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Elkana Daniel Zoungrana First / final draft

1520 WG
Jessica K. Anderson
January 23, 2024

One reason many people want to visit Asia is to see Japan. In many people’s opinions,

the best places to visit in Japan are Tokyo and Kyoto. Tokyo is a very modern city with many

tall buildings. In fact, the skyscrapers in Tokyo are some of the tallest buildings in the world.

However, the city skyline with these incredibly tall buildings does not look like the scenery in

Kyoto at all. Life in Kyoto moves more slowly than life in Tokyo. Kyoto is not only smaller

but also much older. Kyoto was the capital of Japan a long time ago. There are still many

historic buildings in Kyoto, so tourists can see them all over the city. Life in these two places

is quite different, and tourists visit each city for very different reasons.

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