suitable for use as control antibody for COL1A1 siRNA (h): sc-44041, activity evaluation of Phlomis russeliana extract gel formulations. Molecules
COL1A1 siRNA (m): sc-44044, COL1A1 shRNA Plasmid (h): sc-44041-SH, 25: 2695.
COL1A1 shRNA Plasmid (m): sc-44044-SH, COL1A1 shRNA (h) Lentiviral
10.Wang, X., et al. 2020. Roseotoxin B alleviates cholestatic liver fibrosis
Particles: sc-44041-V and COL1A1 shRNA (m) Lentiviral Particles:
through inhibiting PDGF-B/PDGFR-β pathway in hepatic stellate cells. Cell
Death Dis. 11: 458.
Molecular Weight of COL1A1 precursor: 140-210 kDa.
Molecular Weight of mature COL1A1: 70-90 kDa. RESEARCH USE
For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Positive Control: Hs 732.Sk/Mu whole cell lysate: sc-364362.

Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. 1.800.457.3801 831.457.3800 fax 831.457.3801 Europe +00800 4573 8000 49 6221 4503 0

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