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English and Science Week Culminates in Triumph at Holy Spirit Academy of Malolos

The halls of Holy Spirit Academy of Malolos resounded with applause and jubilation as
the curtains fell on a week of intellectual synergy and exploration during the culminating
ceremony of English and Science Week. From September 11, 2023 to September 22,
2023, this annual event has brought together the worlds of language and science in a
harmonious blend of curiosity, creativity, and discovery.

The week's highlight, the "Science Questors" competition, was a captivating showcase
of students' scientific and linguistic prowess. This extraordinary journey of exploration
led young questors to the crossroads of science and language, where they unraveled
current issues, presented advocacies, and communicated their findings with eloquence
and precision. These young questors exhibited exceptional teamwork, critical thinking,
and the art of effective communication. They embodied the theme by exploring diverse
realms of knowledge and bringing them to life through words and wonders. In this
thrilling competition, the Grade 7 Questors shone brightly as they bagged the 3rd
runner-up position, and the Grade 8 Questors secured the 2nd runner-up spot.
Meanwhile, the Grade 10 Questors proudly took the spot for 1st runner-up. And of
course, the Grade 9 Questors emerged as the winners, taking home the prestigious

The culmination ceremony was an occasion to bestow recognition and honors upon
those who had contributed exceptionally to the success of English and Science Week.
Awards were presented in various categories to celebrate these outstanding
achievements. Teams that excelled in crafting cross-curricular projects were
acknowledged for their ingenuity in merging the realms of language and science. Their
presentations were nothing short of captivating, showcasing the power of words and
wonders. The culmination ceremony was not only a moment of recognition but also a
stage for showcasing the artistic talents of our dear HSAians. The event featured
mesmerizing performances that brought the theme to life.

As English and Science Week reached its zenith, it left an indelible mark on the hearts
and minds of all involved. It showcased that the relationship between language and
science is a portal to unbounded knowledge and limitless possibilities. With this grand
culmination, Holy Spirit Academy of Malolos bids farewell to yet another remarkable
English and Science Week, eagerly anticipating its return in the years to come. The
spirit of exploration, the power of words, and the wonders of science shall continue to
guide us on our quest for knowledge and understanding, reminding us that in the world
of academia, no frontiers are beyond our reach.

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