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TCP is a connection-oriented UDP is a simple, connectionless

protocol protocol
TCP incurs additional The segments of communication in
overhead to gain functions. UDP are called datagrams. UDP
Additional functions specified by sends datagrams as “best effort.”
TCP are same-order delivery,
reliable delivery, and flow control
Each TCP segment has 20 bytes of each UDP segment has only 8
overhead in the header bytes of overhead
encapsulating the application layer
Web browsers , E-mail , Domain Name System(DNS),Video
File transfers streaming ,Voice over IP (VoIP)

RING Topology:

Advantages Disadvantages
Ring networks offer high performance Relatively expensive and difficult to
for a small number of workstations or install.
for larger networks where each
station has a similar workload.
Ring networks can span longer Failure of one computer on the network
distances than other types of can affect the whole network.
Ring networks are easily extendable. It is difficult to find fault in a ring network

Unlike Bus topology, there is no signal Adding or removing computers can

loss in Ring topology because the disrupt the network
tokens are data packets that are
re-generated at each node.
MESH Topology Advantages Disadvantages

Point-to-point link makes fault The amount of cabling required is

isolation easy. high.
Network problems are easier to A large number of I/O
diagnose (input/output) ports are required.
Privacy between computers is
maintained as messages travel
along dedicated path.
Yield the greatest amount of
redundancy in the event that one
of the nodes fails where network
traffic can be redirected to another

Single-Mode Multi mode

Small glass core: 8-10 microns Larger core: 50 + microns , can be
glass or plastic
Less dispersion of light Greater dispersion (loss of light )

Longer distance: Up to about 100 Shorter distance: Up to 2 km

Uses lasers as light source Uses LEDs as light source on
shorter runs
Difference Between Router and Switch
What are the Three Methods of Switching that are used by the Switch?

What are the differences between the applications thatuses TCP and UDP?

When should you enable TCP UDP is best suited for transferring a
data transfer? Most data steady flow of live data. This allows
transfers automatically use the many users to access data easily
best protocol option. But in and quickly, if not in perfect
certain circumstances — such as condition. A good example is
when using a VPN — you may playing an online game. UDP can
need to choose a protocol to keep the action moving in spite of
optimize your browsing potential errors or data loss. Here
experience. Enable TCP for the are a few applications of UDP in
following activities: real life.
• Email and text • Online gaming
messaging • Multicasting
• Streaming pre- • Video
recorded content on chatting/conferencing
sites like Netflix, • VoIP (in-app voice
Hulu, or HBO Max calling)
• Transferring files • Domain Name
between apps and Systems (which
devices translates domain
• General web names into IP
browsing addresses)
• Remote device or
Advantages of Static Routing Disadvantages of Static Routing

Easily implemented in a small Only suitable for the small network

network like LAN cannot work for a large network
It provides more security no Complexity automatically increased
advertisement send with data as when the network grows
like dynamic routing
It is very predictable, as the Managing static configuration in the
route to the destination is large network become very complex
always the same and very time taking
No complex algorithm is If one link fails it affects the whole
required network
Required no mechanism for In the failure of one link in static, it
updating cannot route traffic
Require no extra resources like It cannot support complex routing
CPU and memory etc. algorithm

Advantages of dynamic routing Disadvantages of dynamic Routing

Suitable in all topologies where many More complex in implementation

routers are required
Easily used in a large network Less secure than static routing
because of a multicast routing
Mostly independent to network size An additional configuration setting
is required such as a routing
protocol, passive interfaces to
increase security
Failure of one link cannot affect the Required additional resources like
whole network memory CPU and link bandwidth

It supports more complex routing

BUS Topology
Advantage Disadvantage
Simple to install If main is damaged , the whole
network will fail
Cheap to install As more workstations are
connected to the network , the
network performance will become
Less cable is used compare to any Every workstation can access all
other topologies the data on the network (Security
Issues )

Network bandwidth vs. throughput: What's the difference?

Bandwidth and throughput both indicate network performance.
The terms are often used together, but bandwidth refers to
capacity, while throughput details how much data actually

The difference between goodput and throughput is that

throughput is the measurement of all data flowing through a link
whether it is useful data or not, while goodput is focused on
useful data only Throughput measurements, such as those reported by
router interface statistics, cannot distinguish the nature of the data
flowing through the interface — merely that bits have gone
past. Throughput is not the same as goodput because throughput can
include undesirable data such as data retransmissions, or overhead data
such as protocol wrappers
STAR Topology
Advantages Disadvantages

It is more reliable It is expensive to install as it

(if one connection fails, it does requires more cable, it costs more
not affect others) to cable a star network because
all network cables must be pulled
to one central point
It has good performance Central node dependency, if
central hub fails, the whole
network fails to operate
The center of a star network is a Many star networks require a
good place to diagnose network device at the central point to
faults and if one computer fails rebroadcast or switch the
whole network is not disturbed. network traffic
It is easy to replace, install or
remove hosts or other of the
by simply running a new line
from the computer to the central
location and plugging it to the

A collision domain is a network segment connected by a shared

medium or through repeaters where simultaneous data
transmissions collide with one another. The collision domain
applies particularly in wireless networks, but also affected early
versions of Ethernet
DNS Hierarchy
DNS uses a hierarchical system to create a name
database to provide name resolution. The hierarchy looks
like an inverted tree with the root at the top and branches
below. At the top of the hierarchy, the root servers
maintain records about how to reach the top level domain
servers, which in turn have records that point to the
secondary-level domain servers and so on. The different
top-level domains represent either the type of
organization or the country of origin.
The following are examples of top-level domains are:
■ .au: Australia
■ .co: Colombia
■ .com: A business or industry
■ .jp: Japan
■ .org: A nonprofit organization

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