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Week 1-2: Linux Fundamentals and Command Line

Basic Linux commands: ls, cd, mkdir, cp, mv, rm, chmod, chown, etc.

File system navigation and management

Users and Groups: User creation, password management, group administration

File permissions and ownership

Text processing tools: grep, sed, awk

Shell scripting basics

Week 3-4: System Administration and Networking

Package management: apt, yum, rpm

Process management: ps, top, kill, systemctl

System monitoring and resource utilization: free, df, du

Network configuration: ifconfig, ip, netstat

SSH and remote access

Firewalls and iptables basics

Week 5-6: Advanced System Management

Disk management: LVM (Logical Volume Management)

Filesystem hierarchy and structure

Advanced shell scripting: loops, conditionals, functions

Cron jobs and scheduling tasks

Managing services: systemctl, service, init.d scripts

Week 7-8: Security and Permissions

User and group permissions: umask, sudo

PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)

Secure communication: OpenSSL, SSH key management

Security updates and patch management

Week 9-10: Networking and Troubleshooting

Network services: DNS, DHCP, NTP

Network troubleshooting tools: ping, traceroute, nslookup

Analyzing log files: /var/log

Performance tuning and optimization: sysctl

Final Days: Practice and Interview Preparation

Review and reinforce any weak areas based on your practice

Set up a virtual lab environment to experiment with various Linux scenarios

Practice answering common interview questions related to Linux administration and DevOps concepts

Prepare real-world examples where you've resolved Linux-related challenges

Consider doing mock interviews to simulate the interview experience

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