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Business Proposal

A strong friendship comes with mutual support, understanding, and trust. That’s the principle of
the three men named Daniel, Nicko, and Rick, as they started to form their friendship in college life. At
present, each of them performed well in their job as a successful market supervisor in the same
company and each has a beautiful and loving family.

“Cheers to our 5th year of friendship,” said Rick. “Words aren’t enough to say how grateful I am
that I have you guys who had helped and supported me all along, he added. “That’s why we are best
friends, right? We may not promise to be there always but we always do the best we can to help out
each other,” said Niko. “That’s definitely true. Now, let’s just eat before our tears start to fall” Daniel

The best friends bid goodbyes and returned to their homes after the celebration. While driving, Rick
received a call from his senior supervisor, who told him that he has been chosen to present a business
proposal that will give him the chance to get a promotion. “That’s great news, Sir. A big thanks for
considering me, I promise I will do my best to get this. “Rick said with excitement. “Just do what you can,
I hope the board will favor your proposal. Good luck” said his boss.

Rick immediately group-called his best friends and told them the news. “Guys, you would not believe it, I
was chosen to create a business proposal that will get me promoted.” Ohh what a news!
Congratulations dude, now you can have a shot to be in a higher position. “Daniel said. “Yeah, Dan’s
right. We are happy for you”. Rick immediately leave the group call, while Dan and Niko stayed. “You
know what Nick, finally Rick will have a chance to get promoted it’s what he’s been praying for a while.”
“Uh-huh, it’s what he has been telling us since you got your chance and got to the higher level,” Nick

Nick, hesitates to tell his best friends that he is also chosen to be a representative. The day ends and he
wasn’t able to tell them ahead of time. Rick and Nick prepare their own business proposal for days. Rick
called Dan and Nick for ample time to meet and to show them his proposal and asked for suggestions
and opinions. It so happens that Nick cannot come and as he passes by the meeting place, he saw Dan
and Rick and overheard their conversations. Nick having a hard time with his proposal, did what will
destroy their friendship for his own sake, and copies Rick’s ideas.

“I know that I should not do it, but I need it,” Nick told to himself as he finished his proposal. At the time
of the event, Rick saw Nick wearing formally as if he will attend a meeting. He approached him and greet
him “Hey dude, looking good in that tuxedo, why did you come from that room?” Rick asked him
wondering. “Uh Hi there, Uhmm nothing I just talked to my boss about something” “Oh okay, wish me
luck, today is the day” Rick react excitingly.

As Rick presented his proposal the board are confused and are in frowny faces. Rick seems to notice
these reactions but he proceeds to his presentation until he is finished. “Mr. Rick Lazaro, it seems that it
is not an original. Another participant has presented what you’ve presented, I’m afraid that it will not do
you good. We will conduct a review of all the presentations and will find out who among you and Mr.
Nicko Martinez is at fault. You may leave the conference room now.” Rick was shocked and felt heavy,
he cannot believe that his best friend hides it from them and did not even consider his feelings. As he
leaves the room he searched for Nick and confronted him.

“Hey, why didn’t you tell us that you are a participant in this proposal and you even copied and snatched
what I’ve worked hard for? What kind of friend are you, how can you do this? Rick told Nick. “Look, I
haven’t had the opportunity to tell you, but who cares, we’re both competitive to get this, right?
Unfortunately, on your side, I was the one who got in first and the board applaud me. Seems that the
world is in favor of me. So long Rick” Nick leaves Rick shocked and cannot contain his anger. He does not
know what to do. So he called Daniel to tell him what happened. The board after days announced that
Mr. Nick Martinez’s proposal got accepted. His face was grim as he heard the announcement while Rick
has mixed emotions, the two of them didn’t talk ever since the confrontation. Their friendship was
broken and Nick doesn’t want to be responsible for the damage that he has done. Ever since the
announcement had circulated, Nick proceed to manage the output of the proposal. He knew that he
cannot do it alone, but his ex-best friend who was supposed to help him is mad at him for what he has
done, and so he has no choice but to do it alone. He experienced the worst as he manage output, it lacks
funds and materials are not accessible, he got stressed and pressured for the due date to be near.
Eventually, he gives up and leaves the company without notice.

Nick realizes that it is his karma for doing the bad thing to his best friends. He wants to apologize but he
does not know where to start. His family left him for the disgrace he had caused, even begged for them
to stay, but he can’t stop them. On the other hand, Rick stayed in the company, and despite of what
happened, he remained true to his job. He, later on, forgives what Nick did, but it will not be better until
Nick asks for it. One day, when Nick was wandering looking like a homeless man, he come across a
praying vigil and the pastor’s words strike him. By that time, he finally decided to be responsible for the
disaster he had made.

(doorbell rang)“ Who’s there?” Rick asks. “It’s me,” Rick knew that voice and as he opened the door, he
saw what a poor situation Nick is in. He immediately let Nick inside, and as Nick got seated he cried. “I’m
sorry. I’m such a coward and ungrateful friend to you. I know what I should and shouldn’t but
temptation won against me. I know I don’t deserve to be forgiven but I’m asking for it.” Rick just listens
to what Nick tells him. Then he replied “I know you’ve made mistakes, every people did. Remember how
we formed the friendship we have, me and Dan are always there to help. Insecurity and jealousy in your
heart will not bring you good things. What you’ve caused me is not an ordinary mistake, I trusted you.
But after all the happenings, I forgive you.” Nick stopped crying, and look at Rick in shock. He cannot
believe what Rick just said to him. “Are you really gonna forgive me despite what I’ve done? “ “Yes dude,
you’re one of my best friends and you’re like a family to me no matter what, that’s how I treasure the
friendship we have.” Nick became speechless oh what he has heard. He gives thanks to Rick and
promised that betraying his friend’s trust will never going to happen again. Rick, Dan, and Nick remain
good friends, they helped Nick to get a job and win back his family. The mistake committed became a
lesson and a reminder to keep them from doing anything that will destroy their friendship.

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